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Thread: Vissarion The last Testament

  1. #1
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    Vissarion The last Testament

    some () approcs. 5000 to 10000 followers try this way of Alternative Ways of Living.
    in Siberia.

    Beware: winter: -40 degree; summer: moscito moscito

    looks like Jesus, eat like Jesus, pray in constantly.
    Has a body-guard and much clean water.

    Das Letzte Testament

    Das Reich der Kraft neigt sich dem Ende
    Wir falten treuen Glaubens unsre Hände
    Wir lesen noch im Letzten Testament
    Ob das noch hilft ?
    Wer weiß es - wenn der Himmel brennt
    Bald reiben Feuerstein wir wieder
    und singen unsre alten Lieder.

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to scibuster For This Useful Post:

    Aianawa (1st March 2016), Aragorn (29th February 2016), bsbray (29th February 2016)

  3. #2
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    "You have no right to even think negatively of someone-" That's a big red flag for me. Someone gets abusive or worse, too bad. You have no right...

    I used Shaklee products for many years. They're in harmony with nature and made right here in America.

    I noticed the newsletter page was from 2008. Are they still around? Whats up with the set of thick, fancy books? Are they a kind of bible?

    On the German page the two men are real. The woman is ephemeral and barely clad. Not a good sign, really...

  4. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Dreamtimer For This Useful Post:

    Aianawa (1st March 2016), Aragorn (29th February 2016), bsbray (29th February 2016), Elen (1st March 2016), sandy (1st March 2016)

  5. #3
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    Vissarion didn't eat Shaklee products.
    I'm shure 100%.
    The Vissarion community agriculture own products.

    The Last Testament is like a big bible in format.
    Long read.

    "You have no right to even think negatively of someone-"

    I like this sentence because of my extreme negative thinking I sunk deep into blackness.
    Last edited by scibuster, 29th February 2016 at 14:42.

  6. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to scibuster For This Useful Post:

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  7. #4
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Thanks for your honesty, scibuster. I tend naturally towards positivity. Thus, if I'm having 'negative' thoughts, there's something going on that probably needs dealing with.

    I couldn't help but google Vissarion. I found some articles and pictures. I noticed that he doesn't live in the huts with the people or work the fields. He lives in the Abode of Dawn with 50 or so of his closest followers.

    I can't get on board with the "Man is Creator" belief. History shows us where that leads...

  8. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Dreamtimer For This Useful Post:

    Aianawa (1st March 2016), Aragorn (29th February 2016), bsbray (29th February 2016), Elen (1st March 2016), sandy (1st March 2016)

  9. #5
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    Quote Originally posted by Dreamtimer View Post
    Thanks for your honesty, scibuster. I tend naturally towards positivity. Thus, if I'm having 'negative' thoughts, there's something going on that probably needs dealing with.

    I couldn't help but google Vissarion. I found some articles and pictures. I noticed that he doesn't live in the huts with the people or work the fields. He lives in the Abode of Dawn with 50 or so of his closest followers.

    I can't get on board with the "Man is Creator" belief. History shows us where that leads...

    That's what I also detected, Vissarion is not close to his claims.
    I hope the followers are nonetheless happy with the deep in nature lifestyle and love each other in summer and winter with great warmth.

  10. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to scibuster For This Useful Post:

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  11. #6
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    Quote Originally posted by Dreamtimer View Post
    "You have no right to even think negatively of someone-" That's a big red flag for me. Someone gets abusive or worse, too bad. You have no right...
    What happens if you do? Will he then think negatively of you?

  12. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to bsbray For This Useful Post:

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  13. #7
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    Here's the man himself:

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  15. #8
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    Quote Originally posted by bsbray View Post
    Here's the man himself:

    I've heard a funny story from those people which can do OBE (some at a daily basis)
    visit a plane where Jesus is teaching his flock.
    (I can't remeber at which forum I read this story.)
    and at another region of this plane there is also a Jesus similiar looking teaching his flock
    and the one flock didn't know about the other, so there are more than one Jesus at work
    at the higher planes.

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  17. #9
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    This is a trial simulation of getting the translation style of the literature of Vissarion.

    Vissarion literature is perfect tranlated into German (most of his outcome).
    Vissarion also likes talk talk talk.
    I've tried to do a simulation style of this Russian-German translation.
    This below is not a translation it is a Vissarion-Style-Treatise.

    Die Frau bildet das natürliche Prinzip und der Mann das geistige Prinzig des Lebens ab.
    Die Frau gibt dem Mann das natürliche und empfängt von ihm das geistige Prinzip.
    Deshalb liebt der Mann die Schönheit der Frau und verhält sich ihr gegenüber natürlich.
    Diese Natürlichkeit setzt sich auch in der Natur fort, denn wer hat schon einen häßlichen
    Schmetterling gesehen ?
    Wenn die Frau das Geistige vom Mann annimmt ergänzen sich die Beiden und die Entwicklung
    schreitet voran. Ohne das Natürliche erkaltet das Geistige zu Formeln und bietet
    für das Natürliche keinen Entwicklungsschoß.
    Bildet das Natürliche die Grundlage, so ist es dem Geistigen möglich zusammen mit
    dem Natürlichen zu erblühen. Zieht sich das Geistige aber in den Elfenbeinturm zurück,
    so wird das Natürliche ohne das Geistige verwelken und das Geistige ohne das Natürliche

    Diese Artikel ist von mir nachempfunden aus "Zeitenwende" von Vissarion.

  18. #10
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Why do these guys always have the piercing blue eyes? They must be mesmerizing.

    I believe what you say, scibuster. What we believe and are invested in can become our afterlife. It's kind of the ultimate 'create your own reality'. There are probably many hells on the astral plane as well, fueled by the belief of the occupant(s).

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  20. #11
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    I can't believe I didn't ask this before:

    Did Vissarion ever laugh?

  21. The Following User Says Thank You to Dreamtimer For This Useful Post:

    bsbray (12th March 2016)

  22. #12
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    Quote Originally posted by Dreamtimer View Post
    I can't believe I didn't ask this before:

    Did Vissarion ever laugh?

    In the early days we saw a little smile on/in his face.

    I was not there at Petropawlowka, so I didn't know.

    It may depend on your joke style.
    I think he prefers Russian jokes not the US ones.

  23. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to scibuster For This Useful Post:

    bsbray (12th March 2016), Dreamtimer (13th March 2016)

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