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Thread: The Plan (blogs by theruiner777)

  1. #481
    Senior Member Dracon's Avatar
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    Let's put it like this...

    The intended audience (which is what I am calling the group who asked to read my words on these subjects) has never asked me to clarify a single word. Which means I am writing exactly as I intended to do. Which I will continue without concerning myself with whether or not forum crowds and Disclosure crowds understand at all. Perhaps it's my fault for responding to some questions here but here is something direct to put things into perspective.

    Recent Examples:

    Simon Parkes wants you to listen to what he has to say because he believes he can inform you on subjects that can help you - or - Providing Disclosure.. I am not.

    Corey is providing Disclosure for the public. I am not.

    Cobra is providing Disclosure for the public. I am not.

    Many others are asking you to read their material. I am not.

    Disclosure is not a reasonable way to uphold their magical agreement. Typically they do so through films, music and books (disguised as fiction).

    ADDITION: This Disclaimer is not meant to say I will not answer questions or that I need time away etc. You walked into my living room and asked for Disclosure and I am directing you back to the nearby village where Disclosure is occurring, so that you are not confused.

    Ria, this thread is yours and meant for you all to discuss the blog, and you are welcome to continue to do so all you would like.
    Last edited by Dracon, 16th June 2015 at 21:56.
    ~ To save the lamb, I fed the wolf ~

  2. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to Dracon For This Useful Post:

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  3. #482
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    Ria, since you are the OP and have done most of the posting, to post blog articles, if you still want the thread closed for the time being I will do so.

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  5. #483
    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by bsbray View Post
    Ria, since you are the OP and have done most of the posting, to post blog articles, if you still want the thread closed for the time being I will do so.
    Thank you Bsbray if you would be so kind, we can reopen if and when.

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  7. #484
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    After already receiving other requests regarding the discussion of Dracon's blog, alongside of Ria's own request, the staff has decided that rather than having to open another thread we will just reopen this one. Dracon has also expressed his own views above and is apparently not averse to continued discussion for the time being. The thread is re-opened.

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  9. #485
    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    You may all selfishly want this to continue. My suggestion is to give the Ruiner a break as indicated by his blog post. Because the other option is nothing his information will be shut down from the public and there demands. I don't think I can be any clearer.

    His comments to me, was for me, he got drawn into posting here based on attacks here. He's not the kind of person to tell me what to do in particular stop a thread I might enjoy.

    But I am clear this source of information will dry up completely (from public view) if you do not listen.

    Your choice.
    Last edited by Ria, 17th June 2015 at 10:47. Reason: Spelling mistakes

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  11. #486
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    Good idea, he can take a break for as long as he wants... No one's forcing him to do anything. We all have lives to lead outside this thread. Everyone needs a break from the net sometimes. He can read this forum if he wants. If he sees something he wants to bounce off in a blogpost, he can do that, without responding here. Or he can go to Avalon, where there's more discussion. We are all clear where the boundaries and territories are. He's dropped enough background wisdom for people to be getting on with for months or years. And maybe he can just stop reading the Blue Avian posts if they put him in a bad mood. People try and bait me sometimes, I normally just ignore it. Our job here is stressful, and sometimes net dramas can draw people in. When this happens to me, I just go and walk in nature or play guitar or something. I hope the Ruiner can relax and do something he enjoys.

    Peace to everyone...
    Last edited by Daozen, 17th June 2015 at 22:05.
    Six Doctors For A Medical Revolution

  12. #487
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Forgive me... but if the OP asks for a thread to be closed, and trust me... I, personally do not want this thread closed... still, is it right to keep the thread open?

    I apologize if I do not know TOTs rule about this, but I am aware of a similar situation where the OP has asked a thread to be closed and it was and then a new thread of the exact same subject was started -

  13. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Chester For This Useful Post:

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  14. #488
    Senior Member Dracon's Avatar
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    Hi guys,

    My view was expressed only to say I am not looking for a break or feel any added pressure etc from this thread. It does not need closed on my account.

    That said if Ria would like it to be closed, it should be closed. Mods and other OP's have done so and there is no reason Ria shouldn't be able to do so either if that is what she wishes.

    So that my opinion is clear.

    With love and respect,
    ~ To save the lamb, I fed the wolf ~

  15. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Dracon For This Useful Post:

    Chester (17th June 2015), Ria (17th June 2015), The One (17th June 2015), Trinity (17th June 2015), yobear (18th June 2015)

  16. #489
    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    Evidently a shift has happened, always a good thing.

    Thank you guys for pointing out fair procedure.

    Yes being the OP of this thread I would like it closed and anyone can start up their own thread and be responsible for it.

    Many thanks for all who have participated and contributed.

    It has been a very bumpy ride probably the only thread in history to of survived seventy plus plus deletions, overloading poor Church with an excessive amount of work and it has been very much appreciate.

  17. #490
    Tot Founder England The One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Sam Hunter View Post
    Forgive me... but if the OP asks for a thread to be closed, and trust me... I, personally do not want this thread closed... still, is it right to keep the thread open?

    I apologize if I do not know TOTs rule about this, but I am aware of a similar situation where the OP has asked a thread to be closed and it was and then a new thread of the exact same subject was started -
    There is a difference we had member's requesting it to be left open.And the thread you are talking about Sam jimmer let us know he was starting a fresh one.So we are keeping this open in the interest of tot.

    I for one would like to know why ria wants this thread closing so badly considering its on all the other forums including the forum you are an administrator on.We appreciate your concern but we can cope with this thread.

    What gives, it makes no sense whatsoever and we are looking out for the community as a whole.Members have a choice to post in this thread just like they do on the other blogs,forums in relation to this subject matter.

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  19. #491
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    Just lock it, as per her request, and I'll open a new one. Everyone wins.
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  20. #492
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    Contact Piont I would be very happy for you to look after this thread and take charge Keeping its efficacy.
    You have my blessing.
    Honestly I don't want it. Thanks anyway. It was a cool thread but we could let it go... The Ruiner is free to talk elsewhere, so why tax him here? You're right. These back and forth arguments remind me of Fawlty Towers.


    BTW, was it you, Ria, who was talking about an unreleased interview with a sandy haired computer programmer who travelled back in time on an unknown mission? I can't find that discussion anywhere.
    Six Doctors For A Medical Revolution

  21. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Daozen For This Useful Post:

    Chester (1st July 2015), Ria (17th June 2015)

  22. #493
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    I like to problem solve and look for compromise solutions: In the dreamworld, apparently I have this skill. Down here, I'm still fumbling. The best solution might be to let this thread slide, and then someone, later (not me) -if they wanted- could open a thread on "Loosh Farming" or "The Changeover", or another topic. These concepts are not exclusive to the Ruiner, he has just moved our understanding forward. BTW, I wrote a long essay yesterday tying everything I learn over the last few years. The topics covered in this thread feature heavily. Thanks to everyone for helping me understand what happened in 2010-2011.

    I learn something from everyone. From the Ruiner, I learned courtesy. Thanks. That is all...
    Six Doctors For A Medical Revolution

  23. The Following User Says Thank You to Daozen For This Useful Post:

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  24. #494
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Dracon said, "There is no need to read or analyse this blog as part of the Truth or Disclosure movement".

    Good. Now that we're clear on that, I'd like to point out that my question was about magic. Magic is central to the blog.

    Your Writer says, "Also, they have to allow the truth to be written somewhere. Why not an anonymous blogger?" and "to ensure the magical agreement on their end is upheld it will be repeated, directly and fully."

    I feel my question has been misunderstood. Possibly evaded. Hard to know.

  25. #495
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    I guess those who like Ruiner's blog are boycotting this thread. Sort of a strange self-censorship. (Please don't waste time blaming it on TOT. We're all grown ups here).

    I've been reading commentary on Avalon. There are also related threads aside from the main thread about the blog. I for one like to see it reposted here. The blog is unpleasant to read for me due to the white on black. Interesting that the matrix data streams are blue....

    If this Cassandra is one of the Parents, I'm not very impressed. Sounds like the same old same old oppressor excuses. Someone forgot to put some sugar in her tea.

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