Last edited by Myst, 16th March 2017 at 08:11.
Aianawa (28th March 2018), Amenjo (19th June 2015), Aragorn (20th June 2015), bsbray (19th June 2015), Chester (1st August 2015), lcam88 (20th June 2015), lookbeyond (20th June 2015), MaryMay (24th June 2015), Shadowself (19th June 2015)
Very nice Mist.
I think...no I'm certain that like I said earlier there are no wrong answers here. What I'm about to share here.... will be something for everybody to enjoy and ponder of a deeper meaning. It doesn't matter who you are or what you believe. It will manage to connect in a big way. Of this I'm certain. It doesn't even matter how you interpret it. It will have some kind of match to something bigger than what we presume via this thing called Perception.
So, my next post is going to start with a fair amount of measurements. Did I say measurements?
Yes I did....imaging that.
While I'm retrieving some data I have shared before allow me to share some other connotations. I do hope you got a chance to watch the video on Visual Semiotics....it's important to be able to follow what is about to be presented. In fact everything I present here up to and including some pretty heady physics papers will be important. But you don't have to understand all the Math....because the math is quite simple. And math is what you're about to see a great deal of here. I will make it quite simple...so simple you can use a basic dime store calculator and do it yourself. The intricate math and physics is simply the validation to adhere what it's all about. You can read it if you wish and gain a fair amount of understanding without doing the math yourself. But it is actually important to add and back up the data I'm about to share here.
Easy peasy!
A flower:
The Egyptian Blue Lily
Egyptian connotation (False door):
Isis Knot/Blood of Isis (NO! Really???....We'll see.)
Egyptian game (tug of war):
Tug of war in Egypt? Oh believe me that's an important one!
Last edited by Shadowself, 19th June 2015 at 22:07.
Aianawa (28th March 2018), Amenjo (19th June 2015), Aragorn (20th June 2015), bsbray (19th June 2015), Chester (1st August 2015), Dumpster Diver (15th February 2018), lookbeyond (20th June 2015), Rebel&Rocket (20th June 2015), yobear (20th June 2015)
First let's start off by measuring sound.
Harmonic Series:
Notice designated numerical value given to f-Sharp
Frequency Wavelength:
Note 11 in Harmonic Series and F-Sharp:
Tom Danley also became interested in the Great Pyramid. Here is an extract from his interview in FATE magazine in 1998.
"In the Great Cheops Pyramid in the King's Chamber an F-sharp chord is resident, sometimes below the range of human hearing. Former NASA consultant Tom Danley feels the sound may be caused by wind blowing cross the ends of the air shafts and causing a pop-bottle effect. These vibrations, some ranging as low a 9 hertz down to 0.5 hertz, are enhanced by the dimensions of the Pyramid, as well as the King's Chamber and the sarcophagus case inside. According to Danley, even the type of stone was selected to enhance these vibrations."
In a 1997 video, JJ Hurtak said "this chord (F-sharp) is the harmonic of planet Earth to which native Americans still tune their instruments, and is in perfect harmony with the human body."
In the Great Pyramid these sounds are infrasonic vibrations, meaning they are below the level of human hearing.
Another researcher, John Reid, an acoustic engineer stated that while he was lying in the coffer and vocalizing various tones he was staggered by the intensity of the reflected energy. He said "the effect of lying in the sarcophagus while toning its prime resonant frequency is almost like taking a bath. Waves of sonic energy wash over your body almost like water".
It does not appear that all this was accidental or incorporated for a burial ritual. It must have had a more important purpose.
While we are on the topic of sound, it is interesting to note that the Grand Gallery seems to be tunable, via it's stepped ceiling construction to four octaves.
The antechamber before the Kings chamber with it's portcullis grooves and granite leaf, is reminiscent of a giant reed, for tuning the cavity.
In music, pitch is the perception of the frequency of a note. For example, the A above middle C is nowadays set at 440 Hz (often written as "A = 440 Hz", and known as concert pitch). Pitch is often cited as one of the fundamental aspects of music.
A Neutron Star in F-sharp:
Fractal Geometry of Music:
Fractal Geometry and F Sharp.....
Starting with F
Studying the frequency of natural catastrophes, one of us
(K.J.H.) came to realize an inverse log-log linear relation
between the frequency (F) and a parameter expressing the
intensity of the events (M), be they earthquakes, landslides,
floods, or meteorite impacts (2), and the relation can be stated
by the simple equation
F= c/MD.
Only later did we realize that this relation has been called
fractal by Mandelbrot (3), where c is a constant of proportionality
and D is the fractal dimension. Fractal relations have
commonly a lower and an upper limit. In the case of earthquakes,
for example, Eq. 2 holds only for the interval 3 -AM
c 9, because the smallest earthquakes are not represented by
significant statistics, nor is the energy release of large earthquakes
Mandelbrot (3) put together certain geometric shapes
whose "monstrous" forms were very irregular and fragmented;
he coined the term fractal to denote them. Those
"monsters" were considered irrelevant to nature, akin to
modern atonal music (4), until Mandelbrot suggested that the
fractal relation could be the central conceptual tool to understand
the harmony of nature.
We have been searching for a meaning of melody. Is it
tradition or convention, or is it an instinctive expression of a
natural law? Could we find a mathematical relation to describe
a melody? Could the music of Bach be mathematically
distinguished from that of Stockhausen? Could we use mathematics
to describe the evolution of music from the primitive
folk's music to the atonal music of today? If music is an
expression of nature's harmony, could music have a fractal
geometry? Which, the atonal or the classical
Proximity ~ Sending out a code
First the bio of Boris Said ~film maker
Note the findings:Boris Said has a very unusual biography beginning with an education at Princeton University and a fluent knowledge of several languages including Russian, French, Italian, Spanish and English. From 1953-1980 Boris was a sportsman and attained several automobile racing speed records. He was a member of the U.S. Olympic Bobsled Team in 1968 and 1972, and in 1980 Said began the transition to film work as he both drove the four-man bobsled at the Lake Placid Olympics and worked on TV interviews for ABC.
Since 1983 his credits have included writing, producing and directing documentaries on bobsledding, dolphins, a Zulu witch doctor, and other varied topics. The 1994 NBC TV feature documentary that he produced with John Anthony West, "The Mysteries of the Sphinx" hosted by Charlton Heston, was awarded an Emmy.
Boris first learned about the mysteries surrounding the monuments in Egypt and the questions about their origins from John Anthony West, when in 1990 West asked him to help make this documentary. West was working with Boston University geologist Dr. Robert Schoch whose ground breaking work indicates that the age of the Sphinx is thousands of years older than the Egyptian civilization itself.
"I came to it with no opinions whatsoever," says Boris, regarding the controversial debates on the new findings.
From this source, one of many.We've been testing the sonics of the Great Pyramid. We've known for a long time that if you lie in what they call the sarcophagus, which is that stone box in the King's Chamber cut from a solid piece of granite, and you hum, you hum a scale, for example, there will be certain notes that sound louder and more resonant to you than other notes. And recently we had an opportunity to put sensors all over that pyramid, including the five chambers above the King's Chamber, which I guess we're going to discuss in more detail later, and we found that when we activated the pyramid with hugs speakers and amplifiers in the King's Chamber that all of these sensors resonated, leading us to believe that the entire pyramid was some sort of huge sonic machine."
"What we proved," says Boris, "was when we got back to the laboratory and analyzed our recordings, we found that there were sounds present in the King's Chamber even when we weren't making any sounds. They were below the audible range, below 20 Hertz, below 20 vibrations per second.... Down as far as half a vibration per second, or half a Hertz.
We found that these lower scales had the same five peaks, and when you plotted the peaks on a graph and raised them three or four octaves to where you could hear them, low and behold, it was the same notes. It was the same chord... an F sharp chord, which the early Egyptian texts suggest was a harmonic of Mother Earth. And I might tell you, coincidentally, and we bring this out in our tape, a lot of Native American makers of sacred flutes, tune their flutes to F sharp. Why? Because it's compatible with the harmony of Mother Earth. Now that's just too big a coincidence."
Below audible (inaudible) range Hertz Noted in this post and the one preceding)
Audible frequency range : generally accepted standard range of audible frequencies is 20 to 20,000 Hz
Frequencies below 20 Hz are generally felt rather than heard, assuming the amplitude of the vibration is great enough.
"They were below the audible range, below 20 Hertz, below 20 vibrations per second.... Down as far as half a vibration per second, or half a Hertz."
11 harmonic series F sharp
(there will be certain notes that sound louder and more resonant to you than other notes)
Pyramidal structure
Granite Chamber (This rock consists mainly of quartz/crystal, mica, and feldspar.)
unpowered radio receivers: A crystal radio receiver
... while other radios use a separate source of electric power such as a battery or the mains power to amplify the weak radio signal from the antenna so it is louder. Thus crystal sets produce rather weak sound and must be listened to with sensitive earphones, and can only pick up stations within a limited range
Update: 21ST century
Now you can transmit data to smart devices over inaudible soundwaves
The audio signal, which is inaudible to the human ear, can be broadcasted during a television show, radio broadcast, movie showing, music concert or any other event, and can be received...
technology works by sending out a code as an audio signal from a speaker to any device with a microphone. A companion app provided by Sonic Notify interprets the unique code to deliver the correct content. Everything is based on proximity; once a device gets close enough to the signal, it can receive the data.
Read more at http://venturebeat.com/2012/01/10/sonic … eaYLLgm.99
Handy little app I suppose...but the tech is more relevant to what might seem another type of sonic data delivery system of the ancient sort eh? Which is:
transmitting data over inaudible soundwaves via Crystal/Granite Chamber using 11 harmonic series of F sharp.
So to; using those inaudible soundwaves to get the signal.
Now that's an apparent puzzle eh?
Continuation commencement of "to be continued": perception frequency transmission
And now this to ponder while I gather some other data which eventually led me to the code.
What code? You'll see.
Last edited by Shadowself, 4th August 2018 at 14:32. Reason: dead video link
Aianawa (28th March 2018), Amenjo (19th June 2015), Aragorn (20th June 2015), Bob (19th June 2015), bsbray (19th June 2015), Chester (1st August 2015), Dumpster Diver (15th February 2018), lookbeyond (20th June 2015), MaryMay (24th June 2015), Rebel&Rocket (20th June 2015), yobear (20th June 2015)
Lots of numbers there to ponder in that last video eh?
Some really stick out too.
What about the crystal radio receiver? It's been suggested by many that the top of the great pyramid had in fact a crystal cap and not a gold cap. Interesting no?
So what's all this got to do with 6 degrees of separation and Order from Chaos?
Well....in the video it specifically stated that the Freemasons were particularly fond of certain numbers.
It's also known that "order from Chaos" or better know as "Ordo ab Chao" was the motto of the Freemasons given back in 1395.
So here you have this group that has a definitive leaning toward things of an ancient Egyptian nature and 33 comes into play. An ancient culture that worshiped the sun and measured it's rise and fall to a great degree.
Allow me to show you something most people don't readily know reported by Stanford News.
Measuring Nuclear Decay....
The strange case of solar flares and radioactive elements:
....It's a mystery that presented itself unexpectedly: The radioactive decay of some elements sitting quietly in laboratories on Earth seemed to be influenced by activities inside the sun, 93 million miles away.
Random numbers
Cessium? Check it:But that assumption was challenged in an unexpected way by a group of researchers from Purdue University who at the time were more interested in random numbers than nuclear decay. (Scientists use long strings of random numbers for a variety of calculations, but they are difficult to produce, since the process used to produce the numbers has an influence on the outcome.)
Ephraim Fischbach, a physics professor at Purdue, was looking into the rate of radioactive decay of several isotopes as a possible source of random numbers generated without any human input. (A lump of radioactive cesium-137, for example, may decay at a steady rate overall, but individual atoms within the lump will decay in an unpredictable, random pattern. Thus the timing of the random ticks of a Geiger counter placed near the cesium might be used to generate random numbers.)
Whoa!On Dec 13, 2006, the sun itself provided a crucial clue, when a solar flare sent a stream of particles and radiation toward Earth. Purdue nuclear engineer Jere Jenkins, while measuring the decay rate of manganese-54, a short-lived isotope used in medical diagnostics, noticed that the rate dropped slightly during the flare, a decrease that started about a day and a half before the flare.
If this apparent relationship between flares and decay rates proves true, it could lead to a method of predicting solar flares prior to their occurrence, which could help prevent damage to satellites and electric grids, as well as save the lives of astronauts in space.
But this really caught my attention!
A surprise
http://news.stanford.edu/news/2010/a...un-082310.htmlGoing back to take another look at the decay data from the Brookhaven lab, the researchers found a recurring pattern of 33 days. It was a bit of a surprise, given that most solar observations show a pattern of about 28 days – the rotation rate of the surface of the sun.
The explanation? The core of the sun – where nuclear reactions produce neutrinos – apparently spins more slowly than the surface we see. "It may seem counter-intuitive, but it looks as if the core rotates more slowly than the rest of the sun," Sturrock said.
All of the evidence points toward a conclusion that the sun is "communicating" with radioactive isotopes on Earth, said Fischbach.
Now that's some Sirius Measuring! But wait...where's that code? and what about all those numbers? Coming up....
Last edited by Shadowself, 19th June 2015 at 23:59.
Aianawa (28th March 2018), Aragorn (20th June 2015), Bob (20th June 2015), bsbray (20th June 2015), Chester (1st August 2015), Dumpster Diver (15th February 2018), lookbeyond (20th June 2015), Rebel&Rocket (20th June 2015), yobear (20th June 2015)