I've been wanting to start this thread for a long time...More and more I'm seeing signs of change that uplift my spirits because I know I'm witnessing a new reality shaping before our very eyes. Can you feel it? Are you noticing too? The purpose of this thread is to post positive articles that re-enforce changes taking place within our reality that promote a new foundation of higher vibrational behavior. The indications are present suggesting we are living in a time of Renaissance. But this time around it's a Renaissance of the collective and not the individual. It is a rebirth, a revival of humanity making different choices which in turn will catapult society in a new direction.
ren·ais·sance (rĕn′ĭ-säns′, -zäns′, rĭ-nā′səns)
1. A rebirth or revival.
2. Renaissance
a. The humanistic revival of classical art, architecture, literature, and learning that originated in Italy in the 14th century and later spread throughout Europe.
b. The period of this revival, roughly the 14th through the 16th century, marking the transition from medieval to modern times.
3. often Renaissance
a. A revival of intellectual or artistic achievement and vigor: the Celtic Renaissance.
b. The period of such a revival.
adj. Renaissance
1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of the Renaissance or its artistic and intellectual works and styles.
2. Of or being the style of architecture and decoration, based on classical models, that originated in Italy in the 14th century and continued throughout Europe up to the end of the 16th century.
Are you tired of living in world of fear? Than may I humbly suggest you can help by supporting some of the concepts which will be promoted within this thread. Vote with your dollars by reinforcing those who are stepping up to make a difference. And if you happen to be one who is endowed with good fortune, consider creating similar concepts in your own community. Do the best you can to stand behind businesses which promote the reality you want to live in. I see great opportunities to recreate a new foundation. It's a matter of looking at the old and making it better with a 'heart-centered' approach. I hope this thread offers ideas to inspire and motivate others to help influence a future foundation built on love and peace.
One more thing before I post some examples....Not too long ago I noticed in my own reincarnation case that we were going backwards! This was reinforced again by another researcher I contacted who had independently come to the same conclusion as myself and had noticed the same in his own reincarnation cases. Which matches what I said long ago, "The past is your future."
You too will begin to observe the 'backwards phenomenon' is some of these articles.....When you start to research advanced civilizations from long ago, these can offer clues to what you're future may become! I see many business opportunities just waiting to be re-discovered(Notice I didn't say 'discovered',...why? because you're going backwards)! Please join me in thought by posting links to articles you come across that demonstrate a shift, a rebirth of ideas that help build a future based on a foundation of higher vibrational contributions. May this thread endow you with hope that a new reality is just around the horizon.
One of the biggest hurdles for humanity is the financial sector. I've already posted this story once before, but feel it's suited for this thread as it's a sign that we're starting to 'come around.' I thought this article was exciting and it's the first I've seen offering promising potential and momentum towards dealing with our monetary debacle.
"Jesus College, Cambridge hosted, once more, the world’s leading Symposium on Economic Crime, and over 500 distinguished speakers and panelists drawn from the widest possible international fora, gathered to make presentations to the many hundreds of delegates and attendees.
What became very quickly clear this year was the general sense of deep disgust and repugnance that was demonstrated towards the global banking industry.
I can say with some degree of certainty now that a very large number of academics, law enforcement agencies, and financial compliance consultants are now joined, as one, in their total condemnation of significant elements of the global banking sector for their organized criminal activities.
Many banks are widely identified now as nothing more than enterprise criminal organizations, who engage in widespread criminal practice and dishonest conduct as a matter of course and deliberate commercial policy."