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Thread: Well, I pray that Dr. Simon or Corey Goode is correct, otherwise, we're TOAST!

  1. #1
    Senior Member United States RikkiTikkiTavi's Avatar
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    Well, I pray that Dr. Simon or Corey Goode is correct, otherwise, we're TOAST!

    Ever hear of "The Clathrate 'Smoking Gun'"? I hadn't heard of it until watching the following YouTube video (more links at the video page);


    We most definitely could use some ET help I would say. Or, at the least some suppressed technology released that can counter the affects!
    Look beyond what you see and see beyond what you saw.

    Perfection is an infinite flux of disproportionate change.

    Do We Take Time? Do We Make Time? Do We Waste Time?

    Or, Do We Give Time?

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  3. #2
    Senior Member United States RUSirius's Avatar
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    Sure, n.f.g, I don't suppose pitchforks and torches would be an effective defense?

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  5. #3
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    This video looks like fear mongering to me.

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  7. #4
    Senior Member United States Gretchen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Vimana View Post
    This video looks like fear mongering to me.
    I watched a few segments of it and I thought the same.

    Thank you, but it's much better for me to direct my attention toward positive outcomes and the positives I want to manifest in the world than to dwell in fear porn.
    Yet a new avatar, "Doorway to the Stars" by artist Josephine is a beautiful old song by the Youngbloods.......Love is but a song we sing.....Fear's the way we die.....You can make the mountains ring....Or make the angels cry.....Though the bird is on the wing.....And you may not know why....Come on, people now....Smile on your brother....Everybody get together...Try to love one another right now......

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  9. #5
    Senior Member Morocco modwiz's Avatar
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    Only we can save ourselves and that is how it is. ET looks at a world where less than 1% hold 99% percent under their spell. It isn't even a fair fight but, we manage to be losing. From their perspective they have to wonder about the viability of humans. A species unwilling to defend itself is not very viable. All other arguments are emotional BS. It is 99 to 1 and the 99% have weapons as well. Humanity is its own worst enemy and until that is realized, we are toast.

    The 1% do not depend on weapons they depend on welfare to keep others under control. Part of viability is understanding how one earns their own keep. "Evil" pharmaceutical are kept thriving by a populace that won't even manage its health. If drug companies stopped providing their toxic chemicals for a month, people would beg them to provide them. A sickly population is dependent on them. Fork in mouth disease is one of the main culprits.

    People need to grasp the reality of their complicity in their wretched lives. It is painful to watch but, even more painful to hear about needing outside rescue. I know many think the BRICS nations are the same old shit but, they represent the only real hope we have..........unless we finally wake up. Humanity must, by cosmic reckoning, rescue itself and there is such a movement taking place, though the beneficiaries are mainly clueless about that too. Many even call it the new boss, same as the old boss. It is more like the ignorance is a constant. The whining gets tedious.

    Since my view is likely not welcomed, after rebutting the goofiness of this thread I will take my leave of it. No sense beating a dumb horse. For those who think my compassion is missing I will remind people I have been a vegetarian for 25 years because those animals are true victims and not responsible for the horrid lives where death is the only kindness they get. No, the culprits are the consumers of the products. The ones waiting for ET to save them. Talk about a disconnect.
    Last edited by modwiz, 23rd July 2015 at 07:31.
    "To learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" -- Voltaire

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  10. The Following 16 Users Say Thank You to modwiz For This Useful Post:

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  11. #6
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    I gotta be honest with you Modwiz, 99% maybe 5 years ago, imo nowadays it feels around the 15% mark AAAAnd we imo have a very very high vibrating 1% per cent now. Plenty of time for people to continue awaking.

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  13. #7
    Senior Member Ireland
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    I agree, i think it should be the awakened populace versus the elite as 99% doesnt count when they are not aware of whats going on around them, some of the 99% support the 1% as they still cant see whats going on. It will be a different story when more wake up

  14. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to sarahdita85 For This Useful Post:

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  15. #8
    Senior Member Jengelen's Avatar
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    Pretty sure the masses are going to need a lot more than circumstantial evidence before any of them sway over. The tales of blue avians are all nice but no proof. Not a single shread of proof. They say a galactic wave is coming. Well, I have professional friends that are astronomers and none them seem to know it about this and they are Doctors also! So I don't see any proof of this energy wave, or the blue spheres of giant size and I can't find anyone to say they have actually confirmed this except for DW and his word is not confirmation. Sorry, but where's the beef!?

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    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    That was a really powerful post, Modwiz, and just clicking thanks doesn't cut it.
    All the above is all and only my opinion. It may contain some sharing of components of my current operating strategy and some foundational components of my current world view - all subject to change and not meant to be true for anyone else regardless of how I phrase it.

    It's just a ride

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  19. #10
    Senior Member United States RikkiTikkiTavi's Avatar
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    To whom it may concern; Accept my apology for the subject and manor of this post relaying the conception of "fear porn". The idea is to point to another perspective of what could be a reality that we are experiencing.

    Quote Originally posted by modwiz View Post
    Only we can save ourselves and that is how it is. ET looks at a world where less than 1% hold 99% percent under their spell. It isn't even a fair fight but, we manage to be losing. From their perspective they have to wonder about the viability of humans. A species unwilling to defend itself is not very viable. All other arguments are emotional BS. It is 99 to 1 and the 99% have weapons as well. Humanity is its own worst enemy and until that is realized, we are toast.

    No truer words could be spoken.

    The 1% do not depend on weapons they depend on welfare to keep others under control. Part of viability is understanding how one earns their own keep. "Evil" pharmaceutical are kept thriving by a populace that won't even manage its health. If drug companies stopped providing their toxic chemicals for a month, people would beg them to provide them. A sickly population is dependent on them. Fork in mouth disease is one of the main culprits.

    Even love can be used as a weapon in the right hands. A populace born of ignorance, the lack of knowledge and understanding of history, and devoid of compassion and humility is surely close to the root cause.

    People need to grasp the reality of their complicity in their wretched lives. It is painful to watch but, even more painful to hear about needing outside rescue. I know many think the BRICS nations are the same old shit but, they represent the only real hope we have..........unless we finally wake up. Humanity must, by cosmic reckoning, rescue itself and there is such a movement taking place, though the beneficiaries are mainly clueless about that too. Many even call it the new boss, same as the old boss. It is more like the ignorance is a constant. The whining gets tedious.

    Most have been "conditioned" to some degree, to be complacent. "Hope" could be considered an expected "outside intervention as well. "Hope" is a word used by the defeated as an excuse/explanation for not putting forth one's best effort or action and/or lack of confidence. Which again is caused by conditioning.

    Since my view is likely not welcomed, after rebutting the goofiness of this thread I will take my leave of it. No sense beating a dumb horse. For those who think my compassion is missing I will remind people I have been a vegetarian for 25 years because those animals are true victims and not responsible for the horrid lives where death is the only kindness they get. No, the culprits are the consumers of the products. The ones waiting for ET to save them. Talk about a disconnect.

    Regardless if one is a vegetarian or not, we all consume and support the system in place. Whether directly or indirectly. We are all responsible, unless of course you live without purchasing goods and services. And if you are reading this, you are just as responsible as anyone.
    Look beyond what you see and see beyond what you saw.

    Perfection is an infinite flux of disproportionate change.

    Do We Take Time? Do We Make Time? Do We Waste Time?

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  21. #11
    Senior Member United States RUSirius's Avatar
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    I see it as scary, if I dare say, but not fear porn. I also dont see this as our outcome but an outcome someone else wants for us.

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  23. #12
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    The way it is presented in the video, is more like a propaganda, which takes one's attention from the present and introduces fear of imaginary future as a means of making one's energy field smaller.

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  25. #13
    Senior Member United States RikkiTikkiTavi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Vimana View Post
    The way it is presented in the video, is more like a propaganda, which takes one's attention from the present and introduces fear of imaginary future as a means of making one's energy field smaller.
    Great analogy, thanks for contributing!

    Living in the present is undoubtedly non-imaginary and energizing. Though, imho, where and how would we as a species progress without hindsight and foresight. I feel the key is to ignore/overcome the fear of imagination and focus on evolving by the most efficient, beneficial means with the least amount of difficulty. However true, we are individuals with our own ways of thinking and overcoming obstacles, imaginary or not.
    Look beyond what you see and see beyond what you saw.

    Perfection is an infinite flux of disproportionate change.

    Do We Take Time? Do We Make Time? Do We Waste Time?

    Or, Do We Give Time?

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  27. #14
    Senior Member ctiger2's Avatar
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    The reality is it doesn't matter what type of control grid TPTB put up. The collective human consciousness is VASTLY superior to any technology they can dream up. It's just a matter of time before it (aka christ consciousness) is activated.

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  29. #15
    Senior Member mocha's Avatar
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    Take the above video however you will and give it the label you like; it is mostly in line with much of the jade and climate info I have come across over the last decade or so. It offers no solutions, perhaps there are some in the next part, so we are left to make our own.

    Was it Carl Sagen that said that extinction was the norm and survival was the exception? It's not my/our preference but nothing to spend time or energy worrying about.

    Consider the comment from theruiner777's most recent post below. It's one of the solutions anyone can participate in. If any have been wondering what they can do, start here.

    Lipstick MysticJuly 26, 2015 at 10:44 AM

    I live near a powerful ley line which contains many interesting gateways and portals to other realities and dimensions, and some of these portals open up cyclically, others are pretty much there all the time.

    From time to time various negatively oriented beings including the usual suspects like negatively oriented grays and Nordics, military industrial lodge shytheads, and others try to hijack these ley lines and turn them "dark" instead of expansive, life-affirming, and healing. We have become used to dealing with these incursions as we have basically been honored to become "custodians" of these ley lines.

    Some years ago I became aware of a disturbance in the Force, so to speak, which was manifesting as general dis-ease or ill at ease feelings in the neighborhood that weren't normal, along with a company of extremely virulent stinging wasps that took up residence in a tree along the ley line. It was like that tree was their incursion point. So we did a lot of work energetically discouraging those wasps from being there, but we soon learned it wasn't about wasps at all (although dangerous animals can often be signs that something nasty in the etheric is working hard to come down into the physical realm.)

    Instead, for the first time in my years as an intuitive, I saw a black "matrix" like cube with other cubes inside it trying to "seed' the area with more cubes, each of which carried black energy or psychic sludge as I call it. I had previously only been aware of psychic sludge as something that comes off of inversely oriented or unbalanced people (basically spiritual poop!)

    We used an array of shamanic type tools to clear out the contagion, disable the cubes, close the portal/wormhole they came through (in time as well as in other dimensions; these things often attack through time) and put certain structures in place to prevent them coming back.

    They did NOT expect a strong offensive, I can tell you that!

    I believe anybody can do similar work. Don't get too caught up on the "hows" as there is no "one" way to do this.

    Just keep in mind your tools. The tools you were born with.

    Among them: feeling, thought/intention/visualization, willpower, sound vibration, light vibration/color, physical symbols or rituals (like placing a powerful item that has been magically charged in a certain location), working with local allies or friends of nature, etc.

    The most important tool I believe is willpower. And when two or more people can combine efforts with strong willpower, the effects of any esoteric work are always multiplied. This goes back to the old saying attributed to Jesus, "When two or more people are gathered in my name, I am there" (I"m probably misquoting!) He was referring to Spirit in general and how the effects of anything will be magnified and exponentially more powerful with more than one person doing this work.

    It's up to us to remove and expel psychic pollution from this planet and spread loving, progressive, expansive energy to wipe out inverse, antimatter oriented energies, entities, programs, and technologies. We all have these abilities!


    The Ruiner July 26, 2015 at 12:21 PM
    Thank you for your words and efforts!!

    With respect,
    We must remember that we do not oberve nature as it actually exists, but nature exposed to our methods of perception. The theories determine what we can or cannot observe. ~~ Einstein

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