If you look at the image it has plenty of Gods depicted.
From the top on down.
Whoever commissioned this knew some pretty sophisticated theory and science. Not that of the average Ancient Egyptian culture. This to me suggests someone/something had present/future knowledge of some extremely complex theory and data. The language alone speaks volumes. Not simply the 24 hour transition of the measured day and date system either. There's a whole lot more than that here.
Just looking at it you see:
Divided into two sections representing the northern and the southern skies. The southern - upper part shown in the picture above - is decorated with a list of decanal stars, as well as constellations of the southern sky belonging to it like Orion and Sothis (Sopdet). Furthermore, the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury and Venus are shown and associated deities who are traveling in small boats over the sky. Thus, the southern ceiling marks the hours of the night
Decanal Stars are 36 groups of stars (small constellations) which rise consecutively on the horizon throughout each earth rotation. The rising of each decan marked the beginning of a new decanal "hour" of the night for the ancient Egyptians, and they were used as a sidereal star clock beginning by at least the 9th or 10th Dynasty (ca 2100 BCE.)
Because a new decan also appears heliacally every ten days (that is, every ten days, a new decanic star group reappears in the eastern sky at dawn right before the Sun rises, after a period of being obscured by the Sun's light), These predictable heliacal re-appearances by the decans were eventually used by the Egyptians to mark the divisions of their annual solar calendar. Thus the heliacal rising of Sirius marked the annual flooding of the Nile.
Eventually this system led to a system of 12 daytime hours and 12 nighttime hours, varying in length according to the season. Later, a system of 24 "equinoctial" hours was used
In the middle you have hieroglyphs which depict the nine flags of the Ennead. The central line which is wider than the other four registers bears together the titles of Hatshepsut and some titles as well as the name of Senenmut. The text reads from the right to the left :
"Live, Horus powerful of kas, Two- Ladies flourishing of years, Horus-of-Gold divine of appearances, king of Upper and Lower Egypt, Maat-ka-Ra, beloved of Amun-Ra, living; the seal bearer of the king of Lower Egypt , the steward of Amun Senenmut, engendered of Ramose (Ra-ms), justified, born of Hatnefret ."
The northern - lower part - shows constellations of the northern sky with the large bear (Ursus major =depicted as a bull with an oval body in which the name is written. The tail ends in 3 circles connected by a line and the 3rd circle is located a the top of a tall triangle) in the center. The other constellations could not be identified. On the right and left of it there are 8 or 4 circles shown and below them several deities each carrying a sun disk towards the center of the picture. The inscriptions associated with the circles mark the original monthly celebrations in the lunar calendar, whereas the deities mark the original days of the lunar month.
4 + 8 = 12 months
Basically measuring time. Well that's the basic explanation given to this image.
But there's more.
Pretty fancy stuff for Senenmut depicting the measurement of time in his tomb.
Notice on his false door the center door is draped with not one but TWO eyes.
Two Eyes/observables
Observer ~ Phisics
Eye of Horus/Time
Eye of Ra/ (to be discussed soon)
In this image in his tomb one particular god stands out above the rest.
In the image your observing Time measurement. Yet I pick up on War with Syria.
Partially expected due to the campaigns run during this reign.
What God of Egypt stands out on the image?
That would be Set
God of the desert, storms, disorder, violence and foreigners.
Set is not, however, a god to be ignored or avoided; he has a positive role where he is employed by Ra on his solar boat to repel the serpent of Chaos Apep.
Depicted as:
the Set animal or Typhonic beast. The animal has a curved snout, long, rectangular ears, a forked tail, and canine body; sometimes, Set is depicted as a human with only the head of the Set animal.
It does not resemble any known creature, although it could be seen as a composite of an aardvark, a donkey, a jackal, or a fennec fox.
A Chimera
He was also identified with the hippopotamus, crocodiles, scorpions, turtles, pigs.
Now view the image again:
This should not be here!
During this time and reign....Turtles were not allowed in Tombs!
Two OBSERVABLE turtles on the top. Yes I know there is a tortoise constellation, but here you have TWO.
Two observable things in this image come out. Especially if you know a thing or two about Chaos theory.
Turtle is depicted as Set/God of Chaos
The line of gods center to the triangle beaming above. The two gods closest are one a crocodile/man on one side. On the other side a man and a crocodile....Again Depicting Chaos/God Set
The gods are facing toward the triangle in what looks like they could be getting ready to do a tug of war game.
But these Egyptian Gods are not play an ordinary game of Tug of War.
No, they played this tug of war in:
Chimera States born from Chaos theory.
In part measuring metronome swings/time and chaos theory.
states in which synchronisation and desynchronisation co-exist
Researchers report the first purely physical experimental evidence that an invisible and chaotic tug-of-war known as a chimera state can occur naturally within any process that relies on spontaneous synchronization, including clock pendulums, power grids and heart valves.
Chimera States are REAL:
Princeton university
Chimera states can occur in simple systems that have not been explicitly designed to find them—is an important one,” Abrams says. “Before this work, the only experimental examples of chimera states were in fairly complicated systems with computers in the loop. Here the authors have constructed an extremely simple mechanical system that shows a chimera state.”
Chaos theory?
Did you know the catalyst for the development of chaos theory was the electronic computer?
If you get a simple calculator and do some basic multiplication/division/addition the circles in the image will result in some interesting figures.
Particularly; 32 bit vs 64 bit.
Did you know:
Three-body problem / Three door observable Chaotic planetary motion observation:
Researchers refer to these states as chimera states, alluding to the monster from Greek mythology of the same name. The chimera unites incongruent parts: it has a lion's head, a goat's head, and a serpent's tail. In the world of oscillations, this means the coexistence of the incongruent states of synchrony and asynchrony.
Read more at:
Time Dependent/Dilation
"chaos" means "a state of disorder"
Set is a god of disorder.
How do you repel the serpent god of Chaos Apep?
In the world of oscillations, this means the coexistence of the incongruent states of synchrony and asynchrony.
Now is all the really depicted in this Tomb? How could current Chaos theory be depicted in an Ancient Egyptina tomb? And where's the code? You'll see.