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Thread: If You Think These Bubbles All Over Holland Are Unique, Wait Till You See The Inside.

  1. #1
    Tot Founder England The One's Avatar
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    If You Think These Bubbles All Over Holland Are Unique, Wait Till You See The Inside.

    There are many different ways that people live in our world today. Some people need expansive homes with tons of space and lots of amenities to be happy. Others are perfectly content converting a van or a bus into mobile home. Alternative housing is something that many people and even governments around the world have experimented with before. In the 1980's, the Dutch government granted a large subsidy to the municipality of ‘s-Hertogenbosch situated north-west of Eindhoven. They had the idea to create "experimental living" spaces that were designed by architect Dries Kreijkamp. He is said to have wanted to create "the optimal experience of nature in all its facets". I'm not sure how these go about doing that, but they are extremely interesting nonetheless. Check out the crazy bubble house, you may realize it's everything you've ever wanted.

    These extremely unique homes offer a very different style of living than what most people are used too. They even come with parking!

    It really is like a neighborhood here. Except instead of houses, people are living in what amounts to giant golfballs.

    The massive windows that dot the structures do offer a feeling of closeness with nature that would be very cool.

    The layout for the bubble house is pretty awesome if I do say so myself. This would be perfect for a single person home.

    These circular windows do provide a pretty great view. Though I don't like how everyone else seems to be able to see into your house.

    The bathroom may not be big, but if you are choosing to live in a house like this, you can't really expect much.

    This bedroom looks extremely cozy. I love the shelving right next to the bed.

    The natural light that these big circular windows let in is pretty spectacular. Having this kind of view in your living room would be amazing.

    This small of a space would definitely be an adjustment for many people in the United States. I personally find this type of living a little more comfortable.

    The design of these unique houses may not be appealing to everyone. I really like how small of a footprint they create on the environment though. For a single person, this is plenty of space for whatever you need or want. It still feels like a very cozy home at the same time. I would really love to find a house like this someday.

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  2. The Following 14 Users Say Thank You to The One For This Useful Post:

    Aianawa (10th November 2015), Aragorn (9th November 2015), Black Panther (11th November 2015), bsbray (10th November 2015), Dreamtimer (10th November 2015), Frances (9th November 2015), gord (9th November 2015), JByas (12th November 2015), Joanna (10th November 2015), lookbeyond (12th November 2015), modwiz (9th November 2015), pointessa (10th November 2015), reno (10th November 2015), sandy (10th November 2015)

  3. #2
    Senior Member Jengelen's Avatar
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    They do have their appeal but I will say that the older I get the less and less I like steps! I'm very glad that I have a single level home today because I can tell you when I visit my brother's or sister's house I get pretty tired of the stairs right quick. In fact I venture to say that if I lived there it would be just a matter of time before one of us falls down them or up depending.

  4. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Jengelen For This Useful Post:

    Aianawa (10th November 2015), Aragorn (9th November 2015), lookbeyond (12th November 2015)

  5. #3
    (account terminated)
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    many things are possible including white bubble-homes.
    I also name it white submarine versus we all live in a yellow submarine:

    But I prefere this ones:
    Last edited by Aragorn, 10th November 2015 at 16:41. Reason: fixed your video links ;)

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to scibuster For This Useful Post:

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  7. #4
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    Quote Originally posted by Jengelen View Post
    They do have their appeal but I will say that the older I get the less and less I like steps! I'm very glad that I have a single level home today because I can tell you when I visit my brother's or sister's house I get pretty tired of the stairs right quick. In fact I venture to say that if I lived there it would be just a matter of time before one of us falls down them or up depending.
    Agreed Jengelen, however they are perfect for young singles just starting out with limited funds, i know my teenagers would love to start out living in one of these!

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to lookbeyond For This Useful Post:

    Elen (20th November 2015)

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