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Thread: The Plan (blogs by theruiner777)

  1. #406
    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    AnonymousMay 31, 2015 at 8:08 AM
    a couple of years ago i was experimenting with dmt searching for truth.
    during one session i remember moving through time and levels of evolution.
    i remember that all things exists in no time and there are different levels of now.
    during one of these experiences i remember leaving my physical body and shooting straight up through different levels of existence.
    i settled in a place where there where these giant golden beings.
    humanoid in appearance and all looked the hair or expression.
    they where creators of worlds and they had a job to compassion,love,hate just expressionless.
    one looked at me and was indifferent to what i was.
    yet i felt that whatever was created no matter how small had a purpose.
    and was part of the grand scheme of things.
    then i fell back down all the levels to this reality now.

    does this make sense?

    The RuinerMay 31, 2015 at 11:33 AM
    This makes perfect sense. Thank you for sharing your experiences here for us all.

    With respect,

    AnonymousMay 31, 2015 at 11:37 AM
    they create because that is their function.
    they can create worlds and galaxy's to seed and make new lifeforms.

    it is up to us to live the life we want.

    the Progenitors are indifferent to our needs and wants.

    there is no time in there world.

    yet they created us to create.

    choices,choices everywhere you look.

    The RuinerMay 31, 2015 at 11:45 AM
    Well stated. Thank you.

    With respect,

    AnonymousMay 31, 2015 at 12:01 PM
    during my fall back...
    i saw a battle being fought in different timelines.
    from the past to the very far future regarding mankind's future.

    i saw alien beings wanting the human experience and they would do whatever they could to get what they needed.
    even if it meant becoming a attachment.

    we are all seeking source,whatever level we are at.

    only mankind has that divine spark that is sought by all.

    The RuinerMay 31, 2015 at 9:03 PM
    It can be difficult to imagine at time that this experience we are in the middle of, is something we choose and others wish to also.

    With respect,

    AnonymousMay 31, 2015 at 12:06 PM
    as we each learn and grow in time.....

    then we shall also become a Progenitor.
    The RuinerMay 31, 2015 at 9:04 PM
    Certainly not impossible

    With respect,

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  3. #407
    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    Q&A from the Upbringing
    June 1, 2015 at 1:37 AM
    Would you please explain to us a bit more just how the, I mean...the Parents, still pose as a blockage to our collective spiritual evolution when the Draco finally leave? One would think based on your descriptions that at least the majority of the Parents do NOT enjoy being controlled by the Draco, and only do so out of fear and to honor their agreement from long ago. Wouldn't they rather abandon their control on Earth and enjoy their freedom elsewhere when the Draco leave?

    Perhaps some collective empowerment of feminine virtues through the harnessing of our Water aspects by drawing upon the Holy Spirit would help, yes? The power of Care, Compassion, Empathy, Intuition, and following the Non-aggression Principle (and Self-defense Principle) can certainly dispel anymore of their mischief.

    Thanks, with respect!


    The Ruiner
    June 1, 2015 at 2:41 AM
    Many of them would like to give up their position. They are not as dangerous as the Draco in terms of our collective spiritual evolution. This is actually an opportunity for this collective to grow, should they chose against the Parents.

    We certainly could use some feline.. I mean feminine virtues remembered and empowered. The way you have beautifully worded it is appreciated.

    With respect,

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  5. #408
    Senior Member Breeze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Ria View Post

    ....We certainly could use some feline.. I mean feminine virtues remembered and empowered.

    With respect,
    Curious and Curiouser says Alice.............. as she dot connects.....................

    Prrr, Prrr, prr, prr................

    Name:  lionbeingdream.jpg
Views: 356
Size:  15.7 KB

    Last edited by Breeze, 1st June 2015 at 14:09. Reason: needed some Prrrs..............
    Co-Creator Gods re-awakening out of their slumber and re-Remembering the great march of Creation once more.
    So Be It!

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  7. #409
    Senior Member Dracon's Avatar
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    ~ To save the lamb, I fed the wolf ~

  8. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to Dracon For This Useful Post:

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  9. #410
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    Your controllers are all the same people/ beings. This structure has been outlined. Draco control Parents. Parents control Covens. Covens control bloodlines and all cults, projects and programs.
    The Parents do exactly as they are told by the Draco.

    Covens do exactly what they are told by the Parents.

    You have all been led astray just like the dead. Even if you have witnessed more, experienced more, had access to more, the entire reason this structure has succeeded for well over ten thousand years is:

    You are all deceived in specific and strategic ways.

    You know as well as your writer does the only reason this is even being written is that this structure is soon to be all that is left.

    Did you ever question why all the deals for technology were being made despite having Draco tech all along? Why did you have to recover all of the old broken toys and make them new, when your masters have some of the best toys in the galaxy?

    The Parents have for the last 200 years been slowly developing their own methods of control. The Draco have been indifferent to this, it does not matter to them. The Parents have been setting up their own matrix and technology is their core.

    They have been using all of you to achieve this. You've done their work for them. Running their simulations. Running their programs. Engineering their structures. Testing their toys. Developing their plan.
    Couldn't help pondering over the Ruiner blog, amongst other things, when I saw "The Revolver" 2005 film recently.



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  11. #411
    Senior Member mudpuppy's Avatar
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    TheRuiner Blog post June 4, 2015

    The Change (One)

    The reality of the gathering has already become clear. Even through distorted channels.

    The King stood before them and gave them their first look at their crown. The rising son is in place. Both said what they came to say, then sat down. They made their case.

    Your writer did his best to remind them. Handed them the mirror. Sang for them. Then sat back down.

    You want the numbers:

    Eleven for. Ten against. Your writer loves the number eleven.

    The only support the ten will receive will be the rising son. Although he is called that as he is expected to rise for, not against. This lie is directed at them, not us, this time.

    Eleven are simply walking away. All the way, away. (Email if this is not clear)

    The Gates are down there will be no more recycling. Those who wish to leave, can leave. So departing the vessels that have been their trophies for so long, is an option.

    For the ten that remain, managing the thirteen will be a challenge. Not one they are unprepared for as these are already doing what they were told. Managing the rest will be easier as they began dissolving the projects and programs weeks ago now, amalgamating everything back to one. This applies to everything they keep in the dark.

    What is done in the light is designed to be apparent or obvious. Those with eyes to see, ears to hear and the heart to feel, will see through the shadows. No one at this meeting possesses the power of will to alter their plans. Giving humans the chance to wake up for themselves. The wave will help also of course.

    Those ten who remain have already made this plan clear, but to ensure the magical agreement on their end is upheld it will be repeated, directly and fully (the only way your writer would agree to) where no one will read or believe it.. Here.

    But not today. If this needs explained, disregard this blog post.

    Today we will focus on this:

    The old owners claim lifts in the fall. You will feel this, and will not need to verify with anyone else, your writer included.

    The new owners are not going to change the plan although their numbers have diminished. The Path of Discoveries will take place.

    No one owns you. No one owns Her. They think they do.

    Those of you who are entangled with some of these beings who are walking away...

    Well, sorry for being so blunt, but your writer does not feel sympathy for you in this.

    So the board is set as we expected. We all hoped for a wild card, but we are getting what we need, not what we want.

    A good long look inside themselves for those who have been too terrified to do this work on their own. The most important vote we have ever cast.

    Fear or love. Nothing new here.

    Fear is telling us cut off our bad parts.

    Love is telling us to heal the bad parts.

    The choice is ours.

    The dark of this world is a reflection of what is still inside us. All the things we have not looked at. All those things we have not healed. This is what we refused to do as a collective, which led us to now. Let us not repeat the same mistake.

    Your choice here, and the appropriate following actions, will speak your mind to your new owners. Do you need them, or can you do things on your own? Will you do the work, or give the responsibility over to another?

    Break for fun, time to play. Then back to focus.

    ~The new owners are no owners at all. They want us to believe they are.~
    Last edited by mudpuppy, 4th June 2015 at 22:57.

  12. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to mudpuppy For This Useful Post:

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  13. #412
    Senior Member mudpuppy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by mudpuppy View Post
    The Change (One)

    The reality of the gathering has already become clear. Even through distorted channels.

    The King stood before them and gave them their first look at their crown. The rising son is in place. Both said what they came to say, then sat down. They made their case.

    Your writer did his best to remind them. Handed them the mirror. Sang for them. Then sat back down.

    You want the numbers:

    Eleven for. Ten against. Your writer loves the number eleven.

    The only support the ten will receive will be the rising son. Although he is called that as he is expected to rise for, not against. This lie is directed at them, not us, this time.

    Eleven are simply walking away. All the way, away. (Email if this is not clear)

    The Gates are down there will be no more recycling. Those who wish to leave, can leave. So departing the vessels that have been their trophies for so long, is an option.

    For the ten that remain, managing the thirteen will be a challenge. Not one they are unprepared for as these are already doing what they were told. Managing the rest will be easier as they began dissolving the projects and programs weeks ago now, amalgamating everything back to one. This applies to everything they keep in the dark.

    What is done in the light is designed to be apparent or obvious. Those with eyes to see, ears to hear and the heart to feel, will see through the shadows. No one at this meeting possesses the power of will to alter their plans. Giving humans the chance to wake up for themselves. The wave will help also of course.

    Those ten who remain have already made this plan clear, but to ensure the magical agreement on their end is upheld it will be repeated, directly and fully (the only way your writer would agree to) where no one will read or believe it.. Here.

    But not today. If this needs explained, disregard this blog post.

    If anyone knows enough to explain this part, please do so...........

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  15. #413
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Requested by mudpuppy - my best effort to comply with your request... if I make any error, I hope Dracon will correct me.

    Last Friday (May 29, 2015) occurred the most important meeting in perhaps the last 13,000 years in relation to matters of Earth.

    In part due to the impending “leaving” of the Draco (well… most), 11 of the 21 Parents have decided they wish their rolls to end. This is appreciated by many including the writer, the Ruiner.

    With the parting of “the King” one son will leave and one son will stay.

    “Although he is called that as he is expected to rise for, not against. This lie is directed at them, not us, this time.” This gives a good hint which son is staying.

    The light traps are being taken away with the King. Can we say… “advantage human?” Maybe not… this isn’t a simple tennis game. But still – a big one.

    Sounds like the 10 will attempt to consolidate and move forward with their plan for transhumanisation. All and only a selfish goal that has nothing to do with the Draco as again, the Draco are leaving and soon.

    The writer promises to reval their magical plan in a way that no one will believe save a few who “have eyes to see, ears to hear… etc.”

    As the Draco leave, their claim upon Earth leaves with them and many of us will “feel this.”
    “No one owns you. No one owns Her. They think they {the ones who remain and those beholden to them and their goals} do.”

    So the board is set (perhaps this may be seen as a reset). We have not received any special treatment (“saviors and special messengers), “but we are getting what we need.” (My opinion – GOOD!)

    The rest is very clear –

    Fear or love. Nothing new here.

    Fear is telling us cut off our bad parts.

    Love is telling us to heal the bad parts.

    The choice is ours.

    The dark of this world is a reflection of what is still inside us. All the things we have not looked at. All those things we have not healed. This is what we refused to do as a collective, which led us to now. Let us not repeat the same mistake.

    Your choice here, and the appropriate following actions, will speak your mind to your new owners {remember... no one owns you... this is only what "they" wish to believe they are}. Do you need them, or can you do things on your own? Will you do the work, or give the responsibility over to another?

    Break for fun, time to play. Then back to focus.
    Last edited by Chester, 5th June 2015 at 06:36.

  16. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Chester For This Useful Post:

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  17. #414
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    Lots to decode here... I'm busy now but we could give it a shot...
    Six Doctors For A Medical Revolution

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  19. #415
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    Quote Originally posted by mudpuppy View Post
    If anyone knows enough to explain this part, please do so...........
    I passed this by dracon and he said he couldn't see anything wrong with it so I'm posting my interpretation of the post.

    The original self appointed owners of Earth, the dracos are leaving ownership to the parents of which there are 21.

    11 are jumping ship, 10 are staying behind.

    I presume that the rising son is a progenitor who most probably laid down the rules that had to be adhered to for the transfer of ownership.

    For the 10 to regain control they must first drop all present control (not sure how this would play out? But would obviously be noticeable to those that focus) Level the playing field. It will be down to us to show that we can stand on our own 2 feet.

    At the same time the parents will still have there own plan of how they will take ownership, I would assume by offering what they think we want.
    The 13 bloodlines are effectively counted as us (earthlings hehe ) so although the they will do as they are told there will be certain groups that will rebel I'm sure. They will feel the most exposed.

    The technology that captures souls in transit has been turned off, so if you die now you will have the choice to move on (escape) if some would prefer. Especially if your STS.

    But more rules have to be adhered too, they must show their plan, lay all their hands on the table. How big the table is, is down to them, hence posting it in some quirky geezers blog hehe.

    Over all this the progenitors will be overseeing affairs and ownership/ companionship whatever happens they will give the nod or just say **** it lets reset hehe

    Meanwhile the wave keeps rolling, and ultimately when it hits Gaia, she may have the biggest vote

    Love and Truth,


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  21. #416
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Bye ya'll... will miss you OR... see you further on down the road.

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  23. #417
    Senior Member Dracon's Avatar
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    Hello again,

    Just wanted to correct my mistake in reading over Amenjo's post in PM. (Was at work and read quickly, my mistake for not paying proper attention)

    The Progenitors were spoken of in there post only. If I am intending to speak of them, I will call them by name.

    The one I referred to as the rising son, is one of Anu's two very popular sons. Not a Progenitor.

    My apologies to Amenjo for this mistake on my part leading to a misunderstanding.

    With love and respect,
    ~ To save the lamb, I fed the wolf ~

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  25. #418
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    Pardon my ignorance, but why are they leaving????

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  27. #419
    Senior Member mudpuppy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Alan View Post
    Pardon my ignorance, but why are they leaving????
    you really need to read all of theruiner's blog posts to understand the answer to your question. Only some of 'they' are leaving, and the short answer seems to be because they just feel like it. The changing environment doesn't suit them as well.

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  29. #420
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    Quote Originally posted by Dracon View Post
    Hello again,

    Just wanted to correct my mistake in reading over Amenjo's post in PM. (Was at work and read quickly, my mistake for not paying proper attention)

    The Progenitors were spoken of in there post only. If I am intending to speak of them, I will call them by name.

    The one I referred to as the rising son, is one of Anu's two very popular sons. Not a Progenitor.
    Lucifer's redemption? (Lucifer was ENki, wasn't he? I always get confused between those two)...

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