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Thread: You Are Not Your Thoughts

  1. #46
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Hi Cearna, I feel we were talking about others affecting the minds around one and not specifcalllly what one see's as their ( You assume it is yours. So your mind is not your mind ) mind. if one knows their mind is not their mind then the influence of others minds is felt and/or ignored or used in the moment imo.

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  3. #47
    Senior Member Cearna's Avatar
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    Hi Aianawa, please do not get me wrong in this, I am not about the changing of your mind in anyway about what you believe, and by the same token, reading your quote over more times than I have already read it, is not going to make me believe that all of the quote is the Truth. and that is what we are all about I believe.

    Felt the best way to reply to above post was putting original post here again, as when you read it and then the above post, stronger clarity may sensed about your thoughts not being your thoughts. Thank you for giving me your angle on how you perceive things Cearna.
    The point being that neither this persons' statements can be proved as being correct, or incorrect, it is up to us to decide what our senses tell you is right and what my senses tell me is right. I have not been in your Pathway, just as you have not been in mine.

    Mine is about the fact that at some time in your life, you were beginning to listen to something deep inside you, that may or my not have been the mind control of days gone by. You are here in life to get to some point of understanding of Truths that all knew before inherited loss of role took over us. We have been engineered so that we feel, see and hear, regardless of knowing that we can or cannot do so. I am indicative of this, I do not think I see, others are sure they see, but do not believe there is such a thing as hearing thoughts, I believe I hear thoughts. I have spent roughly forty years now, listening to my thoughts, a great deal of the time, I know those thoughts are not mine, because I am having a conversation with those who are intent on helping me to make sense of the world and life around me.

    I can be having an absolute quiet time in my mind, no thoughts no need to have any, and suddenly, the one I call Ivan starts up a conversation with me. No I do not have multiple personalities and I am not insane, nor weirder than most, this is something Ivan does, because I came to a stage of development where I was able to hear these thoughts. I know they are not my thoughts, I know when it is Ivan or the other Spirits who also talk to me, because we arrange it so that they use words I would not ordinarily use. That is why many of my channellings are often off putting to others, because I asked for it to be given to me in words I do not normally use nor write with. So that each person who channels through me will in some way look different to the others, because I channel multiple spirit beings, all of whom are there because I asked to learn the Truth as it is and always will be. That's just me I was a schoolteacher, and at one stage wrote the notes for Textiles at the Correspondence School in NSW. Now to write the notes, so that they made sense to me I found I needed multiple texts around me, because as often as not, one would contradict the other, and some jumped into a beginning that made no sense to me. I needed to have it work in what is a sequential link from one thing going to the next. For example, learning about the properties of wool, was just something I read and learnt till I had to teach a class of students who had no idea of the reason for studying the formula for wool and its crystalline and amorphous regions. I had to take it back to a very simple understanding, using them so that they could see and feel how it all worked. After this that class began to understand and write with the knowledge that this was why the properties were the way they were. So, in life it is the same to me, if I have lost contact with the underlying Truth, then it is more difficult to bring my own understanding to the Truth, as I found it out in my everyday living. When we go back to where we came from all there know the original Truth, but want to know what we went through and found our own understanding of the Truth. Because, Truth is Truth, but there are many variations of understanding of that Truth, just as in looking up a word in the Dictionary, you will find many meaning to that word, depending upon the context in which it is written.

    You are then working on what you perceive to be the understanding of someonelse's words. I on the other hand go to the spirits to ask to know what their understanding of these words are, because my own senses, told me this is a riddle upon another riddle upon another riddle which is how many guru's teach and you are supposed to work it out for yourself from their own or some one else's teachings of life. You have the time to explore his words, I imagine and I don't, but also I am going from the words of my own spiritual advisers which is that I was not to go to any one else's teachings or they would confuse me, they have tailored my learning to my own needs and my role here . Hence back to my statement that we are not all going to believe this statement because otherwise why are we here to gain our own Soverngty at our own pace of development and in our own way, and coming to this from whatever Source, mine, yours or Ancient wisdom, which we all had in the beginning and are adding to it as we live.
    You are what you are, no more, no less. The fact is, that all is not what it seems to be, some may be great, some may be small, but to your own want to be free, I say, you never were not free. It is what your own Self, gave yourself to be in, that's what makes you what you are. Loving kindness be upon you and yours.

  4. #48
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Cearna View Post
    Hi Aianawa, please do not get me wrong in this, I am not about the changing of your mind in anyway about what you believe, and by the same token, reading your quote over more times than I have already read it, is not going to make me believe that all of the quote is the Truth. and that is what we are all about I believe.

    The point being that neither this persons' statements can be proved as being correct, or incorrect, it is up to us to decide what our senses tell you is right and what my senses tell me is right. I have not been in your Pathway, just as you have not been in mine.

    Mine is about the fact that at some time in your life, you were beginning to listen to something deep inside you, that may or my not have been the mind control of days gone by. You are here in life to get to some point of understanding of Truths that all knew before inherited loss of role took over us. We have been engineered so that we feel, see and hear, regardless of knowing that we can or cannot do so. I am indicative of this, I do not think I see, others are sure they see, but do not believe there is such a thing as hearing thoughts, I believe I hear thoughts. I have spent roughly forty years now, listening to my thoughts, a great deal of the time, I know those thoughts are not mine, because I am having a conversation with those who are intent on helping me to make sense of the world and life around me.

    I can be having an absolute quiet time in my mind, no thoughts no need to have any, and suddenly, the one I call Ivan starts up a conversation with me. No I do not have multiple personalities and I am not insane, nor weirder than most, this is something Ivan does, because I came to a stage of development where I was able to hear these thoughts. I know they are not my thoughts, I know when it is Ivan or the other Spirits who also talk to me, because we arrange it so that they use words I would not ordinarily use. That is why many of my channellings are often off putting to others, because I asked for it to be given to me in words I do not normally use nor write with. So that each person who channels through me will in some way look different to the others, because I channel multiple spirit beings, all of whom are there because I asked to learn the Truth as it is and always will be. That's just me I was a schoolteacher, and at one stage wrote the notes for Textiles at the Correspondence School in NSW. Now to write the notes, so that they made sense to me I found I needed multiple texts around me, because as often as not, one would contradict the other, and some jumped into a beginning that made no sense to me. I needed to have it work in what is a sequential link from one thing going to the next. For example, learning about the properties of wool, was just something I read and learnt till I had to teach a class of students who had no idea of the reason for studying the formula for wool and its crystalline and amorphous regions. I had to take it back to a very simple understanding, using them so that they could see and feel how it all worked. After this that class began to understand and write with the knowledge that this was why the properties were the way they were. So, in life it is the same to me, if I have lost contact with the underlying Truth, then it is more difficult to bring my own understanding to the Truth, as I found it out in my everyday living. When we go back to where we came from all there know the original Truth, but want to know what we went through and found our own understanding of the Truth. Because, Truth is Truth, but there are many variations of understanding of that Truth, just as in looking up a word in the Dictionary, you will find many meaning to that word, depending upon the context in which it is written.

    You are then working on what you perceive to be the understanding of someonelse's words. I on the other hand go to the spirits to ask to know what their understanding of these words are, because my own senses, told me this is a riddle upon another riddle upon another riddle which is how many guru's teach and you are supposed to work it out for yourself from their own or some one else's teachings of life. You have the time to explore his words, I imagine and I don't, but also I am going from the words of my own spiritual advisers which is that I was not to go to any one else's teachings or they would confuse me, they have tailored my learning to my own needs and my role here . Hence back to my statement that we are not all going to believe this statement because otherwise why are we here to gain our own Soverngty at our own pace of development and in our own way, and coming to this from whatever Source, mine, yours or Ancient wisdom, which we all had in the beginning and are adding to it as we live.
    You are correct in each to their own Cearna, I talk with my divine/higher self/higher fractual regularly, imo it is becoming more normal nowadays, if my/the thoughts came in, I would talk my way out of this lol. My preference is to see this as scientific as possible, with the body not being one's body, many can understand this, with the mind not being your mind, this may be difficult to accept if your not out of your mind, your thoughts not being your thoughts is similar imo and as we differ on this aspect, which is good and reading your experience around this reminds me of a story.

    While one watched their mind and enjoyed being the watcher, believing this was the soul watching, this one realised they were watching the watcher, feeling very far removed from the mind now, they watched the watcher having thoughts around the mind before it, OH automaticalllly on instinct looking behind itself.

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  6. #49
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Hi Cearna, I read your last post a couple more times as I felt you had put the effort into trying to understand my posts also.

    Thoughts that are not ours, coming from divine/spirit/god/Ivan, are not what is being talked about so much, my life involves walking with spirit talking consistently as feelings and knowing but I still have mind chatter lol. Thank you for allowing me to go deeper into my beliefs as such Cearna.

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    Cearna (17th May 2015)

  8. #50
    Senior Member Cearna's Avatar
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    Thank you for your courtesy. In this time I will also explain, is that the earliest of Ivan's teachings to me, was that thoughts become what we ourselves are. The old story was - you are what you eat - I aimed to teach life in the raw - or what type of life we live, can heal or destroy us. In my earlier days, I discovered that I had spent many night times in what you might call never ending thoughts or chatter in my head, finding it difficult to sleep - I do not know how many nights I spent re-arranging the rooms in our home. Ivan wanted me to stop living the life of the one who hid from life, into one participating in life - he sheltered me at first, by helping me to understand what was going on in my inter-relationships with others till I felt more secure in myself and in my self-esteem - so all hail the spirits who come to help us all. I came to do a role here, but until I felt OK to be in life, all I was doing was gradually dieing.

    My Reiki Master, back in 1983, taught us that illness came from what we thought and when you look at illness in this way, I could see that the many illnesses I had were in fact due to how I thought. At the time I had Leukaemia, and Ivan had me look at my thoughts, which were for the most part that I held back from all life and thus began to have less and less blood to take myself through life. at a later date, my husband had heart problems and couldn't do much, so I was doing a great deal more than I felt I could cope with. He told me colleen stop saying that you can't cope, or your illness will come back, after a time, I felt I was just lacking in enough energy to be able to do what I had to, and a blood test said I was back in acute Leukaemia, and the haematologist, felt I had little chance of recovery. So my need was to get my mind out of the way, and go through the nasty Kemo and let those Above get on with the job of healing and loving me. I got over that illness, and three haematoma operations, with those same thought, just that there was no way I wouldn't get better.

    This is why, I have a thing I suppose about thoughts, I claim them as mine, not some river of thoughts, which of course is true as well. I would be the first one to say that you can lie over an older area such as in the standing stone circle and you will easily allow yourself to see and hear and feel the thoughts and words of by-gone days. They do sit there, as do the emotions of times gone by, so I acknowledge what you are saying, it is that my experiences with the help of Ivan's teaching have also told me, have shown me that Life exists to open the mind to newer sorts of thoughts than you may otherwise have had in other versions of your sort of life.

    some instances take your self-expression on, and some never worked on thoughts, just seemingly live in utter confusion - in every case, time is opening some innovative toughness to withstand the next working-in phase in your life. If you ask to close them off to view as someone else, this works as a buffer against the slings and arrows, chucked at you, but things get too stale, in reckoning your need to live in the totality of life at a distance, which this wording suggests to you. At some instances in life you really become the chatter of the mind, and on some level, the first toll of the bell in your Soul, tells you to find a bed and make life less costly to your out comes - or- Keep It Simple Sweetheart.

    Life's a gamble, the toss of the coin, can have you opening into the flowering blossom, or clearing it all off to start again. Self of yours, is finding your role, just as mine began in being ill, you are following what you find becomes useful to carry on. I'm a get-to-do sort now, once I hid in my own little rabbit hole (I was born in the year of the Rabbit), I couldn't have found my way without loads and loads of thoughts, still can't, but that's what I am, you are what you are and blessings to you for that.
    You are what you are, no more, no less. The fact is, that all is not what it seems to be, some may be great, some may be small, but to your own want to be free, I say, you never were not free. It is what your own Self, gave yourself to be in, that's what makes you what you are. Loving kindness be upon you and yours.

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  10. #51
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    And blessings back to you dear Cearna, from your story we have a few experiences in common, my first reiki teacher was/is wise indeed, her pearls I pass on that worked for me, your story also helps me understand some issues at present in this life, not fully but differing thoughts lol appearing for myself than my usual I would have, lol I feel like I am at school and had a wee blue/fight with you and are now getting along just fine, blessings to you again Cearna.

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  12. #52
    Senior Member Cearna's Avatar
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    Do you mind if I explain another area of what I consider thought can do for you?

    I mentioned that I cannot see, to me this is a big thing, because I am actually a clairvoyant, who is like a bee-in-a-bottle, not able to find the trees for the subtleties of all the other senses are clamouring to find excuses to use me for once. My seer abilities , too, cost too much close contact to places in the future, so I had to deny the most divine senses I have, in order to not go under to many other worldly experiences.

    Firstly, to give yourself a chance to learn, you need to deny the easiest to use, then invite the emotions to cover over the first needs, and use what ever inventiveness you can muster within limitless openings to something you have never tried before. In my thread on identity, I explored how my pathway this time was to be able to explore the unlimited possibilities that we can be and are. So I explained it to myself, that I was able to see and could tell myself when in the need to find out what I had seen, such as when I went to Japan to let the first of the energy domes, put down by 29 Atlanteans at the end of their life in Atlantis, it was time for them all to be released to bring about change, so I started with the dome in Russia, then asked myself what I had seen, and there was a mushroom cloud more than any Atomic bomb set off in our lifetimes, after doing three of these (Russia, Japan and Israel), I decided this was too much physical effort for me to traverse the world and do the other 26, so I told myself I will do this in Spirit where the toll on myself was less.

    I also compensated by telling myself, that knowing I was seeing, was all I needed, and from that I would in fact allow my automatic pilot to take over to do whatever it was that I knew needed to be used, stood there and just took off. This is a bit fearful at the beginning, especially when I begin to speak in other languages and have no idea what I've said, and no idea how I know what I know, but it gets the job done. Like, when I was working as a healer using, all kinds of energies (have a look at my thread in the healing forum to give you just a small idea of the energies I can use). If I just stand and let everything flow, I begin to use bits and pieces of all kinds of modalities, chant in goodness knows what languages, use hand waving to work the energies to where I need to put them and begin in some way to see what is under it all and work at taking it out, daggers, string canonballs whatever. The person, always says how did you know that's exactly where I was paining, and If I ask the body to tell me what it is all about, I get a long story about past and present lives and what they are doing to themselves, which is usually spot on according to any other person with them. If I didn't let myself just go and do, I probably wouldn't have a clue. I got enough in me once to ask two people if they knew what I was speaking, one said Oh! you speak Thai and really well (she was Malaysian, but her father spoke Thai) and the other said you are speaking an ancient form of Aramaic, but I am only able to understand parts of it (he was an old Arab). So without my thought being put to use to start me off (I often say, let's get this show on the road), think how stultified I would be, instead of being able to encompass what ever I obviously know from many lifetimes of studying healing all over the world as a shaman as well as having spent a very long lifetime in the Amazon with the 300 hundred Atlanteans, for we moved to the Amazon from Atlantis in order to learn every possible method of healing, until we could just do it without having to think. By the Way we used Reiki way back then, but in a more advanced form than you have been given it.

    Another way of using my thought is to tell myself what to do - if for example I have just gone through an angry episode with my spouse, I know I have probably, become closed off during the exchange, so I say "I NOW OPEN UP" and I do. I have also told my Soul not to accept anything someone else wiches to harm we with in their thoughts - it knows now that I am not to be harmed in any way by attacks on me by the PTB or their Demon minions, and I send back to them whatever is sent to me. If you felt at all that you were fighting me and inadvertently sent some harmful thoughts my way you would get them back and then would have to deal with them yourself, not me because I do not want to have to deal with anyone else's angst or whatever harm they wish on me, because I get plenty of attacks from TPTB that in fact are intent to kill me, they get it all sent back to them. I also use the belief that I am INVIOLate in this wayy and use the wording I put on my thread in channelling on how to do with attacks of violating your Self Hood, this is why I claim my thought to be mine in these situations.

    In terms of replacing the ability to see an image, like when under hypnotherapy or other therapies when the first thing they ask me to do, is to visualise something - I'm not in the race of doing that, so I have to follow their thoughts with my own and tell myself to do what they are asking of me. My homeopath asked me to project my gall bladder to him, because I could feel it and yet it had been removed - I had no idea what to do so I simply thought gall bladder, gall bladder, gall bladder and what he saw was an intact spirit gall bladder I had put in place so I would still have a functioning gall bladder.

    These are just a few ways I use my own thoughts to work psychically, because I do not see. It's worth exploring, tell yourself what you are NOW doing and you will be doing it. Sorry if my school teacher self got the better of me, but yes all is well between us, I just have a thing about notever accepting any kind of limitation, now that I have found it is within yourself to be limitless. Love Colleen
    You are what you are, no more, no less. The fact is, that all is not what it seems to be, some may be great, some may be small, but to your own want to be free, I say, you never were not free. It is what your own Self, gave yourself to be in, that's what makes you what you are. Loving kindness be upon you and yours.

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  14. #53
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    Yes I do lol but go ahead, will zip back later to read though as busy.

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    Cearna (18th May 2015)

  16. #54
    Senior Member Cearna's Avatar
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    Now the problem is you’re identifying yourself with your thoughts, with your mind, with your body and the so-called self. Because of failure of intelligence you’re having wrong identification which leads to a sense of separation. The sense of separation is the cause of all problems. All problems inside yourself are caused because of this sense of separation. All problems with the family are caused because of this sense of separation. All problems in your country are caused because of this sense of separation. All problems in the world arise because of this sense of separation.

    If you remove the sense of separation then there are no problems in the individual, no problems in the family, no problems in the nation, no problems in the world. That is the root cause of all problems. To be free of the self is the only revolution.

    The only solution to all our problems is to ultimately awaken where we lose this sense of separation. That is the real problem

    Self is the identification of a being, who at the beginning of time, decided to claim IDENTITY, to be a single life, and was then given for the journey, the first and only Spirit and Soul it was ever to be given. Thus your life began as one giving love, in the role of self, trying to find what all the fuss is about,that others had felt the need to set off to find. The self sets out to find, what places and people find,e.g kindnesses, mindlessness, patience, exemplary behaviour that sets others to find the same and live with or love with others. These others, are not themselves, nor ever will be themselves, for their uniqueness of each one person will live on forevermore.

    Kindred loving relationships must be given up and let go of, and so this is what the first lore of life is - to learn to be one in the totality of life and yet be your own Soul and Spirit, which will live on. Leaving behind loved ones causes spiritual distress to so many. Clearing off your life to die is so painful, you are soon to clear self off, but must leave behind those loved ones, from each life, and thus this feels like separation, but will last only for a short time, once gone on. This seals love inside, to open again, if and when you meet once again.

    The finding of giving up life means giving up the first of God's lores, which is do not take the life of another Soul, for your Self is then in jeopardy of eminently, not meeting them ever again. The dead give up on you after that, and so life ends as the emptiness rather than fulfilment of life's purpose. For many lifetimes, after any taking of anyone else's life, you will be like a non-socially accepted lost soul, thus separated,from all others in life, till you are ready to claim, what this did to them. What you did if you took life was to cease a life before it was able to
    do what it came to do.

    The actions of any one life, is important to your Soul, so until you accept the fact that you are an identity that is complete as the body/spirit/soul, you are not the first of all, but you are a spark of beginning of life from that first one. A spark is not the whole of that first one, but you are a part of the first one's world, and as such you are the finite expression of your identity, which contributes to the wholeness, once all return back to the place from whence you all came. Until within that completeness of the whole, you are only living as a part of the whole heart of the giving of gospel Truth. For, till you return to the whole totality of the first one's dreaming, you are working in roles, one lifetime after another, as set down in your own Story Book, which lives on, as your Soul connection to the Above whole.

    As long as you are not to return back to the whole, for a very many more lifetimes, you will heal, but not understand the first pining to link to One Above, to return in right Spirit/Soul, in your fullness of Self, having re-aligned to this only in the last 10 lifetimes, when you will start seeking to find the wavelengths that are so high a frequency, you will not be able to them, until you have worked on through every working role, or chapter, of your own Story Book.

    At the beginning of your 4th last Life, you will connect, to the final link to loving joy, and you will have no heart to stop life in your own Self Identity, but will start to merge into the vibrational heights to one -ness. This cannot be Ascension, as the Gurus speak of it, because all of their teachings, were given to closed minds, a very long time back, by the givers of bed-head God's stories, to the faithful of the Golden Calf religions, and thus by Demonic Gods. They have contributed to the complete lifetime stories of getting to go higher, ever higher, where is, in fact, where D jinn reside. They, then, capture your Soul, throw it away,and this is what the religions all tell you - to raise evermore in dimensional bliss, for you will find Nirvana/Heaven/Paradise/Eternity. By reaching into this, you are someone then, who clearly begins to fin Enlightenment. This also leads to getting took over Mind/Body/Soul/Spirit in a bent older one's sign of having lost all Light to a D jinn to increase the power it uses to kill life with.

    Extra elevation to your Spirit/soul only comes from accepting the joint responsibility of your role of an identity, being as you are this now, but the first sign that you are now leaving behind the lies of theirs, you will be heart locked off and you will suffer as you never, ever want to suffer, for you will each day, life long, be fed on, till you are nothing inside this is no fallacy, if you have wanted to follow, some channeller of ET's for instance,and give your love to them, and follow what they tell you, then you decide to move on, wait a bit, then find your energy level, is so bad, you will have bed-head Gods (Demons), taking on your minds, telling you it is wrong to be kind to yourself. From every-one else's mind, you will be told , don't leave, we need you, but this is not loving you, for in the group, you feel loving like never before, but away outside the group, you will need healing in galore as the demons such the Life force out of all the attendees or the readers of such channellings.

    I'm a channeller, I don't read from ETS or those who tell of greater beingness to come - you are what the First one began as, in a spark of evolutionary change of all who live in a role of endless love, you are already being open to such Godliness and gods, don't ask for worship, or bowing down to them, or find each day as more than you do, they are in some need to give you your needs as you need them, - not to stop living in deprivation to what you are now Mind (thoughts)/Body/Spirit/ and Soul.

    Please begin to stop looking for the first to get to the top dimensions - there is but one dimension - it is but time in space. Once you toss away religious dogmas of any kind and look to Soul life you will have reached more than these gurus's ever will with their long ago stories, they are traps. Follow your heart and the signs of the flow of life.

    Except that all lores state that for the final life to be finalised, you need to work on the first thing of all, and that is to clear your mind/heart/spirit and soul of extraneous things like knowledge of joint lives spent in roles of parent hood. To go back, you must let go of all ties to lives on Earth
    Last edited by Cearna, 19th May 2015 at 09:56.
    You are what you are, no more, no less. The fact is, that all is not what it seems to be, some may be great, some may be small, but to your own want to be free, I say, you never were not free. It is what your own Self, gave yourself to be in, that's what makes you what you are. Loving kindness be upon you and yours.

  17. #55
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    I am rereading your second post back Cearna as I feel there is a big difference between knowing and thinking thought/s and I am finding it difficult to discern the difference within that post, knowing is within and from across the veil or one's connection here/now across/with fifth dimension and above imo, so I feel that much of what you consider thoughts is in fact knowing responded to and sometimes your thoughts may be simply good logic used, am feeling into it ( your post still ).

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    In my perception you are a complex kitten Cearna, imo well connected to your higher fractuals in a way certainly differing from what I have known before, that is so cool to me, I feel to some degree your knowing is interpreted by yourself as thoughts and also that you are in three worlds simultaniousely while present here as such, this allows that first world we are all born into to be used positively and purposefulllly with the other two worlds ( some may say 4th and 5th dimensionalllly ), once again I am saying this from my own perception and experience, I am enjoying and learning from observation of your writing and feelings, thankyou.

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  21. #57
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    Thank you for your comment, I am not to claim I am different, my need was to find self, because I had grown up with a very angry Scorpio mother, who was only satisfied if she had complete control of my, and as the youngest of two, certainly didn't want me to go to a life of my own and fought it in every possible way, because she had only one lung, and was incapable of living her life without the support of someone who knew what to do. Eventually at age about 37 and my own health failing from not wanting to live any more under these conditions, I left home and turned to the alternative modalities, to help me seek myself. I was just about to begin seeking when I was told my Higher Self was coming down to be hear at my side, which is most unusual, and I helped him to come on down. he asked me to please turn to no other Source for my growth, than himself, because I should have begun to learn, as a child and had to make up for lost time, in a very short period of time, because as I keep saying I had a very specific role to do this lifetime.

    I am the only one trained to bring in new energies at the highest possible level, when a new Age is about to commence. I have come here to Earth to do this task, since the Age of Libra, which is when time began for us. Why do we need some one person to do this, it is because a New Energy does not simply appear, you know the story of Dr. Usui, for Reiki, well he was there in a time when life began to re-assert itself, and the people at that time, except for a few Taoist had lost all knowledge of the use of energy in our life. People were not ready to take in extreme levels of energy, and neither was he, so the energies he was given, to start us off again, was the 21st level of the golden range of energies, which actually go to a 2,000th level, and he was only given a part of that 21st level, that was all that could be given.

    the reason for this is that the person bringing in each new Energy must be a Master of all energies and be able to take each new one into their own body, then transmute and transform it then it is able to be transmitted out to the Earth and its people without any harm to them. Sorry must finish this later, must go for my meal.
    You are what you are, no more, no less. The fact is, that all is not what it seems to be, some may be great, some may be small, but to your own want to be free, I say, you never were not free. It is what your own Self, gave yourself to be in, that's what makes you what you are. Loving kindness be upon you and yours.

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    Continued from above

    So, I'm a conscript, a being of talents, but no teacher here who can in fact believe in what it is that I do. Ever since, the first Gods began, they really had to deliver what was needed as it came along, the teachings of Gods only gave the basics, and nothing else was shown, nor worked on. Each being learnt a basic plan, and emptied out what didn't work, or used what did work. This is then Creation gone mad. I'm a very, very old spirit, and the God's themselves are still asking, what are you and who are you, because all I am is wild genes in motion. There is solid evidence, that I get sent to sort out anew plan to work to, that will encompass the olden days things, that work and need be done, but allows for absolutely new gifts or lets eminent talented people to sort out for themselves.

    So you might say I came without a blue-print to work from. I cannot tell how I need do what I do for the toss of a coin could result in many or only one direction, so I was set up with Aries in abundance – Aries Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Saturn, Mercury, which allows for lots of thinking, and my main planet being Uranus in Taurus, so I can come in with wild cards in my thinking, and then work on the basics, and let my senses and yes my inner knowing set me off, but thought are all I have to make my needs into reality, so I never do know what will result, since my thoughts begin the process and then it is off to what ever comes along that time, not so much knowing but extemporising upon what Creation seems to tell me is needed this time. Creation works this way, what is needed just seems to appear, so what this Earth needs and the people capable of going on to the next evolutionary step will just suddenly start to do. It's the flow of life force, I can only bring in what is need by that particular time, place and the evolutionary growth of people and Earth, Knowing in a way, I suppose, but mostly letting be what will be with a push in the right direction from my thoughts and yes, I must admit I get my head out of the way, and let flow what is needed.

    This make any more sense? As for dimensions, only you see it as your understanding of how everything is, in my fearsome mind, no timing ever works on dimensional living, will not one timeline at a time be enough for you to cope with, to me it sits only in the minds of those still trying to work life out and can only slot the unknown into some place we are not yet able to reach for.

    Well, do you know what? When my little dog Duggah was really sick and I was trying to reach for higher energies to somehow heal her, so I held her in my arms, and at intervals would say, I am now going higher to the next level of energies, and off we would go. The little dear saw the place she had originated from and decided that is what I want, and not much later than that she died of heart failure. Having set off that high I began to wonder can I go on higher, and on different days, asked the Goddess of Light to come with me and off we went to the levels above her she had never gone up to, and she is one of the 20 Source Gods. We went as High as at least now I wanted to go to, and at each level she lit that Realm of being up with her Light and each being in each level allowed me to take in the energy of their level of Being-ness so I could transform it and transmit it to Earth as and when needed. Thought and a sense of can I do it, set me off, I just went up, however I do not call these dimensions, these are the realms of the highest of the endlessness of the Evermore.

    Hence my belief that only the restrictions of the limits within you are what limits who and what you are. Ivan accompanies me in my own Right to Know, to stop obstructions to my own risking, or of my taking on too much, before I am in real Light to begin, each beginning, thus we learn and experience together..

    In my perception you are a complex kitten Cearna, imo well connected to your higher fractuals in a way certainly differing from what I have known before, that is so cool to me,

    You are what you are, no more, no less. The fact is, that all is not what it seems to be, some may be great, some may be small, but to your own want to be free, I say, you never were not free. It is what your own Self, gave yourself to be in, that's what makes you what you are. Loving kindness be upon you and yours.

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    Aianawa (23rd April 2016)

  25. #59
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Can I get away with, your not your thoughts but your knowing lol

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    Cearna (23rd May 2015)

  27. #60
    Senior Member Cearna's Avatar
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    Yep!!!!!! OK I give in too, six of one, half a dozen of the other, I suppose.
    You are what you are, no more, no less. The fact is, that all is not what it seems to be, some may be great, some may be small, but to your own want to be free, I say, you never were not free. It is what your own Self, gave yourself to be in, that's what makes you what you are. Loving kindness be upon you and yours.

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    Aianawa (24th May 2015)

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