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Thread: Bill Ryan: fake, paid shill, or a legit or spiritual seeker stuck?

  1. #16
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    Quote Originally posted by jonsnow View Post
    [...] I am not a expert on Bill Ryan but the little I know is not a complete story it is best to ask the man himself [...]
    Oh, come on, old friend, do you seriously believe that he would be giving you an honest answer? I have personally seen and experienced how he spins, lies and sells half-truths. The guy is an obsessive-compulsive, narcissistic and Machiavellian sociopath.

    Expecting honesty from Bill Ryan is about as pointless as asking the CIA to come clean on all the dirty operations they've got going on in just about every country on this planet.

    Quote Originally posted by jonsnow View Post
    I have received a few emails from him about a painting and other things while he is not perfect I quite like him flaws and all yes he will answer questions email him at project Avalon no abuse or insults
    Oh yes, he will always reply — or at least, when it serves his ego to do so. But whether his reply would be truthful or not is quite another matter.

    Quote Originally posted by jonsnow View Post
    Bill Ryan is also kicking people of project Avalon for having a anti- Scientology opinion .
    Yes, and that has once again recently been the case, and the thread was either deleted or moved out of the public view.

    Quote Originally posted by jonsnow View Post
    Indeed some was kicked of Avalon for having a opinion on structures on Mars other people got banned for talking about flat Earth .
    Well, to be honest, the guy talking of the structures on Mars was not actually banned from Avalon. They retired his account. There is a difference. Someone whose account was retired can still visit the forum with the same privileges as an unregistered visitor. Someone whose account was "unsubscribed" — as they call it on Avalon — has effectively been banned, and the only thing they get to see when trying to visit Project Avalon again is a box with a ban message.

    Either way, the ex-Avalon member you are referring to is M-Albion-3D, and we are proud to say that he is now a member of The One Truth. Bill Ryan may not be interested in hearing the man's theories, but we are. Pareidolia is a real phenomenon, but I think we've all already seen ample evidence that not everything on the surface of Mars is what NASA wants us to believe it is.

    As for Flat-Earthers, well, The One Truth does not wish to dictate to its members what they must believe and what not, but I think we can all safely agree that the Flat Earth Theory is nonsense. Yet, there will always be people with cultishly dogmatic beliefs — and we've currently still got a number of those among our members — but what we will not do here at The One Truth is ban or retire those people just because we don't agree with their opinions or belief systems.

    Malc's vision, as it is reflected on our Home page, clearly states the following...:

    We endeavour to create a space of safety here for those whose
    stories might get them ridiculed and flamed elsewhere.

    Nobody gets banned from The One Truth unless they grossly misbehave, and even then still, we will only ban someone as a last resort, long after the staff has already amply contacted the offending member and after several official warnings have been isued. The only exception to this rule that I know of is when a person so grossly misbehaves that there are no excuses whatsoever, such as in the following cases...:

    • threatening
    • trolling
    • spamming
    • the creation of sock puppet accounts
    • impersonation

    The above transgressions are all mentioned in the Forum Rules, by the way.

    What is not mentioned in the Forum Rules, although we did ban one member for it, is sabotage. But then again, an act like that goes against all common decency, and I don't think we really need to put that in the rulebook. In this particular case, the offending member was conducting a DDoS attack against the forum by way of a TOR exit node, which is why the stats box on the Home page still contains this line here...:

    "Most users ever online was 3,214, 24th April 2015 at 23:48."

    Said attack was also the main reason as to why we've decided to block all connections through the TOR network at the level of the server's firewall. Besides, there's no valid reason as to why anyone would want to connect to The One Truth by way of a TOR-enabled web browser. The TOR network has already long been compromised by the NSA anyway, so there's no point — not to mention that if you run Microsoft Windows on your computer, then your machine is already compromised, because Microsoft Windows ships with at least two deliberate backdoors already built in.

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  3. #17
    Tot Founder England The One's Avatar
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    Bill Ryan syndrome:

    I couldn't resist lol

    People who suffer from this do not like it when:
    People question things
    People who stand against authority
    People who may be critical of the status quo
    People who dont believe in aliens
    People who do not fall into line
    People who dont contribute to avalon in a positive manner
    People who dare to be so rude as to question pseudo science
    People who see the **** poor youtube vids spreading disinfo
    People who dare to question conspiracy
    People who know about the origins of alien cult religions
    People who like roger lol
    People who ban thubans
    People who ban free spirit
    People who frown upon anything that is different to their view

    If you dont.. You are an enemy of the forum and its ethos and we would question why you are here
    You must not antagonise any of our cult

    You must be passive or be rounded up by our core members.

    This is the avalon way

    No one person can ever change the truth, but the truth, once learned, can and will change the person

    You must be the change you wish to see in the world when you are through changing, you are through

    theonetruth forum status theonetruth facebook

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  5. #18
    Senior Member Fred Steeves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by jonsnow View Post

    I am not a expert on Bill Ryan but the little I know
    Try the sunglasses on Jon, get yourself a good look around with those new eyes.


    Quote Originally posted by jonsnow View Post
    yes he will answer questions
    And then see how far questions get you...

    Having said that I am actually quite grateful for my previous experience there, and it continues to be the gift that keeps on giving. There's a reason why it's called a Project, and the continued study and observation of such in the micro, leads to invaluable insights into the inner workings of Projects in the macro. As below so above.

    The Project is also responsible for the creation of an entire counter culture out there of people who have figured this s**t out, talk to each other about it, and compare notes. This is where the real learning begins, of what's really going on around here. But not until the spell is broken.

    Far away, across the field
    The tolling on the iron bell
    Calls the faithful to their knees
    To hear the softly spoken magic spell
    The unexamined life is not worth living.


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  7. #19
    Senior Member Morocco modwiz's Avatar
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    The last post at this forum is one I put up over 4 hours ago. This is why PA is popular. A constant stream of posts, owing to a larger membership, keeps the place lively. I post as much as possible, as do the mods but, we cannot keep the place alive alone. If more members contributed we might attract more. Ainawa posts a lot but, there is little to read and his cryptic shorthand makes much of what he posts somewhat impenetrable. One cannot fault his contributions and spirit of keeping the forum alive though. In fact, just posting a sentence or two keeps things moving.

    Honorable mention of Cearna, Novosod, Innocent Warrior and Amanda. If I remember more they will be included.
    Last edited by modwiz, 29th August 2016 at 00:43.
    "To learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" -- Voltaire

    "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."-- Eleanor Roosevelt

    "Misery loves company. Wisdom has to look for it." -- Anonymous

  8. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to modwiz For This Useful Post:

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  9. #20
    Senior Member Divine Feminine's Avatar
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    Many of us have been warning about PA for quite some time. Efforts by some were made to alert people, but initially few listened. I have watched members be psychologically baited and overtaken with precise execution. I have experienced it personally myself so I understand the drill.

    Lots of people have been purged from Avalon as if it's some ritualistic practice. One instance that comes to mind where several members were chastised and removed was the 'don't run to the light, Simon thread. I warned people the best I could that they were being 'psyoped' in more ways than one. I even posted verifiable science to make my point. I walked the line as fine as I could hoping individuals would consider what I was saying not only about Simon, but to read between the lines. I suggested people stop playing the 'Simon Says' game, meaning, quit following these kind of people, and I wasn't just referring to Simon. Many of us got grief for our viewpoints on Simon, some were 'vacationed', some lost their memberships. Fast forward 2.5 years later and look where find ourselves with the whole Simon mess...The guy is a phony and a fraud just as some of us had warned. Now after all that's been uncovered, have any of those members been asked back or apologized to? Better yet, was Simon's membership revoked??

    I did watch the C.W. Chanter video, I truly wonder how many people really 'got' what C.W. was reporting...Myself and others have been subjected to 'head' games played on the forum and it became clear from our experiences that some of the moderators played right along. The feeling I got is the game was to shut you down and discredit if they feel they're loosing control of the narrative. I have watched them 'create' scenarios to give the appearance to the viewer that you're completely in the wrong. In one instance, I had several of my posts sawed off even though everything I wrote was well documented, included credible research and contained legitimate websites to make my point. The 'thanks' I got for my research was to split off my posts into another thread only to have it thrown in a conspiracy forum and hid from public viewing. There was nothing conspiratorial about what I was all fact based and verifiable. I was then accused of starting a thread about this forum member, when in actuality it was Paul who split off my posts to make it look like I was starting a thread about this guy. Unbelievable! I was then not allowed to defend myself as I was 'vacationed' and the thread was locked while Bill started a thread about me and how wrong I was.... See how that works? The attempt was to character assassinate, a behavior utilized to control the perception when needed. And yes, the moderation team should be held accountable as their participation is observed in many of these instances. I'm sorry to say this, but what transpired during that time period of being character assassinated completely went over the heads of the majority of the Avalon members because if one would have took the time to read what I posted, without a doubt you could see the evidence right in front of you....but key have to r.e.a.d......Again, unfortunately I find people don't read and it's why they don't 'get it' and it's why they miss things happening right in front of them. Bill and Co. know this....

    So if you're not watching closely while this kind of crap is going on, you have no idea of the games being played on members as the evidence is muddied and/or erased before the majority can even figure out what's happened. Maybe I'm wrong, but I observed this happening more than once so it's the basis for my impression.
    Last edited by Divine Feminine, 29th October 2017 at 16:58.
    "We never left you...."- ELizabeth Marie from the E.T. race The ELohim 5/19/2017

    From my astrological chart:
    "Your function is to be a MESSENGER, a link or bridge between people and between ideas, whether through teaching or speaking, selling or simply circulating are able to flow into the perception of Unity, and you become a messenger for the truth."
    Please don't shoot the messenger, I am here to help when and where I can.

    No I am not Wes Penre.

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  11. #21
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Fake is as fake does.

    Paid shill? I believe it's the donations he needs. And another woman with some cash.

    Stuck? Pretty sure he planted his stake and laid his claim. But he may be stuck in Ecuador...

    He's certainly part of the larger spiritual journey. We can learn the easy way or the hard way. There's gotta be someone around to provide the hard way when it's needed, eh?

    Me? I'll find my hardness elsewhere.

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  13. #22
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Soften up Dreamtimer, in these times, light just keeps on getting lighter.

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  15. #23
    Senior Member Netherlands
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    Quote Originally posted by modwiz View Post
    Works for me. Who'd he hijack it from?
    In a nutshell: Some mods came with the original idea to start the forum, Bill and Kerry said okay, although they had no interest in visiting there. So the forum started to flourish, with lots of nice people, we had a lot of fun and than all of a sudden a kind of 'modwar' broke out and in the end the moderators who chose the side of 'Holy Bill' were involved in the set up of PA2.
    The main reason PA1 had to be shut down was due to the fact that it factually had evolved into an 'independent' forum that only in name was connected to Bill and Kerry's' Project Camelot.
    When Bill realized how popular the forum was he wanted to bring it under his control, hence the shut down of PA1 and the start of PA2.
    The Better You Look, The More You See

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  17. #24
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    I try to learn the easy way as much as possible.

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  19. #25
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    truthfully how you believe anything Simon said it made no sense not credible if you say something you back it up with evidence or at least a track record or a back ground in the military . I was never a fan of these rubbish whistle-blowers.

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  21. #26
    Senior Member Morocco modwiz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Outlander View Post
    In a nutshell: Some mods came with the original idea to start the forum, Bill and Kerry said okay, although they had no interest in visiting there. So the forum started to flourish, with lots of nice people, we had a lot of fun and than all of a sudden a kind of 'modwar' broke out and in the end the moderators who chose the side of 'Holy Bill' were involved in the set up of PA2.
    The main reason PA1 had to be shut down was due to the fact that it factually had evolved into an 'independent' forum that only in name was connected to Bill and Kerry's' Project Camelot.
    When Bill realized how popular the forum was he wanted to bring it under his control, hence the shut down of PA1 and the start of PA2.
    I had always wondered about that. Thank you for the history. The more we learn about BR the more reason to be glad we do not support his "project". It is stunning as to just what a creepy, sleazy man he is. He is a good fit for the unicorn chasers. Most have no clue and he has no ethics. Not even a work ethic.
    "To learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" -- Voltaire

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  23. #27
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    Two very useful threads on Billy Boy, PA1 & PA2. Just leaf through them and pick out the pieces that go in depth - Carol's posts are very detailed on her encounters with B&K when she was a mod at PA1.

    The Better You Look, The More You See

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  25. #28
    Senior Member Morocco modwiz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    Soften up Dreamtimer, in these times, light just keeps on getting lighter.
    Except in goblin caves.

    Did Bill post an Annette video or something? You seem a little soft on the guy. I look for his redemption too but, it will take more than posting an Annette video.
    Last edited by modwiz, 30th August 2016 at 10:03.
    "To learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" -- Voltaire

    "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."-- Eleanor Roosevelt

    "Misery loves company. Wisdom has to look for it." -- Anonymous

  26. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to modwiz For This Useful Post:

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  27. #29
    Senior Member United States
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    Quote Originally posted by jonsnow View Post
    Bill Ryan is also kicking people of project Avalon for having a anti- Scientology opinion .Indeed some was kicked of Avalon for having a opinion on structures on Mars other people got banned for talking about flat Earth . At Avalon any topic that he does not agree with gets kicked into bad information ( locked sometimes ).

    He might have good reasons for this and other stuff he does if interested ask him he will answer I emailed him about the infamous painting ( or drawing ) I got a answer. I do not throw wild stuff at him I do not know everything .
    Bill Ryan has done a lot for alternative community while he has a agenda ( who does not in this world ) so I cut him some slack.
    That is very interesting to hear from my perspective, considering that I have had the exact experience of this.

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  29. #30
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    First time reading this thread ...
    A very compelling review ...

    Post #21, 23, IMO are right on.

    Anyone rejected by Bill & staff(s)
    Congratulations !

    Saying anymore is unnecessary .

  30. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Gio For This Useful Post:

    Aianawa (7th October 2019), Chris (7th October 2019), Dreamtimer (8th October 2019), Elen (7th October 2019), Emil El Zapato (6th October 2019)

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