Dec 23, 2024
British author and journalist
Graham Hancock has had a number of pejorative terms affixed to his name; chiefly among them are pseudoarchaeologist and pseudohistorian. But Hancock doesn't claim to be in possession of any special knowledge; merely that he is fascinated by the questions science and history struggle to answer. His vast knowledge on the intricacies of the Egyptian pyramids, to his mind, only makes one more sure that we don't fully understand them.
Piers Morgan holds Hancock to account, who in turn, deftly backs up his position that humanity has much more to learn. They discuss history, God, spirits and more.
01:00 - Introduction
02:25 - Can anybody disprove Graham Hancock?
06:00 - The Great Pyramid of Giza theory
09:45 - Graham's levitation 'suggestion'
13:30 - The existence of Atlantis
18:30 - Challenging mainstream archaeology
22:30 - "What was there before nothing?"
24:45 - Do you believe in dragons?
27:00 - Hancock's alien encounter
31:50 - Hancock's one mystery he'd love to solve