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Thread: Declaration of Independence... Drafting in Progress.

  1. #91
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    Unam sanctam
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (November 2010)

    On 18 November 1302, Pope Boniface VIII issued the Papal bull Unam sanctam[1] which some historians[2] consider one of the most extreme statements of Papal spiritual supremacy ever made. The original document is lost but a version of the text can be found in the registers of Boniface VIII in the Vatican Archives.[3] The Bull lays down dogmatic propositions on the unity of the Catholic Church, the necessity of belonging to it for eternal salvation, the position of the pope as supreme head of the Church, and the duty thence arising of submission to the pope in order to belong to the Church and thus to attain salvation. The pope further emphasizes the higher position of the spiritual in comparison with the secular order.

    The main propositions of the Bull are the following: First, the unity of the Church and its necessity for salvation are declared and established by various passages from the Bible and by reference to the one Ark of the Flood, and to the seamless garment of Christ. The pope then affirms that, as the unity of the body of the Church so is the unity of its head established in Saint Peter and his successors. Consequently, all who wish to belong to the fold of Christ are placed under the dominion of Peter and his successors.

    Most significantly, the bull proclaimed, "outside of her (the Church) there is neither salvation nor the remission of sins".[4] It is an extreme form of the concept known as "plenitudo potestatis" or the plenitude of power; it declares that those who resist the Roman Pontiff are resisting God's ordination.[5]

    The bull also declared that the Church must be united, the Pope was the sole and absolute head of the Church:

    “ Therefore, of the one and only Church there is one body and one head, not two heads like a monster.[6] ”
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  2. #92
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    The 2nd Crown of the Commonwealth

    The second Crown was created in 1481 with the papal bull Aeterni Regis meaning "Eternal Crown" by Sixtus IV being only the 2nd of three papal bulls as deeds of testamentary trusts.

    This Papal Bull created what is known as the "Crown of Aragon", later known as the Crown of Spain, being the highest sovereign and highest steward of all Roman Slaves subject to the rule of the Roman Pontiff. Spain lost the crown in 1604 when it was granted to King James I of England by Pope Paul V after the successful passage of the "Union of Crowns" or Commonwealth in 1605 after the false flag operation of the Gunpowder Plot.

    The Crown was finally lost by England in 1975 when it was returned to Spain and King Carlos I, where it remains to this day.

    This 2nd Crown is represented by the 2nd cestui Que Vie Trust created when a child is born being the sale of the birth certificate as a Bond to the private central bank of the nation, depriving them of ownership of their flesh and condemning them to perpetual servitude as a Roman person, or slave.

    The 3rd Crown of the Ecclesiastical See

    The third Crown was created in 1537 by Paul III through the papal bull Convocation also meant to open the Council of Trent being the third an final testamentary deed and will of a testamentary trust, being the trust set up for the claiming of all "lost souls", lost to the See.

    The Venetians assisted in the creation of the 1st cestui Que Vie Act of 1540 to use this papal bull as the basis of Ecclesiastical authority of Henry VIII. This Crown was secretly granted to England in the collection and "reaping" of lost souls.

    The Crown was lost in 1815 due to the deliberate bankruptcy of England and granted to the Temple Bar, which became known as the Crown Bar, or simply the Crown.

    The Bar Associations have been responsible ever since in administering the "reaping" of the souls of the lost and damned, including the registration and collection of Baptismal certificates representing the souls collected by the Vatican and stored in its vaults.

    This 3rd Crown is represented by the 3rd cestui Que Vie Trust created when a child is baptized being the grant of the Baptismal certificate by the parents to the church or Registrar being the gift of title of the soul. Thus, without legal title over one's own soul, a man or woman may be "legally" denied right to stand as a person, but may be treated as a creature and thing without legally possessing a soul. Hence, why the Bar Association is able to legally enforce Maritime law against men and women- because they can be treated as things, cargo that does not possess a soul.
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  3. #93
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    What I don't want to do is go on a huge paperchase where I run around chasing people outside courts in obscure youtube videos. A few well chosen emails should suffice.

    I have to sleep soon, but thanks for your input everyone...
    Six Doctors For A Medical Revolution

  4. #94
    Senior Member johnjen325's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by lcam88 View Post
    I agree with this.

    What is TPTB?
    The Powers That Be

    Huge assumptions indeed.

    But consider the following scenario:

    You and a friend have been fighting for some time about something and you know things can come to blows. As a way to measure whether a recent attempt of your to give up your argument for the sake of returning to friendship, you say. "Hey I give-up. Let's just call it quits, let's good sense reign and I'll buy you a drink at the pub."

    If your friend doesn't answer, do you buy him a drink or not? There is a need for continuity and an assumption about the message being accepted or not is required.

    The basis to presume acceptance in legalities is simply because it's the better of two options; you presume there is honor in both parties. That a flat refusal without recourse to remend a situation is dishonorable, as is indeed, to completely disregard anothers interests where consideration for your interests have been shown.

    That maxim was born where cooperation and consideration for all parties and thus harmony between varying interests was much valued.

    Thanks for the link. I'll certainly have a good look.
    "you presume there is honor in both parties"
    There is also the presumption that the words used, mean the same to all parties, ie. all parties know what all the other parties know with respect to the terms and conditions of the contract, in the first place.
    Which also presumes that all parties involved understand the terms and conditions inherently embedded within all the specific words (ie. legaleze sounds like standard english, but isn't…)

    These presumptions all to easily lead to fraudulent contracts, which by the definitions used where legaleze applies, means the contract(s) are null and void and non-binding at their very inception.

    The difficulty is 'enforcing' this auto-nullification, since the only means to do so currently is thru the very same legaleze based 'justice system', which is loath to address this very point, which is by definition dishonorable (in standard english but not in legaleze).

    The hidden harmony is found with joy, while the obvious brings indifference.
    The farther you enter into the Truth the deeper your conviction for truth must be.
    There is understanding of the world precisely to the degree that there is understanding of the Self. — Collected Works of the WingMakers Volume 1 pg. 590

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  6. #95
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    The City of London also has its own Lord Mayor, different from the current Mayor, who has the power in The Crown Corporation. When the Queen wishes to conduct business in the City, she is met by the Lord Mayor at Temple Bar. Temple Bar and their associate franchises come from what is called the Four Inns of the Temples of Court – the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple. The logo of the Inner Temple is a white horse on the sunburst seal of the Jesuit Order. The white horse is a symbol of the British Empire / Order of the Garter / Crown Corporation, and is the same white horse which is the symbol of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations). The white horse is a Jesuit symbol – Pegasus. It is the Jesuit Order that governs the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple. The Inner Temple is the core group that governs the City of London Corporation.

    The whole Earth is governed by The Crown, through Crown Colonies which belong to The City – The Crown Empire. It governs Africa and still governs China and India. The colonies of the Earth are really just Crown Colonies – The United States of America are states of The Crown.

    This being said, however, it is vitally important to remember the following. The Crown Empire uses commercial law (aka international maritime law, or law of contracts) as its means of control. This law does not apply to sovereign, free men and women.

    Your name, when spelt out in all capital letters – as in JULIAN WEBSDALE – is a corporation, a trust set up by the government through the treasury department at your birth. Every time a child is born, a corporation/trust is created using his or her name in all capital letters. They do this because governments are corporations and they operate under commercial law, the law of contracts. The laws passed by governments only apply to corporations and not to living, breathing, flesh and blood sovereign-free men and women spelt in upper-lower or all lower case, as with Julian Websdale, or julian websdale. The living, breathing sovereign man and woman is subject to common law, not the commercial law introduced by governments through legislation.
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  7. #96
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    Quote Originally posted by Contact Point View Post
    OK, well it would have to be delivered to 10 different agencies. I am just using Titus as a "metonym' for all of the above. It might not be a space issue (no one knows) but it is a planetary issue. So here's the revised letter:
    I'd suggest filing it with the UCC, which makes it globally applicable and goes straight to the center of the commerce system.
    It also makes it binding upon ALL commerce, if it goes un-refuted.

    The 'trick' is enlisting the help of one who knows how to correctly file a UCC 'claim/filing' etc.

    Last edited by johnjen325, 22nd June 2015 at 21:41.
    The hidden harmony is found with joy, while the obvious brings indifference.
    The farther you enter into the Truth the deeper your conviction for truth must be.
    There is understanding of the world precisely to the degree that there is understanding of the Self. — Collected Works of the WingMakers Volume 1 pg. 590

  8. #97
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    Quote Originally posted by johnjen325 View Post
    I'd suggest filing it with the UCC, which makes it globally applicable and goes straight to the center of the commerce system.
    It also makes it binding upon ALL commerce, if it goes un-refuted.

    Alright. Will think about that. Can I do that from Taiwan? 180USD is too much right now, but I'll think about it.
    Last edited by Daozen, 22nd June 2015 at 21:39.
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  9. #98
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    Quote Originally posted by Contact Point View Post
    Papal bulls! I missed that. Can we list the major ones here?
    The document I have that lists the papul bulls is rather lengthy.

    here is a link to a document I have found.

    The hidden harmony is found with joy, while the obvious brings indifference.
    The farther you enter into the Truth the deeper your conviction for truth must be.
    There is understanding of the world precisely to the degree that there is understanding of the Self. — Collected Works of the WingMakers Volume 1 pg. 590

  10. #99
    Senior Member johnjen325's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Contact Point View Post
    Alright. Will think about that. Can I do that from Taiwan? 180USD is too much right now, but I'll think about it.
    From what little I know there are UCC 'offices' all around the world.
    Heather filed all of her 'claims' in this way.
    The hidden harmony is found with joy, while the obvious brings indifference.
    The farther you enter into the Truth the deeper your conviction for truth must be.
    There is understanding of the world precisely to the degree that there is understanding of the Self. — Collected Works of the WingMakers Volume 1 pg. 590

  11. #100
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    Quote Originally posted by johnjen325 View Post
    "you presume there is honor in both parties"
    There is also the presumption that the words used, mean the same to all parties, ie. all parties know what all the other parties know with respect to the terms and conditions of the contract, in the first place.
    Which also presumes that all parties involved understand the terms and conditions inherently embedded within all the specific words (ie. legaleze sounds like standard english, but isn't…)

    These presumptions all to easily lead to fraudulent contracts, which by the definitions used where legaleze applies, means the contract(s) are null and void and non-binding at their very inception.

    The difficulty is 'enforcing' this auto-nullification, since the only means to do so currently is thru the very same legaleze based 'justice system', which is loath to address this very point, which is by definition dishonorable (in standard english but not in legaleze).

    Thanks for the clarifications here unquoted.

    Indeed presumptions are a very interesting topic. Incidentally, it is also presumed that you don't contract with dishonor. That is why confessions made under duress are invalid (nil ab initium, if memory serves.). They don't meet the very definition of contract which requires the meeting of minds. Insofar as the presumptions are shared, even silently, contracts are valid as they represent the good faith the parties have with an exchange.

    In other words, starting with the presumption where the parties act in good faith is a requirement for a contract to even exist, and that perhaps is why such a presumption as you quote above must be in place.

    Let's suppose the normal case is, a representative (a senator for example) signs a contract that binds the people he represents, as long as there is no manifestation of opposition to the new agreement, it is presumed to be accepted (that silence acceptance understanding). There may even be a waiting period or comments period before things go into effect. The FCC stuff with net neutrality for example. Either way, the only reasonable thing for an individual who governs his affairs is to novate the contract so that it sits more favorably to his acceptance. But without this manifestation it stands that there is/was no objection.

    Government tries to stifle this right by creating rules for petitions and norms for procedures they would like to see that diminishes the voice of individuals, perhaps rightly so. But also perhaps not.

    I used to go so far as to say the system is perfect simply because of the level of power such a presumption implies we all have. I have since reserved that opinion to a more idealistic and utopian plain.

    That is why secret law is actually totalitarianism; you are denied the right to even know what you are presumed to know.
    Last edited by lcam88, 22nd June 2015 at 21:49.

  12. #101
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    Quote Originally posted by johnjen325 View Post
    I'd suggest filing it with the UCC, which makes it globally applicable and goes straight to the center of the commerce system.
    It also makes it binding upon ALL commerce, if it goes un-refuted.

    The 'trick' is enlisting the help of one who knows how to correctly file a UCC 'claim/filing' etc.

    The online UCC form options have limited the complete list permissible in a way that neuters it from the standpoint of what we want to do. Be careful because filing incorrectly can land you frivolous charges.

  13. #102
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    This lady has tied together a lot of what we were talking about. A skim of the video shows the judge abandoned the office. Maybe the legends are true.

    Starts about 2:45

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  14. #103
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    Be careful because filing incorrectly can land you frivolous charges.
    That's what happened to some of the OPPT. I won't play around with this...
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  15. #104
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    It's hard for us to enforce a claim. It looks like it's not easy for them to fully enforce their system either. Looks like there's a balance of forces. I guess it's up to everyone to make their choice. The micro leads the macro.

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  16. #105
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    Quote Originally posted by lcam88 View Post

    Do you have a link for info on UL, interested.
    Here is a rather lengthy write up I wrote in 2010 based upon the Handbook for the new Paradigm books




    Sounds all officious and everything doesn’t it? And really they aren’t ‘Laws’ at all but guidelines or descriptions of some of the substructure that underlies the very fabric of our existence. But calling them ‘Laws’ does lend them more importance, and importance is important. ;-)

    They seem way too simple at first and what’s this, there are only 4 of them? But as you delve into their inner meaning and then the nature of the interaction between them, it becomes - much - more involved. For a more complete understanding than is possible in this short missive I recommend you read them for yourself.
    This address also uses info from books 2 and 3

    But that doesn’t mean I’m letting any of you off the hook, by not providing a once over lightly and just to spice things up even more I’ll throw in some parallel concepts as well. I mean after all we ARE talking about the LAWS OF CREATION here.

    To begin with here is an excerpt that gets us started.

    "The universal laws, though appearing simple in concept, contain many nuances that appear as paradoxes. A paradox is "a statement that seems contradictory, etc. but may be true in fact; a statement that is self-contradictory, and, hence, false" as quoted from Webster’s New World dictionary. For example, the law of allowance is not a law unless upheld by the laws of attraction and intentional creation. In this case then, the law of allowance is a paradox. It is and is not a law. Inasmuch as the underlying basis of creation is conceptional thought, the laws are concepts to be interpreted or applied within the parameters of each and the combination of all. In the simplest terms possible, this means that as each is understood, it must also be understood that all act in cooperation bringing forth the result of harmony and balance. The 4th law depends on the interaction of the previous three as a prerequisite.

    …Attempting to comprehend the underlying laws of creation within their continuous interacting flow as they delineate creation is something like wondering which came first, the chicken or the egg. The creation simply is! It is to be comprehended and joined cooperatively at the point of realization to the best of each one’s ability to do so. What ever that is, is "good enough!"

    Now for some these ‘Laws’ could be considered ‘strange’ in that they don’t admonish us with how to behave or how matter operates or is ‘constructed’ etc. but rather they provide us an insight on how consciousness is encircuited within creation and ‘initiates’ and directs those inherent energies. In short it gives us a glimpse into how we can ‘work the system’. And of course there are a few additional ‘tools’ that enable us to be more effective in our efforts, the first and most significant of which is discernment. This next paragraph is an excellent examination and functional description of just what discernment is all about.

    The practice of discernment is part of the application of the Law of Allowance (the 3rd ‘Law’). To consider the appropriateness of an undertaking in either the before, during or after mode requires a letting go of the emotions involved in the experience so that the logic of it can be considered. This may be an on going process of consideration before the totality of the lesson is gained. Even partial understanding and realization of its purpose in the totality of the life experience allows for greater knowledge to become wisdom which in turn allows the individual to apply this and change their pattern of expression to include different possibilities. In order to consider the situation and its circumstances there is a letting go that is necessary in order to allow the mind to consider the possibilities of the who, what, why and how of the total picture. If there is considerable open mindedness, possible scenarios can be played out in order to determine the greatest number of possibilities. Through this process, the more logical meanings become clear. Through this release needed solutions often become accessible because the mind has been allowed to reach inward to access the available wisdom from within. Each has a storehouse of available wisdom that is obtainable through the practice of discernment. There must be a desire to lift personal experience out of the daily morass of pointless repetition, judgment and blame.

    And to be clear here we are dealing with non material subjects here, so trying to apply them to our physicality is going to provide less than useful results. Which means we are dealing in the realm of spirit and thought energies.

    The first ‘Law’ that being - The Law of Attraction - seems simple enough, until you begin to fully grasp and appreciate the magnitude of it’s effect.

    The underlying Law of Creation is the Law of Attraction. Simply stated, like attracts like. It does this through the basic tool of Creation—thought. I believe your bible states "As a man thinketh, so is he."

    However, the law of attraction absolutely works, but within the flow of divine order, the timing is left to the natural flow of that law within the intelligence of creation.

    The focused thought process when fueled by emotion moves quickly through creational energy. As it leaves the dense field of energy, it becomes finer or vibrates more rapidly. It is the return trip, so to speak, in the manifestation process that slows in its oscillation rate. The law of attraction magnetizes the object of the focused thought that was "sent out into the creational field of energy" and it is returned to the point of origin. When the point of origin is vibrating at the slower rate, it appears within the sequential time orientation to manifest very slowly. If during this sequential experience, the focus is withdrawn or sufficiently weakened, the magnetic attraction process is aborted."

    These passages contain several interesting ‘gems’. The first is that thought is the basic tool of creation. And right on it’s heels is that the timing or rather how and when we see the results is dependent upon the very process of not only what is being attracted but how it will manifest and these are in turn dependent upon that which is desired. And notice “The focused thought process when fueled by emotion” aspect. This should provide a clue to those who are paying attention. And the next little point of relevance is “If during this sequential experience, the focus is withdrawn or sufficiently weakened, the magnetic attraction process is aborted.” Remember the topic of distraction? (post # 964+ & 1005-6)

    This ‘law’ also involves another topic we have lightly explored, that being the victim/abuser modality of behavior…

    "Understanding why "god allows this branch of humanity to suffer" is impossible to understand without encompassing the workings of the law of attraction. Victim/oppressor consciousness is two sides of the same coin. Existing at the lower scale of the vibratory range of manifested life experience; the magnetic attraction of the two is extremely strong. As the evolving consciousness strives to experience knowledge into wisdom it returns again and again to achieve freedom from this particular trap.

    It is to be remembered that the law of attraction causes the victim to draw to its experience those who have a like consciousness but are on the other side of it, like the two sides of a coin. Those who feel abused draw to them those who will provide more of that experience until that attitude is shed."

    And here is a real zinger. After reading this next paragraph perhaps certain aspects of group behavior will be understood in a clearer light, as well as provide some insight into the motivation behind why our reality is the way it currently is.

    "…mankind on planet earth has been influenced from the beginning to maintain the understanding that knowledge and wisdom comes from those of greater and superior knowledge and wisdom. Further that this knowledge and wisdom is given out to them through adoration and worship of those holding this superior understanding. This has brought an understanding that the humans on this planet exist at the whim of those holding this superior wisdom. As time has passed, this understanding has been manipulated into the belief by humanity that it is vested in an unknowable awareness that has all the attributes as wielded over them by their overlords. These ever present beings have hidden themselves and operated through this “unknowable God,” holding humanity hostage not only for the resources of the planet, but as a last experiment in manipulation and literal entertainment. It has been previously been referred to as their own “virtual reality computer game.” Unfortunately that is more truth than fiction."

    And there are numerous additional nuances involving many other thought provoking concepts and aspects of our reality, all centered on this 1st ‘Law’, in these 3 books.

    "And next is the Law of Deliberate Intent. It also seems all too simple. But as we progress in our understanding of these ‘Laws’ it too will yield greater depth and complexity.

    The Law of Deliberate Intent. Purposefully withdrawing your fear and fascination for the evil situation once you are aware of it, with the deliberate intent of doing so, is using this Law. You cannot do this by attempting to stop thinking about it. It is only possible to do this by substituting another thought on a completely different subject.

    When you choose to place your intent beyond the play perceived by the 5 senses, and place it instead into the creation of a new experience, you are withdrawing your consent and support of the experience in which you no longer wish to participate. You are using the second Law of the Universe.

    This ‘Law’ helps to formulate a much more directed intent, one that is focused upon a purposeful rather than reactive net result. It helps during the initial stages of the desire to manifest into reality that which is the subject, or topic at hand, using the Law of Attraction. You can also see where the interplay of these Laws is already manifesting.

    A coincident concept of complicity also comes into play here. It is in close association with the Victim/Abuser that is so common, once it becomes apparent.

    Complicity involves believing the intent of those involved is for the good of all. Perhaps now you can see the power of sympathy for the afflicted ones around your globe. This supports the victim consciousness that is required, for it is complicity in disguise. Do you not consider them victims of war or natural disaster or poverty? You must take a deep breath, accept your part in bringing support to their feelings of victimhood. They too have responsibility in the creation of those situations. Your sympathy will not solve their misery. Your deliberate choice to create a new paradigm of experience will do that. Withdrawing your focus of attention and bringing it toward creating a new experience will bring the change about far more quickly than repeatedly sending aid while considering them poor innocent victims.

    These first 2 ‘Laws’, that seem all to simplistic, so much so that they couldn’t possible be considered ‘Laws’ have much more to them as they interact and especially as we learn HOW to optimally interact and apply them. For most they probably seem like a waste of time and so they hardly warrant any further study. But…

    It is important that you come to realize that the Laws of the Universe are immutable. They cannot be changed or distorted. They work without question as to whom is applying them. When you consider the plan of evil intent that surrounds you, you can see them at work. Like attracts like and intent of purpose brings situations into being. However, we have attempted to bring to your understanding that there are nuances within these Laws that allow for Creation to continue. There needs to be an understanding and awareness of the leavening ingredient of Freewill followed by its proper use. Through this we have infinite variety within Creation and expansive movement results."

    And now for the exciting, intriguing, mystifying, concluding segment of this little diatribe of COSMIC significance…

    "The 3rd Law of the Universe is the most difficult to access and to practice. It is the Law of Allowance.

    This ‘Law’ is probably the most demonstrable and obvious example of all 4 ‘Laws’ and there are examples of it, or more precisely the lack of it, for all to observe right here on this site. And since humans mentally operate essentially like difference engines, we all have a hard time with this one. And once we notice all those differences and immediately categorize and label them, well that’s when the fun begins. That’s entertainment for some and a socializations tool for others…

    Allowance is the most difficult of the laws to be learned at the 3rd dimensional level because of the deeply ingrained need to control. Control is transcended through the practice of the Law of Allowance.

    The release of the need to control through allowance changes the perception profoundly. It allows transcendence from responsibility for others and recognizes the personal choice of releasing them to their own personal decisions. Rather than bringing forth feelings of separation, this blessing process brings forth an experience of a form of love that has blessed them in a way that will have profound effects on their life. In adversarial situations, a change may take several repetitions, but it will bring change.

    This ‘Law’ presents the biggest challenge to implement in our day to day lives. It essentially tells us to let those with differing views have them and NOT TO TRY to change them. Now if there is a request made to explain or come to terms with an idea etc then allowance has been granted. It is a lead by example rather than by command situation, that once grasped reduces the drama quotient in one’s life by multiple orders of magnitude.

    The law of allowance is more difficult to perceive because of the degree of control exercised individually and by outside psychological (including religious) and technological mind manipulations. It is indeed, difficult for most of mankind to actually have and/or maintain a sovereign attitude. The opportunity to live life with freedom of choice and be allowed to observe and learn from the results of those choices is rare. To declare the desire to do so is incorporated within the desire for a new paradigm of experience.

    And as this ‘Law’ is incorporated into one’s being and it interacts with the previous 2 ‘Laws’ there is a synergistic change in one’s being and behavior. It can become so noticeable that others will start to interact with us in new ways and this shift will tend to ‘feed’ upon itself and accelerate. Some may find it difficult to continue to behave with us using the same old behavioral patterns, and so either further interaction may cease altogether or a change must take place.

    The complexity of the universal laws increase, as they are understood. Moving through the understanding of the laws of attraction and focused intentional manifestation to the law of allowance adds complexity at each level for all are interactive. Application of the law of allowance opens the door to experience the flow of creative energy. It might be said that it is "love in action."

    The law of allowance is the most difficult of the three active or dynamic universal laws to accept as necessary and to practice. It is essential to understand the law of attraction in order to apply the law of allowance. The composite of thoughts, opinions and attitudes of each individual generate the experience patterns of living. Through the flow of daily experiences these are filtered through this composite of each one’s total collective experience. In this way the pattern or matrix is in a dynamic and fluid process. When attitudes and opinions are deliberately programmed within a limited set of rigid guidelines, the activity level of the total pattern of experience begins to slow. The key is the word deliberately. This means that the guidelines are imposed, not by the individual through knowledge experienced into wisdom but by the beliefs imposed on the individual by those he/she considers outside authorities. The pattern of each individual as a whole attracts to itself life experiences that resonate in harmony with that pattern. If a person desires some thing or some experience that does not resonate with that pattern, it is difficult, if not impossible to attract it. Two divergent patterns cannot blend cohesively."

    And I can see some thinking that this new fangled way of living and interacting within their reality might seem kinda stark and could be considered sorta ascetic. But such is not the case, to wit…

    "Among the nuances of the application of the laws is the necessity to understand that it is necessary to live "within" the laws. It is within the law of allowance that it is appropriate to discuss abundance and luxury. A dictionary often contains much wisdom and is most helpful in reaching greater understanding. According to Webster’s New World Dictionary, abundance is "great plenty, more than enough." Luxury is "the enjoyment of the best and most costly things, anything contributing to such enjoyment, usually something not necessary." Therefore abundance is living within the law of allowance for it allows all to also live in abundance. Luxury encompasses living in extraordinary abundance. It is also very important to emphasize that abundance is not necessarily the same thing to each (individual).

    This 3rd ‘Law’ has by itself the potential to have the single largest impact in our lives. It is also accords the greatest demonstration of allowing those who need to learn life’s lessons the ‘freedom’ to fully immerse themselves within those experiences. For in no other way can one fully come to understand the impact and consequences that the choices that are made really do have unless and until we make them and fully experience the net results. If someone steps in and ‘corrects’ our choices before we make them, the full meaning of the learning process is subverted even before it has a chance to begin. It is also relevant to note that each of us is in the situation we find ourselves BECAUSE there is something we need to learn/experience to further our growth. To ‘rob’ someone of the chance to come to know, through direct experience, a necessary life lesson usually just means that it will be repeated at a later time and place. In the final analysis these experiences that we seek, are WHY we find ourselves immersed in them in the first place.

    The process must be allowed to construct itself within the focused and agreed upon intent. This law is most perfectly applied through confidence in and acknowledgement of every nuance of manifestation as they begin to be experienced not only as a group, but also especially within the daily experience of each individual’s personal life happenings. The new paradigm of experience is a coalescence of all the individual experiences that fit within the agreed upon focus of intent. These are locked in as these are noticed, acknowledged and appreciated. It is the small occurrences that instill the confidence that is at the center of the application of the Law of Allowance. Doubt is a normal human trap, but when the desire for change is deeply felt and held in mental and emotional confidence, it must manifest. This will not be an easy phase, thus the encouragement of small group interaction with the sharing of both knowledge and “happenings” that support the actual reality of experience will strengthen this necessary application. There are those individuals that will accomplish this phase very much on their own. All are appreciated!"

    "And lastly is the 4th ‘Law’ the Law of Harmony and Balance

    Through the coordinated and integrated action of the first three Laws of the Universe, the 4th Law of Harmony and Balance will manifest into reality. This is not to say that there are no polarity experiences within the Law of Balance and Harmony. Indeed there are, however, there is not the extremes of experience leading to great imbalance. These are merely lessons of discernment that demonstrate knowledge lived into wisdom.

    Balance is reached through the understanding and practice of the three basic laws of the universe: attraction, deliberate creation and allowance.

    This ‘Law’ is the easiest and in true paradoxical fashion the hardest to achieve in that it naturally follows as a result of practicing and becoming proficient with the 3 ‘Laws’ that precede it. By attuning oneself to the natural ‘flow’ of the universe and in essence getting out of the way and not creating (nor getting caught up in) turmoil and drama, this 4th ‘Law’ manifests as a natural consequence."

    Now it should also be noted that these 4 ‘Laws’ aren’t the ONLY ‘Laws’ in all of CREATION, but they are the ones that apply to us down here in this gravity well. And the discovery of their full implementation and subsequent meaning will not happen without diligence and persistence. But to begin the process does not involve a complicated series of steps or the like, since they are at least on their surface, quite simple. But as with so many other aspects of life, those pesky details will all too soon become more and more apparent as they are consciously applied.

    "…This new paradigm of experience will be accomplished through the understanding and application of the basic Laws of the Universe—focus, intention and allowance bringing forth the end result of balance and harmony. This would appear to be quite simple when considered in its basic conceptual understanding. However, to apply these principles in the midst of coercion, chaos and confusion in a firm trust and knowing that the Laws are working when there is no physical proof to justify that all-important belief is not a simple task. When the 5 senses cannot be trusted to tell each committed individual what is happening, then the process is not simple or easy in its application.

    And to ‘help’ us become more proficient in utilizing these ‘Laws’, learning how to be present really helps.

    This will require living within present moment reality. Within this focused group experience balance will be attained. The past cannot be applied and the future will be unknown. That will leave only the present."

    And as a last parting thought, here is another related concept, that being, that thoughts think. This idea is further explained in much more detail in the 3 books. This next paragraph also helps to put the activity and function of the ‘Laws’ into a broader context from which much additional insight can be gained.

    While all are curious about what the “big” picture looks like, it would indeed be impossible to explain. It is to be remembered that as “thought thinks,” nuances of change can cause major differences in outcomes. Because freewill is a major component in the process of creation and allows for diversity within wholeness, the mediating factor within the working of the Laws of the Universe is the ability for thought to think within the whole. In other words, “thought thinking” can consider all nuances of change through out the whole and compensate for effects that the finite mind has no way of considering. It is the wisdom that evolving consciousness strives to emulate. The Laws of the Universe are totally compatible and cooperative. When the Laws are invoked, and intent and purpose are in cooperation with them, there are never disagreements or discussions as to what, how, or which method or approach is right. It is simply done in the most advantageous way! There is no ego involvement as is present in situations of less evolved thought processes. It is these ideals that are sought in the dimensional progress of evolving consciousness. As these are mastered, each progressive life experience provides for new and different challenges to be lived into wisdom.

    ps Note: Please excuse some of the 'extra' commentary as it was orginally written for a different 'audience'.
    Last edited by johnjen325, 23rd June 2015 at 01:49.
    The hidden harmony is found with joy, while the obvious brings indifference.
    The farther you enter into the Truth the deeper your conviction for truth must be.
    There is understanding of the world precisely to the degree that there is understanding of the Self. — Collected Works of the WingMakers Volume 1 pg. 590

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    lcam88 (23rd June 2015)

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