I'm with you Sisters ...
Black Monday: Polish women strike against abortion ban
I'm with you Sisters ...
Black Monday: Polish women strike against abortion ban
Police Accountability: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
"John Oliver discusses the systems in place to investigate
and hold police officers accountable for misconduct."
Published on Oct 2, 2016
Continuing ...
Ultimate Camping Tips: How to Backpack in the Wilderness
Gabriel Traveler
Tips and tricks for backpacking in the wilderness, filmed on a backcountry trip in northern California.
NOTE: I'll post the link to Part 2 here when it's finished.
Published on Oct 2, 2016
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjX7LClchyA
Part 2
Last edited by Gio, 4th October 2016 at 07:52.
Please humor me, i grew up in Washington D.C. ...
And my family all worked in government service - Except me ....
Why the Lincoln Memorial was almost never built
Today, it's iconic. But for a long time, the Lincoln Memorial was incredibly controversial.
Vox's Phil Edwards looked into the full story.
Article & Photos > Here
Published on Oct 3, 2016
Top U.S. & World Headlines — October 3, 2016
Democracy Now!
Back to some real seriousness ...
Groucho Marx Surprises Johnny Carson in His Animal Crackers Suit on "The Tonight Show"
More Athletes Exercising Anti-War Views - And more
"This week on #GoodNewsNextWeek: Jamaica decides to cash in on its cash crop; NBA star takes "Pledge" protest to the next level; and the head of the CIA mistakenly thinks we'll be sad when those Criminals In Action get arrested."
all news items listed below youtube show notes
Published on Oct 3, 2016
Aianawa (4th October 2016), Aragorn (4th October 2016), Cearna (5th October 2016), Collidescope (7th October 2016), Dreamtimer (4th October 2016), Elen (4th October 2016), pointessa (4th October 2016), Woody (12th October 2016)
A Day With An Extraterrestrial
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lljYqShkpM
Veritas Radio - Lou Baldin Interview with an Extraterrestrial
S y n o p s i s
"Lou Baldin, known in many internet forums as "Sleeper" has been one of the most enigmatic personalities surrounding the UFO topic in latter years. After years of answering questions and giving us two great publications (In League with a UFO and A Day with an Extraterrestrial) Lou Baldin has granted his first radio interview. Lou discussed his life from "birth" in Italy, all the way to now. This interview will create mental paradigm shifts to all listeners. It is not the traditional UFO researcher sharing his/her investigations, but from someone who shares his personal experience."
Published on Oct 3, 2016
please note this is only the first hour of the interview.
Unfortunately I cannot share part 2 here due to copyright restrictions,
But here are the transcripts to
Part 1 transcript / Part 2 transcript
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxQ5cAlH8oE
B i o
Lou Baldin was born in Verona Italy in 1952. His parents moved the family to New York City in 1957. In 1960, the Baldin family moved to Kansas City, Missouri where he still lives. At seventeen, Lou joined the US Army. Three years later he was honorably discharged. His civilian occupation was in the construction and real estate fields. Sometime in 1995, a stranger contacted Lou and suggested that he write a book using the information he was provided. Eventually, Lou published the book "In League with a UFO", which came out in June 1997, a month before the 50th anniversary of the Roswell Crash. Lou was not aware of the anniversary, until his publisher provided that information to him. Throughout his whole life he was aware of extraterrestrials in some level, but he was not much interested in the UFO phenomena or the stories and personalities that made up that cadre. He was surprised to learn that 100,000 people were going to be in Roswell, New Mexico, for the anniversary. His publisher was disappointed that he was not going to leverage such a selling opportunity. He has published three other books: "Shrouded Chronicles of the Christâ€ÂÂ, "A Day with an Extraterrestrial" and an upgraded second addition of, “In League with a UFO.†He is currently working on other books.
Last edited by Gio, 6th October 2016 at 14:56.
Aianawa (4th October 2016), Aragorn (4th October 2016), Blacklight43 (4th October 2016), Cearna (5th October 2016), Dreamtimer (4th October 2016), Elen (4th October 2016), pointessa (4th October 2016), sandy (4th October 2016), Woody (12th October 2016), zendeavor (4th October 2016)
Elana Freeland: Transhumanist Future, Space Fence, and Twilight Language
Randy Maugans/Off PlanetTV
Published on Oct 3, 2016Elana Freeland joins Randy and Emily to discuss Full Spectrum Dominance in detail ...
Elana Freeland has been a Rudolf Steiner school pioneer, teacher, lecturer, storyteller, and writer. She has written for alternative publications, edited the stories of survivors of MK-ULTRA and ritual abuse, and is still ghostwriting books on diverse topics. During her undergraduate days, she studied biology. In 1996, she was awarded a Master of Arts in Great Books and honors for her thesis on historiography at St. John’s College in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
In June 2014, Feral House Books released Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth. Recently, the Australian magazine Nexus published her article on invasive electromagnetic weapons. Freeland is also the author of a fictional American history series called Sub Rosa America about the “deep politics” behind the downfall of the United States since John F. Kennedy’s assassination.
She has now begun the sequel to Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth, which will be about the next phase of the global chemtrails-ionospheric heater technology: the Space Fence, a world Smart Grid enabled by the ionized atmosphere we now breathe. Humanity is to be neurologically herded toward a Transhumanist future inside the Space Fence lockdown.
Find Elana Reeland on Facebook:
Chemtrails & HAARP: http://bit.ly/2dNOKU6
Sub Rosa America: http://bit.ly/2dWn1U7
Aianawa (4th October 2016), Aragorn (4th October 2016), Cearna (4th October 2016), Collidescope (5th October 2016), Dreamtimer (4th October 2016), Elen (4th October 2016), modwiz (4th October 2016), pointessa (4th October 2016), Woody (12th October 2016)
the real wake up ...
speaking of kingdom cults ...
Cash-strapped Saudi Arabia switches to Gregorian calendar to pay civil servants less
Aragorn (4th October 2016), Blacklight43 (4th October 2016), Collidescope (7th October 2016), Dreamtimer (4th October 2016), Elen (4th October 2016), modwiz (4th October 2016), pointessa (4th October 2016), Woody (12th October 2016)