Just come across this and although I have heard this before, would love to hear others points of view >
What you try to do is you try to push out some things and keep the others. That is the mistake. You say this is good, that is evil. That is the problem. You say this is sacred, this is profane. That is the problem. You have to accept all that is there. You accept the most beautiful thoughts and you have to accept the most terrible thoughts because they are all happening inside of you. That is the truth.
Thoughts are millions of years old. They are not your thoughts. They are just flowing through you. That’s all. The structure of thoughts does not change. Only the object has changed. Thought has remained the same. Thought is essentially measurement. It is comparison. Ancient man was measure and comparing. You also do. He was comparing how many cows he had, how much the neighbor had. You are comparing how many cars you have, how many the neighbor has.
Comparing is thought. It is measurement. All thought is measurement. It is comparison. It does not change. They are not your thoughts. They are there. So your thoughts are not your thoughts.
Your mind. What is the mind? The mind is full of thoughts and the mind is a human mind. It’s very, very ancient. The same structure: fear, jealously, anger, hatred, worry about the past, worrying about the future. It has not changed at all. Only the objects have change. Desire is there. You had desire for a spear. You have desire for money. That’s all. You had fear of the saber-toothed tiger. You have fear of the share market. That’s all. The structure is the same and the mind is very, very ancient. So your mind is not your mind. It’s very, very ancient. It is just there. You assume it is yours. So your mind is not your mind.
Your body. Your body is not your body. You did not design your body. It was designed millions of years ago. The same structure: the nose is here, the ear is here, breathe in oxygen, give out carbon dioxide. It’s been the same for millions of years. You did not design it. You did not create it. You did not conceive it. You did nothing in fact. How come it is your body? It’s not your body at all. You have to think about it. Contemplate on that.
Then the self, the sense of separation. That’s again an illusion. It depends upon how fast the senses are coordinating—slightly slow down, the sense of separation is gone. There is only oneness. You don’t exist as an independent entity at all. There is no separate existence. Not at all. Just another big illusion. Your self is only a concept.
Now how to understand this? A very simple example would help you understand this. Mainly the dress that you’re wearing, you did not design the dress. You did not tailor that dress. You did not weave the textile in the textile mill. You did not grow the cotton or create the polyester that has gone into the dress. In no way are you involved with the dress. How do you say it is your dress? It’s not at all your dress.
Similarly your thoughts are not your thoughts. Your mind is not your mind. Your body is not your body. The self is only a concept. The moment you become awakened you’re out of all this and you see your thoughts automatically happening. You see your speech automatically happening and you see your actions. You may think you’re moving your arm by your control. It’s not so. You can watch the brain in real time. Moments before you decide to move your hand the brain had decided to move the hand. It’s only the illusion that you have decided to move your hand.
Now the problem is you’re identifying yourself with your thoughts, with your mind, with your body and the so-called self. This we call anatma. Anatma in Sanskrit which means false identification. And why is there this false identification? Because of what we call in Sanskrit pragnaparada or failure of intelligence which is what we try to awaken in level 2. Because of failure of intelligence you’re having wrong identification which leads to a sense of separation. The sense of separation is the cause of all problems. All problems inside yourself are caused because of this sense of separation. All problems with the family are caused because of this sense of separation. All problems in your country are caused because of this sense of separation. All problems in the world arise because of this sense of separation.
If you remove the sense of separation then there are no problems in the individual, no problems in the family, no problems in the nation, no problems in the world. That is the root cause of all problems. To be free of the self is the only revolution.
The only solution to all our problems is to ultimately awaken where we lose this sense of separation. That is the real problem