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Thread: 6 Degrees of Separation: Order from Chaos

  1. #1
    In Memoriam Shadowself's Avatar
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    6 Degrees of Separation: Order from Chaos

    Good morning!

    I've started this thread as one; I promised to expand on something I worked on that was intentionally suppressed/Erased. Two because I believe it has significance into our present condition and stems back as far as the Great Pyramid.

    So why is it in the Archeology section? Well that will become obvious soon enough.

    Think of this OP post as a place holder as I don't have time today to expand on it until most likely this weekend. But I believe you may be surprised (and pleasantly so) the direction this thread will lead.

    So I will leave you with this video as a basic clue and you're more than welcome until this weekend to discuss:

    "Order from Chaos"....What it means to you and why it might be so important to whomever. My take and discovery might surprise you very much.

    Perception says ( the first 57 seconds of this video):

    Last edited by Shadowself, 17th June 2015 at 15:07.

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  3. #2
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    Dear Shadowself:

    I'd like to submit a question to the thread, for the purpose of examining the theme. But in no way do I mean to diminish your efforts or work.

    I have to ask: Why presume order from chaos in the universe, rather than chaos from order?

    Last edited by lcam88, 17th June 2015 at 19:13.

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  5. #3
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    Quote Originally posted by lcam88 View Post
    Dear Shadowself:

    I'd like to submit a question to the thread, for the purpose of examining the theme. But in no way do I mean to diminish your efforts or work.

    I have to ask: Why presume order from chaos in the universe, rather than chaos from order?

    It is my personal opinion and experience that although the universe itself tends to lean toward an increase in entropy, it also constantly creates organized and ordered structures -- e.g. galaxies, clusters of galaxies, stars, planets, moons, even simple molecules and atoms, and of course life itself. Entropy can only increase because of the perceived arrow of time, and it is this same mechanism by which organized and ordered structures grow, so I believe that the perceived arrow of time is only there to accentuate the contrast between the organized structures and the tendency toward entropy. Metaphorically speaking, it is the manifestation within the laws of physics of the perpetual fight between the light and the darkness.

    You will also find these concepts within the laws of physics:

    • A Bose-Einstein condensate is a chaotic form of matter because the individual constituents of a compound molecule can no longer be detected and isolated. Bose-Einstein condensates are commonly only found at extremely low temperatures, only just above absolute zero -- i.e. near 0 Kelvin, or otherwise put: -273.15° Centigrade, which equals -459.67° Fahrenheit.

    • Quantum physics also teaches us of the quantum super state as total entropy -- i.e. chaos -- and of the collapse of the wave-function as the creation of order out of that chaos.

    • In the Big Bang model of the universe, we also see the creation of a (weak) form of order from what was ultimately a chaotic situation where nothing would have had meaning. It was the ultimate Bose-Einstein condensate (or quantum super state).

    Keeping that last bullet point here-above in mind, we can say that order tends to grow out of chaos, but that the universe itself is inclined to lean toward an increase in entropy, and thus an increase in chaos again. The quantum physics concept regarding the collapse of the wave-function also seems to confirm that order is created out of chaos.

    Furthermore, consciousness in its purest form will always try to identify what it perceives -- at least, to the extent of the knowledge by which it can identify anything at all. And thus, once again, to me -- as I've said so many times before -- this reflects the purpose of Creation, which is that the Creator/Creation duality serves so as to allow Source to make sense of the information it is comprised of, and thus, of itself.
    Last edited by Aragorn, 18th June 2015 at 11:18. Reason: grammatical correction & addendum

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    Last edited by Myst, 16th March 2017 at 08:13. Reason: add picture

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  9. #5
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    Mr Aragorn:

    I see what you are saying, to the effects of: in a crystal we can see order amongst the lattices and the molecular structure. We can disrupt that order causing more chaos by smashing the crystal; such a phenomena would hardly be notable of the scientific inquiry as finding the crystal remade from its shards would certainly warrant.

    And of the above theories you share fall into the latter category. Order of a whole being formed out of a chaotic precursor type medium. My inclination is that both aspects of reorganization to and from ends of the "Order <=> Chaos" continuum are equally interesting for the reason I go into briefly below.

    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn
    ...this reflects the purpose of Creation, which is that the Creator/Creation duality serves so as to allow Source to make sense of the information it is comprised of, and thus, of itself.
    I think I'm dwelling, once again, on a paradigm that stems from the above quote.

    I think my posed question is somewhat better understood in a context where we ignore the factor of perceived time. Ignore the effect time has on reordering the chaotic or disruption of the orderly, and contemplate what_is in a single moment at the various levels or plains of existence/perception from ours and through the "astral" and perhaps beyond to where there, I presume, there is always perfect order.

    Pardon my off-topic Shadowself, Aragorn knows me all too well.

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  11. #6
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    This is what I was looking for.

    Quote Originally posted by Myst
    The most abstract duality, as taught by Ra, is the Freedom/Love duality. Freedom and Love are the first two distortions of the One. If there is an order to such things, Freedom precedes Love, in the sense that the initial differentiation of the One was a bestowal of Freedom. But immediately Love appeared as the inherent connectedness of the differentiated units; Love is the universal unifying force, the antidote to the illusion of separation: a kind of spiritual gravity. And yet the greatest act of Love is the bestowal of Freedom and the greatest use of Freedom is to choose Love

  12. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to lcam88 For This Useful Post:

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  13. #7
    In Memoriam Shadowself's Avatar
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    Keep going guys!

    No wrong answers here. All taken into consideration. I'll be reading here for a few days. Then over the weekend I'll continue on.

    Thanks for the great reply so far!

    Consider this: Six degrees of separation...and Chaos. What's the connection? wrong answers here.

    I'll leave this to ponder:

    Last edited by Shadowself, 18th June 2015 at 17:30.

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  15. #8
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    Love, love, love that play/movie. It's such a profound statement about who and what we are socially. What I took from it, many years ago when I first saw it, was that the author was illustrating that the six degrees of separation are an illusion. We separate ourselves - money, education, social status, etc. Paul breaks down the walls of separation by pretending to be something he's not. In the end, he is discovered and those he has blurred the lines of separation for are angry. If order is oneness, and chaos is the separation....Chaos is an illusion. It is self-imposed. Separation is actually celebrated, coveted.

    Order, chaos, order, chaos.... Like a phoenix constantly burning down and rising from its ashes. There are interesting theories on evolution, that the increasing disorder of entropy can generate the increasing complexity implied by evolution. Order from chaos. I found this in a paper written by Henry Morris, PhD., discussing different theories that chaos can produce evolutionary advance:

    The strange idea is currently being widely promoted that, in the assumed four-billion-year history of life on the earth, evolution has proceeded by means of long periods of stasis, punctuated by brief periods of massive extinctions. Then rapid evolutionary emergence of organisms of higher complexity came out of the chaotic milieu causing the extinction.

    It's the very same as the theory of Infinite Creator/Ultimate Oneness breaking itself down to reunify.

  16. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to Rebel&Rocket For This Useful Post:

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  17. #9
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    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    It is my personal opinion and experience that although the universe itself tends to lean toward an increase in entropy, it also constantly creates organized and ordered structures -- e.g. galaxies, clusters of galaxies, stars, planets, moons, even simple molecules and atoms, and of course life itself.
    That was my conclusion as well. According to the "law" of entropy (2nd law of thermodynamics), everything should always be losing energy, breaking down into simpler parts, and generally falling apart and returning to an "equilibirum" with the lifeless vacuum of space.

    If this is really a law of nature, then how did life on Earth develop cars, toasters and computer games? What kind of entropy is this, developing very complex and ordered matter? It seems to be that the problem is that consciousness itself is the organizing principle that counter-acts and balances entropy, but since science can't really figure out what consciousness is in the first place, it can't attribute these kinds of technical laws to it.

    But if I'm not mistaken, some "tricks" have been discovered by which nature actually does become self-organizing and so defeats entropy in its own way. Especially in more complex ecological systems this seems to take place to uncannily that it gave rise to the "Gaia theory" and the idea that the Earth itself may be sentient in some way.

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  19. #10
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    Quote Originally posted by bsbray
    It seems to be that the problem is that consciousness itself is the organizing principle that counter-acts and balances entropy, but since science can't really figure out what consciousness is in the first place, it can't attribute these kinds of technical laws to it.
    Quote Originally posted by bsbray
    But if I'm not mistaken, some "tricks" have been discovered by which nature actually does become self-organizing and so defeats entropy in its own way.
    These are very interesting statements.

    I have one comment regarding the first quote: science actually specifically tries to eliminate the consciousness from its examination process as defined in the scientific method. It does this by removing the human element as much as possible from participation in experiments. It is actually standard procedure, for example, at CERN that the scientist leave the room while experiments are being run. That procedure because there is a belief that scientists observing the results while the experiments are being run effect the results, perhaps in accordance with what the scientist desires to see.

    The standing scientific theory in place that would oppose the religious creationist views (that god created everything) is the theory of evolution. But it seems that nobody is willing to seriously examine whether or not genetic mutations are truly random (they seem happy to just presume randomness). If a discovery is made where it can be shown that mutations are not truly random, that indeed your second quote has merits for scientific consideration, then they are left having to embrace a new theory, at least closer if not complementary, to the views religion has of creationism.

    Quote Originally posted by bsbray did life on Earth develop cars, toasters and computer games?
    This is so golden! Hahahaha.

    I will point out that those creations are made in the image of man. Thinking of fractals now...
    Last edited by lcam88, 18th June 2015 at 21:00. Reason: clarification

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  21. #11
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    Quote Originally posted by lcam88 View Post
    It is actually standard procedure, for example, at CERN that the scientist leave the room while experiments are being run. That procedure because there is a belief that scientists observing the results while the experiments are being run effect the results, perhaps in accordance with what the scientist desires to see.
    Aha, so this is really a back-handed way of saying "Yes, we realize by now that consciousness effects physical phenomenon, BUT...."

    I can appreciate the idea of objectivity, but I think it was Sam that posted that video about "paralogic" recently and it changed the way I look at the issue. There is no such thing as true objectivity or true subjectivity. Reality is inherently an intricate mix of the two.

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  23. #12
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    Recently came across this phrase in a posting I was reading elsewhere, ““Ordo ab chao”. It has to do with something called the Orion Model.

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  25. #13
    In Memoriam Shadowself's Avatar
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    Good golly miss Molly!

    “You’ve got randomness, and you’ve got order. And right between them, you’ve got the phase transition,”

    'The idea is, you want to get as close as possible to chaos, but you don't want to go into the chaos.'

    Dedicated to Chaos ~ Getting Started


    A phase transition is the transformation of a thermodynamic system from one phase or state of matter to another

    Thriving on the Edge of Chaos


    They say a picture is worth a thousand words:


    Bio chemical substance/process produced by the body ~ Without it, well...death would be imminent.

    Compare the images. Turn one sideways to see the similarity.

    So what is that image of?

    That's a Glucose transporter (hunter) titled

    Beta-D-Glucose which starts the

    Gluconeogenesis Pathway consisting of a series of "eleven" enzyme-catalyzed reactions.

    In humans the main gluconeogenic precursors are lactate, glycerol, alanine and glutamine.

    Glucose is the human body's key source of energy.

    Glucose is a primary source of energy for the brain, so its availability influences psychological processes. When glucose is low, psychological processes requiring mental effort (e.g., self-control, effortful decision-making) are impaired.


    Lactose is a disaccharide sugar derived from galactose and glucose that is found in milk.

    Infant mammals nurse on their mothers to drink milk, which is rich in lactose. The intestinal villi secrete the enzyme called lactase (β-D-galactosidase) to digest it. This enzyme cleaves the lactose molecule into its two subunits, the simple sugars glucose and galactose, which can be absorbed. Since lactose occurs mostly in milk, in most mammals, the production of lactase gradually decreases with maturity due to a lack of constant consumption.

    But that's just silly no?

    I suppose we will never know for certain as the library and knowledge in Alexandria was burned to the ground.


    So what have I just provided in the images here?

    The "hour glass" shape of Orion and "hour glass" shape of Glucose have a similarity. But the connotation is different. One is a pattern in the stars. One is a molecular structure of glucose.

    That's a symbol of visual semiotics.

    Double meanings?

    Check it:


    Signs can hypnotize no?


    And so it begins...
    Last edited by Shadowself, 19th June 2015 at 17:27.

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    I like to correlation implied between astrology and life. (Orion and the molecule) I once made a similar type of suggestion regarding the lunar cycle to human reproduction as part of a suggestion to something grander - immortality, but I didn't have such good visuals.

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    Last edited by Myst, 16th March 2017 at 08:14.

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