1. Declaration of Independence
2. Background.
This document is not about signing up to anything, but signing out of this prison reality.
[Working Title] Personal Declaration of Independence
1) Introduction, Statement of Intent
2a) Pick a subject
2b) Write what you don't want
2c) Write what you want.
3) Ask for help from the assembled guardians and light forces, and your soul family.
4) Close.
Here's mine:
Personal Declaration of Independence.
This document details the timeline I'm building. I ask all sentient beings in all universes to assist me to create, clean, and maintain this timeline, if they so desire. I thank them for their help.
1. Agriculture.
I don't accept pesticides, GMO's, toxins, BHA (Butylated Hydroxyanisole) & BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene), Sodium Aluminum Sulphate and Potassium Aluminum Sulphate, Bisphenol-A (BPA), Sodium Nitrite/Nitrate, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Heterocyclic Amines, Acrylamide, Brominated Vegetable Oil, Artificial Food Coloring/Dyes, Dioxins, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) etc.
and any other toxins in Agriculture. I ask that all groups deliberately spreading these toxins are neutralized in my timeline. I ask the entire universe to help me achieve this goal.
2. Food.
I want to see local food collectives, hydroponics and sprouting methods of farming worldwide. The energy levels and organization put into the movement needs to step up a level. Citizens of 3rd world countries are largely unaware that nutritious, ancient crops can be grown in 2-3 days, and instead waste time, energy and water cultivating crops that are vulnerable to weather changes. Going back to the ancient sprouting technology that our forefathers used would take a huge burden off current land use, return agricultural power back into the hands of local communities and improve health worldwide.
I ask that all entities and groups trying to control the food supply are arrested and removed from power as soon as possible, in powerful sweep operations.
3. Politics
I don't consent to satanists, murderers or child molesters in positions of power. They need to be removed as soon as possible, and I ask for powerful and consistent assistance in removing any enemies of humanity from controlling positions. I intend that this takes place as soon as possible. I ask that the controlling power structures are gutted from the inside, and that a genuine free market free market fills the power vacuum.
The individual is sovereign, and the expression of the highest universal law, provided he does not attempt to impose his will on another. Local councils are subordinate to sovereign humans, provincial governments are further subordinate to local councils, and so on. The Federal government is the lowest law of the land, not the highest. I do NOT consent to world government, and I will not put any energy behind any attempts to control humanity, or trick us into consenting to another control system. Sovereign humans, working alongside the creator, are the highest authority on Earth. All other institutions are subordinate to the sovereign human. All contracts implying control, hierarchy, or tacit consent, are hereby revoked, eternally. All contracts I signed are retroactively deemed to be written -without prejudice-
While the Federalists advocated for a strong central government, Jeffersonians argued for strong state and local governments and a weak federal government.[42] Self-sufficiency, self-government, and individual responsibility, were, in the Jeffersonian worldview, among the most important ideals that formed the basis of the American Revolution. In Jefferson's opinion, nothing that could feasibly be accomplished by individuals at the local level ought to be accomplished by the federal government.
bsbray:*consider the original idea of Jeffersonian republicanism: that the individual take the most responsibility for his own life and rights, followed by a priority of local government, then state government, and finally, ideally with the least influence of all upon daily life, the federal government. The idea is that we should not be dependent upon others for our happiness and other basic rights, and expecting them to be provided by the politicians located the farthest from you is the most unrealistic.
I ask that any hostage situation on or off world is resolved as quickly as possible, using any means at our disposal.
4. Banking.
Likewise, I don't want satanists, murderers, or child molesters in any positions of power. I ask all assembled forces, beings, militaries and energies in the universe to remove hidden controllers and parasites as soon as possible.
I claim ownership of any money, gold, or accounts held in my name. I break, revoke and vapourize all implied, unstated and secret contracts. The dark power holding the financial system is hereby eroded, disintegrated, dissolved. The last remaining Cabalists holding the debt structures in place are removed. Humans are free again. I ask the all powers reading this to accomplish this goal.
5. Technology.
I don't consent to any interference from GWEN towers, Tetra systems, mobile phone masts, etheric monitoring technology, archonic slavery systems, or any other invasive technology from any level, plane, timeline or dimension. I intend that I am removed from all energetic prisons immediately, and continually. I am no longer a prisoner of the Matrix.
I intend that all HAARP, weather control and Earthquake technologies are rendered useless immediately, and contained by the highest technology available. I ask the highest energies and militaries in the Universe to join us and co-create this intention. All Earthquake and weather control machinery is destroyed, removed, vaporized. Steel expands, contracts, warps... shatters at the nano-level. All weapons that attempt to imprison and destroy humanity are ineffective toys.
I ask that groups with positive technology use their arsenal to break-up and clean the etheric prison surrounding Earth. I ask that vast swathes of galactic and Inner Earth energies build up, permeate and create huge cracks in the negative shell around this planet. I ask that these cracks become wider, turn into chasms, and continue expanding. I ask that these positive, loving, liberating divine feminine and masculine energies crash through every block and start the Great Awakening upon Earth. I ask that this process continues unabated, and the mood of the general populace becomes more positive, calm and loving. The technologies keeping us in slavery are hereby removed.
I ask that timeline technologies are used to create new areas and timelines. The energy keeps increasing, day by day, never letting up. The pulsing from above, from below, increases, until the public breakthrough phase begins. Health symptoms magically disappear. The negative aspects of the hologram are destroyed, and humanity continues on an organic, non-matrix timeline.
6. Military.
I do not consent to any interference from any military organisation attempting to stop me from claiming my destiny, or slow the spread of water and food technology on Earth. I do not give permission or energy to any entity, human, draco, alien or group attempting to trick, distract or destroy my attempts to liberate myself and my own timeline. I claim dominion and ownership of my timeline, and the Earth I inhabit.
I do not consent or give permission for cloning technologies to be used in any timeline that I own. I claim dominion over my timeline.
From September 2009:
The frustration we quietly focus on each other daily comes mainly from our misconception that other people are blocking our path to freedom. In the paradigm delineated by this film each person becomes a potential ally and communicator whose exponential power lines could eventually reach millions. If a critical mass of people make the right choice, a new time can come for humanity. If enough people slough off tiredness and defeatism for the fakes they are and work towards sanity nanometre by nanometer, an avalanche of understanding will burst out and light up humanities psyche. And just as many droplets gather and form into clouds, brooks, streams, rivers, boiling oceans, so the united effort of many individuals will merge and flow into a mighty victory as man's awareness crashes through barriers into the great awakening.
6. Social.
I don't accept the false belief that I, or any human being, am subordinate to any external agency, government, self-proclaimed royalty, or military organisation.
I claim full ownership of my sovereignty, my destiny, and my timeline.
I ask that the charlatans and enemies of humanity are healed and/or removed. If they won't accept healing, I ask that they are removed from this reality and taken back to source for processing. Humanity has voted overwhelmingly to be free, and I ask that my family, and all militaries related to them, plus all sentient beings that hear this prayer, are moved to help us liberate ourselves.
I want Earth's society to reach a peak of culture as described in the I Ching:
I am a sovereign citizen of the UK and Earth. I also have dual citizenship with other off-world and intra-terrestrial cultures. Knowing this, I call on ALL groups, forces, nations and people reading this, where-ever they are, to unite and work towards the above goals on EVERY level imaginable, in all areas of time. Furthermore I ask that any groups, forces, nations and people working to inhibit or slow down the spread of these ideas, or to imprison mankind, be immediately neutralized and removed from power, with alacrity, force and civility. I ask that the bonds of power surrounding this Earth, and illegal contracts and power structures, be dissolved in vast energetic currents.
I also ask that any individual or group working towards his or her own sovereignty, or the sovereignty of another person, groups, nation or city, be afforded the highest possible protection from the most advanced groups, nations, forces or people in existence.
I ask that any contracts signed on my behalf, plus any implied or quasi contracts are rendered broken, null and void, as they were signed or implied without my permission. I ask that Earth enters into a new agreement with the highest service-to-others oriented groups in existence.
Furthermore I ask that any group, nation, force or person in possession of advanced or ancient technology that can increase the service-to-others vibration on Earth use it to its fullest effect, clearing any negativity throughout the whole planet, and adding infinitely powerful healing energy to every human being on Earth on all levels.
Thanks for listening, Universe.
Contact Point, A sovereign being on Earth.
Amended: 1:51am, Wednesday 29th April 2015, Taipei.
Amended, 08:26am, Monday, May 4th 2015, Taipei.
Amended, 11:19am, Monday May 4th 2015, Taipei.
Amended, 11:48am, Monday May 4th 2015, Taipei.
One of the tasks the Agartha Network entrusted to me was the drafting of documents and contracts that would expedite the liberation process. The conversations began in 2009, broke off because of extreme danger, and continued in 2010, 2011. They made me aware that the project I was doing:
...was being WATCHED, by various groups above and below. This did not make me feel important, special or unique, because of the level of etheric attacks and physical threats at the time. In 2009, I felt blocked, confused and hunted. In 2010 - 2011 I eventually regained a measure of self composure, health and protection, and the training continued.
What I am going to write about can be done by anyone. I am not trying to get anyone to sign up to anything, join a webring or society. Many valiant attempts to break the legal agreements keeping us in prison have been made by dedicated groups over the past few years. Everyone has brought something to the table, this is my piece of the puzzle.
I offer a toolbox to help humans to remember their sovereignty and take hold of their timeline.
Much was hidden from me back then, but they told me that abuse of galactic law was a big deal and a part of the ongoing enslavement process. I have been trying to draft various documents since 2010.
ZHOEV JHO- The Cosmic Instruction Manual [EXTRACT]
This is a particularly important issue right now because there is a great deal of disturbance on the fourth dimension which is leaking into the third. (Please see the second note under "UFO" in chapter 1 for more information on the dimensions.) This is the unfortunate result of a little inter-dimensional misunderstanding. As the fifth dimension continues on its spiritual descent into the third dimension, it is now passing through the frontiers of the fourth. Some of the fourth dimension's darker denizens believe this incoming light to be a threat, and mistake their imminent transformation as a serious assault. A number of them have consequently formed a resistance movement that is fighting back, even though we are not fighting at all. The temporary chaos this has caused is making the fourth dimension look like a bad brawl in the Star Wars bar, and some of its disembodied refugees have made their way into the third dimension. Learn to recognize these energies and stay clear of them.
If a disembodied entity manipulates you in any way or wants your following at the price of your freedom, that entity is not on our team and doesn't have your best interests at heart. Any energy that is not contributing to the realization of your magnificence and mastery is not a part of this mission and is in the service of the dark forces. If an entity fails to meet this criteria, escort that being into the light.
Through your alignment with the light, you are in a superior position in relation to these temporarily confused forces. You have the power to bust them and lovingly usher them into the light. You can do this by identifying the entities, breaking any agreements you may have made with them, and, by an internal visualization, leading them into the light. This act will serve to assist the mission in its peaceful and efficient descent through the fourth dimension, while hastening its awaited arrival on the third.
Do not misinterpret this information. It is the light that is superior to these fourth-dimensional forces and not your winsome personality. Pitting yourself against them as if you were superior will invariably end in your resounding defeat. Call upon the Forces of Light in all your dealings with these energies. Your success will then be guaranteed, and there will subsequently be less mess to clean up.
Jupiter Ascending
In Jupiter Ascending, the Wachowski Siblings reminded us, knowingly or unknowingly, that humans are the rightful heirs of Gaia, not as owners, but as guardians, stewards and guests. We can't own this Earth, but we can own our sovereignty and our path.
Jupiter Jones is not one person, but all humans. We are not beholden to any other external legality. Just as plantation slaves were tricked into signing an X on documents they couldn't read, so we have been tricked, by implication and laws we do not understand. This makes these laws illegitimate.
Many valiant efforts have been made to draft similar documents. The OPPT brought something to the table, Andrew Bartzis has explained contract revocations. Winston Shrout has reminded us that many laws are fraudulent. The Gaia Confederation email discussions have brought some interesting ideas.
This document is not the final draft, but my part of the puzzle. You may use it or discard it as you wish.
I've got my timeline, other people have theirs.
This document is open source. I will be posting MY version on my blog, which represents my personal intention for my particular timeline. I will start a petition but I encourage everyone to use my document as a jumping off point, and write their own version, and maybe start their own petition. We can add a clause that asks that the energy from our petitions is added together. As the light comes to this Earth, it comes in many vibrations. Each human being is a crystalline prism reflecting a particular wavelength and unique signature of light.
You may localize, adapt, and reword the document as you wish. It would strengthen our agreement if we were to link to each others
Instead of spending hours haggling over wording, everyone has the option to write their own specialized version. Some people are more poetic than others, some more magical, more grounded, more introverted... the more energy you pour into a document, the more accurate the statement becomes.
What clauses would you add? What should the title be? Can I improve the wording?
Contracts are Magical
There are three aspects to contracts. It goes deeper than a signature. The three facets of a real contract are:
- Wording
A clear, technical, detailed and maybe poetic wording that expresses everything you are, and everything that you want. The wording can be edited over the course of weeks or even months.
- Energy
One show is not enough, one signature won't end tyranny either. Continually re-editing a document, and meditating on it's contents, will add energetic weight to the initiative.
- Sponsorship/Soul Family
In Indonesia 2011 they told me that 80 per cent of ground crew that had incarnated to help change the legal situation surrounding Earth had NOT woken up. They put me under pressure to perform various legal actions and writings, some of which I can't talk about yet. The pressure largely came because the Indonesians talking to me were themselves under certain restrictions. They couldn't tell me things I didn't remember myself. They were relaxed and easy to talk to, but extremely strict about certain protocols.
Understand, it's not just me that can write intentions down, there is a very large soul group that can accomplish this mission, but in 2011 I was more active than others. Now more people have woken up. Ultimately, all of humanity may be able to claim their sovereignty in one form or another.
It is important that we shrug off petty grievances and co-operate, but it's equally important that we have a loose, *genuinely* decentralized structure. I will work with people if we find points of mutual interest, but I don't need to sign up to anything.
I am not ALLOWED to join any groups, for reasons I will explain later. If you read the following document it will give you an idea why:
There are different people from various soul families incarnated on Earth right now. Some of these exteranl families carry more energetic and military weight than others. In Indonesia they told me there were some beings incarnated to Earth from 'Paradise'. Which Paradise it was, they wouldn't say, even when I nagged them. But they were adamant that this group would have a large effect on the outcome of the conflict, and could significantly reduce any potential carnage. Again, I am not talking big here, just passing on what they told me. I think that there may be millions of people in this group. Furthermore, there is not a fixed number of individuals in this group, as diligent spiritual practice can gain you entry to other realms on a soul level... on the other hand, laziness and indulgence can make you fail your mission. So there is no need for anyone to get arrogant.
Many members of these groups could not handle the low vibration of Earth, and ended up alcoholics, drug addicts, dysfunctional.... bitter, depressed, lost. But enough of them had woken up to at least gain some measure of critical mass, and hold the darks to a standoff. My Indonesian guides told me that this group was targeted by all sorts of equipment. As we know, most of the danger has passed now. Now, in 2015, etheric attacks are not as strong as they used to be, for the majority of liberation forces ground personnel. Many of the darks were secretly rooting for the paradise groups to win. It was hoped that these mediator groups were able to neutralize the war that was brewing. This was back in 2011. As you can see, we held the conflict down, and it will not come back so hot... The only worry now is a long slow grind to freedom, I intend that events speed up dramatically. The intention of this document is to speed up the liberation process in the timeline that I'm constructing.
I haven't read all of "I am Number Four," but it shows, in fiction format, the kind of battle that was occurring. Luckily for us, the war is mainly fought on the info plane.
As the darks were not able to wipe out the soul group completely, they contented themselves with distracting them with an alluring parade of lies in the alt media sphere.
The intent of this honey-sweet disinformation is:
A) To keep humans, and especially the paradise soul groups, in a short term hamster wheel state of perpetual fear/hope, (it does not matter which, as long as they fail to wake up.)
B) To subtly promote the external saviour paradigm, while claiming not to.
C) To keep incarnates focused on the external battle, and deny them the quiet time necessary to go within, and write their own contracts and statements of intent.
This parade of lies has been partially successful, but people are starting to see through the veil, and recognize the lies.
Many of these paradise-type soul groups are inherently trusting, and cannot comprehend the level of effort expended to keep them in a warm, sweet, cocoon of ignorance. They are used to the camaraderie and friendship of the higher dimensions, and often fall for the sweet-talk and demagoguery of media personalities and false friends trying desperately to keep them asleep.
Everyone has their own timeline. Even if you don't agree with me, and Agartha Alliance is not your thing, it doesn't matter.
Forge your own destiny, make your own trail, and I'll see you on on the other side.
(Or not)
What Effects Will this Document this Have?
The effects are completely unknown. We are blind down here in this dimension. All I know is that in Indonesia they took the contract writing process very seriously. I look back on the statement of intent I wrote in 2010, and note that everything I wrote has started to happen:
Does this mean I have power over other people's lives? NO. It means that we are living in an infinitely branching multi-verse, and each human being can set out an intent as he or she wishes. My mistake was to believe that writing a contract once was enough. Maybe I should keep drafting this time. I am not here to recruit, only to consolidate and sharpen my own vision.
It takes a long time for light to filter to the physical world, but the effects on the Etheric plane can be much quicker. Properly written documents, books, and blogs have a powerful presence on the other planes, no matter what the view-count. This battle is occurring on multiple dimensions at the same time. Like the Never-Ending story or Return to Oz, what you do in one timeline affects the other.
This afternoon, as I walked home, I could feel the Aether above the town I live in pulsing with a benevolent, otherworldly energy, like there was a huge buildup of force from outside the veil. The more I draft this document, the stronger this energy becomes.
The function of this section of the manual is to help you remember the vastness of the community you come from and the loving assistance the members of that community willingly extend to you all. We know it can feel lonely in the spiritual fast lane on this planet. But remember that this is only a feeling and not a fact. Please avail yourselves of the resources that are your birthright and know how much you are loved. This is Mission Control, on behalf of all the great Forces of Light, completely at your service.
Foreign Aid
Throughout the process of your awakening and beyond, you have the right to call upon Mission Control, the Council Seats, all Alliances, Federations, and Confederacies of Light, the Ascended Masters, and every kingdom of this planet for assistance. That is just to name a few of your resources. You are a member in good standing on this mission and we urge you to exercise your rights. This is not only for your protection; it is the very means by which higher dimensional energies can legitimately gain entry onto this plane.
As we have stated before, we do not invade. However, when a member of this mission has earned the status of Earthling by living it and then requests interdimensional intervention or support, we can legitimately answer that request without violating Universal Law. In this manner, our presence will continue to infiltrate this planet for the purpose of bringing it into alignment with the greater Universe of Light. We hope this information makes it clear that "E.T., phone home" is actually very sound advice.
The PLO and Armistice Day
The end of history should not be perceived as a frightening event. History has been the frightening event. Its end is the liberation that will exalt humanity, not strip it of its power. As the planetary ego aligns with Spirit, it will have no further need to defend itself against an enemy that does not exist. Nor will it have any use for carefully recording that process and then passing it on to future generations as an impaired model for them to imitate.
The Planetary Liberation Organization is here to cut an energetic pathway to a state of grace. In doing so, it will enable the planetary inhabitants to claim their freedom from both their national and their personal histories, as well as allow them to experience their true spiritual and physical wealth. The celebrations that marked the endings of your world wars will look like sedate little tea parties compared to the global celebration of true peace and liberation that will date the end of historic times.
This is a musical universe. Is the energy of contracts musical too? Writing a contract with more than one person is like composing a song with a friend. You end up with two or more variants, with no official versions.