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Thread: Has this any importance ?

  1. #1
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Has this any importance ?

    From , I usually have little to no interest in this sorta stuff but a couple of people I know and have my respect as such are excited by this, any members shed some light on this for me ?.

    Final Notice of Commercial Obligation Lien to World Bank/IBRD/IMF
    Issued January 4, 2016 to:
    Board of Governors, World Bank/IBRD and IMF
    Board of Directors, World Bank/IBRD and IMF
    1818 H Street NW
    Washington, DC 20433
    Via Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested # 7006 0810 0003 3541 5106
    Be it known to one and all, both living and dead: Karen Hudes is proposing that our
    gold be used to pay off the debts represented by Federal Reserve Notes--- that is,
    that we should pay for the odious debts of those who have defrauded us. This is to
    our knowledge the fifth such scheme Ms. Hudes has proposed. We living
    beneficiaries of the assets on deposit with the World Bank/IBRD and with the
    International Monetary Fund/IMF owed to the States of America and the free
    sovereign and independent people of the United States who also have beneficial
    interest as donors with respect to assets secondarily on deposit with the “Global Debt
    Facility” administered by the World Bank Board of Governors depose the following to
    be Material Fact established by Public Record:
    (1) The World Bank/IBRD were Secondary Creditors in the 1933 Bankruptcy of the
    United States of America, Incorporated;
    (2) Upon settlement of the bankruptcy of the United States of America,
    Incorporated, the World Bank/IBRD knowingly received gold and other assets
    belonging to the Priority Creditors--- who are and who have always been the “free
    sovereign and independent people of the United States” and their unincorporated
    States of America;
    (3) The gold reserves contained in the Global Debt Facility and other accounts
    administered by the World Bank/IBRD and International Monetary Fund/IMF known
    as the “Infinity Accounts” were obtained at least in part as a result of illegal
    confiscations of privately held gold carried out by the Administration of Franklin
    Delano Roosevelt, promoted under inequitable exchange, duress and indemnity,
    followed by identity theft, falsification of political status records, and reverse trust
    and fiduciary trust fraud;
    (4) The American gold and other assets such as credit and titles to land together
    with reasonable interest is owed as an inheritance to the living American people and
    their unincorporated organic states from which the gold was obtained;
    (5) Ms. Karen Hudes has been informed that there is no Constitutional authority
    allowing for any officials or agents of the Federal United States --including Federal
    State and Federal County Officials-- to receive assets in behalf of the living people
    and the unincorporated states; she has also been informed that there is no
    agreement on the part of the lawful beneficiaries allowing the World Bank/IBRD/IMF
    to use our gold to pay for, buy back, or otherwise collateralize Federal Reserve
    Notes, United States Notes, or any other private bank script;
    The Board of Governors and Executive Directors have ten (10) days plus three days
    mailing time from the mailing date of this Final Notice to rebut the truth of the five
    (5) statements above, or they shall stand as Truth in Commerce and self-enforcing
    international law creating an effective and collectible commercial obligation lien
    against the Global Debt Facility, the World Bank/IBRD, and International Monetary
    Fund/ IMF for the assets valued at $370 billion United States Dollars and interest
    due, payable immediately in full, as well as establishing our collateral claim on the
    land assets of the Continental United States owed to the United Colonies and the
    States of America however these assets may now be represented, defined, en-titled
    or accounted and in the possession of the respective banks;
    We have specifically directed Ms. Hudes that it is our Will to use our gold to back our
    own national currency, the actual United States Dollar, defined as one ounce of fine
    silver, and that General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr., is hereby appointed to act as our
    Fiduciary Deputy in this matter and is uniquely enabled to receive the gold, titles,
    and other assets owed to the American people and is obligated to safely convey and
    secure these assets for our intended use by his receipt of them;
    We note that the Federal United States and the UNITED STATES are in Commercial
    and Administrative Default with respect to us and our estates and we specifically give
    Notice to the Board of Governors and the Board of Executive Directors of the World
    Bank/IBRD and to the International Monetary Fund/IMF of this fact. There can be no
    presumption against us nor against our organic united states nor our unincorporated
    States of America, no claim that we stand as sureties in behalf of any incorporated
    entity and no assumption of contract, and our receipt of any gold under this or any
    other distribution in no way removes, releases or impairs our claim to these or any
    other or additional assets or remedies we are owed;
    We have been the victims of institutionalized fiduciary trust fraud and criminal
    Breach of Trust which must now be addressed. The Members of Congress who have
    voted themselves and their own plenary government a “dollar for dollar” fixed
    exchange rate for private bank notes, that is, Federal Reserve Notes --- I.O.U’s ---as
    pretended equitable exchange for our actual United States Dollars defined as one
    ounce of pure silver, have acted in breach of trust and contempt of the Constitution;
    their inequitable claims, acts, and debts stand null and void, ab initio, repudiated as
    odious debt accrued as the result of purposeful constructive fraud;
    Any bank that continues to exchange “Federal Reserve Notes” for actual assets upon
    the presumption that the American people and the American states are standing as
    surety, or presumes that the American people are willingly engaged in this fraud,
    acts as an accomplice to gross constructive fraud and breach of trust imposed by
    monopoly inducement practiced against the innocent American people and their
    organic states on the land. Any court or international organization extending
    bankruptcy protection to the Federal Reserve is similarly supporting and participating
    in this same fraud;
    A Declaration of Joint Sovereignty has been issued by the States of America and
    Indigenous Tribal Governments of the Native American Nations and addressed to the
    United Nations, together with updated Sovereign Letters Patent. More than 500
    million United States Silver Dollars remain in circulation, all fifty (50) unincorporated
    States of America are in operation, an estimated 360 million Americans claim their
    lawful birthright political status as organic states of the union and free sovereign and
    independent people of the United States; they are all beneficiaries and heirs and are
    owed their complete inheritance plus return of all donations held in trust, free and
    clear of any debt, lien, encumbrance or presumption of contract or presumption of
    debt assumption. Any claim that the free sovereign and independent people of the
    United States are “stateless” is unconscionable and this Notice of the fact has been
    This Final Notice of Commercial Obligation Lien is issued upon this Fourth Day of
    January in the year 2016 for the causes enumerated by the living heirs and
    beneficiaries known as Anna Maria Riezinger and James Clinton Belcher from without
    the United States, without representation, claiming their natural political status as
    free sovereign and independent people of the United States and as organic states of
    the union having reached the age of majority, being of sound mind and body, not
    indigent, not bankrupt, not penniless, not needy, and by no other means nor manner
    incapacitated, limited, obligated or under duress of any kind; we direct the trustees
    of the World Bank/IBRD and International Monetary Fund/IMF to immediately settle
    and balance all accounts and return all American gold and collateral assets owed to
    the American people upon release to General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr., upon his
    acceptance of it as our appointed Fiduciary Deputy, for use as collateral backing our
    actual money, the United States Silver Dollar, defined as one ounce of pure silver.
    As natural heirs and beneficiaries we specifically forbid any misuse of our gold to
    benefit any foreign central bank or incorporated governmental services corporation
    and forbid the release of our gold to any organization or individual who does not owe
    us full duty as our specifically appointed Fiduciary Deputy obligated to act in our
    behalf and according to our instruction as a condition of his receipt of our assets. So
    we depose and say finally that Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents and Notice to
    Agents is Notice to Principals, whereupon we have set our Signatures and Seals as
    Witness to our Will in this matter:
    ______________________________seal________________ _by Anna Maria
    Riezinger, beneficiary, one of the “free sovereign and independent people of the
    United States”, non-negotiable autograph, all rights reserved.
    ______________________________seal________________ _by James Clinton
    Belcher, beneficiary, one of the “free sovereign and independent people of the United
    States”, non-negotiable autograph, all rights reserved.
    General Joseph F.Dunford, Jr.
    John Forbes Kerry, Secretary of State
    Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations
    See this article and over 100 others on Anna's website

  2. #2
    Senior Member United States
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    Supposedly, this is the basis for the so-called Global Reset, which is supposedly happening now.

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