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Thread: Heap of lies, or speeding development

  1. #1
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    Heap of lies, or speeding development

    Here is this story of mine, in relating to energies, which was to be my role, to be in, in this life. To understand how energies in your life are important, some one needs to be in the road (wheel) of life, first of all. You may believe we all begin on the road, but this is only true of a being who sends itself, off into the road, when born from the one Maker, who began Life, by using the most incredible link to the few who, at that time existed, way, way Above, where you are now.

    She is the first to know of great energies in the Above, higher even, than right where the Highest ever Beings, live in. Their solitude, sets them in roles of Eternal Beings – who are nameless, but you would need to deal carefully if ever you are to stop on here, on Earth and try to so reach, to where they are. To put them into some density or dimension – they would be first of all in the list of everlasting beings of greatest benefit to your Soul journey.

    To be more specific, these would be Above something over the 10th density. However, this is using the first token of an ET world, which begins from the bottom as one, going up to over and above ten. The Sources, reliving the role of Earth, over and over again, have in fact told of these ET's, having come into this Universe, only after the beginning of time on Earth. Seemingly intellectually deficient to the standards of Earth beings, are still in the role of a Group Soul, which means that they are all One in the role, of a life- long link to one another.

    They act, then, as a hive mind, seeing in the first place only for the benefit of the entire race or species. They are so many, but not to gather together, their purpose is to deliver rights to the whole group, and thus begin a hive wherever there is a need to close off all other races or species, on a better solitary life for each one. They are in great need of large areas of land for each person within the hive. In terms of densities or dimensions I will not differentiate on any differences here because there is no need to go into explaining about energies, all other ET's without a Soul or Spirit are termed as below the first density by the highest Source Gods.

    Earth beings of the Human Race, who sprang from the Danaan Celt mother and the bear mammal, are considered the gifted ones, for their origin is from the God source of Everlasting time and space – their supposed density then,(if not contaminated by Reptoid or Insectoid DNA), is roughly akin to working at Life in the Raw, which is about 7th density or ranging from 6th to 7th.

    The other immense race of human kind, is from the Mother of all creatures, great and small, and she began to hold a little dog, which was the first to begin Life, after her, and she began to incorporate the first DNA ever. The combination of these two, became gifted ones of Erect man, who still live on Earth as the brown skinned Aborigines of Australia, who later took life in many other places – they also called themselves of the Dreamtime – they are of the 5th density, but some married to some tall tough people of the Danaan Race and their progeny ended in DNA of more gigantic species, who went to US soil as the taller version of the Goethe She, and these are still living on Earth. I met some of them living in a section of the Sydney Botanical gardens not far from where I live in the Blue Mountains. These are noticeably highest of all densities of human kind – 9th -10th.

    If Reptoid or Insectoid DNA was infused onto some men, they are noticeably lower in all life gifted ones, so their role is one or two above the rest of the ET's – you could say 3rd density.

    Now to link in to the energies and how they are able to live in a role, on some one else's Life Pathway. If you are one of the many, who settled in to become a Reike channel, some of you are now clearly the ones to whom I can explain how energies can increase vibrational interaction to Soul Development.

    This is what the energy of gifted ones becomes if you add the 1st level Reiki energy to your Soul life. If you were working well as a 3rd density working in the way of the ET numbering - just think that all links to Reiki – or whatever level you went to, you vibrational Life Force increased up level of 5th density, or if you work in the way of the Sources starting from the level in between 6th-7th , you would need to give yourself a hug for you went to about 7th-8th density.

    If you, for example work in the energy of a modality of giving or counselling to others, you are working in a specified type of energy. The finite senses of those solving rightfully along the lines of Soul Development, there is no real increase in density, but you worth is now greater than it was when you began this life.

    So to work in vibrational development, you are needing to gain another higher energy, to be able to claim I am now some one whose vibration is greater or higher than before. Only in the role of an energy channeller are you immersing the nest of vibrations to a higher level than before.

    This is worth hearing about, for many risk life, trying to increase their vibration. Unless given by some one who went before you, who is capable of the transformational change in your world. The first thing is you make connection to the next phase, then in the role of a Being of Light you feel life increase in yourself, but this is transitory. This is only if you give yourself every chance of getting to much higher than before. Then it is so close to what you are wanting to get to, but it wont last, till a Master of that level, sets it in place forever.

    Let me briefly explain. The first thing to gain the next level of Vibration, is to work not on Life itself, but to gain Mastery of the invaluable link to energy. I most particularly do not mention Reiki at this stage, for it is too low in the rigorous growth, for your Soul Life. It came at the right time, but was only the preparation for the more extensive Soul work.

    The vibration for a better soul link, is to clear yourself of gifts, seemingly that you do not have yet. Every one needs gifts to See, Feel and Hear, before real Vibratory growth is possible. The first one you need is to feel Life Force. It take life force to shed Light to your inner Self. You are healing inside, from emotional trauma, every day.

    Because all Life comes in an exchange of energy, outside in the jet stream, you are not aware of the Fell ones who still live in and around the rim of Earth. You might have learnt a great deal from what this place is to you. It is the overflow, from the first life in your own Soul, till this present one. Many call this place, their time travelling place. Here you are able to live in roles, you might like to try out as well, but that is all there is -for yourself to place your Soul life in front of you. You are told live in this, and you will find gifts of great advantage for your connection to source. It feels like this is so, but your only Light to see in this place is your inner worth.

    The Fell ones risk the clear sight of your Soul, in order to stop life in you, by attaching ropes to your single heap of Soul gifts of sight, hearing and feeling, which you only ever have one lot of. They are some engineering marvels, they are so ghost-like, but can alter the image you see, to claim they are whomever you are wanting to meet or learn from. They are also adept at getting you to give your role to them, in which case you have just lost the filming of your Life, which heals or helps to clear yourself of gentle tolerance. The role is who you are, this is not the entire role of yours, which lives on your soul under the name of your Storybook.

    You are now under duress, for these, in ropes, Fell ones are who you believe these ET's are. There are many ET's who are not these Fell ones as well, so it is best to be extremely careful Things are never what they seem, when in risk of your Identity being roped off you by whosoever you believe in, enough to clearly love or even worse, worship, as a deity of your religion. Some of these Demon Roles as Deities, are Sophia, Gaia, I am That I Am, Solomon, Horus, Allah, Buddha, and the worst one of all, Tolec. The riskiest ones in Satanism, are, Toth, Lucifer, Satan, Enki and brother Enkilil, and then in ropes as well are the given names of gentle giants like some of the 12 Angels under whom I was in ropes to, for they are in the role of the best top life ever to turn to, and healers of renown like Seth, and the lie of all time – Jesus, whose story is not one bit true – it was made up to clear humans away from Soul Life, for this is what we are not sure of. All those mentioned are not to be trusted and if you ask to be with them, or any channelled ET's, you are asking to get to hell, for the story works opposite to what we believe in up till now.

    Who's to know??????? Ever since I took on the role of belief in God, I made the beginnings of gift to myself, but never was able to see. Just this year, I wanted to climb to the heights of Above, endlessly I made trips to Above to heal my two dogs – tested it only like you would, not really knowing if it is real or not. What we first found was Duggahs own place in the home of dogs. Then in reality, she wished then to die and go Home, then the story was the same thing for Sookie, who died not long after that.

    I began to get surrounded by source Gods, who stood against the Angels, and eventually took life in all but Uriel, The angel of the Light and The Angel of the Sea of Tranquillity, who remain in joy to serve.

    There is no clear belief now, for these Fell ones simply found every possible way of continually robbing us of Life Force for their own benefit, even if it killed us in the end.

    So back to Energies
    They are incapable of lieing to us, they behave as virile life force gifts, asking nothing in return, they all heal, they are soft to clear your inner self from harmful toxins, their need is to create love in your heart, for you are more than you see in a mirror, they add to your insightfulness, within the body they seek out places of imbalance , they are in the right proportion to what each person's body is capable of using, till they become accustomed to that level, then a new level is incoming at your next intake, they live in your soul forever more, and make it easier to take in other energies later on.

    Whosoever works on the wheel of life, needs to solve what is true to self or not. The beginning of your journey, took a long time to get to here, and you are not the same as you were then, or ever were last month, then why do you not think your DNA, is to be the same? You upgrade a car or appliances , do you not think a never ending supply of energy is your need as well? Do you not need, to remove toxins from your body, or misbehaving cells at no cost to yourself? Do you not need some means of traversing life at less cost to yourself, when you begin to get warning signs, of something seems wrong here. I heard bell chimes three years ago and I thought it was time to return, however, it was telling me it was time to go up a gear instead, can you tell when the signs around you are jumping up and down at you, telling you, this is the way to go. Strange as it may seem, energies help this and more.

    So, who wants to try a new energy
    ? I know many of you are already a Reiki channel, well one of the Reiki masters in Sydney, was telling me that when she was in Sweden, she went to visit a very well known clairvoyant, and asked are any new ones going to come to us, and his answer was, yes the Tectonic Plate energies will be the next to come. This was in 1993, and my husband and I had already brought them down, so we were pleased to be able to offer them to her.

    The idea of the tectonic plates, is that on each one that you live on you go through a different stage of development sooooooo – you are never going to be able to live on the Atlantis tectonic plate, so this is the one I offer to everyone who wishes to feel the energy of Atlantis and gain the development you would have had, had you lived there as I did, for the entire time of its existence.

    If you would like to be given this energy at Master level, let me know and I will send Ivan or Mother Deep to you, to bring these through to you. Then I invite you to place the palms of your hands on your body anywhere you like, but place your hands flat against your body, and go quiet, to be aware of anything happening to you. You will most likely feel heat from your hands, and the sensation of tingling in your hands. Leave them as long as you wish, and maybe write down what you see, hear and feel and get back to tell us all, if any changes happened in your life during the next week. I will get back to you then to let you know what development was available on the Atlantis Tectonic plate.

    Please try this, it will not harm you in any way, but may make you more aware than before. After that, well there are more (14) Tectonic plates and other developments from these.

  2. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Cearna For This Useful Post:

    Dreamtimer (10th June 2015), ERK (10th June 2015), Frances (11th June 2015), RealityCreation (10th June 2015), sandy (11th June 2015), Woody (10th June 2015)

  3. #2
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    Apparently, no one wants to experience the real energy of Atlantis. The idea was that by taking in the energy you would then be able to meditate, or See, Feel and Hear, sensations of that time, and gain the development of having been there at the time. This actually was the energy of that time and that tectonic plate. That is why we have tectonic plates on Earth, each one is set using different colours and different aspects of life, we live at different times on one, gain that development, then move on to another, then another, only in this life we had the opportunity to live on more than one, in then and having been on all of the tectonic plates, you then have encountered all the areas of development and are well balanced, hence the need to come back over again.

    Anyway, few of us were here in the first four civilisations, and few can live on the antarctic plate, and there is also one energy that encompasses the whole of Earth as an energy. In the meantime, this is brief information about the first four advanced civilisations, I hope you find it interesting.

    The Atlantean Energies

    The Age of Atlantis began at the beginning of the age of the dinosaurs and finished at the end of the age of the dinosaurs. The tectonic plates were located quite differently than they are now to enable a free flow of this energy to a wide area of the world. Four advanced civilisations were here on Earth as well as the fledgling Human Race plus many other developing creatures. Certainly, the world had a different climate than is evident today. The ferns were robust and some very large trees were heavily populating the soil. There was a lot of rain, just like there is in a rainforest, however, the trees provided nourishment and shelter to all that grew on Earth to give good development and allow life forms to increase in number.

    The people of the advanced civilisations came with special purposes, mostly to provide a set of experiences which could be used by the collective unconscious for future needs. These were in deed very special people, the oldest of Creation’s Beings, all of whom had very great talents especially when they used a different form that made other abilities almost commonplace. The form they used was put around their spirit on arrival. The form coincided with the purpose each being was to perform.

    Each civilisation worked with a different set of parameters, all quite different from the other civilisations. The real Atlantis used ‘Spirit’ as its main form of functioning. This civilisation had a very great Teacher (known as Idryss, pronounced Id-riss), who as the giver of Universal Law, and the teacher of ritualistic practices which brought the novice to the understanding of the Greater God. Many high priestesses were given many different Initiations to perform which would bring the development and closeness of the Great Infinite Eternal Beyond to the initiate.

    The point of the exercise was not only for the Initiates of Atlantis, but for the people of the future in many different cultures. Many times the disciples of Idryss and the other high priestesses that followed her, performed the highly specialised Initiations over and over again, so that these many experiences would be ingrained into their soul memory, enabling them to perform these Initiations in future lives as well. Idryss also taught a great deal about crystals, for the people of Atlantis were to be the teachers on other planets in the use of crystals for Healing, Power, Stone Cutting and the Development of the Soul. In Atlantis only women were entrusted with the power and knowledge, they were the Government, they were the creative force. Procreation had no place in this civilisation, for the Atlantean came down as pure Spirit in order to learn for a task which they would carry out in the future. As such, there were very few real Atlanteans, only 300 in all, who, in certain things, were to come as the teachers of the future.

    The other people of Atlantis, and there were a great many, were beings who were there to experience the way of life for their own development, and to have soul memories of a very beautiful way of life that they would seek to attain in later lives. The Government did rule according to the Universal Laws as given by Idryss, so that it was a very Joyous and fulfilling way of life.

    Another of these advanced cultures called Lemuria, was responsible for using ‘Will’ to obtain all their abilities. Once again, it was only a very small number of the population who were the real Lemurian’s, only 350 altogether. They had their own form that they put around themselves on arrival, but it was very different from that of the Atlantean culture. These people also had their own very special Leader who was there to teach the Lemurian Hierarchy of Spiritual Leaders, the Universal Laws and how to go about their everyday life in an ordered and love filled way.

    Their leader was also a female called Radierr who showed them, that if you used your ‘Will With Strength’, but also with ‘Pure Love’, then almost anything could be accomplished. This was not a matter of overcoming mind so much, as that with faith and trust in what you are trying to achieve, and with the intent to succeed, even though it may take patience, concentration and a lot of practice, it was possible to gain abilities to a very great extent. These people did not use crystals, but they learn to use energies for healing and all manner of uses in everyday life. The others who lived in this civilisation were there to learn and gain mastery in this manner of development, in order to support them in future incarnations when strength of purpose and discipline would be required to make their way to the grace and Love .

    The third civilisation which was called Hyperia-Juré, was also being taught by a relatively small group of 275 beings, how to lead a life of total trust in your fellow man, and those above, that all your needs are provided for, if you surrender to the guidance and teachings of the Almighty above. They were, in fact, shown how to do things like build for their own needs, to look after all those in their society so that all could be in happiness and were cared for in all ways.

    The teachings of every conceivable requirement they had were given to them via the teachers of the group who were in every way facilitators to their needs. There was no need of a hierarchy, nor a government as such, instead it was a society built on providing for all the needs of the whole of the group, under all kinds of circumstances. These people were to live in future years under many of the indigenous systems, so they were being trained to live and think as a group as much as by being an individual.

    Not all their lives would be spent in this way, but it would be their lives, that would build the foundation of their very being, into setting down a firm and solidly based system, founded on Universal Principles expressed in this way, which would the mould all their development. They would then, in future and times like now, show the way to others, when all the important things, that are necessary to the well being of any society have broken down, become so fragmented that society as a whole is suffering inwardly as well as outwardly. This particular civilisation could not have had one great leader, they were sent 10 great leaders, each skilled in different ways to work as a team, to provide the framework of the harmonious society which was to build and function, rather like the elders of many indigenous races.

    The fourth civilisation were sent to work at developing the power of the mind in its many facets. Here were a much larger group of teachers, about 500 in all, who could teach the powers of developing the intellect to the very highest degree for the greatest good of all. It was this group who were the creative geniuses in many fields, many of them using their hands to produce many items that were designed to fit there use, but were also to stimulate the senses.

    This was not a purely mind endeavour but the stimulation was to heighten the Love of all things Universal as well as earthly. Into this civilisation were born the original thinkers, those who lived by attuning themselves to Philosophy, to Analysis, to Powers of the Above, who taught not of the things we think of as being of the highest development of the mind, but rather, of the higher octave of learning such that we have not really seen on Earth in any form as yet.

    These people have returned in other societies as the ones who taught us so many of the finer ways of thinking and being, you might call them philosophers, or moralists and often geniuses in some of the fields of the arts, but always they have come from this higher learning background.

    These people were essential to bring about the development of mankind as a whole, in what we would call the great civilisations or in times of greatest change and revolt, for they lived from ideals and taught others to do the same. They did have the more exceptional abilities as well, which came from attuning their “Mind” to higher learning activities which would be too difficult for us to understand at this period in time, yet it has little in common to the idea of using the mind which we have today. This civilisation is the one which is often mistaken for Atlantis, and it is one for which most people still seek.

    Yes, the real Atlantis did sink into the sea, because of the corruption that took place in so many ways in this culture, not by the real Atlanteans, but by others in the civilisation who began to learn some of the secrets, you might call them, of the teachers and then used them in negative ways so terrible, that it was decreed that the negative practices must cease and the civilisation was destroyed entirely by being driven into the sea, in such a way as to destroy their existence for all time.

    This Atlantis will never be found, for it is not allowed to be found, so that those ideas could not be used in any of their entirety ever again. As it is, part of the ideas do surface in different cultures and when they do, that culture is also destroyed. This other Civilisation of the Mind called Chaldea, also sank but at a period of time after the people were gone, also suffering from the development of negative ideals which had to be erased. The fruits of the Creative Artists however, are lost, at least, until some group worthy of the discovery, are shown the way to this Treasure of Beauty, then they will benefit from the higher knowledge encompassed within those treasures.

    Lemuria sank into decay because of lack of faith and trust and without it their will crumbled and was replaced by negative ideas. The teachers were taken away, and the people were often destroyed by the dinosaurs or from other causes which lack of purity will bring to all who fall into this way of being. Hyperia-Juré also suffered from negative beliefs, when some lost the values for the greater good of all to replace it with the greater good of the one or few. Once again the teachers were recalled to Eternity and the surviving culture soon fell into decay without strength of purpose and their love. This group of people were destroyed almost to a man by a great earthquake which was the fore-runner to the massive shifting of the tectonic plates.

    These four civilisations were the only ones on the Earth at the time, but could never be said to be a civilisation of the Human Race, for they were only in their infancy and at that time were not capable of behaving in more than an animal way. It was by the advance that they themselves made that it was decided to allow this race to the be the physical form that all souls would use in order to find their way to Eternity. It meant it was a more difficult path in some ways, since a great deal that was available to the soul from previous times with other methods of incarnation, would not now be available.

    However, it was made known to all souls who came to be born that they only had to feel the soul need to seek for help and we would sent Teachers, as long as the culture was in need and willing to follow the way given to them. This way the human form was no encumbrance but did allow a more physical existence which was not a difficulty, but allowed for a great deal of variety of existence for all who needed different pathways of the Spirit.

    All these civilisations existed in the one Tectonic Region and all used the same kind of energy which encompassed All The Colours Of The Visible Spectrum Plus, White, The Higher Octaves Of Gold, Saffron, Iridescent Gold And Silver And Metallic Gold And Silver. This was indeed a very great land mass, but it was not the only land mass, there were five other land masses, each containing different sets of energies and all developing different kinds of flora and fauna.

    At this period of time, the tectonic plate moved in such a way as to separate the one land mass into five separate land masses. Some were very close to others so that the energies could merge and people could migrate from one to another, when the time for new development was necessary, but others became very isolated, so that they could develop along entirely different means. Each of the new land masses on the five new tectonic plates now were given a new set of energies with which to merge, and that brought with them an entirely different way of development.

    With this change, so came changes in climate for each land mass, the flora and fauna were able to develop at their own speed and the land too could erode or build up by natural means. The dinosaurs, which had developed so quickly during the period of the four civilisations, because of the lack of natural predators of their own kind or any other kind, now died out. They would have no place in the new world, since man, still only partially developed and incapable of great civilisations, had shown that it was capable of being the best vehicle for soul development on this planet. It meant that it would be a slow start and only a very few could incarnate to a higher development, but an animal such as the dinosaur could only live a very limited existence, was incapable of major developmental changes with the structure it had assumed by natural means and it was using up the valuable nourishment it needed to live on at a frightening rate, so that by its own development it was producing its own extinction.

    The movement of the tectonic plates quickened this extinction by changing weather patterns over the now different land masses, the conditions altered very quickly and the vegetation suffered rapidly, a great deal of it dying and falling into rapidly decreasing water areas, to produce the fossil fuel we now use. The dinosaurs died in mass numbers just like our cattle do when several years follow one another of ongoing drought.

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