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Thread: The Plan (blogs by theruiner777)

  1. #466
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Hey Sam, great post. Again. (not ego stroking here)

    I believe making challenges can be quite fruitful. I've recently experienced that myself. (in recent years, I mean).

    Many years ago I heard Russell Means interviewed when he wrote Where White Men Fear to Tread. He spoke of Reverend Moon and his Unification Church. They had a bad reputation, so to speak. Russell said that he respected Reverend Moon simply because when challenged, instead of becoming indignant and angry, the Reverend would simply explain his positions and how he could back them up. Means never became a Moonie (no offense to anyone). He was making an important point about dialogue.

    When people stand on solid ground they have no need for anger when their positions are challenged.

    We are human, of course, so perfect serenity would also have my BS meter going.

    You've referenced 'putting your odds hat on' before. I'm curious. Are you an odds-maker? A gambler? (I have no personal bias against gambling, though I prefer not to.)

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  3. #467
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    "...but to ensure the magical agreement on their end is upheld it will be repeated, directly and fully (the only way your writer would agree to) where no one will read or believe it.. Here."

    Does this count as disclosure?

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  5. #468
    Senior Member Dracon's Avatar
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    No it doesn't. The people I am writing for don't need "Disclosure". Those who do, shouldn't bother reading my blog.

    You are welcome to never read it, and believe I am an illuminati agent trained in performing psyops. "Disclosure" is happening over there ... (Points)

    The intended audience is doing very well. Breaking free from their programming and they are out in their communities digging gardens, volunteering at shelters and gathering in groups to design sustainable (small) communities while creating a newly imagined picture of what society could be. Which they are then finding ways to make use of their new ideas.

    They have lost the idea that they are superior in any way to those who do not have the information or awareness that they do. What they have gained from all the secrets they were exposed to and meant to keep is.. The desire to not keep secrets. So they have been sharing their perspectives with people close to them in proximity.

    This is why I started writing (PS: Sam it would be very easy to prove this blog was started long before it ever got posted.) and why I will continue to do so. Threads like this one can disappear. Every member of this forum (including friends) can decide I am lying and never read my blog again. This thread could be replaced with a "Shane is a shill/ disinfo / illuminati agent" thread and I wouldn't mind in the least.

    My general opinion of "Disclosure" is that 90% of it is BS and 110% of it is meant to keep people debating. The intended audience agrees and doesn't read these forums or follow the researchers etc discussed at forums like this. Any of my friends here know that I don't read most of it either I am a member of forums like this to find resources (like documentaries as example) to show to my friends who still follow the mainstream news and entertainment. I would rather not add to that "Disclosure" movement anyways, so the idea of you all not reading this blog is attractive. Truly, I mean this.

    I wish every day that what I have written wasn't true myself. I wish even more so that all of you would decide it's not. Writing this blog thinking it wouldn't end up posted on a forum like this was a stupid mistake on my part. (Stupid, stupid man I can be at times.)

    I love people, all people, even these bogus Disclosure people. (even the one ranting and raving while making up easy to prove false lies about me).

    With respect,
    ~ To save the lamb, I fed the wolf ~

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  7. #469
    Senior Member dianna's Avatar
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    Your blog was not a stupid mistake, and your friends appreciate it ...
    "Truth is a Pathless Land" J. Krishnamurti

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  9. #470
    Senior Member Dracon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by dianna View Post
    Your blog was not a stupid mistake, and your friends appreciate it ...

    Thank you my friend. Posting the blog without thinking about it getting posted here or on other forums was my mistake. I should have expected it would be found.
    ~ To save the lamb, I fed the wolf ~

  10. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Dracon For This Useful Post:

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  11. #471
    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    There are at lest some of us need / want the truth and utterly fed up with all the crud / rubbish /drama . It's fresh air for the likes of me to link with REAL info/ people,

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  13. #472
    Senior Member United States yobear's Avatar
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    And thankfully it was, very much appreciated, hopefully you will continue to do so.

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  15. #473
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Thanks Dracon. What does it mean, then? That the magical agreement is held up on their end due to the blog? Or does 'here' refer to something else? Just that it's written?

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  17. #474
    Senior Member Lord Sidious's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Ria View Post
    There are at lest some of us need / want the truth and utterly fed up with all the crud / rubbish /drama . It's fresh air for the likes of me to link with REAL info/ people,
    Herzlich wilkommen Rianugget................
    Ní siocháin go saoirse

  18. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Lord Sidious For This Useful Post:

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  19. #475
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    So since this thread is about the Ruiner blog, what we have not seen from the Ruiner is any Paypal button. What we have never seen from the Ruiner is any "change" in the story. What we have been told about the Ruiner that could be perceived negative has been massively embellished and has yet to be backed up with any proof for the embellishment.


    So there is the opinion that the blog actually came forth for other reasons. Folks have right to hold their opinion in this regard. Yet I keep in mind the absence of the Paypal button.
    Selling a digital product to pay the rent doesn't automatically make you evil, narcissistic or manipulative. Looking down your nose at people for selling something online comes off as high handed and bourgeois. If you tell people how you pay the rent, that puts everyone on equal ground. Then maybe you could write why you think your particular business gives you a moral high ground over a writer selling a PDF.

    It's my mission to brainstorm ways to help broke people make a living from Youtube, Selz and other online platforms. I'm testing out new business models.

    There was a huge soul group that incarnated to change the economic system and most of them were heavily brainwashed with New Age propaganda.

    Apart from that, I liked the rest of your post.
    Last edited by Daozen, 16th June 2015 at 18:18.
    Six Doctors For A Medical Revolution

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  21. #476
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    The ruiner blog post 16/6/2015

    The Disclaimer
    This is still not disclosure. This is not to be taken seriously. Consider it a work of fiction, forget about it, and move on.

    This won't go on forever. It will not predict any dates or expose any characters or crimes.

    It is not meant to be taken seriously by anyone who does not choose to.

    The writer of this blog has never claimed otherwise.

    This is not meant to be a part of the Alternative Community, Truther Movement, Disclosure Movement, or any other source for public exposure of truth, it is just a blog.

    Stop reading. Don't follow. Do whatever it is you were doing before some one showed you this blog. These are free words.

    The purpose is not to call anyone out or prove or disprove anything. The purpose is not to provide facts about any person, place or thing. The purpose is not provide the public with facts or information.

    The Ruiner is a fictional character created by a human being. The experiences shared are unverifiable and therefor not to be taken as facts. This blog is not making any official claims or promises. Neither is the writer.

    The writer is not asking anyone to read it believe anything here. The intention is not nefarious in nature or geared to create issues in any of the above named communities or movements. If it is, simple solution - STOP reading or discussing it. This body of work was never presented to your audience by this writer. This writer is not looking for an audience at all. He cannot and does not wish to answer all the questions of the universe.

    Pretend this is a living room. The living room and house do not have doors, anyone can come and go as they please.

    In this living room is a small gathering of people who ask one person in the group to speak about something.

    That is all that is going on here.

    Within your communities are great storytellers and some very passionate researchers. This writer is not one of them. He has not even read or heard of many of them. Questions come in all the time about this personality or that, he often has to look them up to even know who they are. You have researchers who have read everything under the sun that they can find and pieced together as best they can all of those pieces. This writer hasn't read most of those books it works. His hat is off to many of those who have.

    He doesn't know the full story behind many Whistleblowers or Contactees either. He can see nonsense from too far away and trusts himself. ( So many unpublished comments - apologies ) Millions have some interaction with these things yet, only a few become known to these crowds and those that do are lifted up and questioned about everything in the universe. Care to hear an opinion on "why"? It doesn't even matter, they are speaking.

    So go listen to them. They are over there asking you to listen, this writer is here, right now, telling you not to.

    ~Truth does not need to be disclosed it needs to be remembered~

  22. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Gemma For This Useful Post:

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  23. #477
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    Quote Originally posted by Gemma View Post
    The Disclaimer
    This is still not disclosure. This is not to be taken seriously. Consider it a work of fiction, forget about it, and move on.

    This won't go on forever. It will not predict any dates or expose any characters or crimes.

    It is not meant to be taken seriously by anyone who does not choose to.

    The writer of this blog has never claimed otherwise.

    This is not meant to be a part of the Alternative Community, Truther Movement, Disclosure Movement, or any other source for public exposure of truth, it is just a blog.

    Stop reading. Don't follow. Do whatever it is you were doing before some one showed you this blog. These are free words.

    The purpose is not to call anyone out or prove or disprove anything. The purpose is not to provide facts about any person, place or thing. The purpose is not provide the public with facts or information.

    The Ruiner is a fictional character created by a human being. The experiences shared are unverifiable and therefor not to be taken as facts. This blog is not making any official claims or promises. Neither is the writer.

    The writer is not asking anyone to read it believe anything here. The intention is not nefarious in nature or geared to create issues in any of the above named communities or movements. If it is, simple solution - STOP reading or discussing it. This body of work was never presented to your audience by this writer. This writer is not looking for an audience at all. He cannot and does not wish to answer all the questions of the universe.

    Pretend this is a living room. The living room and house do not have doors, anyone can come and go as they please.

    In this living room is a small gathering of people who ask one person in the group to speak about something.

    That is all that is going on here.

    Within your communities are great storytellers and some very passionate researchers. This writer is not one of them. He has not even read or heard of many of them. Questions come in all the time about this personality or that, he often has to look them up to even know who they are. You have researchers who have read everything under the sun that they can find and pieced together as best they can all of those pieces. This writer hasn't read most of those books it works. His hat is off to many of those who have.

    He doesn't know the full story behind many Whistleblowers or Contactees either. He can see nonsense from too far away and trusts himself. ( So many unpublished comments - apologies ) Millions have some interaction with these things yet, only a few become known to these crowds and those that do are lifted up and questioned about everything in the universe. Care to hear an opinion on "why"? It doesn't even matter, they are speaking.

    So go listen to them. They are over there asking you to listen, this writer is here, right now, telling you not to.

    ~Truth does not need to be disclosed it needs to be remembered~
    Short version: Stop emailing me your questions and go and do something.
    Six Doctors For A Medical Revolution

  24. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Daozen For This Useful Post:

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  25. #478
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    The audience:

    "...a small gathering of people who ask one person in the group to speak about something."

    whomever 'your writer' is addressing, as he does frequently.

    whoever is asking questions, which the Ruiner answers.

    It's unclear to me, the distinction between 'your writer' and 'the Ruiner'. Is the blog a posting of another's work? Does it matter?

    If someone walks through the open door or climbs through an open window, are they welcome to remain, listen, and ask questions as those who have come before or were there from the start?

    (I'm not addressing these questions to Dracon. They're for whoever is moved by this and feels they have enough of an understanding to elucidate.)
    Last edited by Dreamtimer, 16th June 2015 at 20:18.

  26. #479
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Blog: "Those ten who remain have already made this plan clear, but to ensure the magical agreement on their end is upheld it will be repeated, directly and fully (the only way your writer would agree to) where no one will read or believe it.. Here."

    'Approved' interpretation: 'But more rules have to be adhered too, they must show their plan, lay all their hands on the table. How big the table is, is down to them, hence posting it in some quirky geezers blog hehe.'

    They must show their hand. That's what I meant by disclosure.

  27. #480
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    It's quit clear the Ruiner needs time out from all the demands.

    As well as what could only be described as manufactured drama storms over the net.

    I haven't yet decided if this is a deliberate act, the same way governments lead us to think we need to defend ourselves / go to war over an imagined / manufacted enemy and get people to support / pay for it.

    Or whether it's a paranoid madness that takes hold, which has a similar result.

    As I started this thread, I respectfully ask that the thread be closed till a time the Ruiner feels its appropriate.

    Just to add many thanks for a great read.
    And I recommend anyone to read from the beginning.

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