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Thread: We Are The Children Of Sorrow

  1. #46
    Senior Member blue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by OneOfLaw View Post

    The ceased control system is aiming to "prison break" this planet, therefore they are in need of mass deception, this has become a real challenge, since they are now in the open and the upcoming flood of disclosure imposes a serious threat to those entities.
    Everything that imposes threats which might in any terms be refered to a "positive outcome" for the ceased control system can be ignored.
    this is a scheduled event which functions like something you may refer to be a movie script. this species is now transfomring to a higher frequency density freeing themselves from the intensified learning lessons inside the consciousness simulation. no force is able to prevent this, they are aware of that, they are playing the roles of what you can compare to "bad guys" how you might want to call it.
    Everything that imposes threats which might in any terms be refered to a "positive outcome"

    Do ypu mean 'positive' threats to the ceased control system or to the rest of us?
    If 'they' are to succed and ascend, they must surely finish what they started, and act out the last pages of the script (The hero defeats the villain we all live happily everafter in fourth density and the villain fades to black only to mysteriously re-appear in the sequel 'We won't get fooled again" - Musical score by The Who)

    The change, it had to come
    We knew it all along
    We were liberated from the fold, that's all
    And the world looks just the same
    And history ain't changed
    'Cause the banners, they are flown in the next war

    Then I'll get on my knees and pray
    We don't get fooled again
    No, no!

    Meet the new boss
    Same as the old boss [/I]

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    Quote Originally posted by Focusontruth View Post
    Yes, we do have the power within, so we don't need saviors, although they [saviors ] would be nice if there were any..... However, there is very little we can do just by our individual selves (Corey: This is exactly the disempowering feeling that the "Cabal/Elites" have programmed us to believe). And I'm pretty sure that if we knew what do to and how to do it to make this planet a better place for everybody, we would have done so already (Corey: We have had the power all along, have done nothing. We give away our sovereignty and are comforted to have an "Elite" to blame. If we continue to deny our abilities and responsibilities of the powerful co-creative shared consciousness that is the key to change and freedom, we will only have ourselves to blame for our continued slavery.). I also know there is tremendous power in unity and cooperation with other Humans who share the same vision of what life on this planet should be like.

    I guess what I'm looking for is a concrete, honest, practical / feasible shared vision / philosophy / religion / way of life that most of Humanity can rally around to make life better / happier / richer/ safer for everyone on this planet. (Corey: You are in the wrong place for that. These are all things that will be found on the outside of "US", will always rally around a central savior being/group and will most likely be provided in the near future by a "Cabal/Illuminati" source...) We already know the Golden Rule: "Treat others the way you'd want them to treat you". We also know the "Do no harm / no damage" rule. So, what is the problem? Are we too immature to understand we affect each other, even when we do not know each other? Do we have a better alternative to the Golden Rule and to the "Do no harm / no damage" rule? If the corporations down here can sell us all the sh*t we don't need, why can't we sell ourselves to the "Golden Rule" or the "Do no harm / no damage rule ", for our own benefit? (Corey: It seems that the whole point of the message has been missed here. Also the full "Potential" and "Power" of our consciousness and its "Co-Creative" abilities... Co-creative, as in it has a direct effect on Time/Space and Matter. All Matter, Energy and Thought ARE VIBRATION... Consciousness is Vibration... Consciousness can change the vibrational state of all energy, matter and thoughts of our shared reality... Is that not enough power of ones self to make change occur?)

    Sorry for the ranting. It's just so frustrating to be always told that you have all the power you need within and finding out there is really very little you can do by yourself (Corey: This is a self defeating and incorrect distortion.). I suppose that's part of the riddle we as Humans have to solve before we can make this place better for all.

    Most of the riddle of being a human has to do with our own journey and who and what we really are as opposed to what we have been led to believe by the "Elite". We have been to believe we are useless eaters, sheeple and irrelevant. We consider ourselves alone and weak when we are far from any of these things. But the psyop by the Elite has been very effective. The golden rule is great, being a good person is wonderful, but making the full journey to realizing what we are and broadening our consciousness and raising our vibration is what will change things in the very end.

    Time to stop feeling so disempowered and weak as individuals. Each of us can make much more of a difference than we have been led to believe...

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  5. #48
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    anything that links to a positive outcome for the defeated control system, which can be also defined as scaremongering. they are officially what you refer to be "out of business", the remnants that are still active within this interdimensional movie are now installing a temporary new financial system which as such is - as stated - to be understood as "temporarily" - they use this as a deception method to covertly prison break this planet since they are quarantined. there is nothing to be anxious about if you align and act in harmony with the new earths vibrational signature which is love, compassion and unity.

    - humans are about to realize that the former control system is now imprisoned on this planet!
    Last edited by OneOfLaw, 2nd May 2015 at 19:00.

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  7. #49
    Senior Member Morocco modwiz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Maunagarjana View Post
    This is a bit offtopic, but I just wanted to say......From what I gather from the BA's message that Corey is relaying, they are not only counseling us to become more Sovereign. They are also encouraging us to become more Integral. That's what Service to Others is all about. Sovereignty is only one side of the equation there for what needs to happen. And this is something that I think a lot of people are missing. They are obsessed with Sovereignty because American-style rugged individualism has a lot of influence on them, but they often don't understand, ignore, or mistrust integrality. And they don't realize how extreme individualism is actually a primary feature of the negative path. It can become negative if it is pursued without compassion. Simultaneous Sovereignty/Integrality are complementary and synergistic. Similar to how Compassion and Wisdom are complementary.
    I do not speak of the alt-sovereignty type of definition of the term. I speak to an inner-god realization of being an expression of the Creator on this planet. Sovereignty to me means compassion/wisdom and knowing ones place in the universal order of things. I speak of being a sovereign of this planet. Nothing at all to do with gubmints.
    "To learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" -- Voltaire

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  9. #50
    Senior Member United States All Together Now's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by GoodETxSG View Post

    (Blue Avians do not use technology being 6th - 9th Density Beings, Their spheres are not even craft or technology in our sense of the word but are energetic constructs that buffer energy), we already have these technologies working and in service for many decades.

    Is this like 'frequency equals one over time' kind of thing? Power in unity (one) over time. this could create intense motivation (for anyone) to forgive the painful memories (past tense) and let go of them. is this the kind of technology - or something like it - that we all have?

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  11. #51
    Senior Member United States Gretchen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by GoodETxSG View Post

    ....So as I focus on raising my consciousness and vibration I only find it held back by what I am not willing to give up quite yet... Grudges, Angers of betrayals and Things I have done in my past. When they say "Forgiveness" stops the wheels of karma they are not kidding. It is the hardest of all of the things mentioned in their message. The only thing that is holding us back at this point is ourselves... ...

    Thank you Corey, for your heartfelt honesty.

    Forgiveness: It's ho'o pono pono in Hawaiian. Seems to me we can focus on the message: Love. Forgiveness. Seems pretty straightforward to me.

    This was on Cobra's blog in March, a few days before the spring equinox.
    Yet a new avatar, "Doorway to the Stars" by artist Josephine is a beautiful old song by the Youngbloods.......Love is but a song we sing.....Fear's the way we die.....You can make the mountains ring....Or make the angels cry.....Though the bird is on the wing.....And you may not know why....Come on, people now....Smile on your brother....Everybody get together...Try to love one another right now......

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  13. #52
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    Quote Originally posted by GoodETxSG View Post
    Time to stop feeling so disempowered and weak as individuals. Each of us can make much more of a difference than we have been led to believe...
    Okay -- one prominent proponent of taking action and using our combined individual and collective power right now is Cobra. Cobra has for quite some time advocated planetary group meditations to multiply the field of consciousness in service to unplugging the Cabal.

    Cobra also has a unique communication about "chimera" beings maintaining a booby trap in the etheric in the form of "toplet" and "strangelet" bombs that are the only thing standing in the way of "The Event" from happening.

    Cobra's example of advocating for a specific application of individual power in a group context seems very much in alignment with the kind of empowered action you are also pointing to, Corey. Cobra has furthermore contributed directly to your original thread here, suggesting we might find common ground between your current efforts and communication and his.

    The time seems ripe to ask if there is any specific reason why Cobra's information is not being included in this overall consideration?

    (I realize this maybe a delicate topic to raise for reasons not privy to me or others. Even so, given the urgency with which you are pointing at using our power to create a positive frequency change, I do wonder if/when Cobra will be invited to be more a part of this consideration.)
    Last edited by fiz, 2nd May 2015 at 20:13.

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  15. #53
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    Quote Originally posted by GoodETxSG View Post

    Most of the riddle of being a human has to do with our own journey and who and what we really are as opposed to what we have been led to believe by the "Elite". We have been to believe we are useless eaters, sheeple and irrelevant. We consider ourselves alone and weak when we are far from any of these things. But the psyop by the Elite has been very effective. The golden rule is great, being a good person is wonderful, but making the full journey to realizing what we are and broadening our consciousness and raising our vibration is what will change things in the very end.

    Time to stop feeling so disempowered and weak as individuals. Each of us can make much more of a difference than we have been led to believe...
    All I'm saying is that it is great to feel individually empowered, but the reality is that one actually feels and gets much more empowered when enjoying the support / cooperation of the people around him / her. It's been proven over and over again that teaming together on any task is a lot more efficient than going at it alone. It's not the elites saying that; it's commonsense and it's called leverage, or synergy (Sorry I Don't remember the correct technical term for it).

    On the other hand, I haven't yet seen verifiable evidence that the so touted Human consciousness affects much of what goes on in this world of ours. Au contraire, much of what goes on down here seems to happen in spite of the majority of us, in spite of our wishes, prayers, meditations, tears, cries. Do we have wars, famines, poverty, diseases, pollution, hurricanes, riots, crime and the like because our consciousness calls for any of it? I don't think so.

    My point is, if we are to make this world a better place for every Human, we are going to have to work together, and we are going to need practical / feasible, well-researched means / ways to do it. The challenge, I guess, is that we do not really have any current working model to work with. This is, perhaps, where the Sphere Beings could advise on what concrete practical things, actions, strategies, behaviors have worked best for them or other civilizations so that we can emulate or build around them. Not to be antagonistic or negative, but I don't think the vague "Be more STO, be more loving, be more forgiving" or "Rev your consciousness into high gear" is going to cut it....
    Last edited by Focusontruth, 2nd May 2015 at 20:21.

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  17. #54
    Senior Member Morocco modwiz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Focusontruth View Post
    On the other hand, I haven't yet seen verifiable evidence that the so touted Human consciousness affects much of what goes on in this world of ours. Au contraire, much of what goes on down here seems to happen in spite of the majority of us, in spite of our wishes, prayers, meditations, tears, cries. Do we have wars, famines, poverty, diseases, pollution, hurricanes, riots, crime and the like because our consciousness calls for any of it? I don't think so.
    Wishes, prayers, meditations and tears are poor replacements for action. Mass public non-consent for what is going on must occur. With 50% of USA population on some kind of gubmint assistance, it will be hard for them to turn their back on the hand that feeds them. Even if the other hand is a clenched fist.

    So, with 50% consenting to the system by depending on its money and another few percentage points content with the way things are, popular support for a movement to break with the status quo becomes quite challenging.

    Consciousness has to shift to the point of a larger percentile wanting to make the changes needed. Figuring out how that looks is one of our tasks.

    Wars? USA has a volunteer military. It is not the elite doing the shooting. It is us commoners.

    I do not foresee the BA's changing their prescription for a better world because some do not see the wisdom of it. They have given not only a workable solution but, the one that fits our desires best if they are to see fruition. Inability to stand and defend our organism, humanity, will be seen as an organism that is not viable and the natural forces of the universe will remove the un-viable organism as a failed experiment. It is the way of Nature.

    Fortunately there are some truly awake and aware folks to represent for humanity. The fate of humanity might be in the hands of these relative few. I am optimistic overall, despite all of the whining.
    Last edited by modwiz, 2nd May 2015 at 20:42.
    "To learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" -- Voltaire

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  19. #55
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    Quote Originally posted by Focusontruth View Post
    All I'm saying is that it is great to feel individually empowered, but the reality is that one actually feels and gets much more empowered when enjoying the support / cooperation of the people around him / her. It's been proven over and over again that teaming together on any task is a lot more efficient than going at it alone. It's not the elites saying that; it's commonsense and it's called leverage, or synergy (Sorry I Don't remember the correct technical term for it).

    On the other hand, I haven't yet seen verifiable evidence that the so touted Human consciousness affects much of what goes on in this world of ours. Au contraire, much of what goes on down here seems to happen in spite of the majority of us, in spite of our wishes, prayers, meditations, tears, cries. Do we have wars, famines, poverty, diseases, pollution, hurricanes, riots, crime and the like because our consciousness calls for any of it? I don't think so.

    My point is, if we are to make this world a better place for every Human, we are going to have to work together, and we are going to need practical / feasible, well-researched means / ways to do it. The challenge, I guess, is that we do not really have any current working model to work with. This is, perhaps, where the Sphere Beings could advise on what concrete practical things, actions, strategies, behaviors have worked best for them or other civilizations so that we can emulate or build around them. Not to be antagonistic or negative, but I don't think the vague "Be more STO, be more loving, be more forgiving" or "Rev your consciousness into high gear" is going to cut it....
    Is this something you have investing time and research into? Might I recommend you start with a small investment of time here... 2 1/2 Hours very well spent if you have doubts or questions about this subject... This is information that the "Elite" have classified and forced Main Stream Science to avoid reporting!

    Mind Science Kept Hidden Documentary.WE ARE VIBRATIONAL BEINGS


    There are many hundreds of scientifically proven sources that show this is indeed the truth. If you just go to the "Index" of the "Source Field Investigations" by David Wilcock that have a listing of all of the "Main Stream Science" experiments and papers that go into detail about the scientifically "Measurable" effect of consciousness on reality and matter... Look them up and investigate them on your own and you do not change your mind, nothing will.

    Above video and some more info on my blog: http://goodetxsg-secretspaceprogram....assing-of.html

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  21. #56
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    I had offered to explain how the source field and consciousness, I can also explain all experiments of the past, machines Kozyrev technology that seems all they are interested but perhaps what matters is work on yourself, so I open a post to which he was not given much importance.

    Maybe because I express myself badly.

    However, the real revolution is the inner sole.

    Are provisionally where I am now I think to come back soon.

    I have an infinite amount of data, doctoral dissertations and specific data that can explain share of all that is at stake in the torsion fields.

    The truth, however, that we have experienced is that the technology is not good for human evolution.

    The physics of consciousness is the technology important to understand.

    A greeting.

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  23. #57
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    Something to ponder: Almost every family has a truther in it and that family is peripherally aware of the world that is seen by them (truthers). However, these families CHOOSE to believe the strangers, TV anchor persons and gubmint officials, over their own flesh and blood. There are consequences, good and bad, from choices made. This is why I discount excuses made for those who choose to ignore what they don't want to believe. It is in their face and family. It is a willful ignorance for the most part.

    We see a similar dynamic in the "awake and aware" crowd. People get emotionally attached to a world view and discount anything that does not fit with it. Personal responsibility and saving ourselves vs. being saved is one such dynamic we see.
    Last edited by modwiz, 2nd May 2015 at 21:30.
    "To learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" -- Voltaire

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  25. #58
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    There is an opportunity to multiply our frequencies by joining efforts with Cobra's. This could become a uniquely expansive empowerment opportunity at the planetary level. I don't understand why this is not considered by DW and Corey at this time. I won't bring it up again, but I do feel it deserves some comment of some kind.

    I'm talking about a sovereign, lateral frequency sharing effort here -- nothing more or less. Group meditation taken to a new level.

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  27. #59
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    I feel totally lost.

    I read the op and all the following posts.

    There are lots of wisdom within them, however my narrow mind cannot make any sense how some of them are related to op.

    I figured I do not fully understand the op.

    So would you please be so kind and lend me a hand monk?!
    I don't necessarily believe what I think, neither do I always think what I believe.

    There are 10 types of people in this world, those that can read binary, and those who can't...


    Software Human version 1.712

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  29. #60
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    Quote Originally posted by fiz View Post
    There is an opportunity to multiply our frequencies by joining efforts with Cobra's. This could become a uniquely expansive empowerment opportunity at the planetary level. I don't understand why this is not considered by DW and Corey at this time. I won't bring it up again, but I do feel it deserves some comment of some kind.
    Perhaps they see greater utility in actually doing something besides meditating together. Working together on projects and strategies for our disentaglement from the matrix is time far better spent. Meditation is something all should be doing anyway. Holding the "picture" of what we want in our minds as we go about our days doing some actions to help bring the vision into our experiential existence.

    Group meditations are good boosters for these actions but alone they are more like a circle jerk.
    "To learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" -- Voltaire

    "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."-- Eleanor Roosevelt

    "Misery loves company. Wisdom has to look for it." -- Anonymous

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