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Thread: Chris Thomas Inter-Galactic War September 30 2013

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    Chris Thomas Inter-Galactic War September 30 2013

    Exposing the channeled messages and various promises of money as work of the 6 Velon races through various means are discussed in this article:


    Over the past number of years, we have heard repeated claims, by channeled means, that there has been several wars fought across several galaxies by various “Alien” races. These wars ultimately resulting in humans being dumped on the Earth; which has acted as a “prison” for us ever since implying that humans have no place being on Earth but should be repatriated to their “original home world”, usually via a “5th dimension”.

    Not one of these stories is correct and yet so many people have fallen for them.

    However, it is becoming more and more clear that a “War” is being fought but this is not a war between various alien races but by the Velon against themselves.

    The purpose of this “War” being to determine which of the Velon races controls the Earth and turns humanity, or what will be left of it, into a slave race.

    Despite the Velon aim, it is humans who are allowing this to happen. Not only allowing it but encouraging and supporting this war.

    See URL for rest of article. I have just included below a few points I found interesting.

    The Celestorium

    In addition, the celestorium contained frequencies that related to the Earth’s own consciousness. As it was activated, it also tried to pull the Earth’s consciousness out of the planet. This would also have been dumped at the edge of our solar system.

    Two members of the Sidhe´ went to investigate this direct attack on the Earth and both were destroyed in the process.

    No member of the Sidhe´ had ever been destroyed before and the Earth was devastated.
    Note: The Sidhe´ are beings created by the Earth Herself as part of the Faery. The Sidhe´ can be considered the “management” of the Faery who look after and protect all of the plant life on the planet.

    On the activation of the celestorium, the Earth’s Guardians stepped in and destroyed the energy patterns of the celestorium. The Guardians also made both celestoriums permanently inoperable by altering the structure of their quartz crystals making it impossible for them to be ever energised or programmed again.
    With the energetic destruction of the celestorium, the Earth’s consciousness returned to the planet and the souls of those affected by the energies were returned to their bodies.
    Most of the people affected in this way have subsequently left this group.
    The next obvious activity by the Hathor took place in Norway.

    This implies a close tie-up between the American military and the Hathor that makes it even more scary.
    Everyone was fascinated by the massive spiral that appeared in the skies over the island of Tromsø in northeastern Norway on December 9th 2009.

    The official story is that it is the exhaust trail from a misfired Russian missile from a nuclear submarine passing near to the coast. However, one look at the photographs clearly shows that the spiral originates from a land- based site.

    Note: Two other things are known about Tromsø and they are firstly, that it contains a secretive military base and secondly, there is a HAARP station on the mainland.

    HAARP stands for: “High-frequency Active Auroral Research Programme” with its first installation becoming active in 1993 in Alaska. The “official” reason for HAARP was that it could provide the military with a communication capability that could work “over the horizon” without using satellite communications. HAARP could do this by “bouncing” communications off the underside of the ionosphere. However, it very rapidly became clear that HAARP was designed for weather modification. Weather modification is illegal under numerous international treaties and international law. What HAARP does is to concentrate microwave frequencies into the ionosphere causing localised heating to take place that alters high altitude weather patterns, pushing warm or cold weather fronts away from their natural locations. Satellite images of Alaska clearly show a “bending” of the jet stream over the original HAARP site.

    However, there is growing evidence to show that HAARP ground stations also target space-bourn satellites and are capable of “bouncing” a highly focused stream of microwaves off a satellite and targeting the Earth’s atmosphere in any part of the planet, altering local weather patterns as desired. HAARP emissions have also been recently connected to unexpected earthquakes, such as the one in Chile.

    But, these are capabilities that are known, the full capabilities of HAARP remain top secret. The author is someone who “reads” energy frequencies and, having “read” what was going on over Tromsø, has arrived at another scenario, one which does make sense of all of the unusual energy frequencies that made up this spiral.

    If you have seen the photographs of what happens before the spiral collapses, you see a Black Hole. The centre of the spiral disappears and becomes a uniform black. It is known that HAARP installations are capable of projecting 1 gigawatt of energy, which is a great deal of energy potential. But, what would be the purpose of attempting to create a Black Hole within our solar system?

    There can only be two possible answers: firstly, to enable something to be released from our solar system. Secondly, the creation of a Black Hole within our solar system could be to allow something, or someone, to enter our solar system – the Hathor attempting to create a more powerful form of celestorium that would allow the Velon, who are denied access to our solar system, full entry by the Velon outside of our solar system creating their own Black Hole which linked in with the Black Hole constructed from Tromsø – in cosmology terms, a back-to-back Black Hole is called a “Wormhole” which allows travel in both directions.
    The timing of the creation of the spiral also reinforces this “Wormhole” idea.

    Between the 7th and the 18th of December 2009, the United Nations was holding a World Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in Denmark that was attended by 115 world leaders.

    On the 9th of December, President Obama, of the USA, was due to land in Norway en route to the conference.

    Seeing as I don’t believe in coincidence, I would suggest that the attempt to build a Wormhole to allow the Velon in to our solar system was well timed so that the Velon could be introduced to virtually all of the world leaders at the same time but with President Obama the first in line to welcome in their alien “friends”.

    Incidentally, a similar attempt at creating a Black Hole from the Earth was attempted by the Particle Accelerator at Cern on the Swiss/ French border. Not only did this attempt also fail, it shows a connection between the Hathor and the Mila – see later.

    I wrote in depth about the impossibility of building a Black Hole from within our solar system in my last essay (An Update on Nibiru) so I will not repeat it here.

    Our solar system has a total of 396 dimensions at its disposal. This number of dimensions is far too small an amount of energy to create a Black Hole so any attempt cannot succeed.

    Hopefully, all of the Velon factions have learned this by now.

    The solar system has been closed to the Velon ever since they began to cause problems. They want a portal (Black Hole) to be built so that they could circumvent the solar system defences and go against the wishes of the Earth.

    That cannot happen.


    So what it comes down to in the end is that we have been made to believe that there are a host of “beings” out there who’s only purpose in life is to help humans to leave the planet by ascending to a “5th dimension” leaving the Earth free for them to inhabit. That, in itself, sounds like the script for a bad sci-fi movie.

    And maybe that is what people want – some kind of fantasy story that they can believe in, for a while, but then, with a click of the remote control, return to their normal lives.

    Except, of course, that their “normal” lives are far from being normal any longer.
    Then, of course, there are the web sites that accompany these channeled messages. Where does the funding come from?

    Many of these sites are very sophisticated with full colour animated computer graphics, lavish illustrations and painted images.

    The likes of Sananda, St Germain and Melchizedek are always depicted as “heroic” figures with long flowing hair and wearing elaborate robes of fine fabrics with some kind of “Magical” symbol incorporated either on their robes or in the air above them.

    When it comes to the female “gods”, they are usually depicted a little differently in that they are usually depicted as tall and voluptuous and, usually, naked.

    You would have thought it was a little too cold in space to get away with no clothes! Or is this form of depiction the same as the Velon messages – just fantasy?

    Of course they are.

    These fantasy (channeled) messages have, of course, changed over the years that they have been transmitted.

    From the Annunaki claiming that they are our “creator gods” to claiming to be religious characters from virtually every period of our history to claiming to be a myriad of races from a myriad of different planetary origins to claiming to be the ones who will sort out all of our legal and financial problems on Earth. The only consistency is that they all want to “Ascend” us to the 5th dimension and off the planet.
    These are the claims they have been making for many years now and yet whatever actions they have promised or whatever promises they have made towards humans, not one single action has ever materialised. Not one single promise has ever been kept.

    Buggered if I know.

    Maybe the off button on the remote control does not work and people prefer to live in this world of fantasy. Maybe people prefer to ignore reality in the hope that it will go away or maybe people just want to believe in anything that means they do not have to sort out their lives and undergo soul re- integration?
    Whatever the reason, time is becoming short for people to become all that they can be, all that they once were.

    The Velon came here with one purpose – the total control of the Earth.

    In order to achieve this they needed to remove humans. This they hoped to achieve by promising that they would ascend everyone to the 5th dimension. Nobody knows where this magical 5th dimension is as the Velon never specified where or what they were promising.

    But this was only up until the 21st of December 2012 – the date on which humans could have, and should have, made their transitions to a full soul state.

    But humans failed in their promise and the main reason why they failed was because so may people had fallen for the Velon lies.

    Since the 21st of December 2012, the Velon message has changed. They realised that their propaganda had worked – people were not prepared, or even cared enough, about soul re-integration to make any kind of effort to take responsibility for themselves let alone any kind of responsibility towards the Earth.
    So the Velon changed their approach. Instead of offering an easy “ascension”, they are now offering to solve all of the world’s problems for us – removing banks and removing governments. Notice that there are no promises of stopping wars.

    The Velon are now working with the ultimate “Hegelian Dialectic” – create a situation where everyone is bankrupt or even homeless brought about by the Velon/ Illuminati control of governments and banks. Then, once everyone on the planet is in a state of panic, promise to pay everyone 10 million dollars.
    So the financial crisis is engineered by organisations controlled by the Velon. Then the Velon promise to destroy these organisations and pay everyone a lot of money.

    In the meantime, everyone forgets about soul re-integration and the Earth because basic human greed and gullibility comes into play and the Velon have won the second round. And humans are even further away from gaining their full potential.

    The Velon’s second stated aim was to remove, or to destroy, all living things from the planet. This they are achieving with the wide-spread use of GMO’s – the “terminator gene” is a part of every genetically modified plant. This terminator gene is spread far and wide by bees transferring pollen from plant to plant and, as we found out in the summer of 2013 (with American wheat), the bacteria that transfer the genes remain active in the soil for at least 7 years. Meaning that any and all crops planted in that contaminated soil will be genetically modified, including the terminator gene.

    Genetically modified plants do not work – they were never intended to. All that these plants were ever intended to do was to destroy all of the plants that exist on the Earth.
    Destroy the plants and you not only destroy animals but also humans.
    The other reason for attempting to genetically modify plants is that it is a stepping-stone towards the real Velon agenda.

    Remember what the Annunaki claimed:

    They are our creator gods.

    What better way to prove that they created us in the first place than to build a new human – one that could replace every human on Earth?

    Only this time, these new humans would be genetically modified to “know” absolutely that they were created by the Velon as a race to be their slaves.

    As well as being genetically modified to be “superior” to us “normal” humans – the American military’s “Super Soldier” programme is already proving that. Except, the “New Super Humans” will also be programmed to destroy all other forms of humanity.

    The Velon-generated “Matrix” seems to have taken over all of the people who have not raised their energy frequencies sufficiently to allow them to continue living on this Earth.
    And that is a tragedy of Universal significance.

    But it is not as though we do not have help. All of the Universe wants humans to succeed in our chosen plans.
    The Human Plan is very simple:

    When we first arrived on this wonderful Earth, we had the whole of the soul contained within the physical body – there were no higher self/physical self divisions. Because of problems of energy frequencies, we had to step back, to become less than we were in order to learn our way back to being true Human Beings once again.

    In order to achieve our goal, we set ourselves a time limit and that time limit ran out on the 29th of October 2011. The year between the end of 2011 and the 21st of December 2012 was intended to be a time of consolidation before we all made our final transition to a full soul state together.

    Into this period of transition stepped the Velon and they promised to make our transition easy but only if we voluntarily agreed to leave the Earth behind.

    On a subconscious level, every single one of us knew what we had to do and yet so many people chickened out of their responsibilities – particularly those who considered themselves “New Age or “Enlightened”.

    The Earth has done everything She can to help us.
    The other races of the Universe have done everything they can to help us.
    The Universe has done everything It can to help us.
    And yet we failed.

    It is human choice that determines what happens, both individually and collectively. The Earth cannot step in and save us. The other races cannot step in and save us. The Universe cannot step and save us. We need to do this for ourselves.


    All is not lost.

    There is still time, even if it is the “thirteenth hour”.

    [NB. The following advice seems to tie in well with what Andrew Bartzis has been advocating in his presentations about revoking the fine print soul contracts by standing in our own sovereignty and 100% free will]

    What we need to do is to reject the Velon and all of their schemes and promises and look to ourselves.
    All that we really need to do is to clear out our emotional debris, to clear our lives of its emotional clutter.

    Once we have done that, individually, we can take advantage of the new energy patterns that have been kept at their peak since the 21st of December 2012 by the Earth, the other races and by the Universe.

    Everything is in place, all we need to do is to take advantage of all of the positive energy that is freely available to us and we will become so much more than anything the Velon, and all of their factions, have ever promised.

    We can all join the three million people who have already undergone soul re-integration and the many millions more who are ready to make that shift in consciousness.
    No more wars. No more need of money. No more need for illness.

    Time is now very short for us to catch up because if we do not catch up, the Earth will be lost to us in anyway as those who do not take that small amount of personal responsibility in clearing out their emotional debris will not be able to remain.

    We will become Human Beings once again and live out our extended lifetimes enjoying the abundance that the Earth has provided for us.

    Is that such a difficult task when we stand to gain so much?

  2. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Herbert For This Useful Post:

    Altaira (2nd October 2013), Highland1 (2nd October 2013), Mark (2nd October 2013), Spiral (2nd October 2013), Tonz (4th October 2013)

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