There is a visible body/planet what ever you like to call it, that has been coming in, mostly visible in the Southern Hemisphere reports of sightings at sunrise. Sightings started about 2010, I saw it my self end of 2012. Best sightings South Pole.
I think Wilcock is losing it, with this ridiculous info...........he's credibility out the window with anyone in the know.
Just add, yes LS is right, ancient Sumeria had a city named Nibiru
Last edited by Ria, 28th May 2015 at 18:46.
lookbeyond (28th May 2015), mojo (28th May 2015)
The recent coast episode that malc posted on planet x should be watched. Imho it's going to happen just as it has in the past. Ancient cultures have past down the oral and written history of nibiru, maybe not using the name we call it today, but it has been spoken of. Let's assume it will pass by again, you have to wonder why TPTB have been quiet about it. It will not be benign and will cause planet catastrophes. This is why we have not been informed. If our society becomes aware too soon the people will cause chaos at a huge level.
citsym (29th May 2015), lookbeyond (28th May 2015)
mojo (28th May 2015)
This planet sized object that's supposedly been getting closer and closer for years and years... where is it? My brother has friends in in various serious astronomy clubs and they all laugh about this. They all want to be the first to spot it!
Even I know that if it were approaching from due south, it would be visible from half the earth, just like the (north) pole star is visible from half the earth, so all that stuff saying it's from the south and would be invisible is a red herring!
So I'd like to know why none of the worlds amateur astronomers have seen this Nibiru yet.
All these reports of 'double suns' would be visible over the whole planet, so are either the occasional sun dog or lens flare.
lookbeyond (28th May 2015), mojo (28th May 2015)
mojo (28th May 2015)
They made so many movies about this, yet I was thinking..if a thing like this planet is arriving then why wouldn't all these sphere beings and the so called hundreds of observers up there create a way to change it's course, since they are ahead in technology. Is Corey talking about this?
Why did the cabal build a whole city below the earth, what are they hiding from...the event? Are they hiding from the frequencies hitting the planet? Maybe they'll melt. they have 3 story buildings for ppl to live, as well as malls to shop. Wtf. I'm glad to hear that about those astronomy clubs, hope it's true.
Last edited by Ledstar, 28th May 2015 at 23:05.
lookbeyond (30th May 2015)
LB not sure on the time frame but thought this video will help... fyi... the astronomers knew of it many years far back as the 60s. Again the coast episode s a must to listen...
jonsnow (30th May 2015), lookbeyond (30th May 2015)
here s the link to the coast program:
here's another interesting nibiru clip
Last edited by mojo, 28th May 2015 at 23:51.
jonsnow (30th May 2015), lookbeyond (30th May 2015)