The upcoming "turbulent sequence of events" is a test for the individual - and thus for the collective as well - if it is already/or still aligned with love rather than fear. If you are presented with the fact that highly trained so called psy op agents are spreading disinformation, one might already start to get "nervous" or being in fear not to be able to discern the incoming data input/disclolsure, where the latter already opens the door for getting lost in it. If you choose love you are unaffected by the disinformation, if you get lost in it then it is based on fear. There is a seperation manifesting which splits between harvestable humans and those who would like to continue third density experiences. this has already been decided prior to incarnation.
It is advised, as has been communicated to the instrument several times, to just "watch the movie unfolding" without getting attached to the information. read the information and save it, but avoid attaching to it which then might result in getting lost in it - when the situation sorts itself out and clarifies itself naturally feel free to compare "the stored information" with the status quo and dimiss what you feel to be disinformation and utilize the genuine information for further growth and transformation or rather manifestation of the - energetically - finalized shift - depending on the perspective you observe it from. It is all about faith dervied from choosing love. If you have faith in yourself and in the inevitable transformation, while at the same moment aligning with the new vibration and frequency, you are choosing to leave third density behind. Those who are in favor of being in fear, aggression or ignorance are those who continue their incarnations on third density planes.
Is this something you have investing time and research into? Might I recommend you start with a small investment of time here... 2 1/2 Hours very well spent if you have doubts or questions about this subject... This is information that the "Elite" have classified and forced Main Stream Science to avoid reporting!
Mind Science Kept Hidden Documentary.WE ARE VIBRATIONAL BEINGS
There are many hundreds of scientifically proven sources that show this is indeed the truth. If you just go to the "Index" of the "Source Field Investigations" by David Wilcock that have a listing of all of the "Main Stream Science" experiments and papers that go into detail about the scientifically "Measurable" effect of consciousness on reality and matter... Look them up and investigate them on your own and you do not change your mind, nothing will.
Thank you GoodETxSG for your reply and the link to the video. I'm still puzzled, though. And if anyone else has a better understanding, I would love to hear from them as well.
If what the video says is true and replicable a 100% of the time, then why is the history of this solar system littered with wars of conquest and enslavement that higher consciousness could have prevented or rendered unnecessary? Down here on Earth alone, peoples who had this consciousness knowledge (I am only assuming, from the little I know about their history) have been conquered, colonized or enslaved by peoples who seemed to have nothing more than superior weaponry. I'm thinking of the Indians in India being conquered, colonized and enslaved by the Brits, or the Egyptians by the Romans, or the Incas by the Spanish, or the Native Americans by White settlers in America etc...
If consciousness is that magic bullet that can change / fix everything, then why do we have ETs stuck here because of the quarantine imposed by the Sphere Beings? They could just raise their vibrations and get the hell out of here. Is it possible that some things have greater power than consciousness, at least in this 3D world, like brute force or superior weaponry for example?
I'm not trying to test your knowledge or character. I'm definitely not trying to be disrespectful as I am very grateful for the information you are generously providing to Humanity. I'm only trying not to spend too much energy and time investigating something - consciousness - that already seems to have its own limitations in the 3D world I live in. I've been on the 2012 band wagon, I've been on the OPPT band wagon, I've been on the Nesara band wagon... I'm exhausted and I need something that finally works for me and the rest of Humanity. That is all I want.
Last edited by Focusontruth, 3rd May 2015 at 11:27.
that is because this life experience you are actually experiencing within this manufactured universe is a kind of school for souls to get to know themselves and to learn more about the infinite possibilities of creation, which everyone of you is. This allows them, eventually, to leave the afterlife realm to start a new experience of life on the next higher frequency, from where the "next higher self aspect" has incarnated your afterlife soul from. Therefore souls utilizing such consciousness simulations that are projected as virtual digital holographic realitiy based systems. It is indeed a simulation for spiritual growth purposes.
Thank you GoodETxSG for your reply and the link to the video. I'm still puzzled, though. And if anyone else has a better understanding, I would love to hear from them as well.
If what the video says is true and replicable a 100% of the time, then why is the history of this solar system littered with wars of conquest and enslavement that higher consciousness could have prevented or rendered unnecessary? Down here on Earth alone, peoples who had this consciousness knowledge (I am only assuming, from the little I know about their history) have been conquered, colonized or enslaved by peoples who seemed to have nothing more than superior weaponry. I'm thinking of the Indians in India being conquered, colonized and enslaved by the Brits, or the Egyptians by the Romans, or the Incas by the Spanish, or the Native Americans by White settlers in America etc...
If consciousness is that magic bullet that can change / fix everything, then why do we have ETs stuck here because of the quarantine imposed by the Sphere Beings? They could just raise their vibrations and get the hell out of here. Is it possible that some things have greater power than consciousness, at least in this 3D world, like brute force or superior weaponry for example?
I'm not trying to test your knowledge or character. I'm definitely not trying to be disrespectful as I am very grateful for the information you are generously providing to Humanity. I'm only trying not to spend too much energy and time investigating something - consciousness - that already seems to have its own limitations in the 3D world I live in. I've been on the 2012 band wagon, I've been on the OPPT band wagon, I've been on the Nesara band wagon... I'm exhausted and I need something that finally works for me and the rest of Humanity. That is all I want.
consciousness is the solution.
The problem is that consciences are not united and do not point in one direction.
It must take into account that the conscience of many is still dormant.
However there are more than 700,000 entities who have had a waking up with the beginning of the crystallization of the body.
They are experimenting with plasma in the heart.
People are not advertising but there are.