This is not usually my cup of tea but heard some positive comments, would like others views on this.
This is not usually my cup of tea but heard some positive comments, would like others views on this.
Aragorn (21st January 2016), Dreamtimer (21st January 2016), modwiz (21st January 2016)
Not exactly my cup of tea either, and I too am unsure of what to make of this. On the one hand, it sounds and reads like one of those Nigerian scam e-mails. On the other hand, it could be yet another "New World Order" plan — and it certainly sounds like one — wrapped up with candy, glitter and Christmas tree lights. It also sounds like yet another savior paradigm, and I think we all know what that leads to.
In addition to all of the above, I also don't think that this "plan" — if it truly is what it purports to be — would have any chance of succeeding when everything and everyone else before it have failed. We are living on a planet ruled by a legalized crime cartel with more tentacles than an octopus, and protected by armed forces — i.e. the military and law enforcement. And then I'm not even talking of the sociopaths at large in the world who are not part of the financial-economical system itself.
It could just be me, but there are lots of red warning lights and sirens going off on my end. So I guess I'm going to just resort to the platitudes, "Talk is cheap" and "Actions speak louder than words."
Aianawa (21st January 2016), Dreamtimer (21st January 2016), Elen (23rd January 2016), modwiz (21st January 2016), sandy (22nd January 2016)