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Thread: We Are The Children Of Sorrow

  1. #16
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    Quote Originally posted by modwiz View Post
    Corey, the dynamic I see is an old one. Despite the BA's counseling us to become more sovereign, and the discussions we need to have around that subject, many are treating this as a story that needs waiting for the nest installment. One more piece of information before acting, or something like that.
    We agree more than you know kind sir. That is what has been holding me back on the most recent report.

    How to focus on the "Message" and getting people to focus on making the needed changes to themselves and not just get addicted to a "Story" or what they feel is the next big and new "Sci-Fi Concept"... This is a dilemma for us right now...

    Some of this information in the next update is disturbing and some would consider "fear porn", some is very "thrilling" and "empowering". Some of it is encoded messages to the Alliance here on the Earth. But what of it is going to lead people toward looking within themselves and doing the very hard work of making changes and becoming loving, forgiving people who then focus on raising their consciousness and vibrations?

    That is a concern for us as well.

    We do not want this to just become a popular and exciting topic for people to become addicted to... But for it to become something that inspires a movement of people making changes to themselves that make the world a better place.

    Thank you for your wisdom, as usual it is in synch with what is going on in the background.


  2. The Following 19 Users Say Thank You to GoodETxSG For This Useful Post:

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  3. #17
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    .... Okayyy....seeing as we have deviated from posting our independent analysis of the quote in the OP, I shall join in the un-regulated frivolity! Why if the cabal have replicator tech do they (allegedly) feel the need to plunder and extort gold from other countries? At the very least you'd think if they (illuminati) really were up against a BRICS /gold backed system that they would have replicated gold to back their own new system? Or is gold alive and unreplicatable? Always bugged me that since the first wave of alliance conactees shows/qna.

  4. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to monk For This Useful Post:

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  5. #18
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    Quote Originally posted by Contact Point View Post
    The BA's could start by not enforcing the 'Technology will save you.' meme, which they seem to be promoting. On one hand they are lamenting the fact that their material is being distorted. On the other, telling us to sit tight and wait for the Star Trek tech to come out. There is a clear, unsettling contradiction here.

    If they are the 'Gods' of old (for Gods read interstellar joyriders), that doesn't give them any more credibility in my eyes. I have a fascination with ancient Egypt myself, but that doesn't mean I want a boatload of self-proclaimed Gods to roll up and start the whole circus off again. The Portuguese left East Timor when things got tough in the late nineties... when the violence cleared, they came right back and grabbed 'their' ranches from the native Timorese.
    Could the same thing be happening on a planetary scale, as we get to endgame?

    I am positive about the future, but we need to be sharp as we step out into the universe. I have had tons of higher dimensional groups try and trick me (sometimes they led me up the garden path for a couple of months). I haven't posted any of their material, as it is not credible, and clearly laced with an agenda.

    We just don't need any -or hardly any- external tech to create a low tech golden age (apart from some advanced healing technology). Any new devices can come from the subterranean realms or our native secret corporate groups -if necessary-. All we really need is money and a couple of years. In his early testimonials, GOODET was clear that interplanetary technology exchange programs were used as trojan horses to bring entire planets to their knees. Now, the Blue Avians seem to want to 'help', but how? And why?

    No trojan horses (Blue Avians do not use technology being 6th - 9th Density Beings, Their spheres are not even craft or technology in our sense of the word but are energetic constructs that buffer energy), we already have these technologies working and in service for many decades.

    I do not blame people for being worried about the Sphere Alliance, that is why they are not directly getting involved other than to bring their Spheres into the Solar System to "Buffer" the incoming "Vibrational" Energies (To assist us in making a smooth energetic/vibrational transition) and to offer mostly tactical advice (And preventing large scale use of weapons of mass destruction and cause further energetic problems with the "Cosmic Web") to the very small/tiny SSP Alliance that is the only real group with teeth that is taking on the Orions/The Custodian Federations and the Illuminati/Cabal Groups.

    They have blocked the solar system with the "Outer Barrier" to prevent these evil beings from leaving so they can face the music. And now they are giving us a message that sounds flakey to those who are still ignorant of the true power of what we are. The power of our consciousness has been at our disposal all along and we have always had the power to free our selves. They do not want us to worship them so they stay very much in the background. The SSP's and the Illuminati/Cabal Groups (And their Allied Off World Beings) knew they were here but humanity did not until recently.

    With the elimination of a "Financial Debt Slave System" (Removal of ALL the Custodian Gods/Aliens & Human Elites) and the release of "Technologies" that clean the environment that we have destroyed, feed the starving, bring clean water to every part of the planet, provide healing technologies to the bodies we occupy for now and free energy that does not damage the living being that we live on called "Earth" what is the down side?

    When have the Blue Avians EVER stated that "Technology Will Save You"? They have only stated you can save you via raising your love, vibration and consciousness (None of which has anything to do with Technology). People seem to like to twist this information on purpose or get things highly confused.

    To make things clear once and for all... The Sphere Being Alliance (6th - 9th Density Beings that do not need or use technology) is not the same thing as the Secret Space Program Alliance (Which is made up of various break away SSP Human groups fighting the Cabal)...

    There are some things that DW did not communicate correctly in his conference, the SSP Alliance has been provided with NO OFFENSIVE TECHNOLOGY! They were provided with some concept and multi-dimensional physics models and information that they were instructed to use as "Defensive Technology". The high tech weaponry they have used recently has been completely developed by humans and from info from custodian beings some of which was technology brought to the SSP Alliance from "Defector's" from the ICC.

    "We" already are using these technologies there are just some "Elite" people that have decided that YOU are a useless eater that is irrelevant. Every soul on this planet is relevant and deserves the same respect and treatment no matter their religious beliefs, sex or the color off the upholstery (skin color) covering their muscles. When all have equal access to everything that is needed and all receive information that shows we are all equal and apart of a cosmic family we will begin to be able to focus on doing a lot of healing down here on this planet.

    It will take some time and will not all happen over night with the sudden release of a replicator and the release off massive information that would take each of us quite a lot of time to digest. This will be a painful experience for many, like birth pains. It will be the birth of a new era of freedom. Not freedom because of technology. But the technology will help destroy the Financial System and make us all equal in the "Haves" and "Have Not" categories.

    Some people have a belief system of what will occur after these events... Will we ascend into light bodies? Etc... We will have some time of overlap before we reach the very higher density realms where we will need food, water and clean air.

    Because of what we have done to our planet and to our society (The extreme programmed hate and division) there will be a need for this technology to make everyone feel equal (There will not be "Elites") and develop a new respect for eachother down here as we learn more about how we were manipulated and how many more family members we have yet to meet in the cosmos.

    Until we iron out our own differences during this "Time Of Healing" after "The Great Revealing" they will be cautious in how much the interact with us directly. We are going to go from the point we are RIGHT NOW, butchering each other over stupid differences to being a joint family living in harmony after this "Great Revealing". As stated this will not be an over night process and will take some time and even some help from our cosmic family once some trust is established (After being manipulated and finding out about it, the masses may not want to engage with other beings right away... This is the masses we are talking about not those of us who are already awake...).

    For now it is going to be hard not to apply our own belief systems and reality bubbles on top of what hasn't occurred yet. We haven't even gotten to the huge disinformation war between now and then that will lead many into dark caves where after all of this occurs will have to have search teams seek them out and bring them into the light with their heads held down in despair and disappointment. There is no shame in it, these groups have been playing with the minds of humanity of thousands of years and are extremely seductive. There will be no "I told you so" or rubbing their faces in it. They will be joining in the re-education process with the rest of humanity to process not just the true history of Earth but also of the cosmos.

    That sounds like a grand and tall order... A lot to promise. The technology is out there and in use, the "Truth" about our Elites is out there ready to deciminate... The Elites will fight it to the last moment and will through up smoke screens the entire time. But the Great Revealing will leave no stone unturned or left for them to hide themselves or their secrets under. Everything comes to an end... Even their reign!


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  7. #19
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    Quote Originally posted by monk View Post
    .... Okayyy....seeing as we have deviated from posting our independent analysis of the quote in the OP, I shall join in the un-regulated frivolity! Why if the cabal have replicator tech do they (allegedly) feel the need to plunder and extort gold from other countries? At the very least you'd think if they (illuminati) really were up against a BRICS /gold backed system that they would have replicated gold to back their own new system? Or is gold alive and unreplicatable? Always bugged me that since the first wave of alliance conactees shows/qna.

    Not only can they replicate gold (Replicators do not create something from nothing, the "Print" items from base materials), they can pull it out of the oceans while they desalinate the water... They DO mine it from the asteroid belt and other places in the solar system. The gold out there is of the same molecular structure as that on Earth. There is no Gold shortage on Earth or in the solar system. The "Gold" myth has been one of the biggest psy ops in our history that has helped prop up the Babylonian Money Magic Slave System... It has very clever roots. Yes gold is much easier to mine here on Earth by slaves and has many more uses than people have been made aware of. But nothing we think we know about what is going on down here is what it seems.

    All of the Financial Systems both the Western and BRICS Systems are Ponzi Schemes and are both "Debt Slave Systems"... The saying in the Alliance is the East says "The West had their 100 Years, now WE want our 100 Years!"... Almost everything happening down here with the Debt/Financial Systems is a complete Ponzi Scheme and will promise much and change very little... Only the complete elimination of all of the Financial Systems is there any chance for any type of freedom...

    There will be no real change or difference no matter who creates a "Different System" that is based on Debt Slavery... It only changes who is in control of it. We should have all figured this much out by now.

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  9. #20
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    Corey - How will we know that the "Great Revealing" will be the true unveiling of hidden knowledge, and it will not be further co-opted or manipulated? How will the information be disseminated to ensure that corruption does not occur?

    P.S. Apocalypse defined: An apocalypse (Ancient Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apocálypsis, from ἀπό and καλύπτω meaning "uncovering"), translated literally from Greek, is a disclosure of knowledge, i.e., a lifting of the veil or revelation. In religious contexts it is usually a disclosure of something hidden.

    ...Lifting of the veil, now where have I heard that before....Oh, my name, "Lift the Veil." Can't wait!!

    I can handle the truth, Jack (Nicholson)!!! Bring it on!!!

    Last edited by lift the veil, 1st May 2015 at 20:10.

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  11. #21
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    the crash and restructering of the financial system is one of the last bullets the defeated control system has. it is a great possibility to distract humans from the actual manifestation of the consciousness shift.

    This sorts itself out during the manifestation, since humans are undergoing a mass awakening, although not all might be able to cope with it, which is rooted in their individual spiritual growth process. That is that not all incarnated souls are prepared and ready (derived from free will !) for such a new life experience.

    The ceased control system is aiming to "prison break" this planet, therefore they are in need of mass deception, this has become a real challenge, since they are now in the open and the upcoming flood of disclosure imposes a serious threat to those entities.

    Read upcoming information with your heart, based on already gathered information you can quickly gain the possibility to discern the material.

    Everything that imposes threats which might in any terms be refered to a "positive outcome" for the ceased control system can be ignored. this is a scheduled event which functions like something you may refer to be a movie script. this species is now transfomring to a higher frequency density freeing themselves from the intensified learning lessons inside the consciousness simulation. no force is able to prevent this, they are aware of that, they are playing the roles of what you can compare to "bad guys" how you might want to call it. These are the so called Nemesis in the "Heroes Journey" which is likely familiar to you. Concentrante on love, compassion and unity. forgive those entities which are still you, wearing another mask, making this whole sequence of events possible to begin with. there is no evil out there, it all is based on unconditional love, which is the essence of all of you and them as well.

    ALl love and light to you and congratulations to be on this planet right now.

    -- if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change
    Last edited by OneOfLaw, 1st May 2015 at 20:27.

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  13. #22
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    Quote Originally posted by monk View Post
    .... Okayyy....seeing as we have deviated from posting our independent analysis of the quote in the OP, I shall join in the un-regulated frivolity! Why if the cabal have replicator tech do they (allegedly) feel the need to plunder and extort gold from other countries? At the very least you'd think if they (illuminati) really were up against a BRICS /gold backed system that they would have replicated gold to back their own new system? Or is gold alive and unreplicatable? Always bugged me that since the first wave of alliance conactees shows/qna.
    You got to remember these cabal and the entities controlling them love to feed off of human energy and like to enslave. Can't do that with a replicator. No fun in that where is all the blood and gore? They are all about controlling an unconscious population makes them feel like Gods. Look at the control system they have in place for that purpose only. I would think replicators would be used by positive beings who want to create because they desire this or that. I think Dw was saying if we become STO creator beings that is how we will create.

    As far as waiting for technology to be given to us by them we have some technology right now that can clean up local areas and chem trails. it's called organite and you can get it online. So no more waiting. I have one in my backyard and have not seen a chemtrail lingering in the sky for over a week. This can be programmed (it is based on tesla and Wilhiem Wright technology)I am sure for many other things, just by intent. So the future is here. We are going to clean up this planet one person at a time. We are the ground crew and some of us are already doing it now.
    There is a radio program from Jim Chruch radio that a person who makes these devices. I will get the link.

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  15. #23
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    Great discussion today!

    It would seem from your comments above that your latest update and the interviews with DW are being purposely held back.
    Is it because the Sphere beings think we're not ready?

    Personally, I think it would be better for us to digest it before the massive dissinfo war starts. I've said it many times, the people following you here are the awakened ones. Most of us have been mining for info for years. Being spoon fed feels like condescension at this point.

    Not trying to be inflammatory at all, just telling you how it feels.

    Peace and love brother!

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  17. #24
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    Quote Originally posted by Longbow View Post

    Great discussion today!

    It would seem from your comments above that your latest update and the interviews with DW are being purposely held back.
    Is it because the Sphere beings think we're not ready?

    Personally, I think it would be better for us to digest it before the massive dissinfo war starts. I've said it many times, the people following you here are the awakened ones. Most of us have been mining for info for years. Being spoon fed feels like condescension at this point.

    Not trying to be inflammatory at all, just telling you how it feels.

    Peace and love brother!
    I agree. It's always a good idea to take a while just clear your mind and ground yourself quietly in nature, allowing your subconscious mind to catch up. This is a ritual that will be extremely important in the days ahead. Taking a whole day off especially is very refreshing for the mind.

    Many blessings.

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  19. #25
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    I'm reminded of a Star Trek TNG episode where a 'fugitive' turns out to be running for his life because he's evolving. The state is chasing him, trying to catch him and execute or imprison him before he changes. He has a few fitful episodes of glowing before finally just turning into light. He was one of the next evolution of his species but TPTB didn't want the evolution to happen.

    I'm thinking of the Flobots: "There is a war going on for your mind."

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  21. #26
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    Quote Originally posted by GoodETxSG View Post
    We have yet to have had our true history shared with us.
    This sums up where we find ourselves now: we lack the information we need to move forward as a planetary people.
    Last edited by fiz, 2nd May 2015 at 00:19.

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  23. #27
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    Quote Originally posted by GoodETxSG View Post

    How to focus on the "Message" and getting people to focus on making the needed changes to themselves and not just get addicted to a "Story" or what they feel is the next big and new "Sci-Fi Concept"... This is a dilemma for us right now...

    .... But what of it is going to lead people toward looking within themselves and doing the very hard work of making changes and becoming loving, forgiving people who then focus on raising their consciousness and vibrations? That is a concern for us as well.

    We do not want this to just become a popular and exciting topic for people to become addicted to... But for it to become something that inspires a movement of people making changes to themselves that make the world a better place.

    Maybe there is nothing to worry about. Work on self is a natural process that comes with maturity, experience and need, much like a toddler starts standing up and making first steps at a certain age, naturally. All it takes is an "enabling" and supportive environment.

    You just don't grow more loving, more forgiving or more STO because some 7th D being says so. No. Conditions have also to be right. You have to feel safe, accepted and trusting among the other Humans around you. You have to feel that the love you give out is also returned to you. Then you have to realize that being more STO, more forgiving and more loving will actually make your life better / easier. But, and that's a big but, the majority of the Humans you share this planet with must be on board with the STO plan, or it won't work, irrespective of your individual efforts to raise your vibrations.

    So, if being more STO, more forgiving and more loving visibly makes the majority of Humans safer, richer, happier, more peaceful, more accepted and loved, who is not going to want to be part of it ? Who is not going to do all the work (personal and otherwise) to be part of it?

    My point is, if Humans' immediate concerns like war, poverty, hunger, disease, theft, crime, racism, xenophobia etc... are addressed or mitigated - I do not know by who or how -, the STO thing will snap in place naturally, intuitively. On the other hand, if all the Sphere Beings have to offer is their STO message, I won't be too surprised if that message fails to launch... again.
    Last edited by Focusontruth, 2nd May 2015 at 04:00.

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  25. #28
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    Quote Originally posted by GoodETxSG View Post
    We agree more than you know kind sir. That is what has been holding me back on the most recent report.

    How to focus on the "Message" and getting people to focus on making the needed changes to themselves and not just get addicted to a "Story" or what they feel is the next big and new "Sci-Fi Concept"... This is a dilemma for us right now...

    Some of this information in the next update is disturbing and some would consider "fear porn", some is very "thrilling" and "empowering". Some of it is encoded messages to the Alliance here on the Earth. But what of it is going to lead people toward looking within themselves and doing the very hard work of making changes and becoming loving, forgiving people who then focus on raising their consciousness and vibrations?

    That is a concern for us as well.


    Hi Corey, Thank you, thank you... this is really interesting... Definitely it has been the case that some of us have been watching for the next installment with our popcorn bag ready... I will count myself among the group doing that (I also thought it was a funny image so I climbed on board with my popcorn).

    Anyway, maybe some of us have been working on ourselves..... I was lucky enough to have a meditation teacher who for 35 years, taught (mostly around the Western USA) that "Love is the strongest force in the universe" and one of our most important lessons in life is "to learn to love ourselves and also to learn to love others" and that "all problems can be solved with love," and she gave us a very powerful affirmation to use when we are having problems with something, or with anybody: "Divine love and divine order is manifesting in this situation now."

    Anyway, I write all this because there are many of us who have been coming along literally for years, trying to work on love and kindness and forgiveness but weren't getting much evidence or feedback from anywhere that this kind of thinking would "do us any good" (for want of another explanation) ("you will be rewarded in heaven" is where most of us land who try to work on love and kindness, in this life)... ......Anyway, earlier this year, Cobra started giving out a few coded messages along this line (ho'o pono pono, or Hawaiian for 'forgiveness') ... and then the Blue Avians have come forth to give you, to give to us, this VERY BASIC and SIMPLE MESSAGE, which is not very complicated at all: " Be Kind. Be Loving. Help Others. Forgive. " I mean, I have to say it is so truly wonderful to finally hear that a group from way the heck out there, who is apparently so incredibly far ahead of us in just about every way, is finally here and holy cow -- THIS IS THEIR MESSAGE. I am very very excited every time I read this. I read it over and over again. Finally.

    I would be joyous, in fact, if every time they appeared they repeat this message. (They might HAVE TO!! We're pretty thick down here!!). And if they said nothing else, it would be cool. Because then we'd really be forced to hear it, wouldn't we? (I wouldn't mind other stories, but if that is the message, well, I'm okay... I'll probably keep going on this path no matter what they have to say...)

    Thanks for being there and being in this discussion. I am always excited to be here and I so appreciate the kind and honest and thoughtful exchange here.
    Last edited by Gretchen, 2nd May 2015 at 05:16.
    Yet a new avatar, "Doorway to the Stars" by artist Josephine is a beautiful old song by the Youngbloods.......Love is but a song we sing.....Fear's the way we die.....You can make the mountains ring....Or make the angels cry.....Though the bird is on the wing.....And you may not know why....Come on, people now....Smile on your brother....Everybody get together...Try to love one another right now......

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  27. #29
    Senior Member Maunagarjana's Avatar
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    I don't know about "Children of Sorrow", but Ra uses the term "The Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow" to describe beings in the higher densities who, out of intense compassion, attempt to aid those who call for aid on the lower levels. It is those who call for aid that are "in sorrow" and it is groups like Ra and many others who tend to them.

    Here's a few Law of One quotes where the phrase is used.

    12.26 Questioner: Thank you. Well, you spoke of Wanderers. Who are Wanderers? Where do they come from?

    Ra: I am Ra. Imagine, if you will, the sands of your shores. As countless as the grains of sand are the sources of intelligent infinity. When a social memory complex has achieved its complete understanding of its desire, it may conclude that its desire is service to others with the distortion towards reaching their hand, figuratively, to any entities who call for aid. These entities whom you may call the Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow move towards this calling of sorrow. These entities are from all reaches of the infinite creation and are bound together by the desire to serve in this distortion.

    23.10 Questioner: Thank you. Then as an overall success, what can you tell me about the relative success of the pyramid in any way at all? I understand that it was— the pyramids for the purpose were basically unsuccessful in that they didn’t produce the rise in consciousness that you’d hoped for, but there must have been some success. Can you tell me of that?

    Ra: I am Ra. We ask you to remember that we are of the Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow. When one has been rescued from that sorrow to a vision of the One Creator, then there is no concept of failure.

    Our difficulty lay in the honor/responsibility of correcting the distortions of the Law of One which occurred during our attempts to aid these entities. The distortions are seen as responsibilities rather than failures; the few who were inspired to seek, our only reason for the attempt.

    Thus, we would perhaps be in the position of paradox in that as one saw an illumination, we were what you call successful, and as others became more sorrowful and confused, we were failures. These are your terms. We persist in seeking to serve.

    65.7 Questioner: How would conventional warfare offer the opportunities for seeking and service?

    Ra: I am Ra. The possibility/probabilities exist for situations in which great portions of your continent and the globe in general might be involved in the type of warfare which you might liken to guerrilla warfare. The ideal of freedom from the so-called invading force of either the controlled fascism or the equally controlled social common ownership of all things would stimulate great quantities of contemplation upon the great polarization implicit in the contrast between freedom and control. In this scenario which is being considered at this time/space nexus the idea of obliterating valuable sites and personnel would not be considered an useful one. Other weapons would be used which do not destroy as your nuclear arms would. In this ongoing struggle the light of freedom would burn within the mind/body/spirit complexes capable of such polarization. Lacking the opportunity for overt expression of the love of freedom, the seeking for inner knowledge would take root aided by those of the Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow which remember their calling upon this sphere.
    Last edited by Maunagarjana, 2nd May 2015 at 10:52.

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    All is One (4th May 2015), Ciauzar (3rd May 2015), grannyfranny (2nd May 2015), Gretchen (2nd May 2015), Sheila (4th May 2015)

  29. #30
    Senior Member Maunagarjana's Avatar
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    For those who wonder why the Ra group in particular and the Confederation in general are so interested in us, it's because, as they have admitted, it was their misguided attempts to help people on Earth in the ancient past, and even a couple instances in modern times iirc, that inadvertently caused so many problems here. They completely underestimated how confused and distorted Earth humans had become.

    All their attempts to give spiritual and technological knowledge to people on the Earth has resulted in the knowledge being hoarded and kept hidden by a small circle of elites who used it to make themselves more powerful. In other words, they unintentionally created (or got the ball rolling for) groups like the Illuminati by giving information which they intended to be shared freely for the benefit of all, but it obviously was not, and it was instead perverted in grotesque ways. This was a very tragic misjudgement on their part, which happened because, as they put it, they were "naive". Ooops. However, they did say that all of their attempts to aid that had went awry were approved by the "Council of Saturn", a more higher density council that presides over this Solar System, who surely knew what the result would be.

    The Ra group said this naivety on their part resulted because their evolutionary process up through the densities was so much more harmonious than ours. They weren't prepared for and didn't really understand all the consequences of the infestation on this planet by the Orion/Draco group. They actually expected their efforts in responding to calls for aid to clear things up nicely, but instead, they soon realized that they really screwed the pooch. But I guess even still, they are learning. It's all one big learning process here. You try different things, and sometimes they backfire horribly. Karma is a beeetch. So, the bottom line is, they feel very much karmically obligated to clean up the mess they made.

    Those who would fall under the category of "The Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow" would be the many higher density ET souls who have incarnated on this planet to assist with the planetary changes here. They have to incarnate here under the "veil" that causes them to forget who they are and where they came from, because working from the inside that way can be very effective.
    Last edited by Maunagarjana, 2nd May 2015 at 21:50.

  30. The Following 12 Users Say Thank You to Maunagarjana For This Useful Post:

    All is One (4th May 2015), Binah (5th May 2015), Ciauzar (3rd May 2015), dancing waters (3rd May 2015), fiz (2nd May 2015), grannyfranny (2nd May 2015), Gretchen (2nd May 2015), Myst (2nd May 2015), RealityCreation (2nd May 2015), reno (2nd May 2015), Sheila (4th May 2015), Spiral of Light (2nd May 2015)

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