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Thread: Project Camelot: Kameran Fally - Planet X & Astro-planetology

  1. #1
    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    Project Camelot: Kameran Fally - Planet X & Astro-planetology

    This is an interview with Kameran Fally, banker, physicist, religious scholar and political advisor to top levels of the British and Iraqi governments.

    GO TO : to obtain a copy of his 44 page presentation explaining in more detail his theory on the return of Planet X. As an insider, he has access to information of the preparations by governments around the world for something that we, the general public are not being told. In this video he explains his background, theory and the signs that governments are preparing at the highest levels for a significant event in the next two years. He is also a remote viewer and has visions which he believes are also giving him information about this. His conclusions are his own and Project Camelot cannot confirm or deny the information he puts forward here. However, it is worth noting that much of the information in this video has been substantiated by various Camelot witnesses. Yet, his timeline for the unfolding events is his own.

    Please see the disclaimer he has written which has been posted to the end of this video for further clarification on Kameran's own position with regard to this information.

    Published on Mar 13, 2015
    Kerry Cassidy

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  3. #2
    Senior Member sandy's Avatar
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    I listened to the entire video this morning and he sure has worked to connect many dots regarding the world and it's woes!!

    Can't think of too much he has left out to wonder about>>>>>>>>>>except to say really enjoy the next year interacting with Mother Earth and all her creations because according the Kameran Fally, big changes on all levels will be occurring in the latter half of 2016.

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  5. #3
    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    Agreed Sandy, the only thing that irritated me was inopertune interruptions from Kerry Cassidy.
    I thought he was fascinating.

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  7. #4
    Senior Member Seikou-Kishi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Ria View Post
    Agreed Sandy, the only thing that irritated me was inopertune interruptions from Kerry Cassidy.
    I thought he was fascinating.
    These are the only constant feature of Project Camelot interviews lol
    Fly, sister, fly
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    — Witch Hunt

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  9. #5
    Senior Member Australia Wolf Khan's Avatar
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    Nibiru has been destroyed, it will not be coming this way again. What could be on its way is earth's twin star, a so called red or brown dwarf planet that has been called Nemesis, that has the orbit that is attributed to niburu, by mindless AI's, the cabal. Fear porn is there major weapon against us and we should communicate with our higher selves as to the truth of this fear porn.....
    Last edited by Wolf Khan, 14th March 2015 at 08:04.
    Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions

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  11. #6
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    Kameron Fally

    Quote Originally posted by Ria View Post
    This is an interview with Kameran Fally, banker, physicist, religious scholar and political advisor to top levels of the British and Iraqi governments.

    GO TO : to obtain a copy of his 44 page presentation explaining in more detail his theory on the return of Planet X. As an insider, he has access to information of the preparations by governments around the world for something that we, the general public are not being told. In this video he explains his background, theory and the signs that governments are preparing at the highest levels for a significant event in the next two years. He is also a remote viewer and has visions which he believes are also giving him information about this. His conclusions are his own and Project Camelot cannot confirm or deny the information he puts forward here. However, it is worth noting that much of the information in this video has been substantiated by various Camelot witnesses. Yet, his timeline for the unfolding events is his own.

    Please see the disclaimer he has written which has been posted to the end of this video for further clarification on Kameran's own position with regard to this information.

    Published on Mar 13, 2015
    Kerry Cassidy
    now what do we do with this information? I don't know even how to process it, much of it I knew or heard, much of it of course I didn't know, he makes it all fit, but I feel I should pass this along to those I think will understand it asap! Any thoughts?

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  13. #7
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    He has some chunks of info that clarify my weak bits, about Islam for instance. The banking/investment aspect of Iraq was helpful too.

    As for the Armageddon scenario, I think he's trying too hard to pull things together that don't quite fit.

    I'd especially like to know if his 'knowledge' that planetX is nearly here comes from his own faulty joining of dots or if it's something he's had confirmed by his high level contacts in banking and government. Kerry DIDN'T ask him that.

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  15. #8
    Senior Member Australia Wolf Khan's Avatar
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    Some info is interesting the rest stinks like last weeks fish
    Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions

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  17. #9
    Senior Member Ledstar's Avatar
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    Cool Project Camelot: Kameran Fally - Planet X & Astro-planetology


    So after I watched this and he talks about religion and the torah, scriptures for the first hour, I suggest you bypass that and go to 1:09:40, where she is asking the question about planet x. His theory is interesting, however I'm confused.. many are talking about the event happening soon, but he makes it sound like it ain't happening and we will be in this darkness for a year starting in June/July 2016, the cabal will ask ppl to join them in the underground. If you go you will be sealed with their lame asses for the next 20,000 years, the ones on earth will be stuck with no electricity, water, food yadda yadda then Jesus comes in the the smoke and makes certain places safe that have fire around them so if you walk through the fire you will be cleansed of the chemtrails then the event will happen. He says we'll see this planet x in December of this year.

    Comments, theories....etc. whats your take..

    in light
    Last edited by Aragorn, 27th May 2015 at 22:35. Reason: fixed your video link ;)

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  19. #10
    Senior Member sandy's Avatar
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    Sorry Ledstar not even going to waste the last hour's time to hear such Fantasizing mixed with Cabal and Biblical stuff!! Sheesh

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  21. #11
    Senior Member Ledstar's Avatar
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    I think it's just weird myself and don't understand why such a person would get so wrapped up in those writings, I was just looking for anything useful on planet x, and came across this. I totally understand sandy
    Last edited by Ledstar, 28th May 2015 at 23:02.

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  23. #12
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    I don't feel that Nibiru is going to happen, (maybe I'm just hopping it's not) BUT why are TPTB creating underground facilities?

    As an insider, he has access to information of the preparations by governments around the world for something that we, the general public are not being told. In this video he explains his background, theory and the signs that governments are preparing at the highest levels for a significant event in the next two years.
    Is this only going to happen in another / negative time line?

    I doubt the preparations taking place on the planet by TPTB are to mis-direct us... so why are they doing this... Is Nibiru / Planet X a fact that they are keeping secret from us.

    Why is there a South Pole Telescope (SPT) —Is it to view below the elliptic? ... where it's said Nibiru will be approaching from under the elliptic! ... South Pole Telescope (SPT) — America is now spending huge sums to deploy the massive The South Pole Telescope (SPT) in Antarctica. The installation is the size of a mini-mall and will require a massive C-130 airlift effort to transport pre-assembled modules and a large staff to the most desolate, inhospitable and inaccessible region of the world. Why?

    Why did this happen?
    On December 30th, 1983, NASA's Chief Scientist of the Infra-Red Astronomical Satellite telescope (IRAS) announced that NASA had discovered Planet X.
    Just one week after the story of Planet X was released, the magazine US News and World Report ran a story retracting the announcement and NASA has been silent ever since.
    That didn’t stop Dr. Robert S. Harrington who was the chief astronomer of the US Naval Observatory until his mysterious death in 1993.
    Have we been fed very clever disinformation?

    or have we ALL moved to a new timeline and if so, how do we know and is THIS disinformation to keep is dumbed down and quite?

    If Nibiru is fact, then I guess the only way through it is by our spiritual strength, because I doubt anywhere on the planet will be safe!!

  24. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to citsym For This Useful Post:

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  25. #13
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    i suppose we could wait until December and see if it can be

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  27. #14
    Senior Member Lord Sidious's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by citsym View Post
    I don't feel that Nibiru is going to happen, (maybe I'm just hopping it's not) BUT why are TPTB creating underground facilities?

    Is this only going to happen in another / negative time line?

    I doubt the preparations taking place on the planet by TPTB are to mis-direct us... so why are they doing this... Is Nibiru / Planet X a fact that they are keeping secret from us.

    Why is there a South Pole Telescope (SPT) —Is it to view below the elliptic? ... where it's said Nibiru will be approaching from under the elliptic! ... South Pole Telescope (SPT) — America is now spending huge sums to deploy the massive The South Pole Telescope (SPT) in Antarctica. The installation is the size of a mini-mall and will require a massive C-130 airlift effort to transport pre-assembled modules and a large staff to the most desolate, inhospitable and inaccessible region of the world. Why?

    Why did this happen?

    Have we been fed very clever disinformation?

    or have we ALL moved to a new timeline and if so, how do we know and is THIS disinformation to keep is dumbed down and quite?

    If Nibiru is fact, then I guess the only way through it is by our spiritual strength, because I doubt anywhere on the planet will be safe!!
    They are attempting to find some type of ''safety'' for the time when the Aryans return.
    Good luck with that elitenuggets, that won't help you.
    Ní siocháin go saoirse

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  29. #15
    Senior Member ctiger2's Avatar
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    Wilcock says Mars is Nibiru.

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