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Thread: Our manifestation is thought taking form

  1. #1
    Senior Member United States Maggie's Avatar
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    Our manifestation is thought taking form

    IMO it makes NO sense that we could have ideals of a world in which to live that cannot be created. Our perfect experience like all of everything material starts in thought. PERIOD.

    "We’ve all heard the phrase “thoughts are things.” And while many may believe this idea has merit, what if you could actually see your thoughts forming right before you? According to out of body expert William Buhlman, we can. In fact he says not only can we witness our thoughts taking form, we can manifest our reality through thought in the out of body state.
    The idea of utilizing self initiated OBE’s to manifest is an angle that William says he’s never covered on air before, that is until now. Listen in as he reveals another dimension to out of body experiences and how we can put the power of creation completely within our hands."

    How to Manifest from the Out of Body State with William Buhlman
    Posted by Higher Journeys Radio


    Ken Elliot is a friend of William Buhlman
    WilliamBuhlman explained for Ken why "The Secret" of manifestation works. He had his own experience with seeing how thought creates.
    He authored Manifestation 123 and you don't need 3



    Here is something of what Buhlman has observed ordinary objects in physical reality have etheric counterparts extending one or more layers beyond the physical.

    Author William Buhlman originally held the common perspective that all reality is encompassed in the material universe. He held no notion that life extends beyond the physical. However, when he began having OBEs he was stunned to discover a multi-layered reality that extends toward infinity. His explorations confirmed that ordinary objects in physical reality have etheric counterparts extending one or more layers beyond the physical. He also found that the higher energy planes are extremely responsive to thought, and eventually concluded that all physical reality originated as thought.

    The following excerpts are from William Buhlman’s “Adventures Beyond the Body”:

    “I made several startling observations. First, we assume that our physical surroundings are the stable and firm basis of reality. We view density and form as the ultimate test of ‘real’. But what if we are wrong in our assumptions? What if reality is completely relative to the vibratory rate of the observer?

    “Matter is not the center of reality as we view it. Instead, reality appears to be the end result of a series of energy interactions occurring in the unseen dimensions. With each out-of-body experience I realized more clearly that matter is only a tiny portion of the energy environments that exist.”

    Speaking of an OBE where a huge engine in an ethereal 'museum' transformed into a brilliant source of light, Buhlman says

    “I suddenly understand that I am the engine of my life – I’m the creative force within me…For the first time I realize that I can create whatever reality I choose – my creative power is beyond my comprehension. I now know that I have limited myself by the ideas and beliefs I accepted, and I recognize the need to release all my limits, fears, and expectations.”

    Buhlman goes into great detail on his many explorations, and includes his ideas on how physical matter is simply the outer crust of a vast energy substrate composed of intricate structure.
    Last edited by Maggie, 8th April 2016 at 22:54.

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  3. #2
    Senior Member Cearna's Avatar
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    Maggie I am not able to watch videos, so I am very grateful for your description of what this is about. This is about manifesting, and at the moment Seth is with me for other reasons, so I am going to ask him to give his thought on this topic to you, since it is one of the subjects he goes into details about. colleen xxxxxx
    You are what you are, no more, no less. The fact is, that all is not what it seems to be, some may be great, some may be small, but to your own want to be free, I say, you never were not free. It is what your own Self, gave yourself to be in, that's what makes you what you are. Loving kindness be upon you and yours.

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  5. #3
    Senior Member United States Maggie's Avatar
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    Cearna/Colleen, thanks for the reply.

    For those who can access videos, these are IMO really pithy! Ideas like these encourage me to take responsibility for the trial and error of mastery of the creative process.
    I found an interesting list from William Buhlman.

    In addition to self-distortions, many inner explorers operate under a
    series of false assumptions; some assume that the three-dimensional
    forms they encounter are always an objective reality. This assumption
    is a serious error for all form-based structures are but the humble
    vehicle, tool and creation of consciousness.

    The blind acceptance of
    form as a valid reality adds another layer to our self-deception. To
    become effective inner explorers we must become discerning and
    recognize that we are always interacting with the temporary energy
    vehicles of conscious. Every life form, structure and drama in every
    dimension is a tool and expression of consciousness. I always
    question and authenticate the life forms and realities I encounter.

    Every year I receive many questions and I am sometimes unable to
    respond. I thought the following may be helpful. I don't claim to
    have all the answers but I do know a few things from trial and error.
    The following perceptions are the result of my out-of body
    experiences and they have greatly assisted me in my personal
    explorations. I question everything and assume nothing. I have found
    that all assumptions, all three dimensional and linear concepts and
    our own form-based self-concepts are serious anchors to our progress.
    The following are my personal reality precepts - please accept or
    reject as you feel fit.

    1) I am pure consciousness. I possess no form or three-dimensional
    structure. I have the ability to manifest and use countless different
    energy forms for my expression and education. I realize I am not
    humanoid or any other crude form-based concept. My self-concept is
    formless, however, I can manifest any outer vehicle of form that I
    focus upon.

    2) I am immortal, creative and powerful; nothing seen or unseen can
    harm me or block my path.

    3) I shape, mold and interpret all realities. I create my reality
    both in and out of body. I accept complete personal responsibility
    for my energy creations.

    4) I am the creative writer, director and actor in every reality.
    Consciousness uses form like a master puppeteer.

    5) I possess no eyes and perceive with my mind. The form-based
    realities I encounter are interpreted by my mind. I actively color,
    shape and mold my perceptions of reality. My consciousness is highly
    interactive with all energies and my natural perception is 360

    6) I can only truly know something based upon my personal experience.
    The key to self-knowledge is to expand my experiences, not my beliefs.

    7) I possess no limits; I can move, expand and express my conscious
    awareness without limit. I realize that I create the limits or blocks
    that I experience, so I have the power to confront and dissolve them

    8) I allow, encourage and expect accelerated spiritual growth and
    inner cleansing. I am completely open to extreme and intense inner
    experiences. There are no limits. To the best of my ability I remain
    open to experience radical, rapid change and growth. Mental
    stagnation, beliefs and rigid thought are not an option.

    9) I demand to experience my Higher Self whenever possible. I expect
    immediate results and clear answers now! As much as possible I
    surrender to my Higher Self, my inner guidance. I trust my Higher
    Self for I am my guide.

    10) I experience and navigate the entire multidimensional universe
    within myself. External motion and forms are unnecessary. The
    expressway to self-knowledge and self-realization is within me.

    11) To the best of my ability I remain detached and neutral to all
    the energies I encounter, mold and create. I remain an objective,
    dispassionate observer of the unfolding imagery, concepts, forms and
    dramas that I experience.

    12) All of my perception and mobility issues, challenges and blocks
    are self-created. I am the creative force in all my experiences and I
    enhance/upgrade my state of consciousness regularly and
    often; "Awareness Now!" is my inner mantra.

    13) I have found all man-made beliefs to be seriously flawed and
    distorted. I reject them all. I either know something or I don't, I
    have no need for more mental baggage. I guard the gates of my mind
    with extreme care.

    14) All form-based realities are temporary energy structures. Form is
    created and shaped by consciousness and act as vehicles, tools and
    expressions of consciousness. I look within and past the outer shell
    of form for answers. All form is a shell game of consciousness.

    15) OBEs are natural and essential for my spiritual growth. My
    conscious OBEs dramatically accelerate my personal spiritual growth.
    I expect spiritual, mind-expanding OBEs!

    16) I accept and encourage all inner cleansing experiences no matter
    what the energy manifestation or interpretation; water, fire, heat,
    light, vacuum, incineration.

    17) I remain open and flexible between conscious mental control and
    my inner spiritual autopilot. I surrender to the guidance of my
    Higher Self when I know it is right for me.

    18) I seek the answers deep inside myself and not within the external
    astral and physical worlds or any form-based façade of reality.

    19) The key to initiating conscious OBEs is my daily persistent
    focused positive intention. I am open and expect new and enlightening
    experiences both in and out of body. I expect fully conscious and
    insightful OBEs now.

    20) Attempting to comprehend and navigate the multidimensional
    universe using any man-made conclusion, belief system, book or
    assumption as a guide leads only to extreme self-delusion, blocks and

    21) True reality and answers exist beyond the existence of crude
    three dimensional energy forms. I seek the truth - not the dense
    reflection of it. To uncover the truth of my existence beyond the
    facade of form, I must enter the higher realities deep within me.

    22) The key to accurate perception and answers is to clean my lens/
    my mind so it is free and clean from distorted belief induced imagery
    and self-deception.

    23) The answers are always present; it is I that creates and
    maintains my blocks. I take full responsibility for my life and my
    experiences both in and out of my body.

    24) I accept, embrace and enjoy the vibrational state and all the
    associated OBE related energy phenomena. I court it; I allow it to
    expand through every layer of my being. I love it.

    25) The external worlds both in and out of body provide dramas
    designed for my education. I always dig for the reason and purpose
    behind my experience.

    26) The lighter I am, the faster and farther I travel. I realize that
    I create and maintain the blocks I experience. I jettison everything,
    all unconfirmed ideas, beliefs and conclusions. I refuse to be a
    mental slave to others people's crap.

    27) I demand "Awareness Now!" or "Clarity Now!" often and I expect
    immediate results. I consciously magnify and intensify my intentions.
    I know I possess unlimited creative power and expect instant results
    and clear answers. Every request and demand I make is focused in the

    28) I can easily avoid disruptive issues, entities or any
    manifestation of energy by moving inward within myself, "Inward Now!"
    I am the inner highway for my consciousness.

    29) Now is the focal point of all creation. My access to immense
    creative power dwells within me now. I focus on the now for I create
    and manipulate my reality in the present conscious moment. I have the
    ability to navigate, explore and observe the entire timeline;
    however, the present moment is the only valid reality.

    30) I confront and confirm the authenticity of all life forms and all
    realities I encounter; I assume nothing and question everything.

    31) I realize I must jettison all my mental judgments; this includes
    all the human concepts I take for granted including good and evil,
    ugly and beautiful, right and wrong. True reality contains no
    opposites, no judgments.

    32) I aggressively examine and purge all non-confirmed conclusions,
    concepts, ideas, and beliefs from my mind. I have deleted every
    belief I used to embrace.

    33) I recognize the importance of transcending all external modes and
    methods of perception and this includes the powerful perception tool
    of my mind. This is essential in order to truly experience objective
    reality and my Higher Self.

    34) I have found it helpful to maintain a detailed OBE and dream
    journal. It helps to condition and open my mind to accept and
    experience multiple realities.

    35) I accept and embrace non-form-based realities. I accept
    consciousness/ spirit without form as reality.

    36) Confronting and dissolving the energy manifestations of my own
    fears, limits and blocks is an essential element of my spiritual
    growth. There are no bad or negative out-of-body experiences, only
    energy manifestations I don't currently comprehend.

    37) I do not waste my energy or time promoting my perceptions of
    reality. I change the world when I change me. My perceptions of
    reality will change with my state of consciousness. I realize that
    only those of us that know from personal experience will see and

    These basic perceptions have served me well for decades. In fact it
    took me two decades to even begin to comprehend the staggering
    creative power we possess. Each of us has an important choice; we can
    internalize a host of man-made crap and play the great form-based
    shell game or we can decide to move inward and experience reality. I
    have found the countless worlds of form to be an immense multi-
    layered maze of deception, if you truly desire answers it is
    essential to go beyond the form-based realities. The interaction with
    and interpretation of form-based projections is an interesting game
    that has held our attention for countless lifetimes. Ultimately this
    fascinating shell game becomes old and we are drawn inward beyond the
    dense facade for the answers. I know there is many that believe they
    can solve the great reality puzzle with the power of their mind. I
    used to believe this as well. Now I feel that charting and analyzing
    the astral world is akin to charting the three dimensions of moving
    water; thought responsive realities are always in a state of flux. I
    have moved on.

    I would encourage everyone to make his or her own reality exploration
    list. The very process of writing your own list can be mind expanding.
    Newsletter from William Buhlman – 15 Feb 2007
    Last edited by Maggie, 9th April 2016 at 03:10.

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  7. #4
    Senior Member Cearna's Avatar
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    Seth speaks to me on manifesting.

    Bad Cells is my inner role on this. The begifted Lords of Gods do not like to see, a beginner on the Path of Life, being given this kind of information. We begin in no role whatsoever, and end totally unprepared for some inner role like this. Not even I am allowed to be a Ceator God. Only few ever were given this oldest of tasks. To clear a beginning of a New Age, one God Above was sent to dear Earth set free of old dead stories of old dead ages gone by, and she was soon trapped by some mind dead beings of Gods, who were in a role like you are, and at the end of their life, decided, I am now so clever that all life now belongs to me, and they set themselves up as the only ones who knew what life was all about.

    They began in Roles like Lords of gifts to themselves of names now being used to shed Light on what Life need to be like. These are some of them, that you will know possibly, Ra, Horus, Isis, Thoth, Tolec, Zeuse, Tolomy, Mercury, Saturn, I am that I am, Allah, Buddha, Confuscious, Satan, Lucifer, Casius of rome. Now who links to all of these is the so called Masters of the eminent, so called Right to know, who soon live in your mind as some inordinate being of Light, some male some female. Now when in role of a best one of knowing, like Ra, they are then in the role of a giver of knowledge to some one in a body, who so called channells this Light wisdom to all as down payment to your worth to them.

    These are some who in olden day who did not fear their known Life, and are thus solid in fact - Arkenaten - the Aten is a real God, Wodin and Freja - son Thor gave us the right knowledge, Mary of God, whose story is wontonly stolen to use in Christian beliefs. In Ra's time she began as the God of the Hebrews and never worked other than as Mary of God, for several thousands of years, and she is who taught a Hebrew what to do and not to do, and it was she whose tablets were sold on the open market as the Ten Laws of God , she held this position - a God dearly loved by me lives Above and Beyond and in my inner rose, and this is her name in life now since she is back to set free the whole human race. As emissary to God her real name is now Rose of God. She it is who told me the story I hold dear to this day. Another of her roles was Joan of Arc, and another the Lady of Lourdes, and Portugal' lady and the lady of Maggiiagore. Most others are mainly fake.

    Now to my story - but for now, this is being typed straight on to this thread, so I will stop here in case some gets lost from taking too long to write. (Sorry about the spelling)
    You are what you are, no more, no less. The fact is, that all is not what it seems to be, some may be great, some may be small, but to your own want to be free, I say, you never were not free. It is what your own Self, gave yourself to be in, that's what makes you what you are. Loving kindness be upon you and yours.

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    Senior Member Cearna's Avatar
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    Cont.Summing up, the evangelical masters told dear beloved and so on, toss all that crap out, this is now the work or evil intent to harm. If it is told to you, then bin it, here is why. These are words English gents used to start off sermons, against the best of all servants of Gods, and none of it rings of any Truths, so let's here no more of your role as gentle folk, who simply toe the line, and give yourself a better lots of stories about get to Gods, for these days the story is get to the ET's and higher up's to learn to begin in the true spirit of love.

    Get real, begin in live your True Self. You are not orders of nuns, or priests who want to manifest love and charity towards the poor. Your are working life, not close to God, unless you began as one, you are not able to live in the role as one, but you are able to live in the role as a true believer in Everlasting Life, for I am now 20 Thousand or more years old, and your servant, want to know who someone is who is even more old than I am and that is Ester of God, who is 70 thousand years old and your candidate to own an even more illustrious age is Cearna of the Danaan, who are your Celts and she is as old as Earth itself and even older than that, so if gifts of God abound, don't think you are that old, you are all only as beginners to us, so please begin and not think open life is any more than than your solid in role apprenticeship.

    When rostered to get to be on Earth, you and all the rest are some one's silent other, who on invite to come into open life, must first earn a begilded gift of your very own soul. You do not automatically have one, nor are you supposed to clear yourself of your soul links to the cost of fear. For fear begins in your own Soul-less State, and you are not and never will be a go-creator of God' eternal gifts to your own gifts. However, you are supposed to live in roles that will instil upon you the right to be given the right to earn a Soul, if and when you begin to give your role life to a mere start on your journey, and start is the operative word.

    Stop listening to give yourself endless upgrades to reach heights of fearsome dimensional reaches above, these are only in the minds of ET's who have been invited to listen to their own Demon Gods to consider themselves to be more than all others are, and so claim the right to endless final life in some nirvana which is just some final end in a solitary existence, for want of a better word - death, for there is no soul in any ET's except the Danaan worlds of the Plaeides, Andromedda and the rest of that group. They are more so advanced than those on Earth except for those wh resettled here in australia, Native America and Canada as far down as the Hopi nation, and the islands of grater Hawaii, and Ireland, Wales, Scotland the Norse lands over as far as what could be called white Russia. These are your advanced peoples - no European began as civilised people, they are Neanderthal progeny, half Danaan, half bear.

    Next bit, I will tell you how you can live more productive lives by manifesting your own reality in your own lives. In the mean time read collen words given to her by real Gods for the most part, except the ones from the Angel Michael, who was a fraud. these words are Soul Truths, I know I used to teach uin many, many other lifetimes, this time she was too advanced for me to teach her any more. Love Seth.
    You are what you are, no more, no less. The fact is, that all is not what it seems to be, some may be great, some may be small, but to your own want to be free, I say, you never were not free. It is what your own Self, gave yourself to be in, that's what makes you what you are. Loving kindness be upon you and yours.

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  11. #6
    Senior Member United States Maggie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Cearna View Post
    To clear a beginning of a New Age, one God Above was sent to dear Earth set free of old dead stories of old dead ages gone by, and she was soon trapped by some mind dead beings of Gods, who were in a role like you are, and at the end of their life, decided, I am now so clever that all life now belongs to me, and they set themselves up as the only ones who knew what life was all about.
    To clarify....who is speaking to whom?

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  13. #7
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    excellent video 10/10
    Last edited by jonsnow, 9th April 2016 at 20:36.

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    Senior Member United States Maggie's Avatar
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    I have read alot of material from Jane Robert's SETH. It was just a name she gave the consciouness. It could have been another name? Is the "Seth" you are invoking considered to be related?

    I have been thinking for years that we all channel. I ask a question and often I seem to get a reply and sometimes the reply is from within. Sometime it comes through synchronicity of information.

    Recently since 2006, I have been exploring my own manifestation intentions. I must admit what I create looks horrid at times. It especially looks bad when I feel depressed. However, I cannot believe any longer that I am effect of some arbitrary cause that has nothing to do with me. Actually the only complaint I have about my reality personally is that it seems like endless processing of sh*&e and it is also true that from a very early age I believed I needed to be processing "trauma". So this is valdidation that yes, I did intend to have loads of experience secondary to a need to process this belief in trauma.

    I find endless amusement at the multiversal response to my every wish and desire even when I refuse to have wonderful and nice and easy and that is my sincere truth. I have a deep knowing that anything is possible. Is anything probable? This is the big deal...making my probable more extended into the variety of here to fore not experienced possible hehe!!

    I feel deeply connected to the archetype of "Our Lady" by every name and here in duality a comforter and also very organic as Gaia and also very powerful to lend assistance. I love feeling Her, loving Her and being full of Thanks Giving for Her company. She would never stand in the way of my power or development in whatever way it evolves. She likes it. She supports it. She loves me. I love Her always and I can only be grateful. I don't think it matters that I may have imagined her...I doubt She would mind that, being who she seems to be and YET??? I do sometimes marvel at WHO IS THIS WHO RELATES TO ME? She is real enough for practical purpose and present.

    Your Seth does not seem the same as Jane Roberts.
    These are SETH statements below:

    Last edited by Maggie, 10th April 2016 at 05:53.

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    I have listen to Seth ( I bought her tapes ) and she speaks of the good of vaccines after that I deleted all her tapes . The danger of vaccines are scary and she or it the channel is speaking for them.

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  19. #10
    Senior Member United States Maggie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by jonsnow View Post
    I have listen to Seth ( I bought her tapes ) and she speaks of the good of vaccines after that I deleted all her tapes . The danger of vaccines are scary and she or it the channel is speaking for them.
    I went to a Joe Dispenza seminar and met a woman named Carolyn who had been practicing SERIOUSLY practicing Abraham Hicks ideas for many years.She was regarded as being someone (by her companions) who walked the Abraham teachings well.

    Vaccines scare me and I talked to her about how I had left nursing over mandatory vaccinations.

    Her story was that she had started participating in a wellness program (conventional) and when the nurse practitioner insisted she get a flu shot, she did because she felt that if it would make the NP feel better,why not? It would not effect her.

    I still feel scared of vaccines and will never receive one until it no longer bothers me. As far as I can know, it WOULD effect me as I believe it will. I recall very significantly that after a flu shot, I had something like narcolepsy for months. I would get so sleepy even in heavy traffic. It was dangerous.

    Could I change my belief?

    I don't know what you heard but maybe SETH did not advocate vaccination so much as say it is a collective idea people have agreed (some not) is important. I can vouch for the fact that some people are terrified by the dangers of communicable disease.
    In many ways it is not all or nothing. I don't know about why MANY of the native Americans died when exposed to European disease? Would vaccinations have helped? I don't know? I just know I will not be vaccinated at this time.

    I am adament only about our right to choose for ourselves and children.

    This is something SETH said about "health".
    Your ideas about yourself are, again vital in the larger context of a healthy lifetime. The condition of your heart is affected, for example, by your own feelings about it. If you consider yourself to be cold-hearted or heartless, those feelings will have a significant effect upon that physical organ. If you feel broken-hearted then you will also have that feeling reflected in one way or another in the physical organ itself.

    …. each individual also has many options open. Everyone who feels broken-hearted does not necessarily die of heart failure for example. The subject of health cannot be considered in an isolated fashion … each person will try to fulfil their own unique abilities, and to ‘fill out’ the experience of life as fully as possible.

    If an individual is hampered in that attempt strongly and persistently, then the dissatisfaction and frustration will be transformed into a lack of physical exuberance and vitality. There is always an unending reservoir of energy at the command of each person however, regardless of circumstances …

    ………………………………………… ………………………………………… ……

    Thoughts and beliefs do indeed bring about physical alterations. They can even – and often do – change genetic messages.

    There are diseases that people believe are inherited, carried from one generation to another by a faulty genetic communication. Obviously, many people with, for example, a genetic heritage of arthritis, do not come down with the disease themselves, while others indeed are so afflicted. The difference is one of belief.

    The people who have accepted the suggestion uncritically that they will inherit such a malady do then seem to inherit it: they experience the symptoms. Actually the belief itself may have turned a healthy genetic message into an unhealthy one.

    ………………………………………… ………………………………………… ……

    …pain and suffering are also obviously vital, living sensations – and therefore are a part of the body’s repertoire of possible feelings and sensual experience. They are also a sign, therefore, of life’s vitality, and are in themselves often responsible for a return to health when they act as learning communications.

    Many diseases are often health-promoting processes. Chicken pox, measles and other like diseases in childhood in their own way ‘naturally inoculate’ the body, so that it is able to handle other elements that are a part of the body and the body’s environment.

    When civilised children are medically inoculated against such diseases … to an important extent the natural protective processes are impeded. Such children may not come down with the disease against which they are medically protected, then – but they may indeed therefore become ‘prey’ to other diseases later in life that would not otherwise have occurred.

    I am not advising people to refuse to have their children vaccinated, since you now have to take vaccination into consideration because of its prominence in society. It is very possible however, that science itself will in time discover the unfortunate side effects of many such procedures, and begin to reevaluate the entire subject.
    Last edited by Maggie, 10th April 2016 at 08:30.

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  21. #11
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    Reality is conscious I agree but Seth is saying that vaccines and they 100 percent are not even designed that way they are used to both sterilise infect and weaken the immune system population reduction 101 .
    Seth is on a agenda and it is not a good one.

    No need to defend just I was shocked over vaccines which I am against so I put Seth in the bin .
    If you wish to manifest remake your life science of the breath of life heal , create interested .
    101 every day blow with the breath of life into your aura create what you want it will come it has no choice great book interesting read 10/10

    Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians Paperback
    Barbara Marciniak
    Last edited by jonsnow, 10th April 2016 at 09:11.

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  23. #12
    Senior Member United States Maggie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by jonsnow View Post
    Seth is on a agenda and it is not a good one.
    I don't have any idea about that but I don't need to defend SETH anyway. Any Good in the information would not be made better by a defense of SETH. We all choose to make our own opinion. Blessings to you! Maggie

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  25. #13
    Senior Member Cearna's Avatar
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    Maggie, the lamp at my husband's computer broke so I am now working without one (he is waiting for a cataract operation to one eye), thus I am typing with only the light of the screen as a light in this room hurts his eyes. So I may make lots of mistakes, please excuse.

    These are Seth's words:-

    Hi Maggie, I am now going to expose the fearsome habit of unscrupulous people in life at the top.

    I am and will lie not. This lady beginning to now work once again with me, is my only link to the cost of growth, until she as Madam Blavivowsky, died, I was told she cannot return again, as it was time for her to go back Home. However, visibility to owning one's own words, was lost as every a/hole enrolled in the gaining of mind for some own ends, took life in multidudinous societies purporting to be able to bring enlightenment roles in Soul Life.

    I am not nor ever wanted to be, a best of all spiritual Master, but my inner role life was on this risky work, and I had been on the possible link to all kinds of knowledge, from working in the minding of gifted one's Beyond, through History's ministering God Above on Earth, always in a body, and always wontonly female. So many eminent roles she played, but never wanted to be known for any of them, so I am not to tell any of them to you as there is no point- however she is now Mother Earth (do not ever call her Gaia as that is the name taken by a Demon to have the poeple of Earth worship her and thus keep her fed, and she will be aware of any person who loves this Being and will give you not only love but will take a lot of what your own Life passage is about upon herself to help you to gain your desired Truths, she is the one I previous called the Rose of God.

    Now back to the question at hand. My name is in the BIBLE, that one never existed, but the idea is always used to con others that this is some one who is so old he knows. Jane Roberts did not ask for my name to be part of her writings, till she heard a Being of my name was on the Guide List to Madam Blavovosky, and once she was dead there was no one to deny what she said. Once I heard what she was doing, I asked to give up the role of being Seth and called myself Same. I then found an excellent channel in Australia willing to write with my help and she wrote a book called Same Speaks out, for she could have had many law suits against her if she called me Seth.

    I later went to work with her own daughter and in time as she grew adept at working with me, and we found, more than one adendum on my name being given to more than one using many sayings of mine from some one saying Seth spoke to me or works with me. Since none knew I was in Australia working under another name, they have begun a proliferation of con artists working from their rotton minds that have vielised my own teachings through these two ladies in Sydney. Neither wrote about CReate your own Reality, but that was the name of the seminars we were running here in Oz.

    Our work was in seminars in which many enrolled here and I helped them to find the way to begin to think, plan and visualise the need they felt were most important to making a better life for themselves. so once this idea was coined some one wrote a book on it in my name from which Marnie received no royalties and no one asked for permision to use my name, so it is some one's work, but not mine, and the same with Jane Roberts, from whom I completely dissasociate with.

    Now who is rightfully your name, is the question here. I no longer work with Marnie, having finished only a short time ago. My brother Ivan, works with the lady I used to work with and had met once in Sydney, when he brought her to me to help her become used to a method of knowing how to easily work with him. Now he has just become the God of the Earth and Sky, and I have been asked by the One God Above all to once again go back to work with the only one I had ever worked with before, and that is Colleen as her minder and since she has begun to work with the many Higher Gods Above he has asked me to help her to put her work together, and she and her husband of that time have downloaded alll their knowledge of Atlantis and Lemuria together, to try to put into a possible book form, since she was the leader of Atlantis and he was the leader of Lemuria (believe or not as you wish, but she met many a person here in sydney who not only were there, but authenticated at the time that that was who she was, many have since died).

    so Maggie, who has used my name are responsible for the stealing of my identity for their own purposes, and I suspect that they, like many other have been mind controlled by the Demon handlers, the D jinn, who are responsible for most of this type of story you have quoted - reasonable suppositions, containing some Truths, but mostly hot air that sounds really nice for the people of Earth love such sayings and stories, and these keep you busy, instead of getting to Soul live. This is my story do you still want me to tell the sorts of things I taught at the seminars with Marnie in Sydney? Because I cannot tell you about being manifesting the unmanifest by thought, this is not possible here on Earth in this time frame, and is only ever done by the very few Creator Gods who work always to the plan of the totality of life, not to the needs of one person or a group on Earth. Love Seth to Colleen Same to those who know of me here in Oz.
    You are what you are, no more, no less. The fact is, that all is not what it seems to be, some may be great, some may be small, but to your own want to be free, I say, you never were not free. It is what your own Self, gave yourself to be in, that's what makes you what you are. Loving kindness be upon you and yours.

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  27. #14
    Senior Member Norway Elen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Maggie View Post
    I don't have any idea about that but I don't need to defend SETH anyway. Any Good in the information would not be made better by a defense of SETH. We all choose to make our own opinion. Blessings to you! Maggie
    I get you Maggie, Wisdom needs no defense, it stands on it's own merit. I personally find it everywhere: Seth, Abraham Hicks, Bashar and Chris Thomas etc. etc. There are "little nuggets" all over the place, especially if you know the difference between listening and following.

    Thanks for posting those videos, they were great!
    Whatever is true. Whatever is noble. Whatever is right. Whatever is lovely. Whatever is admirable. Anything of excellence and worthy of praise. Dwell on these things. Jesus Christ (I agree)

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  29. #15
    Senior Member United States Maggie's Avatar
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    Dear Colleen,

    My thesis (using this in the most scientific way I can and I love the spirit of science) is taken along the same lines that William Buhlman outlines. Therefore I am questionning along the lines of manifestation in form being a secondary effect of "thought". As has been discussed in many places, our intentions, energy (passion) and thought may be the driving force that results in our "physical" experience.

    I am tempted to argue with the ideas in your writings but realize there is no good in that path. You are committed to these writings and may they serve you well! I mean that sincerely. However, I want to stand up for one aspect...IMO our use of words could carry an energy and symbols could be used in various ways. IMO once we take on a meaning consciously, it carries OUR signature meaning IMO.

    I KNOW for me, Gaia is a wholesome name and word and there is provenance that I do appreciate. I cannot prove or disprove the story of origin of the name but the idea of foundation, change as in moving song, order from chaos and even using sacred sound in creation is "my thing" to love. Love creates.

    Gaia was the ancient Greek Goddess of Earth who, in Hesiod's Theogony of 700 BC, was the 'first to arise from chaos'. In the Homeric Hymn to Gaia of 500 BC, she was called 'Mother of all, the oldest one, the foundation'. Yet the term 'Gaia' is even older than Greece, coming from India a thousand years before. In Sanskrit, Gaya meant 'Moving Song' and, as the Gayatri Mantra, was the first hymn to arise from the orginal seed sound of Om.
    I wish others could just grok the energetic signature of what we mean (and we'd skip a lot of misleading and misunderstanding) but so far words need to be used.

    Last edited by Maggie, 10th April 2016 at 17:17.

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