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Thread: 6 Degrees of Separation: Order from Chaos

  1. #31
    In Memoriam Shadowself's Avatar
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    It's been said if there is anybody "out there"...they would communicate with numbers. A universal language?

    So I have to tell you I ran into that Sacred Geometry video long after I discovered the code and the numbers. It just fit in so nicely with what I found.

    For example this:

    432 divided by 9 is 48.

    9 x 9 = 81

    81 - 48 = 33

    Numbers and their series....but to what exactly?


    Starting off with nine:

    In ancient Egypt there were 9 primary gods.

    The Ennead (Ancient Greek: meaning a collection of nine things)

    Now depending on the cult in charge at the time you won's see some interesting and popular gods.

    Where is Thoth? Ptah? Sekhmet or Hathor?

    Where is Neith the one spoken of earlier on in this thread?

    In the case of Osiris and Isis...Horus (who is not one of the nine) is born.

    Perhaps there's another way to look at these Nine gods.

    Perhaps they are principals?

    I ran into a scroll. On this scroll was listed nine principals.

    Out of these principals are born others...

    The first four Principals written were fairly basic Physics.

    1) Compression
    2) Spin
    3) Spark
    4) Mass

    Now before I get to number five and 6 which was a doozy!!! I'll tell you I've already provided number 7 which was frequency. But I've not shown you how it was used in conjunction with the Pyramid ...yet.

    In number 5 & 6 you'll see the god Set/Seth/God of Chaos like you've never seen him before. The corresponding numbers as well.

    While I gather more data...for the moment I leave you with the early Pre-Newtonian concepts of measuring Mass and their corresponding Gods :

    Scale balances the force of one object's/mass weight against the force of another object's/mass weight.

    Perhaps in all these numbers we'll be saved by zero?

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  3. #32
    In Memoriam Shadowself's Avatar
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    Number 5 kicked my butt!

    I was so confused at first! Then it all came together...especially with number 6 yet to be revealed!

    First off I deciphered:


    It confused the hell out of me. I just could not figure it out. Until....

    I turned to my trusty guide Artemis (Anagram:Master I) and a dream I had about number five. Call it a metaphor if you will but it has deep scientific meaning which I will show you.

    So I meet up with Artemis and he took me somewhere I've never seen before. I'm placed between a rather long row of stoic men standing shoulder to shoulder. Staring straight forward. Artemis directs me to walk between them. I had no idea what was at the end of this row of men. while walking between the row of men I ask Artemis is this in the past or future. He says "neither, this is now".

    I turn the corner and see flashes of light. Flashes of darkness. I ask him what is this you're showing me? He reminds me of the time I had written about "life during wartime" and my statement of Syria a few years ago.

    I ask "what's going on here"? he says:

    The War of Lights.

    I ask him again...what can I do about this? I'm handed a glass of yellow liquid. I ask "what is that"?

    You'll find's more than a drink. It's the "Golden Elixir".

    Which meant it was far more complicated and I needed to research it.

    so he looked me straight in the eye and said...

    The 5th: Discretion...

    That's a biggie!

    The act of discretion encompasses cause and effect as well as free will.

    Discretion: the right to choose what should be done in a particular situation

    : the quality of being careful about what you do and say

    : the quality of having or showing discernment or good judgment

    : ability to make responsible decisions

    : individual choice or judgment

    And so on.

    So I proceeded to look up Golden Elixir. To which I fell out of my chair as I was transported far from Egypt!

    Jiudan jing...The Book of NINE Elixirs.

    Jiuhua dan (Elixir of the Nine Efflorescence's)

    Alternative name...Elixir of Great Clarity

    Efflorescence: A state or time of flowering; anthesis. A gradual process of unfolding or developing. The deposit that results from the process of efflorescing. Also called bloom.

    Jindan : or Golden Elixir

    Gold represents the state of constancy and immutability beyond the change and transiency that characterize the cosmos.

    Enjoy the reading...I know I did!

    PDF here:

    Yellow Court Classic

    This process of Internal Alchemy doesn't rely on society, environment or any external ingredients.
    (according to Jade Emperor's "Mind Sealing Classic", Elixir of Immortality is fully in ourselves, very subtle and neither physical nor intellectual). Transformations start and end (in every cycle) in Oneself, through Oneself, by Oneself. The Alchemy (Divine Chemistry) is an internal Symmetry of the Spiritual Beings, that preserves their awareness and identity through all changes of the temporal world.


    Exercising Discretion (number 5) in The Infinite Field of Potential is rather important no?

    Relevant theory:

    Domino Effect
    Chain Reaction
    Actuality and potentiality

    Spoken of in the illustrated Sutra of Cause and Effect

    And...quite importantly:

    The Butterfly Effect which directly correlates to Chaos Theory!

    On to Number 6 documented in an Ancient Tomb....with all the numbers I've provided so far and the code.

    Discretion would certainly encompass a Universal Principal to dot dot... eh?
    Last edited by Shadowself, 20th June 2015 at 19:14.

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  5. #33
    In Memoriam Shadowself's Avatar
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    Takin a break folks.....hand stuff. Think I'm going to put my headphones on and listen to jams. Be back soon.


    Oh...Post number 33...wadda ya know!
    Last edited by Shadowself, 20th June 2015 at 20:59.

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  7. #34
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    I'm finding myself wishing I had a much better foundation of knowledge. (It's getting bigger even as I write) Your presentation is very good and so interesting. Thanks for sharing and enlightening.

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  9. #35
    In Memoriam Shadowself's Avatar
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    You're welcome Dreamtimer. I didn't come upon this information and knowledge lightly. In fact I didn't have much of a choice. Of course I could have ignored it but that would have been very hard to do if you knew the history behind how I came upon it.

    I became afflicted with this little thing called "time" and a very early age. In fact this tomb I'm about to show you all here is all about...TIME in a big way.

    Ramesses II Was Ozymandias

    Upon a cash of ancient Egyptian Collections Shelly writes a sonnet.

    "I met a traveller from an antique land

    Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone

    Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,

    Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown

    And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command

    Tell that its sculptor well those passions read

    Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,

    The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.

    And on the pedestal these words appear:

    `My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:

    Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!'

    Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

    Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,

    The lone and level sands stretch far away".

    ~ Shelly~

    Last edited by Shadowself, 21st June 2015 at 13:59.

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  11. #36
    In Memoriam Shadowself's Avatar
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    You know...that six degrees of separation and being connected to this is part of something I simply cannot deny. Nor can Ignore.

    It's taken me years of research...Some things along the way I got very wrong. Due to this thing called perception. In fact I gave it a name several years ago and wrote about. I called it the 180 turnaround. It involved perception.

    Basically if your physical mind can't comprehend, it fills in with what I called pixels with the next best thing that you CAN comprehend. Kinda like a reference point to the information. If it's not in the biological "mind file" it can only fill in the pixel with what it does know. This is not to be confused with the internal/higher mind and spirit/stir pi of another nature of self. It's about integrating the two levels of information and the pixel "plug in". It's been suggested we already know most of what we search for, it's just not in the data base of the biological mind for review due to the lack of data input in the conscious mind. ie; lack of data/knowledge in the conscious mind.

    In that process there's a great chance you can miss something or miss perceive something. I missed some things. Big time back then!

    That was back then how I described it and actually saw it.

    In that; this time affliction I have is not something I would call a gift. But I've experienced time slips in a big way. Unfortunately most (if not all) of those time slips surrounded death. Now the fact that I have know at a certain point which I've written about extensively and people have witnessed I've actually proven it. No need for any experiment here. Also not surprising I apparently have had a past life in Egypt which is most likely why most of those time slips involved it's no secret the Egyptians again were obsessed with the After life.

    After life ~ TIME after death

    Now in my research I learned quite a bit. Particularly hieroglyphs. When you see something that has ABSOLUTELY no place in a tomb for the time era it was begin to question it's origins.

    Which I did. The tomb in question has plenty of things that in this particular persons tomb make no sense. They do not relate to the deceased AT ALL. Who this person was and why this would be there.

    So I'm going to throw some things that relate to this in a big way before I get to it. IF is seems out of place...understand it will connect once I get into the tomb and it's origins and creation.

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  13. #37
    In Memoriam Shadowself's Avatar
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    so I'll start with:

    Shi Shen;

    4th century BC was a Chinese astronomer and contemporary of Gan De born in the State of Wei, also known as the Master Shi Shen.

    Shi is credited with positioning the 121 stars found in the preserved texts. Shen also made the earliest surviving undated record of sunspot observation, which is sometimes erroneously credited to Gan De. He assumed that these spots were eclipses that began at the center of the sun and spread outward. Although he was wrong, he recognized the spots for what they were – solar phenomena.

    Solar phenomena...

    Stone carving by Huang Shang...

    star chart rubbing

    What's this got to do with the price of tea in China?

    Egypt for that matter?

    Shi Shen was one of several "Masters" of any given civilization who marveled at the stars. A pastime that never died out. In fact became a quest and race between nations in our day. One we've all though about at some time or another I'm certain.

    In Ancient times it was supposed the quest to discover what's out there was based on seasons for planting. Sacrificial rituals to the Sun Gods, to reap a better crop during the season and such. Some civilizations had a booming voice from the sky sending messages and warning to heed otherwise the wrath would be great.


    I used that particular song because it expresses one particular thing. The path we all travel, yet the promise that home is always there for you.

    Lyrics in the song: Just know that where ever you go you're not alone.

    My personal quest for the Red Dot was something I've been working on since I was very young. Now I started to tell this story once but stopped. I figured what does it matter anyhow! Well it matters to me. In the quest to find some answers and the Red Dot I ran into some rather interesting things and people along the way.

    What do you suppose drove Shi Shen to map the stars?

    Probably the same thing that drives me to find the Red Dot...

    One of the main reasons I happened to join my first ever forum (the original Avalon) was because I was searching for some answers as to the why, and hows of a personal nature of events within my own personal experience.

    So ... one particular dimension and concept. That would be Time. Speaking of time please note the date on some of the referred links to some coming posts I'll add here soon. It's rather important to understand the two things I'm going to refer to right now.

    Time: Is a dimension in which events are ordered from the past through the present into the future.

    Pretty basic concept.

    Now another concept. A thought experiment:

    Retrocausality: Is any of several hypothetical phenomena or processes that reverse causality, allowing an effect to occur before its cause. Retrocausality is primarily a thought experiment in philosophy of science based on elements of physics, addressing the question: Can the future affect the present, and can the present affect the past?

    Can the Future or present effect the past?

    Back From the Future

    A series of quantum experiments shows that measurements performed in the future can influence the present. Does that mean the universe has a destiny—and the laws of physics pull us inexorably toward our prewritten fate?

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  15. #38
    In Memoriam Shadowself's Avatar
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    I discovered time stamp through some investigation. It's an ancient one as well. Get prepared.

    Mystery of Time in a Bottle


    Cause and effect:

    What would Shi Shen say?

    Relevant physical theory:

    Chain reaction
    Butterfly effect

    Which will bring us to the

    Infinite field of Potential


    6 degrees of separation

    93 million miles from the sun song in the previous post by John Mraz

    Merritt Lear in the video is the Violin player and good friend of my late son. That video was also made on My son's birthday June 26 after his death. They were skydiving buddies.

    Then somebody made this video about my son with whom they worked.

    What's the last thing you see?:


    In this video provided here with the "time code operations" in the pages he's flipping closes with him holding a bridge.

    Ever heard of an Einstein–Rosen bridge?

    Better known as a wormhole?

    On May 3rd (the day before he died)... out of flippin nowhere my computer plays:

    I don't know....I think it needs more cowbell!

    That day I was writing about a subject I'm going to put in the next post. But it's pretty clear in the image if you look at it.

    Perhaps this is all coincidence. We've all heard of people who lose a loved one who have a premonition prior to or during the time of their death. It's not uncommon.

    What I've just provided here is however a whole lot more than premonition and I'll show you why later.

    Merritt was also hanging with this guy that summer.

    Which brings me to the next post and this:


    Do you think somebody was trying to tell me something?
    Last edited by Shadowself, 21st June 2015 at 18:18.

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  17. #39
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    What I was writing about at the time that video out of nowhere played on my computer was the Bath and Wells Cathedral and the profuse Egyptian Decor with the the two Cathedrals.

    Why you might ask? Because somebody urged me to take a look at the Bath Cathedral that's why.

    At the time I noted also the connection to the Anglican Church and the Coptic Church which in case you were not aware are considering merging as one church. It's just a consideration mind you....but it's been suggested.

    Of course the Coptic Church is Egyptian based christian if you will...and very much in alignment with the Anglican Church....Which is what the Bath and Wells Cathedral are.

    Within the Wells Cathedral and on the front of the Bath Cathedral are Jacobs Ladder...or as some might describe it...The stairway to the stars.

    Bath Cathedral:

    Wells Cathedral:

    Stairway to pillars are the pillars of Ptah/Path

    In fact here's a virtual tour of that hallway featuring the Pillars of Ptah/Path.

    Run your mouse up down and around. You can even move in for a closer view.

    In the Wells Cathedral right above Jesus sits a Clock:

    An Astronomical Clock to be precise!

    Here is the virtual tour of that:

    That stairway at the Wells Cathedral leads to three stars if take the virtual tour. Three circular windows at the top.

    Resembling this:

    On that ladder on front of the Bath Abby sits this:

    That is no ordinary cross. That is the cross of Ptah/Path

    next....about that.
    Last edited by Shadowself, 22nd June 2015 at 13:19.

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  19. #40
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    So....we know about this fancy ladder of divine ascent.....Jacob's Ladder.

    The theme of the ladder to heaven is often used by the Early Church Fathers: Saint Irenaeus in the 2nd century describes the Christian Church as the ladder of ascent to God

    In the 4th century Saint Gregory of Nazianzus speaks of ascending Jacob's Ladder by successive steps towards excellence, interpreting thus the ladder as an ascetic path, while Saint Gregory of Nyssa narrates that Moses climbed on Jacob's Ladder to reach the heavens where he entered the tabernacle not made with hands, thus giving to the Ladder a clear mystical meaning.

    The ascetic interpretation is found also in Saint John Chrysostom who writes:

    And so mounting as it were by steps, let us get to heaven by a Jacob’s ladder. For the ladder seems to me to signify in a riddle by that vision the gradual ascent by means of virtue, by which it is possible for us to ascend from earth to heaven, not using material steps, but improvement and correction of manners.

    Saint John Chrysostom?

    Check this Saint out:

    John Chrysostom (c. 347–407, Greek: Ἰωάννης ὁ Χρυσόστομος), Archbishop of Constantinople, was an important Early Church Father. He is known for his eloquence in preaching and public speaking, his denunciation of abuse of authority by both ecclesiastical and political leaders, the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, and his ascetic sensibilities. After his death in 407 (or, according to some sources, during his life) he was given the Greek epithet chrysostomos, meaning "golden mouthed" in English.

    John is known in Christianity chiefly as a preacher, theologian and liturgist. Among his homilies, eight directed against Judaizing Christians remain controversial for their impact on the development of Christian antisemitism.

    Really? I didn't write that..... but check this out....

    The Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches honor him as a saint and count him among the Three Holy Hierarchs, together with Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzus. He is recognized by the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church as a saint and as a Doctor of the Church. Churches of the Western tradition, including the Roman Catholic Church, some Anglican provinces, and parts of the Lutheran Church, commemorate him on 13 September. Some Lutheran and many Anglican provinces commemorate him on the traditional Eastern feast day of 27 January.

    The Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria also recognizes John Chrysostom as a saint (with feast days on 16 Thout and 17 Hathor).

    Say what? This is news to what is this Feast day of Thout and Hathor????????

    Check it....note the date.....

    Month of Hathor

    Hathor also known as Hatour, is the third month of the Coptic calendar. It lies between November 10 and December 9 of the Gregorian calendar. The month of Hathor is also the third month of the Season of 'Akhet' (Inundation) in Ancient Egypt, when the Nile floods historically covered the land of Egypt; they have not done so since the construction of the High Dam at Aswan.

    The name of the month comes from Hathor, the Ancient Egyptian Goddess of Beauty and Love.


    Thout , also known as Tout, is the first month of the Coptic calendar. It lies between 11 September and 10 October of the Gregorian calendar. The month of Thout is also the first month of the Season of Akhet (Inundation) in Ancient Egypt, when the Nile floods historically covered the land of Egypt; it has not done so since the construction of the High Dam at Aswan.
    The name of the month comes from Thoth, the Ancient Egyptian God of Wisdom.
    Yikes! September 11th?!?!

    Now...correct me if I'm wrong...but was it not blamed on Osama Bin Laden the whole 9/11 thing? And was it not due to the Palestinian Israel conflict that he supposedly attacked the US over our support of Israel? Or something along those lines?

    So ....just for kicks and giggles...lets check out one of these dates....perhaps the Thout end date of this time of "October 10th"

    It sure the hell seems to me this "feast" date is a bit busy...not to mention the starting date of September 11th!!!

    But wait....check it and keep in mind I was writing about this when that damned Song "don't fear the reaper" came on my computer!

    Here's the Orthodox Coptic Calendar:

    Look at the Month of:

    Paremoude also known as Barmouda is the eighth month of the Coptic calendar. It lies between April 9 and May 8of the Gregorian calendar. The month of Paremoude is also the fourth month of the Season of 'Proyet' (Growth) in Ancient Egypt, where the Nile floods recede and the crops start to grow throughout the land of Egypt. The name of the month of Paremoude comes from Renno, the Ancient Egyptian God of severe wind and death.
    Between April 9th and May 8th is the month named after Renno...the Ancient Egyptian God of severe wind and death.


    When my son died I happened to run across all his many journals just before his this journal one entry was written in 1994

    I wasn't feeling like working so I thought $150.00 to sit up in the condor and babysit a 12K would be pretty relaxed and maybe even fun. So here I am 80 feet above the ground with cars driving under me. the base of this thing doesn't look much bigger than a car and I have a lot of weight up here. The base which is supporting on it's side the lesser angle. I am reminded of a dream I had about a month ago with the same strange camera crane at some intersection. Similar to this one. I was not on the rig I was at a house nearby. And a sudden storm, a wind storm started up and I ran to see if their rig was alright but I never made it there because I noticed that I could swim in the wind currents like I was in water, doing flips and flowing, gracefully. Well enough of that, but if something does happen, let it be said that I predicted my early demise as my father did.
    John of course died May 4th....during the month of Paremoude...the month named after the god of severe wind and death!

    What a strange coincidence.......Dot dot dot.

    This is just scratching the surface....

    It also behooves me to tell you....regarding this Coptic Calendar:

    Feast of Coptic Martyrs:
    Ironically, the attack of September 11 occurred on the same day that Coptic Orthodox Christians, throughout the world, were commemorating the "Feast of Nayrouz", which honors the memory of the martyrdom of Egypt's Christians throughout the centuries. The Coptic calender begins on the first day of Thout, called "Nayrouz" a Persian word, meaning "the beginning of the year," which coincides with September the eleventh five centuries, when Gregorian calender replaced the Egyptian (Julian after adoption from Alexandria)in 1582. It commemorates the start of the torturous rule of Diocletianus, in memorial of tens of thousands of Coptic martyrs. His reign is considered the era in which the church offered absolute witnesses to Christ, when the souls of martyrs departed to paradise and kept shining as bright stars therein.

    A martyr is somebody who suffers persecution and death for refusing to renounce, or accept, a belief or cause, usually religious. To top it off this is New Year's day in the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria

    How many Martyrs did you count on September 11, 2001?
    Last edited by Shadowself, 21st June 2015 at 18:35.

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  21. #41
    In Memoriam Shadowself's Avatar
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    So for the longest time after that video of John and the camera I thought he said "How do you set the damned Death Stop".

    That is not what he said at all.

    What he said is, "How do you set the damned F stop"?

    In optics, the f-number (sometimes called focal ratio, f-ratio, f-stop, or relative aperture) of an optical system is the ratio of the lens's focal length to the diameter of the entrance pupil. It is a dimensionless number that is a quantitative measure of lens speed, and an important concept in photography.

    Computing the f-number of the human eye involves computing the physical aperture and focal length of the eye.

    In astronomy, the f-number is commonly referred to as the focal ratio (or f-ratio) .
    Even though the principles of focal ratio are always the same, the application to which the principle is put can differ. In photography the focal ratio varies the focal-plane illuminance (or optical power per unit area in the image) and is used to control variables such as depth of field. When using an optical telescope in astronomy, there is no depth of field issue, and the brightness of stellar point sources in terms of total optical power (not divided by area) is a function of absolute aperture area only, independent of focal length.

    The ancient Egyptians Looked at the stars...Master Shi Shen looked at the stars....the Mayans and Egyptian Coptic's made calendars about these stars and to see them requires Optics.

    They made measuring with the Eye and distance precise.

    Typical one half, one third, one quarter...etc....F Stop:

    "the focal ratio varies the focal-plane illuminance......"

    Illuminance ....sounds like?

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  23. #42
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    So what does that have to do with time you ask? Plenty.

    ~ Time ~

    “I don’t understand you,” said Alice. “It’s dreadfully confusing!”
    “That’s the effect of living backwards,” the Queen said kindly:
    “it always makes one a little giddy at first—”
    “Living backwards!” Alice repeated in great astonishment. “I
    never heard of such a thing!”
    “–but there’s one great advantage in it, that one’s memory
    works both ways.”
    “I’m sure mine only works one way,” Alice remarked. “I can’t
    remember things before they happen.”
    “It’s a poor sort of memory that only works backwards,” the
    Queen remarked.

    ~ Tell 'em a hookah smoking caterpillar Has given you the call ~


    All right,’ said the Cat; and this time it vanished quite slowly,
    beginning with the end of the
    tail, and ending with the grin, which remained
    some time after the rest of it had gone.
    ‘Well! I've often seen a cat without a grin,’
    thought Alice, ’but a grin without a cat! It’s the
    most curious thing I ever saw in my life!’

    No wonder Alice is surprised. In real life, assuming
    that cats do indeed smile, then the smile is a property of
    the cat – it makes no sense to think of a smile without a
    cat. And this goes for almost all physical properties. The
    polarization is a property of a photon, it makes no sense
    to have a polarization without a photon. Yet, as we will
    show here, in the interesting way of quantum mechanics, a photon polarization may exist where there is no
    photon at all. At least this is the story that quantum mechanics tells via pre- and post-selected measurements.

    We have shown that Cheshire cats have a place in
    quantum mechanics – physical properties can be
    disembodied from the objects they belong to in a pre- and
    post-selected experiment. Although here we have only
    presented one example where a photon is disembodied
    from its polarization, it should be clear that this effect is
    completely general – we can separate, for example the
    spin from the charge of an electron, or internal energy
    of an atom from the atom itself. Furthermore it is important
    to realize that is not just that pointers of well prepared
    measuring devices indicate that the properties
    are disembodied – any external system which interacts
    weakly with the pre- and post-selected system will react
    This therefore opens many intriguing questions, both
    conceptual and applied ones. First of all, how will
    an electron with charge and mass disembodied effect

    A nearby electron? In an atom with the internal energy disembodied from the mass, what will the resulting
    gravitational field look like? What sort of thermal equilibrium will achieved by a system whose two degrees
    of freedom are separated? Furthermore, when considering more than two degrees of freedom, can we separate
    them all from each other? Can photons impart angular
    momentum to one object while their radiation pressure
    is felt by another object?

    On the applied side, we may ask whether Cheshire
    cats are useful in precision measurements, just as weak
    measurements themselves have now shown to be useful
    as a powerful amplification technique .


    for example that we wish to perform a measurement​

    in which the magnetic moment plays the central role,​

    whilst the charge causes unwanted disturbances. Using
    this scheme it would appear possible to remove this disturbance, in a post-selected manner (i.e. heralded), by
    producing a Cheshire cat where the charge is confined
    to a region of the experiment far from the magnetic moment.

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    Can a Future Choice Affect a Past Measurement's

    Our proof rests on two well-established findings: i) Bell's nonlocality
    theorem and ii) The causal asymmetry between weak and strong
    The EPR-Bell experiment proves that one particle's spin outcome
    depends on the choice of the spin-orientation to be measured on the other
    particle, and its outcome thereof. Relativistic locality is not necessarily
    violated in this experiment, as it allows that it was either Alice whose
    choices affected Bob's, or vice versa.

    This reciprocity, however, does not hold for a combination of
    measurements of which one is weak and the other strong. The latter
    affects the former, never vice versa. Therefore, when a weak
    measurement precedes a strong one, the only possible direction for the
    causal effect is from future to past.
    We stress again that attempt to dismiss the weak measurement's peculiar
    outcomes by invoking some subtle collapse due to the weak
    measurement, or any other form of contaminating the initial superposed
    states, have been thoroughly considered and ruled out.
    Also, while earlier predictions derived from the TSVF were sometimes
    dismissed as counter factuals, there is nothing counter factual in the
    experiments proposed in this paper. Our predictions refer to actual
    measurements whose outcomes are objectively recorded.


    “Could the laws of physics be pulling us inexorably toward our prewritten fate?”

    “if a particle’s past doesn’t contain enough information to determine its fate, then maybe its future does.”

    A series of quantum experiments seems to actually confirm the notion that the future can influence results that happened before those measurements were even made.

    “looking into the notion that time might flow backward, allowing the future to influence the past. By extension, the universe might have a destiny that reaches back and conspires with the past to bring the present into view. On a cosmic scale, this idea could help explain how life arose in the universe against tremendous odds. On a personal scale, it may make us question whether fate is pulling us inexorably forward and whether we have free will.”

    Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
    You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way.
    Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
    Waiting for someone or something to show you the way.

    "Compare Sri Yantra" to Tamara Davis's Fig 1.1

    Fig from:

    I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it,

    look before they cross the road...

    Stephen Hawking​

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    Now my guess is you're not going to read all those peer reviewed papers written and posted at the Cornell University Library. IF you do good on you. The math threw me so I had to simply suppose it was correct in retrospect as it was posted there after being peer reviewed.

    So what does it all mean? This debate about quantum mechanics and particle measurement? It can be quite confusing to the layman. I know it took me several passes to grasp. I suspect this is the reason some people (myself included at one time) could fall for the George's of the world spouting some pretty bold ideas about Ascension and the fifth dimension. Particularly at a time when the Mayan Calendar was about to explode right in our faces and the world was going to make some magnetic flip of the poles and WTF were/are we going to do?

    And what EXACTLY IS the "5th" dimension we're supposed to traverse into?

    Ahhh I see said the blind man!

    So, what's the major deal with moving in time or time travel? Premonition and dreams of that sort are a form of time travel. If you see something before it happens and it does then it's pretty safe to say some part of your conscious traveled to get the data and return with it. Via dream or simple intuition of an event about to happen. But when does a computer warn you of an impending event? Are we living in a PK Dick novel and narration/implementation of a program? Is that even possible?

    Going back in time the Paradox is a major concern. Easy...I got that straight away.

    So what we do know for certain is we are in the Milky Way whose center is a black hole. Einstein was proven right that we are in fact sitting in a time vortex:


    One conclusion is "Time is an Illusion". Well hold up a minute...the Effect of time is an illusion. But time is only an illusion as "we know it".

    Then there's the paradox of "Spooky Action at a distance".

    Einstein's "Spooky Action at a Distance" Paradox Older Than Thought

    Einstein's phrase "spooky action at a distance" has become synonymous with one of the most famous episodes in the history of physics—his battle with Bohr in the 1930s over the completeness of quantum mechanics.
    Einstein's weapons in this battle were thought experiments that he designed to highlight what he believed were the inadequacies of the new theory.
    The most famous of these is the EPR paradox, announced in 1935 and named after its inventors Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan Rosen.
    It involves a pair of particles linked by the strange quantum property of entanglement (a word coined much later). Entanglement occurs when two particles are so deeply linked that they share the same existence. In the language of quantum mechanics, they are described by the same mathematical relation known as a wavefunction.
    Entanglement arises naturally when two particles are created at the same point and instant in space, for example.
    Entangled particles can become widely separated in space. But even so, the mathematics implies that a measurement on one immediately influences the other, regardless of the distance between them.
    Einstein and co pointed out that according to special relativity, this was impossible and therefore, quantum mechanics must be wrong, or at least incomplete. Einstein famously called it spooky action at a distance.
    The EPR paradox stumped Bohr and was not resolved until 1964, long after Einstein's death. CERN physicist John Bell resolved it by thinking of entanglement as an an entirely new kind of phenomenon, which he termed "nonlocal."
    The basic idea here is to think about the transfer of information. Entanglement allows one particle to instantaneously influence another but not in a way that allows classical information to travel faster than light. This resolved the paradox with special relativity but left much of the mystery intact. These days, the curious nature of entanglement is the subject of intense focus in labs around the world.
    But that doesn't tell the full story, says Hrvoje Nikoli at the Rudjer Boskovic Institute in Croatia. Today, he reveals that although history first records this paradox in 1935, Einstein unknowingly stumbled across it much earlier, in 1930.

    At this time, he was working on another paradox, which he presented at the 6th Solvay Conference in Brussels in 1930. This problem focused on the Heisenberg uncertainty relation between energy and time, which states that you cannot measure both with high accuracy.

    To challenge this, Einstein came up with the following thought experiment. Imagine a box that can be opened and closed quickly and which contains an ensemble of photons. When open, the box emits a single photon.

    The time of emission can be measured with arbitrary precision--it's just the length of time for which the box was open. According to quantum mechanics, this limits the resolution with which you can measure the photon's energy.

    But Einstein pointed out that this too can be measured with arbitrary precision, not by measuring the photon but by measuring the change of energy of the box when the photon is emitted, which must be equal to the energy of the photon. Therefore, quantum mechanics is inconsistent, he said.

    Einstein's great rival, Bohr, puzzled long and hard over this but eventually came up with the following argument. He said that Einstein's own theory of general relativity provided the answer.

    Since the measurement of time takes place in a gravitational field, the lapse in time during which the box is open must also depend on the box's position.
    The uncertainty in position is an additional factor that Einstein had not taken into account, and this, according to Bohr, resolved the paradox. Einstein was sent packing.
    Of course, this is not a very satisfactory answer to the modern eye. It implies, for one thing, that quantum mechanics requires general relativity to be consistent, an idea that modern physicists would roundly reject.

    Nikoli says this problem has never been satisfactorily analyzed from a modern perspective. Until now.

    He says the proper resolution is to think of the total energy of the system, which is the energy of the box and the energy of the photon. The total energy is constant and governed by a single mathematical entity, even after the photon is emitted.

    So the box and the photon must be entangled.
    This immediately raises the problem that Einstein later hit on in the EPR paradox. A measurement on the box immediately influences the photon and vice versa--spooky action at a distance.
    For this reason, the photon paradox is equivalent to the EPR paradox, says Nikoli. Had Einstein noticed it, he could have stopped Bohr in his tracks.
    That's an interesting historical footnote. Bohr's triumph over Einstein on this occasion is widely thought to have been his greatest.
    But now it's easy to see that things could have been significantly different if Einstein had reformulated his argument in terms of entanglement. … n-thought/
    Spooky Action at Distance': Physicists Develop First Conclusive Test to Better Understand High-Energy Particles Correlations

    ScienceDaily (Jan. 16, 2012) — Researchers have devised a proposal for the first conclusive experimental test of a phenomenon known as 'Bell's nonlocality.' This test is designed to reveal correlations that are stronger than any classical correlations, and do so between high-energy particles that do not consist of ordinary matter and light. These results are relevant to the so-called 'CP violation' principle, which is used to explain the dominance of matter over antimatter.

    ................Revealing "spooky action at distance" for kaon-antikaon pairs has fundamental implications for our understanding of such particles' correlations and could ultimately allow us to determine whether symmetries in particle physics and manifestations of particles correlations are linked. … 112608.htm

    So time as we know it is on our stamped, measured and perceived.

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    So time as we know it is an Illusion as we experience it? Made by the time vortex we are sitting in right us the ability to measure it at the same volatility as the spin measurement in which we sit. Based on what? The movement of spin is based on the stars we gauge to measure the distance of revolution. Thus the date and calendar measurement. Maybe Shi Shen was on to something?

    In fact that whole "quote" I posted speaks of measuring time correctly basically.
    Since the measurement of time takes place in a gravitational field, the lapse in time during which the box is open must also depend on the box's position.
    The uncertainty in position is an additional factor that Einstein had not taken into account, and this, according to Bohr, resolved the paradox. Einstein was sent packing.
    Of course, this is not a very satisfactory answer to the modern eye. It implies, for one thing, that quantum mechanics requires general relativity to be consistent, an idea that modern physicists would roundly reject.

    Nikoli says this problem has never been satisfactorily analyzed from a modern perspective. Until now.

    He says the proper resolution is to think of the total energy of the system, which is the energy of the box and the energy of the photon. The total energy is constant and governed by a single mathematical entity, even after the photon is emitted.

    So the box and the photon must be entangled.
    This immediately raises the problem that Einstein later hit on in the EPR paradox. A measurement on the box immediately influences the photon and vice versa--spooky action at a distance.
    For this reason, the photon paradox is equivalent to the EPR paradox, says Nikoli. Had Einstein noticed it, he could have stopped Bohr in his tracks.
    That's an interesting historical footnote. Bohr's triumph over Einstein on this occasion is widely thought to have been his greatest.
    But now it's easy to see that things could have been significantly different if Einstein had reformulated his argument in terms of entanglement.
    So what's a photon?
    A photon is an elementary particle, the quantum of light and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation, and the force carrier for the electromagnetic force, even when static via virtual photons. The effects of this force are easily observable at both the microscopic and macroscopic level, because the photon has zero rest mass; this allows long distance interactions. Like all elementary particles, photons are currently best explained by quantum mechanics and exhibit wave–particle duality, exhibiting properties of both waves and particles. For example, a single photon may be refracted by a lens or exhibit wave interference with itself, but also act as a particle giving a definite result when its position is measured.

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