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Thread: Root language and esoteric numerology

  1. #61
    Senior Member Jengelen's Avatar
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    I went to medical school and I know of no cases of immaculate conception so forgive me if I balk at that idea. It hasn't happened to reference it as a reality. No one can cite an example other than myth so its not real. The other thing that makes hesitate this morning is the video of the supposed holy man in India that doesn't eat. I mediated on that and my telepathy sees two men, under the ground behind and below that tree the boy sits in. Quite clearly there are other men involved in something here under this tree involving deception. That is all I'm saying about that boy but my ESP sees deception there. Scratch that one in my book but the rest of this thread has my interest. Thanks Jonanna I don't see it quite clearly but more like the way my grandmother told me which was more clear cut.

    Part of my bias is that I have heard these stories before. In fact great excitement came to me at first because I had not heard some of these tales since my grandmother told them and some elder uncles. I want to say that my family has similar stories passed down verbally and later in writing that my grandmother, aunts and uncles all had. I was given a book by my grandmother also that covers some of this. It adds up and makes sense in many ways now but my story differs in places. I had planned to explain that some but I wanted to get my ducks in a row better first. I do remember my grandparents concern that some parts of the story were too 'adult' to be around so us kids were ordered out at those times but I don't think it was regarding succeed or any of that but more about the sin of wasting seed. It was a sin to just throw it away apparently. Its a mortal sin to jack off in the Catholic church the same way by the way.

    For example in one story it talks of how whites were created and its not quite the same as what we've heard but similar. Then stories of the from 7 years old an on, well my family told of some of this also not regarding quite the same stimulus but sun and other such things and grandmother seems to hold great favor to the old stories regarding the first brown peoples with beards and how they had to escape and got ice locked in and separated away from the rest of the planet and were caught in the aurora borealis for eons where it changed them over time into golden hair white people of the snow. When the ice melted and these people could finally come forth the original people that they stemmed from that had been brown were gone, they only resembled them in physical stature, build shape, beards and so on but were white. These came forth after the others died and then these new ones finally freed mingled once more with those they once mingled before that were brown, but now the original group was white and the amnesia set in. It goes on, but I don't want to conflict. Or friction things, I just want to pick it apart piece by piece to understand the people, their needs and the story better.
    Last edited by Jengelen, 10th December 2015 at 12:33.

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  3. #62
    Senior Member Joanna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Jengelen View Post
    I went to medical school and I know of no cases of immaculate conception so forgive me if I balk at that idea. It hasn't happened to reference it as a reality. No one can cite an example other than myth so its not real. The other thing that makes hesitate this morning is the video of the supposed holy man in India that doesn't eat. I mediated on that and my telepathy sees two men, under the ground behind and below that tree the boy sits in. Quite clearly there are other men involved in something here under this tree involving deception. That is all I'm saying about that boy but my ESP sees deception there. Scratch that one in my book but the rest of this thread has my interest. Thanks Jonanna I don't see it quite clearly but more like the way my grandmother told me which was more clear cut.

    Part of my bias is that I have heard these stories before. In fact great excitement came to me at first because I had not heard some of these tales since my grandmother told them and some elder uncles. I want to say that my family has similar stories passed down verbally and later in writing that my grandmother, aunts and uncles all had. I was given a book by my grandmother also that covers some of this. It adds up and makes sense in many ways now but my story differs in places. I had planned to explain that some but I wanted to get my ducks in a row better first. I do remember my grandparents concern that some parts of the story were too 'adult' to be around so us kids were ordered out at those times but I don't think it was regarding succeed or any of that but more about the sin of wasting seed. It was a sin to just throw it away apparently. Its a mortal sin to jack off in the Catholic church the same way by the way.

    For example in one story it talks of how whites were created and its not quite the same as what we've heard but similar. Then stories of the from 7 years old an on, well my family told of some of this also not regarding quite the same stimulus but sun and other such things and grandmother seems to hold great favor to the old stories regarding the first brown peoples with beards and how they had to escape and got ice locked in and separated away from the rest of the planet and were caught in the aurora borealis for eons where it changed them over time into golden hair white people of the snow. When the ice melted and these people could finally come forth the original people that they stemmed from that had been brown were gone, they only resembled them in physical stature, build shape, beards and so on but were white. These came forth after the others died and then these new ones finally freed mingled once more with those they once mingled before that were brown, but now the original group was white and the amnesia set in. It goes on, but I don't want to conflict. Or friction things, I just want to pick it apart piece by piece to understand the people, their needs and the story better.
    No one can cite an example other than myth so its not real.

    That statement of what is 'permitted' within or without the boundaries of 'the real', Jengelen, is a little ironic, given the story you have shared about human race origins...which is a story, yet you're interested in looking into the possible 'reality' of it. Whether someone can cite an example of something in 3D reality is irrelevant to my sense of 'real', and by what parameters the real is allowed to be defined.
    Obviously I'm speaking from a metaphysical viewpoint - but I also did first year med school and recall reading something about self fertilization in human women. It's so long ago I can't remember who the researcher was, and have just searched online, but didn't see anything related there. From a medical point of view, the people who could potentially self fertilize (other than egg fusion) would be hermaphrodites and chimera.
    Bear in mind that the 'medically impossible' does happen...and also that what is considered possible/impossible changes in medicine over defining criteria of 'the real' by what is known now in 3D medicine or science is rather arbitrary....

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  5. #63
    Senior Member United States Maggie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Jengelen View Post
    I want to say that my family has similar stories passed down verbally and later in writing that my grandmother, aunts and uncles all had. I was given a book by my grandmother also that covers some of this. It adds up and makes sense in many ways now but my story differs in places. I had planned to explain that some but I wanted to get my ducks in a row better first.
    I am looking forward to the knowledge passed to you within your family!

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  7. #64
    Senior Member United States Maggie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Joanna View Post
    Jengelen, if 'holy water' is being equated with body fluids that create immunity, then mother's milk could be seen as the holy water - especially as breast milk of all mammals and humans passes on the mother's antibodies to their infant, which builds their immune system...

    To my intuition, there are truths and distortions in the Bock material...but, I also do not see/feel the sperm to egg relationship as 'parasitic'. One could just as well say the fertilized egg has a parasitic relation to the mother's womb, feeding off her body to build itself - when at the deepest level, it is pure Love, and sacred creation via a sacred act in material form.

    Immaculate conception and self-fertilization aren't the same thing. Self-fertilization is one form of immaculate conception, and it is known in human women. However, self-fertilization ie: egg fusion (two eggs released and combining in the womb) can only produce girls, as there are no Y chromosomes, only doubled X.
    Bees (thanks to Maggie for bringing this up on another thread) were considered divine into the medieval period, because they were thought to reproduce via the Queen Bee's parthenogenesis (self fertilization). If that were so, there would be no male bees, however.
    In the Greek and Roman myths, Juno/Hera conceived the god Mars/Ares by parthenogenetic conception, fertilizing herself with a Lily. (If you look back on this thread, I posted a picture of Assur/Ashur hovering above the Asherah Tree - feminine tree of life - with a Lily-headed arrow drawn in his bow. This is about sacred conception, flowing through the lifestream, through the Ash-e-Ra, the Source tree of divine Light.

    This is echoed in the visitation to Mary by the Archangel Gabriel, carrying the Lily of the Anunciation - in some medieval versions, he holds the Lily to her ear, and she conceives Jesus by hearing the word of God...the sound of creation, entering through her ear...

    The name 'Mary' is connected to water. Latin 'mare', French 'mer' etc for the sea. Water is a Yin element (feminine) in both western and eastern cultures - life starts and grows within water, the amniotic fluid sac within the womb, the vessel of the water. Sumeria and Samaria are names connected to ancient 'mother goddess' dwelling places.

    Feel 'the Spirit moved upon the Waters' in this context, and it is not about worship of, or ritual use of, sexual body fluids, but a recognition of the sacred vibrational nature of creation (which is all about intent and levels of frequency rather than any 'right physical methodology', though of course intent and levels of frequency reflect into physical).
    From an 'Ascension' point of view, immaculate conception - or inception - of our own higher vibrational selves into our physical cells is what we are collectively undertaking at this time...this is also the meaning (or one of them) of the Caduceus symbol...the double-spiralled wand is the descent of higher frequency 'life' into and through the double helix of the DNA.

    Thanks for this post!

    Yes, the egg IS treated as a foreign invader by the mother's body. That is one of the most mysterious aspects I recall of biology.

    The physical coming together of two DIFFERENT lines of switched on or off/imprinted/ active DNA is going to lead to larger variety of expression of the child. That is IMO completely helpful to body development. IMO "self fertilization" (which I think is possible) would be more limiting to the genetic expression than the possibilities two bring?

    Some of the latest info I have seen shows that the egg actually unlocks a gate for the chosen sperm. It is not an invasion.

    Feel 'the Spirit moved upon the Waters' in this context, and it is not about worship of, or ritual use of, sexual body fluids, but a recognition of the sacred vibrational nature of creation (which is all about intent and levels of frequency rather than any 'right physical methodology', though of course intent and levels of frequency reflect into physical).
    From an 'Ascension' point of view, immaculate conception - or inception - of our own higher vibrational selves into our physical cells is what we are collectively undertaking at this time...this is also the meaning (or one of them) of the Caduceus symbol...the double-spiralled wand is the descent of higher frequency 'life' into and through the double helix of the DNA.
    This is so beautifully put!
    If we are fractal, perhaps we see iterations of the same principles in various ways. If ALL physical fluids express the vibrational frequency of life, then none are "waste" but have a proper "place".
    Would the sharing of body fluids bring greater power to the process of possibility in fertilizing as described by Bock???
    I do not know???

    But even if I don't know, I suspect treating the body and all its workings as wHoley automatically changes our frequency.
    Thanks, Maggie

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  9. #65
    Senior Member Jengelen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Maggie View Post
    I am looking forward to the knowledge passed to you within your family!
    I am not sure where to put that. I have videos but I made them only for my son and they are unlisted. If the OP will forgive I'll slip in some highlights. It is on topic tho.

    Our tale says that due to dwindling numbers for total population that 13th and 14 and 15th sons were common during the immediate aftermath of the burning of our paradise as well as after those that escaped went north. The clan that survived went farther north and eventually ice locked themselves into the Auroa Borealis for 50,000 plus years.

    They relied on warm waters coming up until it did cause the flood that wiped the scab lands and bad lands of America clean and much of the rest as well as much of Europe. This freed those that turned white with golden hair in the north who came down and landed on a mountain near a cave. They then attempted to pick back up but were unable to counter the already growing Etruscan influence as well as Vatican before it was known as such.

    Our tale says that the people of our clan have a mark and that if a child male or female is born with at first orange hair at birth, with bright blue eyes, and when inconjunction with these markers if they have the birth mark and not just the mark but in a specific place in a specific shape and if their hair later after a year or slightly more turns golden these are the child carrying the gift.

    I am one such child in my family. At an early age I was separated from my father and he did not raise me, and I did not raise my son for the same reason. Then in the same light my family through tradition which I can't really explain, I'd like to but they tell me no, but those with the marks that are deemed the one to carry the family honor forward are told that at some point in their life they will exhibit certain of these things occur. One of those was astral travel. When I was still very young my grandfather died. That evening after his death he came to me in the astral and took me from my body.

    We went around the block speaking and very little was remembered but he said it was time to receive my nature gift fully. This opened me. I was never shut again and to this day pop out not by my control, it just happens but I see, hear, walk through doors, fly. I rarely talk about it or the next thing I share. I have horns. Well, as warned these things show up in our family. Night paralysis, night terrors, astral waking on the ceiling thinking you died, dreaming you are walking and you jump and then keep going passing the moon and more and its very scary. The other things are scaly patches that can show, which I do not have. And when all the other factors are present, not always one can tho rare, develop horns. Mine are concealed by my hair. I am told by my private doctor that in time they will have to be taken down if I wish to continue to hide them under my very convenient full head of hair! Thick hair too thank God! My son is now developing this. Which is why I have shared the videos with him to carry it forward. His two sons have the same mark only neither have turned golden hair at old enough to matter so it looks good for them so far. At least no horns for them.

    Please don't pry. This is a sensitive area for my family. Other difference in our story is that there is tales of boys and girls in India being taught from 7 on to please each other not themselves. They were not allowed intercourse until time to make a baby in the 'proper' way but they brought each other to orgasm often in our tale. This was one of things in our story that made the Vatican take action to do something. They saw this and it was reported back. This was the beginning of the end and it was another 13th son that did this in India, confused things in Egypt and before that Hittite empire and before that the age into the ice was upon them having taken the paradise time of 24 hour sun in the north and twisted it to six months sun six months dark. Our story seems to indicate that the brown people escaped to become the first golden hair people that showed up on mount herman with the animals and seeds, ability to graft and grow trees using roots of surviving trees and more.

    We also have nearly the exact same thing about the pele and the pelu or monkey and the goat and in fact our records show that some in my family going back had horns and were greatly revered for it. Apparently even the queen bowed before these guys. The family of my father has a geneology to beat all. I kid you not when I saw it I could not believe the size. It goes back as far as I want to look. I really am amazed at that kind of record keeping but truthfully what kind of family does that but one that was at one time Earls. We are not Earls now. Our story tells of how we were bumped and how an agreement was made that the 'hand' would stand down. The Red Hand was our shield, emblem apparently? I don't know, maybe just one family but whatever it was agreed, survivors got away because our story says that after the agreement was signed with the Vatican the Vatican pope ordered the deaths of those that signed so they had no intention of saving any of them.

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  11. #66
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    Our tale also says the sun made a yoke ball of yellow spermia inside with all the seeds of life. That this also was filled and surrounded by a salty water sak and that the ball floated out. The sun admired it for a time and pulled it near to warm it to burst. Then the ball sak of water broke free and was held in place by the hard shell and so life started and the land and seas formed.

    Our tale says the rays of the sun near the shore shown on the water and life saks burst in all sizes coming forth with new green life. This algae green spread to land and sea and the planet was green.

    In time one plant one day moved. First it struggled to climb and then swim. Then it was a biting stinging plant that grew and learned and it began to sense.

    This learning plant found its way free to swim, where it developed appendages to propel itself and in time this learning plant that now swims became swimming amphibs and from this eating fish, and eating eels with gills. These rose up from the waters leaving to the land developing lungs to breath and some grew wings of feathers mutated from scales and feathers became hair, and as above so below all manner of hairy animals, and feathered animals and scaly animals grew and learned.

    The snake became the fish, and the eel became the apes. The snakes grew legs and some grew feathers and the snake with legs ran and the snake with wings flew. The birds became real. This was the paradise times. In time the ape with legs stood, and in time this came to meet a goat. This goat said BAAAAKKKK and the ape put its pepe in the pepu of the goat.

    Our tale says as this took place the sun changed! This conscious shift of the sun during the pregnancy of the goat made first man. First man was Fray with horns, and his sister Fraya the pure. The rest matches pretty much Jim's story almost scary how close.

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  13. #67
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    Quote Originally posted by Jengelen View Post
    What of the succeed statement and word origins? (suck-seed-suc-ceed reference) Thanks
    Succeed only sounds like "Suck seed" because of modern English suffix conjugations and homophones.

    The root word of succeed is "Cede" as to be given or to be next. Not seed or the implied semen.
    The suffix "Sub" when conjugated next to "c" becomes a "suc" ~~( the consonant pair "bc" is unpronounceable without a vowel in between )
    Sub + Cede = Suc cede = succeed

    [ suspect has a similar "Sub" conjugation of Sub + Spectate (to see) = suspect ( to hold a viewpoint ) ]

    In the root language "suck" is spelled with a "G" which becomes evident if you look at the old Germanic and old Norse or proto-Indoeuropean.

    The root breakdown:
    S - Snake
    U - Urn
    G - mouth ( to gulp )

    Sug = to gulp on to the "urn" of mouth. Metaphysical definition of "suck."
    Origin of the word Suggest. To gesture with the urn of the mouth.

    I won't comment on your grandparents stories as this is getting a little off topic here. But I thank you for the star charts and your explanations of them.
    Last edited by Novusod, 10th December 2015 at 21:03.

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  15. #68
    Senior Member United States Maggie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Novusod View Post

    I won't comment on your grandparents stories as this is getting a little off topic here. But I thank you for the star charts and your explanations of them.
    Maybe a new thread might be interesting from Jengelen.

    I don't want to take the thread off course either.

    from my limited study of secondary sources about Egyptians of Zep Tepi's "time", the multileveled meanings given of written symbols is a recurrent theme.
    People with 360degree senses were groking several levels of comprehension at once.

    can we greb some sense back now?

    PERHAPS at one or another juncture of near extinction, perception was drastically impaired. In some ways it is a folding of the fan. The fan was compressed to seek attention on an environment that was altered.

    I also think it important to recall that we also still "feel" everything on all levels, we just cannot participate in all the levels. That is what I consider the play of our individual shadow (what we project on the screen) onto what is real. There is that dark barrier of our perception capacity through which the light (and sound, the original true "tone") breaks through throwing out scenes as patterns. We interpret patterns the best we can.

    There are Universal geometries but a symbol may take on an interpretation that can be very un-natural.
    Experience can be variously interpreted.
    IMO, we have been playing something out, something that IS on its way out.
    It's our interpretation that has the sense of choking us. Our perception as we interpret it took on some memes created in the collective IMO for some reason but no longer appropriate. Our interpretations can be very ignorant.
    We are questioning our interpretation.

    I have faith in an ultimate teleology of consciousness expanding (that Creator is not separate from creation and we are within creation for a reason we participate in always) that is all for the sake of goodness. We forgot to remember this fact of our necessary purpose of We eternal beings to be present in this experience IMO.

    The barrier that blocks touching reality seems our experience of Kali Yuga where we are covered over in materiality?
    Then there is the possibility we can create in matter if one is NOT the matter itself. But one needs the larger perception to make the point stick.
    The perception is narrowed to see just the barrier and forgetting what we are seeing is a pattern WE cast on the holographic screen between us and the light.

    On the subject of what this thread is discussing, There are meanings attached to sound. If the sound is the original, if frequency goes higher and lower and vibration speeds or slows, IMO that creates the pattern.

    The interpretation of what the pattern means?
    Last edited by Maggie, 11th December 2015 at 07:56.

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  17. #69
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    Maggie said:

    The physical coming together of two DIFFERENT lines of switched on or off/imprinted/ active DNA is going to lead to larger variety of expression of the child. That is IMO completely helpful to body development. IMO "self fertilization" (which I think is possible) would be more limiting to the genetic expression than the possibilities two bring?

    Maggie, that is undoubtedly true of self-fertilization....but not of interdimensional or transdimensional 'immaculate' conception. You just reminded me of a passage in Drunvalo Melchizedek's 'Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life', which I quoted in this post about RNA/DNA and immaculate conception. He ended with these words:

    "So I started reading everything I could find on the
    subject. The more I read, the more amazing it became.
    If you want to take the subject further, go ahead. You may find that
    having a baby can be a doorway into immortality. If you really do love
    someone and that person really loves you—if the love between you is true
    love—then you may have another option available, in terms of ascension,
    through sacred marriage and interdimensional conception. Through your
    union you re-create the living holy trinity on Earth."

    And I agree, treating your body as a Wholey Temple is a great start.

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  19. #70
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    The letter V is the vibration of Heaven
    Universal sound of vibration air: Ven Vah.

    Divine Intervention: "Hands up Don't shoot"
    Stronger than bullets.
    When is the last time you ever saw an angry mob suddenly start holding hands and singing while trigger happy cops lowered their weapons?

    Hands up was a sign of non aggression since the earliest days of antiquity. Hands to Heaven "Hallelujah" was the original way to pray. To kill someone while in a state of prayer like this had enormous consequences for the higher self. It would be seen as an attack on heaven itself.

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  21. #71
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    The skies were being filled with trails yesterday. They made a V that stretched nearly across the sky.

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  23. #72
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    Quote Originally posted by Dreamtimer View Post
    The skies were being filled with trails yesterday. They made a V that stretched nearly across the sky.
    Makes me think there were "V" shaped trails in the ancient skys as well. The word for prehistoric aircraft was Vimanas.

    Funny how modern science still can't even figure out why birds fly in "V" formation while the ancients understood it perfectly. It is completely metaphysical ie vibrational. The vibration of air is V shaped as one of the sounds of creation.


    Even cave men knew that an arrow head had to be "V" shaped to fly straight.
    Last edited by Novusod, 14th December 2015 at 21:32.

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  25. #73
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    Sorry for the delay but I but I finally had some time to make the next letter card.

    The letter W is for wise woman ( double vv for double virgin )
    The universal sound of W is the sound of the womb: woooom wooom woooom

    Sound of the womb:

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  27. #74
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    The letter X is the sound of wood. Tables, squeaky floors, boats, carts, boxes.

    XBOX is named after ancient knowledge. Very clever Microsoft.

    In the root language an "Ox" is a wheeled box. The animal is named after the cart that it pulled.

    Last edited by Novusod, 24th April 2017 at 08:06.

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  29. #75
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    I see some connection of v and w , from your posts, is there more interaction ?.

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