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Thread: The One Truth interviews Barry King, Disclosure Project Witness

  1. #31
    Senior Member Bob's Avatar
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    Its just simple electro-seismic surveying equipment able to do what drilling down does to do sampling, up to many thousands of feet below the surface of the earth. Each sample point then allows 3D gridding to occur, giving a very good view in 3D what all is down there. So where are those coordinates where the alleged active computer locations are? I could do a high res satellite for surface anomalies but I'd rather hear what you have. Take a look at the last post I did on the Dulce thread in PA for an example of some gridding done to -3000 feet.

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  3. #32
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    Quote Originally posted by Bob View Post
    It makes no sense to me to use abandoned nuclear storage sites to put in computer systems requiring humidity control (caves are wet). It makes no sense what-so-ever. I would believe Sandia would have AI programs as well as Los Alamos. The closest thing to data scrubbing is in the old Norad Facility in Colorado Springs, and a couple new ones in the west of New Mexico (on an air force base who frequently probes/pings websites), and a couple in Utah.

    If there are satellite coordinates where the "openings" are I'd gladly take a look as I did in Dulce NM for underground caverns and activity. Personally I doubt it though, as in Dulce it was relatively useless and relatively fruitless. Definitely old caverns for natural gas storage, not for ET/USG collaboration.
    Hey Bob , are you saying that the Dulce stories of an undergroung battle with ETs could not hav happened as no underground facility found? thx,lb

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  5. #33
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    Quote Originally posted by lookbeyond View Post
    Hey Bob , are you saying that the Dulce stories of an undergroung battle with ETs could not hav happened as no underground facility found? thx,lb
    Not to derail Barry's thread, I answered this in a PM to you. Nothing to see there really, just a massive psyops it appears.

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  7. #34
    Senior Member England SmokeyJoe1952's Avatar
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    I do not have the co-ordinates to hand but guess that would be simple to find out. Very interested in your findings and would like to know more. I have not followed threads on Avalon for quite some time but will locate and browse. I would have thought then with such sophisticated equipment your findings would make a great dent on the underground complex issue within the alternative community and lay to rest once and for all ideas about certain DUMBs. If you can do this there must be many more able to check too and if many sources state the same findings its an area that can be laid to rest
    proeliator of vetus
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  8. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to SmokeyJoe1952 For This Useful Post:

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  9. #35
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    If you guys want coordinates for the Manzano facility, I can find them from this video I posted on the previous page:


    So he's looking at the barbed wire fence blocking off the facility which supposedly was shut down some time ago. Admittedly this was an underground storage facility while it was in use, so it would be very curious if it were scanned using some kind of EM technology and nothing turned up but natural rock formation. I don't think that would be the question.

    Portions of America's nuclear stockpile was stored in Manzano (the Spanish word for apple) Mountain for 40 years, and nuclear weapons are now secured in a modern underground complex at Kirtland Air Force Base. A presidential emergency relocation center was built deep inside Manzano Mountain as a command post for President Eisenhower. It retained this function until the advent of thermonuclear weapons, by which time it was no longer regarded as a survivable site.

    In the early 1700s explorers visiting a small village on the eastern edge of these mountains discovered very old manzanos (apple trees), a tree not native to this country. No one knows where these trees came from, but the name stayed with the region.

    I leave the bit in about apple trees because that's very interesting from a historical perspective, though not relevant here.

    Here it is on Google satellite view:!3m1!1e3

    (Compare the Google satellite view with the above image to get your bearings straight, then compare to the video above for an on-the-ground view.)

    The coordinates 35.0102 N and 106.4869 W seem to bring you to the eastern flank of this mountain.

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  11. #36
    Senior Member Morocco modwiz's Avatar
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    It is so good to see a focus on a legitimate "insider" that we have the privilege of having with us. I hope this is a symbol of people recognizing the gold instead of falling for fool's gold.
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  13. #37
    Senior Member Agape's Avatar
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    Great interview , conducted in well informed style, thanks to both of you

    .....and from thence I understood that my whole Existence is still classified .....

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  15. #38
    Senior Member Bob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by SmokeyJoe1952 View Post
    I do not have the co-ordinates to hand but guess that would be simple to find out. Very interested in your findings and would like to know more. I have not followed threads on Avalon for quite some time but will locate and browse. I would have thought then with such sophisticated equipment your findings would make a great dent on the underground complex issue within the alternative community and lay to rest once and for all ideas about certain DUMBs. If you can do this there must be many more able to check too and if many sources state the same findings its an area that can be laid to rest
    If the area(s) can be gotten into, being able to do a deep underground survey is very much possible "from the SURFACE". Tunnels and things: One done without the full 3D (didn't have that feature yet in the software, only 2D at the time), was when I stumbled upon what could be a tunnel off to the NW of Denver International Airport (that place obviously would have the facilities to house more than just A.I. computers).. A lot of detail was obvious in that 2D shot, like a top down cross section, piping, wiring, a 30 foot diameter liner, drainage, conduits, and two 6 foot tall rectangular access tunnels.. Top one seemed to be for something that could move in it, it was opened, the other below it was like an equipment tunnel..

    Just wandering around on the surface makes no sense, so a detailed hyperspectral satellite view (showing anomalies) would be performed first, looking for any particular evidence that powerlines were brought in and still flowing current.. The A.I. that I am assuming is being described wouldn't be some low powered Dell computer, but something sophisticated with a lot of cores, a lot of heat coming off and a lot of power being consumed. Facilities to maintain proper humidity, prevent leakage from underwater streams/fractures from infiltration. There would be cameras on the surface obviously.. All of that would be obvious from surface observation by the right "spy" satellite. And those are available for hire

    BsbRay, the movie is interesting and getting google earth coordinates are not a problem. Finding the "hidden openings", the power feed, the communications feed for a massive data stream in and out of the facility would be part of an appropriate search. Then doing the proper electro seis mapping, (a minimum of 3 points at the surface need to be located at a distance of 1500 feet apart for a general "good look" of what's down there) - I've done very interesting 300 foot high resolution surveys - which will show a resolution to less than an inch details. Everything within the points from about 10 foot down to a maximum of -18,000 feet could be determined. It takes processing time per "feature or object or substance" searched for, and a 3D grid is assembled based on intensity of "match" for the target(s) chosen.

    You bet Barry, being able to see once and for all "what's down there" wherever puts to rest affirmatively or negatively, and should be done. Heck, if the old nuclear stuff leaked, the survey should show that up, as well as show faulting, or other potential problems.. The tech was developed by me when I did GPS back in 1969. The underground mapping has always fascinated me - first the above ground mapping, then underground, then under the sea. I am working on the under-the-sea mapping equipment. Everything is related. Computers and ways to create a 3D matrix (4D these days is happening) have evolved since the old days (APL on an IBM 360 was used to develop GPS And today so much is able to be run on a simple 4 computer cluster.
    Last edited by Bob, 24th January 2016 at 19:27.

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  17. #39
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    Bob, have you used your tech to look at Pine Gap? If you have can you post your findings? :-)

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  19. #40
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    Aralia hi. No, not at this time, yet

    I use a couple technologies when 'exploring'. Hyperspectral imaging uses infra-red 'light' that comes from the sun, and changes in the reflectivity, and absorption of the light provides a "fingerprint" of what may be present on or immediately below the ground. There is another technique that I use, which is a very sensitive magnetic gradiometer (a 3 axis magnetic field monitoring system). Next a radiographic spectrum analyser, which is a gamma ray scintillator and spectrum analyzer in one (rocks being disturbed, or "modified" show a spectrum or fingerprint).. At times I will use something called electro-resistivity, or a method of determining if something has changed the normal characteristics of the soil/rock. The deep penetration technology, the electro-seismic has been tested in Wyoming to a depth of -30,000 feet below the surface with confirmed reliability to -18,000 feet in depth. It's been used in many locations to normal depths of up to -12,000 feet below the surface. Hyperspectral imagery can be obtained from special satellites, or from special aerial over-flights.

    Satellite or airborne hyperspectral analysis shows where something is "different" or out of the ordinary, and warrants then 'looking' with other types of remote sensing. One of the tech's I haven't made available yet is an advanced gravity gradiometer (3 axis gravity field detector). A gravity anomaly can be an interesting place to take a deep look at. Lastly a three axis VLF (very low frequency radio) technique - which is basically a very sensitive electromagnetic radio wave detector - any anomaly underground causes a BEND of the radiowaves - triangulating backwards into the data-set, one can map out the anomaly/distortion region. The back-reconstruction is called "inversion" (of the data, to generate a map of the distortion "source"). The right choice of very low frequency radio-wave to monitor then allows for what they call "depth of penetration".

    There are therefore technological ways to "see" into the earth, and to come up with images. In my exploration, the software allows for "tuning into", something to look for thereby not having to deal with an immensity of "noise" (useless data). If one had the pattern of a "needle" (the analogy), then looking for that in a haystack is not so difficult, as one can then ignore the "hay" and the gaps inbetween the straw.. and just look for the "needle". That guarantees a very high desired signal to low noise level. (noise masks real information)..

    Pine gap and the surrounding area could be looked at with hyperspectral imaging though. I would feel as Barry has contemplated, being able to take a good look at what may be down there where speculation has been would be a great contribution to historical data gathering - like what civilizations may have tunneled and for what reason.. Under "prospecting" laws one generally has access to many areas. Each of the technologies mentioned is considered both economical and non-threatening to the wildlife or environment. Not having to use explosives, or nasty vibrator trucks, one doesn't create a "footprint", or damage.. underground image reconstruction of what is looked for is really interesting.

    Perfect for looking for underground "bases".
    Last edited by Bob, 27th January 2016 at 15:25.

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  21. #41
    Tot Founder England The One's Avatar
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    Wow Bob i did not know you could do that.

    You should write a book
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  23. #42
    Senior Member Bob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by The One View Post
    Wow Bob i did not know you could do that.

    You should write a book
    I started on that book back in 1989 then decided to abort after it started to attract enough "hair" (death threat stalkers, visitors to the shop appeared, in one case a really nice Mossad fellow stopped by asking for how..) . I had published in 1982 some "interesting" remote sensing methods and a few ah'ha's, and that got Wright Patt all gushy for a bit.. till they figured out enough they could reverse engineer and rip it off. China currently as of this morning decided to sabre-rattle the west saying they are going to launch the most highest resolution hyperspectral satellite than anyone has anywhere, including all the US mil spy sats. They said, nothing anywhere will be able to hide processing the data that comes back from that.

    I suppose instead of "bases" I'd be interested in finding and bringing up (activating the re-materialization/drive system) of some jump ships. Pretty sure the controlling of such is very do-able (holographic neural navigation methods into a simple zero point generator).. Oh well, back to Barry's data !

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  25. #43
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    Wow! Bob! You are "The Man!" :-) It's great to see scientists of your caliber still exist - I'm amazed you haven't been swallowed into a black project! :-)

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  27. #44
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    Barry, Miles Johnston left these comments on the YouTube page:

    I am so Glad Barry has spoken since 2001. We have tried to have him on Bases One update, with Lisa who does not wish to do a live event.
    +Miles Johnston Barry needs to know a totally independent source has stated that creatures have been made for use on the Lunar Bases, at Boscombe-Porton down. The scale of the operations being horrendous. Greer has been severely compromised. Peter Paget gave a British UFO Disclosure for 4 hrs in Warminster, in August 20015. He went as far as he could , quote :- " without being shot". Unquote

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  29. #45
    Senior Member England SmokeyJoe1952's Avatar
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    Hmmm, Miles knows fully well I have on occasion agreed to speak publicly, these being as follows..............
    2007 Interview via phone with Dave Starbuck
    2010 4 hour interview with Mel Fabregas for Veritas Show
    2011 Video interview with Kerry Cassidy
    2012 Interview with Randy Maugans Off Planet Radio
    and of course we have 2016 interview with The One Truth

    Yes I only agree to do any sort of interview if I feel its helpful, I do not seek them and turn down more than agreed to. I'm aware Miles wants to do an update for Bases 1 and its under consideration. I'm in contact with Lisa Williams whom, feels as I do that as we started this whole thing and were not prepared really for full public release of that initial Bases 1, we are wary of any update considering the way too fantastic claims of many whom have come forwards openly since Bases 1, we feel wary of being associated with certain individuals, I do not think anyone can blame us for being reticent. We are far from attention seeking and although have information that we believe can break down the doors of secrecy we have to be careful.
    proeliator of vetus
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