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Thread: 'Historic Doubts Relative to Napoleon Buonaparte'

  1. #1
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    'Historic Doubts Relative to Napoleon Buonaparte'

    I started reading a mobi file of this book on my Kindle lately, and it's pretty impressive. It can be a bit wordy but what it's arguing is pretty profound, and dates back to the years right after Napoleon had been sent back into exile (it was apparently first published in 1819).

    It's hosted on here:

    In Sylvie's videos for her newearth channel on YouTube she's made mention before that the wars going on around the time of Napoleon (late 1700's and beginning of the 1800's) were related and had to do with a major shift in global governance. In Fomenko's work this same time period reflects when Muscovite Tartaria, and Siberia, were conquered by the Romanovs, and Americans were moving west to push any Tartars or related tribes out of western North America as well (though Russia was actually an early colonizer of California and built forts there).

    What this book argues fits in well with the New Chronology, but it came out over 150 years before Fomenko began to formulate his ideas, and almost 200 years back from the present. I don't want to give too much away because the way the argument is made is important, and the book is short, only 68 pages in pdf form counting the front matter. But the main problem the book discusses is how much information we have about Napoleon that is contradictory, vague or insufficient, especially in regards to his military campaigns and other things for which he is given responsibility. So I hope somebody else gives this book a read and gets something out of it.

  2. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to bsbray For This Useful Post:

    Aianawa (10th August 2016), Aragorn (10th August 2016), Dreamtimer (11th August 2016), Elen (10th August 2016), modwiz (11th August 2016), Rebel&Rocket (11th August 2016)

  3. #2
    Senior Member Norway Elen's Avatar
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    I had a swift look through the book. It certainly shows prudence as to the belief whether Napoleon actually existed or not. Yeah, what do we know, he could very well have been made up like a lot of other things in our 'history' books. I found the book using a lot of words for very little content, but fair enough, it gave us an idea of what was being said behind the curtain about the person called Napoleon and in that way sheds some kind of light on the issue. In that sense it is quite believable.

    I have actually been to St. Helena, and I visited the house he was supposed to have lived in. It was said that the tomb was however empty, because the body was moved back to France somewhere. The island was rather barren with just one road (one way) around the island. The few people populating it spoke prefect English. I'll never forget the "harrowing" long staircase up the mountain there. Thinking about them now still gives me a stomach ache.
    Whatever is true. Whatever is noble. Whatever is right. Whatever is lovely. Whatever is admirable. Anything of excellence and worthy of praise. Dwell on these things. Jesus Christ (I agree)

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  5. #3
    (account terminated) United States
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    This book was first published before historians had any time to really reflect upon the magnitude of what all had just taken place in Europe and write about it, so what the author was mostly complaining about was contradictory and nonsensical news reports that then became the "official story" about what was going on with Napoleon. Some really very astounding things are attributed to Napoleon after all, the way he conquered almost all of continental Europe so easily within such a short amount of time, while there had already been popular uprisings against monarchs already.

    The author goes to some length in the beginning to argue that the claim that "Napoleon didn't exist" is a mischaracterization of his argument, and instead he's basically saying that we just don't know what the hell he really did, or what was done to him, because of the media. Either the media of the time was lying or incompetent or something along those lines.

  6. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to bsbray For This Useful Post:

    Aianawa (11th August 2016), Aragorn (11th August 2016), Dreamtimer (11th August 2016), Elen (11th August 2016), modwiz (11th August 2016), Rebel&Rocket (11th August 2016)

  7. #4
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    "It is a rather remarkable circumstance, that it is common to hear Englishmen speak of the impudent fabrications of foreign newspapers, and express wonder that anyone can be found to credit them; while they conceive that, in this favoured land, the liberty of the press is sufficient security for veracity."

    Gotta love that quote.

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    Aianawa (11th August 2016), Aragorn (11th August 2016), bsbray (11th August 2016), Elen (11th August 2016), Rebel&Rocket (11th August 2016)

  9. #5
    (account terminated) United States
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    I love gems like that in these old books. There were some really bright people in the 1700's and 1800's with a lot of the same ideas that are just starting to catch on with large numbers of people for the first time today.

  10. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to bsbray For This Useful Post:

    Aragorn (11th August 2016), Dreamtimer (11th August 2016), Elen (11th August 2016)

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