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I went to medical school and I know of no cases of immaculate conception so forgive me if I balk at that idea. It hasn't happened to reference it as a reality. No one can cite an example other than myth so its not real. The other thing that makes hesitate this morning is the video of the supposed holy man in India that doesn't eat. I mediated on that and my telepathy sees two men, under the ground behind and below that tree the boy sits in. Quite clearly there are other men involved in something here under this tree involving deception. That is all I'm saying about that boy but my ESP sees deception there. Scratch that one in my book but the rest of this thread has my interest. Thanks Jonanna I don't see it quite clearly but more like the way my grandmother told me which was more clear cut.
Part of my bias is that I have heard these stories before. In fact great excitement came to me at first because I had not heard some of these tales since my grandmother told them and some elder uncles. I want to say that my family has similar stories passed down verbally and later in writing that my grandmother, aunts and uncles all had. I was given a book by my grandmother also that covers some of this. It adds up and makes sense in many ways now but my story differs in places. I had planned to explain that some but I wanted to get my ducks in a row better first. I do remember my grandparents concern that some parts of the story were too 'adult' to be around so us kids were ordered out at those times but I don't think it was regarding succeed or any of that but more about the sin of wasting seed. It was a sin to just throw it away apparently. Its a mortal sin to jack off in the Catholic church the same way by the way.
For example in one story it talks of how whites were created and its not quite the same as what we've heard but similar. Then stories of the from 7 years old an on, well my family told of some of this also not regarding quite the same stimulus but sun and other such things and grandmother seems to hold great favor to the old stories regarding the first brown peoples with beards and how they had to escape and got ice locked in and separated away from the rest of the planet and were caught in the aurora borealis for eons where it changed them over time into golden hair white people of the snow. When the ice melted and these people could finally come forth the original people that they stemmed from that had been brown were gone, they only resembled them in physical stature, build shape, beards and so on but were white. These came forth after the others died and then these new ones finally freed mingled once more with those they once mingled before that were brown, but now the original group was white and the amnesia set in. It goes on, but I don't want to conflict. Or friction things, I just want to pick it apart piece by piece to understand the people, their needs and the story better.