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Thread: Modwiz' Musings: Topical Discussion

  1. #76
    Senior Member United States Maggie's Avatar
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    Corpse Flower Cam at NYBG


    Right now, workers at the New York Botanical Garden (NYBG) are eagerly awaiting the noxious bloom of their corpse flower, which they've been tending to since 2007. The official name of the plant is Amorphophallus titanum, or Titan-Arum. That large structure that you see on the camera isn't actually a flower, but an inflorescence –– a large structure that holds the flowers deep inside. When the inflorescence blooms, (something that is expected any day now by the NYBG) the flowers will start to release a stench that has been described as rotten flesh. It's nasty to us, but really attractive to scavenger insects that the plant relies on for pollination.
    A Titan-Arum usually takes about 4 or 5 years to bloom, if not longer, and this is the first Titan-Arum to bloom at the NYBG since 1939.THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN'S CORPSE FLOWER IS ABOUT TO BLOOM

    Last edited by Maggie, 26th July 2016 at 15:24.

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  3. #77
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    Quote Originally posted by jcocks View Post
    Could someone please explain what the difference between left wing and right wing politics is in the us nowadays, because i can't for the life of me figure it out anymore except for the little thing called obamacare. Come to think of it, even here in oz it can be difficult to ascertain at times, but it seems downright impossible in the us - at least to us outsiders.
    Before Trump, the Neocons ("neo-conservatives") of the Bush era had a lot in common with the Democratic party. Trump basically rewrote the Republican platform single-handedly with his closing speech at the Republican National Convention, the one that all media branded as "dark" as modwiz's post shows on the previous page. So with him the platform is not going to be the same as before, because he is taking some deviations to allow for more tolerance for gay rights and pulling out of deals that aren't benefiting the US, including potentially NATO itself. Dark for them, I'm sure, since the only "dark" things Trump pointed out were the problems in the US today, many of which go unacknowledged by MSM, as they must think the way things are going today is just beautiful. Clinton should change her party name to the Globalist party, or Wall Street Whore party, because that's what she's representing at this point.

    Traditionally the right wing in American politics is supposed to stand for low taxes, minimum of interference in regulating businesses (though Teddy Roosevelt emphasized how important it is to break up monopolies, something that just isn't done anymore), minimum of federal government micro-managing everything in life, allowing more room for states and local governments to make decisions, maintaining a strong military, and generally promoting or appealing to Protestant values. The attitude toward the poor is that they should work harder for what they want in life, but should also have good opportunities for work.

    The left wing traditionally stands for more government social and welfare-type programs to subsidize the poor, which requires higher taxes, more regulation and interference in business, more micro-managing laws that could be left to states and local governments, cutting military spending, and generally pushing progressive values that often conflict with traditional Protestant values, until said Protestant values drift over time and the "new normal" is established. The attitude toward the poor is that they should be given free money until they're not poor anymore.

    Some very ugly things have come out of both platforms. Especially under the Bush and Obama administration both parties have been working together to combine the worst of their respective parties and just make the US a serious mess. Corporations are running amok totally unregulated, making billions in profit and paying $0.00 in annual taxes. Companies like Microsoft and Google, among others, have held monopolies on parts of the market that the governments refuses to or cannot break up. The welfare state has destroyed inner cities, with single moms popping out baby after baby for free government money and living off of it for years, sometimes decades, raising kids without dads or any kind of guidance in life except the lesson that it's okay to take other peoples' money and do nothing for it. Our military has been running all over the world destroying and replacing regimes. Constitutional rights are being eroded. Manufacturing jobs are being shipped off overseas, and instead of trying to discourage this, the US government passes laws like NAFTA that just helps them move to foreign countries even faster.

    Speaking of the welfare system, here's an interview with a woman exemplifying the typical mentality it produces:

    Last edited by bsbray, 27th July 2016 at 19:17.

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  5. #78
    Senior Member Morocco modwiz's Avatar
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    I just finished listening to Trump's news conference. Listening to him as a human and not a presidential candidate, he was about as clear thinking and speaking as I could ask for. He answered questions and re-directed Putin/hacking questions as a diversion from the real issue. What was said in the emails. In other words, he put the focus on the real scandal, what was said by our politicians and not about a still questionable hacker. The questions reveal the "tasking" these news critters have to fulfill for their paychecks. Trump took those questions and turned them into gold by not getting caught up in their narrative and creating his won. One that I could "hear".

    He also mentioned how Hillary and Kaine are big proponents of TTP but, now that they know it is unpopular they are weaseling their words and saying they don't really support it. Trump made it clear they are just saying it to get elected and then is is biz as usual. It was an unusually refreshing press briefing.
    "To learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" -- Voltaire

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  6. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to modwiz For This Useful Post:

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  7. #79
    Senior Member Morocco modwiz's Avatar
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    Since there hasn't been a new post in over three hours I guess anything will do at this point. So, things to ponder.

    Police have a motto "To serve and protect" or the other way around. Since they were created in the 1800's to put down riots of people protesting abuse by business and goobermint alike, they clrarly serve and protect those who formed them.

    Criminal Justice System. A justice system run by criminals.

    They put it in our face but, we do not see it.
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  9. #80
    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    Thumbs Down

    Slashdot has an interesting new poll this week. I'm not sure on how long the poll will be open for voting — I'm guessing it's about two weeks, but their polls used to be shorter-lived — and the results are definitely bound to change over time because this is still a brand-new poll. Either way, the current poll is titled "If the United States presidential elections were held today, I would vote for...", and here-below are the results of the 1093 votes so far as I'm typing this...:

    Donald Trump
    Hillary Clinton
    Jill Stein
    Gary Johnson
    Other (specified in the comments)
    I would not vote
    Cowboy Neal (mock choice in every Slashdot poll)

    The way I personally see it, Jill Stein and Gary Johnson are both least likely to ever make it to the White House in the bipartisan system, given that certain Acronymian states do not allow voting for Independent candidates. So in practice, that would leave only Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Now, I don't exactly like Donald Trump, but I am thoroughly shocked by the number of idiots who would be willing to have Hillary Clinton for president, given that she's...

    1. a felon;
    2. an obvious psychopath; and
    3. hell-bent on starting a nuclear war in the Middle East.


  10. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to Aragorn For This Useful Post:

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  11. #81
    Senior Member Morocco modwiz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    Slashdot has an interesting new poll this week. I'm not sure on how long the poll will be open for voting — I'm guessing it's about two weeks, but their polls used to be shorter-lived — and the results are definitely bound to change over time because this is still a brand-new poll. Either way, the current poll is titled "If the United States presidential elections were held today, I would vote for...", and here-below are the results of the 1093 votes so far as I'm typing this...:

    Donald Trump
    Hillary Clinton
    Jill Stein
    Gary Johnson
    Other (specified in the comments)
    I would not vote
    Cowboy Neal (mock choice in every Slashdot poll)

    The way I personally see it, Jill Stein and Gary Johnson are both least likely to ever make it to the White House in the bipartisan system, given that certain Acronymian states do not allow voting for Independent candidates. So in practice, that would leave only Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Now, I don't exactly like Donald Trump, but I am thoroughly shocked by the number of idiots who would be willing to have Hillary Clinton for president, given that she's...

    1. a felon;
    2. an obvious psychopath; and
    3. hell-bent on starting a nuclear war in the Middle East.

    Based on some other polling a large portion of that 29% is women. Of course, it would be politically incorrect to suggest that bloc is voting emotionally.

    Men thanking this post might find themselves sleeping on the couch instead of hiding behind it.

    Last edited by modwiz, 27th July 2016 at 23:58.
    "To learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" -- Voltaire

    "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."-- Eleanor Roosevelt

    "Misery loves company. Wisdom has to look for it." -- Anonymous

  12. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to modwiz For This Useful Post:

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  13. #82
    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by modwiz View Post
    [...] Men thanking this post might find themselves sleeping on the couch instead of hiding behind it.
    I can afford to thank your post because I'm not a US Acronymian and I live alone anyway, so I've got the whole bed to myself.

    Anyway, the poll now already has 1441 votes, and these are the results so far...:

    Donald Trump
    Hillary Clinton
    Jill Stein
    Gary Johnson
    Other (specified in the comments)
    I would not vote
    Cowboy Neal (mock choice in every Slashdot poll)

    A slight advance for both Hillary and Trump, a status quo for Jill and Johnson, fewer alternatives suggested in the comment section, and Cowboy Neal loses a bit too.

  14. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Aragorn For This Useful Post:

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  15. #83
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Lol but Jill is just getting noticed, just beginning to get support from x Berns, just starting to be heard, just having her 42 million student debters jubilee strategy or promise as such, be received, I feel an honest poll in a few weeks time will reveal over ten percent green then onto 15 and will be interesting to see what the pidjeons make of this cat, oh and being a woman will definitely help Jill imo.

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  17. #84
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    Quote Originally posted by modwiz View Post
    I just finished listening to Trump's news conference. Listening to him as a human and not a presidential candidate, he was about as clear thinking and speaking as I could ask for.
    That's one of the things that makes me most comfortable with this guy. He doesn't even try to sound like a politician like all these well-groomed people we see in suits all day on TV, speaking in careful and politically correct language. He just sounds like a guy who says whatever is on his mind regardless if it's against the party platform or if its politically incorrect or whatever.

    When he went to Roanoke recently, the rally was in the Hotel Roanoke when the heat index was something like 105 F outside (~40.5 C), and it was hot inside the building and people were sweating and fanning themselves in the audience. Trump started complaining about the hotel not having its air conditioning on to save money, and that he doesn't pay his bills when he gets poor service. I thought that was funny, and another example of him being very blunt about what he's thinking. He went on about it for a while.

  18. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to bsbray For This Useful Post:

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  19. #85
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    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    Now, I don't exactly like Donald Trump, but I am thoroughly shocked by the number of idiots who would be willing to have Hillary Clinton for president
    If it makes you feel any better, the latest national poll here has Trump leading against Hillary nationally.

    This page lays out a lot of data:

    Remember it isn't just the popular vote count, but the state-by-state electoral college process that determines the president. State electors all vote for one candidate or the other based on who got the most popular votes in their state.

  20. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to bsbray For This Useful Post:

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  21. #86
    Tot Founder England The One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    Slashdot has an interesting new poll this week. I'm not sure on how long the poll will be open for voting — I'm guessing it's about two weeks, but their polls used to be shorter-lived — and the results are definitely bound to change over time because this is still a brand-new poll. Either way, the current poll is titled "If the United States presidential elections were held today, I would vote for...", and here-below are the results of the 1093 votes so far as I'm typing this...:

    Donald Trump
    Hillary Clinton
    Jill Stein
    Gary Johnson
    Other (specified in the comments)
    I would not vote
    Cowboy Neal (mock choice in every Slashdot poll)

    The way I personally see it, Jill Stein and Gary Johnson are both least likely to ever make it to the White House in the bipartisan system, given that certain Acronymian states do not allow voting for Independent candidates. So in practice, that would leave only Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Now, I don't exactly like Donald Trump, but I am thoroughly shocked by the number of idiots who would be willing to have Hillary Clinton for president, given that she's...

    1. a felon;
    2. an obvious psychopath; and
    3. hell-bent on starting a nuclear war in the Middle East.

    For me polls are just another way for the media to confuse the masses.

    Here in the UK most of the polls showed that the UK would remain in the EU.Just how wrong was they.I am sure they do it on purpose.
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  23. #87
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by bsbray View Post
    If it makes you feel any better, the latest national poll here has Trump leading against Hillary nationally.

    This page lays out a lot of data:

    Remember it isn't just the popular vote count, but the state-by-state electoral college process that determines the president. State electors all vote for one candidate or the other based on who got the most popular votes in their state.
    Nate Silver knows his numbers. I pay attention to fivethirtyeight analyses.

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  25. #88
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    I watched a few excerpts from Hitlery's big speech last night, it left me with nasty creepy crawly sensations.
    Sometimes God shines his magic light beam from outer space, and it works in mysterious ways.

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  27. #89
    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    Slashdot has an interesting new poll this week. I'm not sure on how long the poll will be open for voting — I'm guessing it's about two weeks, but their polls used to be shorter-lived — and the results are definitely bound to change over time because this is still a brand-new poll. Either way, the current poll is titled "If the United States presidential elections were held today, I would vote for...", and here-below are the results of the 1093 votes so far as I'm typing this...:

    Donald Trump
    Hillary Clinton
    Jill Stein
    Gary Johnson
    Other (specified in the comments)
    I would not vote
    Cowboy Neal (mock choice in every Slashdot poll)
    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    [...] the poll now already has 1441 votes, and these are the results so far...:

    Donald Trump
    Hillary Clinton
    Jill Stein
    Gary Johnson
    Other (specified in the comments)
    I would not vote
    Cowboy Neal (mock choice in every Slashdot poll)
    Thought I'd post an update on these statistics, now that the poll's been around for a couple of days already. So here are the latest results, with 13'109 votes having come in so far....:

    Donald Trump
    Hillary Clinton
    Jill Stein
    Gary Johnson
    Other (specified in the comments)
    I would not vote
    Cowboy Neal (mock choice in every Slashdot poll)

    So Hillary Clinton is still leading, Donald Trump has gained 4% since my last check — see the quoted section here-above. Gary Johnson has lost 2% — the gap between Johnson and Trump was only 2% when the poll started off, and now it's 9% already. Jill Stein and the mock choice Cowboy Neal are both at a status quo, and the number of people who said that they wouldn't vote in the presidential elections has dropped.

    It is strange that Jill Stein appears to be the least successful of the four candidates, given that Slashdot is a techno-geeky and environmentally conscious community. But at the same time, one does not have to be registered as a member at Slashdot in order to be able to vote in their polls, or even to post on their forum. Still, it's really weird that Hillary would be leading by such a huge margin and has already been leading from the moment that the poll was started, especially in light of how even the mainstream media continue to expose her for her criminal actions.

    Given how the number of votes at the time of my writing this is now about the tenfold of what it was when I first posted those results here, it doesn't look like Hillary will be losing her leading position. Trump will probably still be gaining a few percents, but I don't believe he'll manage to overtake The Wicked Witch™.


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  29. #90
    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    Another update... With now 16329 votes having come in, the results are as follows...:

    Donald Trump
    Hillary Clinton
    Jill Stein
    Gary Johnson
    Other (specified in the comments)
    I would not vote
    Cowboy Neal (mock choice in every Slashdot poll)

    So Trump has lost a bit and Hillary keeps on climbing. Jill Stein and Gary Johnson keep on dwelling in oblivion. Better start getting those nuclear shelters ready and telling any friends you have in Iran to leave the country.


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