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Thread: Solar Warden S.S.P. Getting Help from the Sphere Alliance

  1. #16
    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Sam Hunter View Post

    Corey and/or one of his shills have stalked me anywhere I would post outside of TOT where if I said anything at all that might be unliked by, for example, Malc... someone was immediately reporting it to Malc and this almost got me banned. It was then that I realized Corey had it out for me despite my own generosity his direction and in many ways.
    I do not believe that the people who were reporting things to Malc via the back-channel would have been shills, Sam, anymore than that the people who were reporting things from here to some other people would have been. Some people just love drama, and other people are just anything from merely righteous believers all the way up to bigots.

    With so much information out there -- much if not most of which is contradictory in nature -- there is bound to be polarization, and even though that is actually the intent of The Powers That Be™, when it comes to the people who have been and may still be copying and pasting stuff back and forth, I think that Occam's Razor applies, perhaps even in combination with Hanlon's Razor -- "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

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  3. #17
    Senior Member mojo's Avatar
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    There has been so much focus on this material and honestly I can't wait to see it put to rest. There are people on the forum with amazing testimonies like sinzzer, or the bigfoot evidence. Solar warden the secret space program is highly restricted information and therefore subject to a major disinfo campaign. Can we trust them? Many have asked, show the evidence, yet nothing forthcoming. Avalon has been discussing this information even longer. One good thing has come out of it, we put to rest the forum battles for the most part and have come to the same conclusion that all the material shared was sanctioned by black ops. This is why we should look at contactees and experiencers in the paranormal fields not associated with top secret highly compartmentalized gov programs that offer insight freely.

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  5. #18
    Tot Founder England The One's Avatar
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    You make a good point mojo and that's something i have been thinking about myself.

    Can we trust them
    That's very debatable, but i will tell you this i trust you 100% brother
    No one person can ever change the truth, but the truth, once learned, can and will change the person

    You must be the change you wish to see in the world when you are through changing, you are through

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  6. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to The One For This Useful Post:

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  7. #19
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by The One View Post
    You make a good point mojo and that's something i have been thinking about myself.

    That's very debatable, but i will tell you this i trust you 100% brother
    My own rules - always give everyone the benefit of the doubt and then folks who earn the trust via their track record in every category that can be observed. If someone repeatedly proves themselves untrustworthy - then perhaps it is time to stop trusting them.

    Mojo has always been an example of someone who had bona fide incredible experiences which he detailed and videod and has never taken these real experiences to any other level beyond the truth of his experiences.

    To me, its mojo and the few I found with this same integrity that should be guests of real researchers.
    All the above is all and only my opinion. It may contain some sharing of components of my current operating strategy and some foundational components of my current world view - all subject to change and not meant to be true for anyone else regardless of how I phrase it.

    It's just a ride

  8. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Chester For This Useful Post:

    Aragorn (3rd July 2015), bsbray (10th July 2015), DaRkViPeR (4th July 2015), modwiz (10th July 2015), mojo (3rd July 2015)

  9. #20
    Senior Member mojo's Avatar
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    Thanks Malc and Sam...

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  11. #21
    Senior Member Hugh Mann's Avatar
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    With so much information and dis-information on the net, it's difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff. I guess in a case like this, by their fruits you shall know them. We'll find out sooner or later if any of this is true.
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." -Martin Luther King, Jr.

  12. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Hugh Mann For This Useful Post:

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  13. #22
    Senior Member United States Gretchen's Avatar
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    To address the topic here, as I understand it:

    The solar warden program received help from the Sphere Being Alliance because the solar warden program had decided in recent years to begin to liberate humanity... and thus turned their 'service to self' orientation to a 'service to others' orientation. It appears that the sphere beings noticed this and found the solar warden group the best to represent their (sphere beings') interests, and so contacted solar warden and gave them more top-level, highly advanced technology. This put the solar warden group at the top of the heap of all the SSP's and so now they have the best 'toys' and in fact, it appears they probably have the tools to help liberate humanity.

    This is how I understand the information that has been presented by whistleblowers or defectors. Several people have come forward with information about the SSP in recent years that appear to validate what the others are saying.

    I'm sincerely hoping that sometime soon the cool technology gets into the hands of people who are here on earth. Technologies not just for travelling the universe, or for fighting and destroying, but technology for healing, for purifying our air and water and soil and to help us advance in ways that help us all at our most basic level of existence.

    I'm personally much more interested in unity around liberating our planet and developing our consciousness so we can all advance. All this other stuff (criticizing one whistleblower or another, criticizing somebody because they are making a little money with their information, criticizing somebody because he moves his dispersal of information over to another venue, other than TOT) is small potatoes and meaningless.

    Service to others, be more loving, be more forgiving.... that is IT folks. If enough people go in this direction we will liberate the planet. It won't take fancy space ships to do it.

    In my humble opinion, of course.
    Yet a new avatar, "Doorway to the Stars" by artist Josephine is a beautiful old song by the Youngbloods.......Love is but a song we sing.....Fear's the way we die.....You can make the mountains ring....Or make the angels cry.....Though the bird is on the wing.....And you may not know why....Come on, people now....Smile on your brother....Everybody get together...Try to love one another right now......

  14. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Gretchen For This Useful Post:

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  15. #23
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    I do not believe that the people who were reporting things to Malc via the back-channel would have been shills, Sam, anymore than that the people who were reporting things from here to some other people would have been. Some people just love drama, and other people are just anything from merely righteous believers all the way up to bigots.

    With so much information out there -- much if not most of which is contradictory in nature -- there is bound to be polarization, and even though that is actually the intent of The Powers That Be™, when it comes to the people who have been and may still be copying and pasting stuff back and forth, I think that Occam's Razor applies, perhaps even in combination with Hanlon's Razor -- "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    Edit: Change of heart
    Last edited by Chester, 11th July 2015 at 18:46.
    All the above is all and only my opinion. It may contain some sharing of components of my current operating strategy and some foundational components of my current world view - all subject to change and not meant to be true for anyone else regardless of how I phrase it.

    It's just a ride

  16. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Chester For This Useful Post:

    Aragorn (4th July 2015), mojo (4th July 2015)

  17. #24
    Senior Member United States AscensionQuest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Gretchen View Post
    To address the topic here, as I understand it:

    The solar warden program received help from the Sphere Being Alliance because the solar warden program had decided in recent years to begin to liberate humanity... and thus turned their 'service to self' orientation to a 'service to others' orientation. It appears that the sphere beings noticed this and found the solar warden group the best to represent their (sphere beings') interests, and so contacted solar warden and gave them more top-level, highly advanced technology. This put the solar warden group at the top of the heap of all the SSP's and so now they have the best 'toys' and in fact, it appears they probably have the tools to help liberate humanity.

    This is how I understand the information that has been presented by whistleblowers or defectors. Several people have come forward with information about the SSP in recent years that appear to validate what the others are saying.

    I'm sincerely hoping that sometime soon the cool technology gets into the hands of people who are here on earth. Technologies not just for travelling the universe, or for fighting and destroying, but technology for healing, for purifying our air and water and soil and to help us advance in ways that help us all at our most basic level of existence.

    I'm personally much more interested in unity around liberating our planet and developing our consciousness so we can all advance. All this other stuff (criticizing one whistleblower or another, criticizing somebody because they are making a little money with their information, criticizing somebody because he moves his dispersal of information over to another venue, other than TOT) is small potatoes and meaningless.

    Service to others, be more loving, be more forgiving.... that is IT folks. If enough people go in this direction we will liberate the planet. It won't take fancy space ships to do it.

    In my humble opinion, of course.
    Yes, well said.

    However, the S.S.P. Alliance does have a little bit of a Public Relations problem.

    - They had actionable intelligence that was time sensitive. In order to Achieve Victory, they completely destroyed 1 of the 5

    I.C.C. - S.S.P. Colonies on Mars. Corey said 250,000 Human Slaves were killed.

    At the same time, the S.S.P. Alliance attacked and destroyed a Draco Reptilian Undersea Base just off the coast of South Carolina.

    A few hundred Human Slaves were killed there. I think the Cabal & illuminati were using them as Human Shields.

    That strategy failed.

    Yes, the Solar Warden now has the VERY advanced defensive technologies for their starships.

    When the Ascension of Earth is complete we may have to hunt down and destroy the Cabal : Dark Fleet S.S.P. in order to

    protect other star systems. The Dark Fleet Starships are fighting along side the Orion / Reptilian Faction. They have an alliance.

  18. #25
    Senior Member United States AscensionQuest's Avatar
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    Sphere Alliance gave us a warning: Rolling Blackouts Across America to slow the transmission of Cabal disclosures.

    Corey recommends 2 weeks of water and food stored at home.

    Blue Avian Facebook Updates

  19. #26
    Senior Member United States AscensionQuest's Avatar
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    Update: July 10, 2015

    Sphere Alliance Member Lt. Colonel Gonzales met with the 14 foot tall Reptilian in the Southwestern USA: note...sounds like Utah to me!

    The Cabal is kinda ****ed off about the ICC Mars Colony Fiasco! LOL

    The Reptilian Loser had a simple message: Let us off the Earth and out of the Sol Star System or it will be considered an act of war

    against the Draco Federation Alliance and their 6D Overloads.

    Gonzales just left and returned to Texas in order to meet with Corey.

  20. #27
    Senior Member United States AscensionQuest's Avatar
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    Name:  Corey Nanites1.jpg
Views: 125
Size:  19.8 KB

    Whoa! We just jumped to something bizarre: Nanites ! ( Tiny robots )

  21. #28
    Senior Member mojo's Avatar
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    why do the supporters not look at Bonnie Meyers information and get behind her as much as Wilcock and Company? She was the first to share sightings on blue avians and to talk about going aboard a giant sphere...

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  23. #29
    Senior Member United States AscensionQuest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by mojo View Post
    why do the supporters not look at Bonnie Meyers information and get behind her as much as Wilcock and Company? She was the first to share sightings on blue avians and to talk about going aboard a giant sphere...
    We are all kinda upset about the Reptilian Overloads arriving at the planet Earth.

    Have you heard about a : Strangelet Bomb ?

  24. #30
    Senior Member mojo's Avatar
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    check out her videos sometime it would be interesting if it resonates with you. i havent heard of strangelet bombs.

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