2hours 17 minutes ( worth of your time ) revealing smart observations and drawing links between diversity , evolution, inbreeding of different species , brain evolution, ants , ant super soldiers , autism , homo neanderthalensis and much more
from the world leading biologists and other experts including
James Watson , Nobel Price Winner and co-discoverer of DNA
E. O. Wilson , US researcher, biologist , naturalist and author of amazing e-books on Life on Earth..
Simon Baron-Cohen, UK psychologist specialising in developmental disorders and evolution of human intelligence
Svante Pabo, Swedish palaeontologist living in Germany who specialises in the neanderthalensis genome research
Temple Grandin, autistic professor of animal science , Colorado State University , US
and others.
Offers a good perspective on how many options do we really have ... as ''Homer Sapiens'' , maybe just a Homer . Maybe not . Till the Stars twinkle I'm here ..
posting the wrong things to right threads ( and vice versa )