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Thread: The One Truth interviews Barry King, Disclosure Project Witness

  1. #1
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    The One Truth interviews Barry King, Disclosure Project Witness

    Here's the latest TOT interview, this one from our member Barry King, username SmokeyJoe1952:


    He answered some of the questions posed to him in the questions thread already, but I brought them all up again here, although they are scattered throughout the interview.

    Barry has a unique position on the alternative community, which he has been involved in since the 1970's. He describes experiences he had while working at a covert base in Berkshire, UK, his thoughts on the alternative community today, and a lot more in this almost two hour long interview.

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  3. #2
    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    Thumbs Up

    Another great interview, chockful of very interesting information. Great job, brother bsbray! By the way, I particularly like your style of making the interviews more into an actual conversation, rather than just a Q&A session.


    And, of course, the management of The One Truth wishes to especially thank Barry King (alias SmokeyJoe1952) for graciously stepping up to the occasion. We are genuinely proud to have a whistleblower of Barry's integrity among our members.

    Cheers, Barry!

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  5. #3
    Tot Founder England The One's Avatar
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    Yes great interview and many thanks.

    This just reinforces for me Barry that Greer got his information from you and acted upon it for his own agenda and twisted it and probably a few more researchers did the same.If i remember correctly you was one of the first to come out with the information so i thank you for that .Great to here that you are working with Lisa in relation to the Nazi side of things re the UFO phenomena that will be great to here should you go to do an interview.Also interesting to here about the AI hub will check it out.

    I like how you are straight to the point and do not lead people down the garden path lol

    Once again thanks again Barry.
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  7. #4
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    Quote Originally posted by The One View Post
    Yes great interview and many thanks.

    Also interesting to here about the AI hub will check it out.
    Me too. Would appreciate posting of this info if available.

  8. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to Gemma For This Useful Post:

    Aianawa (21st January 2016), Aragorn (20th January 2016), bsbray (20th January 2016), Cearna (28th June 2016), Elen (23rd January 2016), sandy (21st January 2016), SmokeyJoe1952 (20th January 2016), The One (20th January 2016)

  9. #5
    Tot Founder England The One's Avatar
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    No one person can ever change the truth, but the truth, once learned, can and will change the person

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  10. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to The One For This Useful Post:

    Aianawa (21st January 2016), Aragorn (20th January 2016), bsbray (20th January 2016), Cearna (28th June 2016), Lansing (25th January 2016), SmokeyJoe1952 (20th January 2016)

  11. #6
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  12. The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to bsbray For This Useful Post:

    Aianawa (21st January 2016), Aragorn (20th January 2016), Cearna (28th June 2016), Dreamtimer (21st January 2016), Elen (23rd January 2016), Lansing (25th January 2016), lcam88 (20th January 2016), lookbeyond (22nd January 2016), SmokeyJoe1952 (20th January 2016), The One (20th January 2016)

  13. #7
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    Thanks for link.
    Post #10 (2009)

    Barry, it would appear the AI is not talked about so much as people physically struggle to do so.
    Have you ever come across this thing in your disclosures?
    I think many would benefit if this thing was more widespread.

    Barry King's reply:
    Yes I have but this topic is like trying to wade thru quicksand, as soon as you talk (move) further under (stopped) you become.
    From my minimal observations the topic of AI appears to have gained enough support and traction to be open for public discussion. I have also found that those resistive to AI's control/dominance use specific language that "fits" with established controlling memes in their communications so that they slip under the radar; this is tricky as one then has to "unpackage" the "adinkras", if you like, in order to translate the camouflaged information.

    I haven't had the opportunity to look into all of Omniverse's AI sharings but considering his dilemma's and persistence I will presume at this point that he may fall into the above category. James Mahu, Wingmakers Material is another source that is cleverly camouflaged - but with the 2014 Neruda 5 Interview there appears to be bolder, direct revelations coming forward.

    Anyway as we have exponentially developed considerably since 2009 I was wondering Barry if you could comment further now, or perhaps provide some markers as to any experiences and/or your perspectives re A.I. with particular attention to past (origins past as well as recent); present; and future.

    Many Thanks

    Thanks bsbray for the file links.

  14. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Gemma For This Useful Post:

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  15. #8
    Senior Member England SmokeyJoe1952's Avatar
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    Hi, for now all I will add to the AI topic is the following...................(This is abridged as I find the 'signal' is lost among too much 'noise', On the Internet, I will ONLY say what I actually KNOW rather than assumptions).........In the USA the AI Hub is located at November Mike, Manzano, NM, this has a number of relays which are integrated and embedded into the entire infrastructure, everything computer based. In Australia the hub is (yes you guessed right) Pine Gap, with several relays. I do not have the data at hand regarding the Russian hub. Personal experiences with AI I will perhaps detail at a future date. Hope thats helped.
    proeliator of vetus
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  16. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to SmokeyJoe1952 For This Useful Post:

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  17. #9
    Senior Member sandy's Avatar
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    Looking forward to listening to the interview when time allows full on attention and focus. Family concerns have most of my attention at present so just zooming thru most days................

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  19. #10
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    Quote Originally posted by SmokeyJoe1952 View Post
    Hi, for now all I will add to the AI topic is the following...................(This is abridged as I find the 'signal' is lost among too much 'noise', On the Internet, I will ONLY say what I actually KNOW rather than assumptions).........In the USA the AI Hub is located at November Mike, Manzano, NM, this has a number of relays which are integrated and embedded into the entire infrastructure, everything computer based. In Australia the hub is (yes you guessed right) Pine Gap, with several relays. I do not have the data at hand regarding the Russian hub. Personal experiences with AI I will perhaps detail at a future date. Hope thats helped.
    Appreciate your responses Barry and look forward to any future updates.

  20. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Gemma For This Useful Post:

    Aragorn (21st January 2016), bsbray (21st January 2016), Elen (23rd January 2016), Lansing (25th January 2016), SmokeyJoe1952 (21st January 2016), The One (21st January 2016)

  21. #11
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Just listened to the interview. I think it was great. Barry, you're a pleasure to listen to. You speak clearly and make your point. You don't meander. Thank you for spending a good solid amount of time. It's much appreciated.

    I really enjoyed the interview with Lisa and was looking for more. I'm glad to hear she's putting out a book (if I understood that correctly). I look forward to it.

    There were so many interesting things you covered. I'll be back for a couple of follow-up questions once I get them together.

    It would be wonderful if you could post the interviews with Mel. It sounds like they're worth a couple listens.:interview:
    Last edited by Dreamtimer, 21st January 2016 at 17:22.

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  23. #12
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    Thanks for the interview Barry and bsbray, I'm about half way through ATM, a gem.

  24. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to lcam88 For This Useful Post:

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  25. #13
    Senior Member sandy's Avatar
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    Much appreciated and valued interview, Barry and bsbray>>>thank you and keep up the good work please...look forward to additional info and interviews.

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  27. #14
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Thanks to you as well, bsbray. Your time and efforts are greatly appreciated.

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  29. #15
    Senior Member donk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by SmokeyJoe1952 View Post
    Hi, for now all I will add to the AI topic is the following...................(This is abridged as I find the 'signal' is lost among too much 'noise', On the Internet, I will ONLY say what I actually KNOW rather than assumptions).........In the USA the AI Hub is located at November Mike, Manzano, NM, this has a number of relays which are integrated and embedded into the entire infrastructure, everything computer based. In Australia the hub is (yes you guessed right) Pine Gap, with several relays. I do not have the data at hand regarding the Russian hub. Personal experiences with AI I will perhaps detail at a future date. Hope thats helped.
    What's an "AI hub"?

    I enjoyed the interview, thanks guys!
    What is the purpose of your presence?

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