Consideration can by anything at all, monetary value,a good, service, the exchange of one monetary value for another (a 20 note for 2x10 notes) for example is an exchange of consideration. A consideration can be any tangible or intangible including peace of mind, knowledge, advice, favor or even promise.
So in essence, our mere presence and contribution of meaning, ideas, energy, etc. could also be a form of consideration, depending upon the terms of the agreement between 2 or more individuals involved.
In fact a 10 dollar note is actually a promise if you understand it's origins from the Federal Reserve Act and the UCC.
A contract is an agreement between two or more parties (the meeting of minds) concerning the exchange of consideration. Disagreement cannot be the foundation of a contract, but failure to manifest an opposition can construe an agreement given the right circumstances. Such a circumstance is called tacit acquiescence. The unspoken can in fact be in agreement simply because it is reasonable to presume that an individual acts responsibly for the ordeals that involve him. There are maxims that support this.
Qui tacet consentire videtur. (He who is silent appears to consent. Jenk. Cent. 32.)
All of that said, take a look on page 2 about what I say about memorializations of contract to understand why, in all actuality, contract also has space in Universal Law.