The History of New Zealand... and more...
Last edited by enjoy being, 9th June 2018 at 02:22.
The Following 16 Users Say Thank You to enjoy being For This Useful Post:
Aianawa (10th June 2016), Aragorn (9th June 2016), bsbray (9th June 2016), Chester (6th July 2016), Dreamtimer (15th June 2016), Elen (9th June 2016), Frances (9th June 2016), heyokah (15th June 2016), Joanna (10th June 2016), jonsnow (9th June 2016), Juniper (9th June 2016), Maggie (9th June 2016), modwiz (9th June 2016), pointessa (27th June 2016), reno (21st June 2016), sandy (12th June 2016)
Senior Member
Do you have a connection with Waitaha Nothing ?.
The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Aianawa For This Useful Post:
Chester (6th July 2016), Elen (10th June 2016), enjoy being (10th June 2016), modwiz (22nd June 2016), pointessa (27th June 2016), reno (21st June 2016)
Last edited by enjoy being, 9th June 2018 at 02:22.
The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to enjoy being For This Useful Post:
Aianawa (7th June 2019), Chester (6th July 2016), Dreamtimer (15th June 2016), Elen (10th June 2016), modwiz (22nd June 2016), pointessa (27th June 2016), reno (21st June 2016)
Senior Member
Yes, same feeling, no memory of past waitaha lives, feeling, yes. The memory I have is being a connector with the waitaha as they slowly arrived, being with the ones before waitaha, we were putting the sound out as such, peoples picked up the vibration and headed here, others ancestors had been here and returned using their oral history.
The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Aianawa For This Useful Post:
Chester (6th July 2016), Dreamtimer (15th June 2016), Elen (13th June 2016), enjoy being (13th June 2016), modwiz (22nd June 2016), reno (21st June 2016)