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Thread: The Plan (blogs by theruiner777)

  1. #391
    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    This galaxy has some planets that are used to assist various forms of life through a certain stage of their development.

    This is what your writer knows as Upbringing.

    Our planet has been used for this function, over and over again, for millions of years.

    Races evolve on other worlds and then are brought here by a group of races who work to assist the Progenitor race. Progenitors spark evolutionary leaps and monitor evolutionary development of new species and races. Once they reach a suitable point the Progenitors will ask one of their assisting races to relocate the species to a planet suitable for their Upbringing.

    Often the race is aware of the reason for their location. At times they are not but choose to go anyways. In some cases when dealing with hostile races this relocation is done by force and not invitation.

    This planet has everything a race could need. This is part of why our history is so confused.

    Sometimes the race developing here learns to leave the planet. Typically they will move on to a new world.

    Sometimes they don't. Once they have reached a point where they are no longer progressing the are moved to a new world.

    When the majority leave some often stay behind if they can, although sometimes the process required to reset the planet so she can return to her natural state.

    Same applies on other planets used for Upbringing.

    We have reached a stage in our Upbringing where we are at a crossroad. It's about time we move on. Still, there is work to done first. We can skip ahead and risk another cycle of control, or we can take a step back and correct our mistakes as to avoid once again falling under the control of others. The Choice.

    Specifically, we have to become a sovereign race. In order to do this we are going to have to overcome the Parents. This is a task we are equipped but not yet prepared for.

    Posted by The Ruiner at 5/27/2015 04:53:00 PM

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  3. #392
    Senior Member Breeze's Avatar
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    Thank you Ria for posting up the lastest blog article.

    Quote Originally posted by Ria View Post
    This galaxy has some planets that are used to assist various forms of life through a certain stage of their development.

    ............We have reached a stage in our Upbringing where we are at a crossroad. It's about time we move on. Still, there is work to done first. We can skip ahead and risk another cycle of control, or we can take a step back and correct our mistakes as to avoid once again falling under the control of others. The Choice.

    Specifically, we have to become a sovereign race. In order to do this we are going to have to overcome the Parents. This is a task we are equipped but not yet prepared for.

    This sure is a revealing and powerful article to contemplate.

    Methinks it is Time we all as Humanity really focus on our inner sovereign homework of reconnecting and re-remembering who we truly are.

    And also honestly observe and take note of where the majority of our daily focus is 'captured upon'.

    This Present Now is the Time to Be the Change we want to See.

    Every moment has so many posibilities.

    Co-Creator Gods re-awakening out of their slumber and re-Remembering the great march of Creation once more.
    So Be It!

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  5. #393
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by mudpuppy View Post

    Final thought:

    Haven't all historical documents been written or rewritten to suit the ptb at the time? And hasn't that ptb been the same controller for all this time? Then how can any historical documents be verified for accuracy?
    So there is really no way to verify anything even in the present time without personal witnessing or trust of a 3rd party, and even then things can be deceiving right?

    So bottom line, it all comes down to us, the presently living being, and our present needs, desires, dreams, and our connection with such. All else is distraction. amen
    I think its by far wiser to take words as gospel that are purported to be from some external, other-dimensional entity that is then "channeled" (and thus filtered) by a single human or group of humans in a single language of words that is less than 2,000 years old in any understandable prior variation and can only be understood by those who are intimate with that language than to go within to discover actual truth for yourself.

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  7. #394
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    Quote Originally posted by Sam Hunter View Post
    I think its by far wiser to take words as gospel that are purported to be from some external, other-dimensional entity that is then "channeled" (and thus filtered) by a single human or group of humans in a single language of words that is less than 2,000 years old in any understandable prior variation and can only be understood by those who are intimate with that language than to go within to discover actual truth for yourself.
    Let the Wookiee win.

  8. #395
    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    May 27, 2015 at 8:03 PM
    Hi there, I just have two questions for you, Sir Ruiner.

    Firstly, who would be humanity's progenitor's? Maybe it's the Draco?

    And secondly, you mentioned that regarding becoming a sovereign race, "This is a task we are equipped but not yet prepared for." I was wondering as far as how we're equipped to become a sovereign race. Is it something that's within us all and we must simply learn to use it or maybe it's something more akin to a desire to become sovereign.

    Very curious stuff, Mr. Ruiner. Thanks for the posts.


    The Ruiner
    May 27, 2015 at 11:36 PM
    Our specific version of human is unique and had no true progenitor. Draco were not our creator, they manipulated and recreated us from other races and versions of human.

    The answer to your second question: yes it is what is within us. If we bring it out and balance it we can achieve wonderful things. (And we do)

    With respect,

    May 27, 2015 at 8:48 PM
    Thanks for the care and time associated with presenting this material. I look forward to every post. How do you define "world?" Are you referring to planets, galaxies, dimensions?


    The Ruiner
    May 27, 2015 at 11:39 PM
    Typically your writer defines world as a planet. Perhaps a little more than that as it also considers the culture and density of the planet.

    With respect,

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  10. #396
    Senior Member Breeze's Avatar
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    I have lost count how many times I have heard others say that reality is just an illusion; how we are all ‘one’ so none of this really matters down here.

    Deep sigh…………..

    Creation in my understanding does have meaningful purpose, and through the myriad of experiences, we each gain wisdom and uniqueness bringing riches of greater understanding of what Consciousness ‘is’ as Definable Self - that could not have been acquired or embraced in that timeless One state.

    So along these lines, this answer from the Ruiner Blog I found worthy to contemplate further.

    QUESTION: (quoting Ruiner) ”What is real, and what is not, will be obvious in a hurry. Then we can all have a laugh about how wrong we were.”

    Oh how I long for that moment of laughter! But does Truth exist at all? Or is truth just another set of lies?

    RUINER ANSWER: Your writer cannot imagine how truth would not exist. Things happen and reasons exist, which is truth. There are individual perceptions of events, and then there is the truth of the occurrence, as example. Perhaps stepping outside the hologram and seeing this all as it is could lead one to believe none of it is true. This doesn't seem right to say, though. For whatever the reason may be, physical creation is happening even if just as a structured and interactive simulation.

    Perhaps understanding your meaning requires a larger conversation.

    With respect,
    Co-Creator Gods re-awakening out of their slumber and re-Remembering the great march of Creation once more.
    So Be It!

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  12. #397
    Senior Member mudpuppy's Avatar
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    What is the meaning of beauty? What is the meaning of fun? What is the meaning of mattering? Meanings are only facsimiles, a real t r e e is not the word tree. There is no meaning to beauty or fun, there doesn't need to be meaning. Do we enjoy those things because of meaning? Do animals search for meaning? haha Does God search for meaning? Actually that is the's all about God searching for meaning and having fun while we're at it, and that's why it's all happening. Actually nothing is happening, nothing has ever happened, and nothing will ever happen, but hey that's the secret and telling the secret spoils the fun, right.

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  14. #398
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by mudpuppy View Post
    What is the meaning of beauty? What is the meaning of fun? What is the meaning of mattering? Meanings are only facsimiles, a real t r e e is not the word tree. There is no meaning to beauty or fun, there doesn't need to be meaning. Do we enjoy those things because of meaning? Do animals search for meaning? haha Does God search for meaning? Actually that is the's all about God searching for meaning and having fun while we're at it, and that's why it's all happening. Actually nothing is happening, nothing has ever happened, and nothing will ever happen, but hey that's the secret and telling the secret spoils the fun, right.
    I share your view stated in you last sentence, but that is shared from only one aspect of my being - Source some might call it.... you point to it with the word, "God"... all these words point to an aspect of "me" in my view. I call this "the Big Me view."

    Please consider Tim Freke's presentation of this idea... "not either or but both/and."


    So "here" (where all the action is), I have a different view (from the Big Me view) and note, both of these views (for me) are valid and true.

    Here -

    For me, life is not life at all unless it is filled with meaning... life with no meaning would be nothing more than existence. The transhumanist world would provide "operatons" (which most of us would end up as) for an elite (which most of us would not be part of.)

    A "operaton" would perhaps experience an existence but it would have little meaning to the operaton itself.

    Why I bring this point forward is that at the heart of the Ruiner blog is also found this very point so I am bringing this thread back on topic.
    Last edited by Chester, 28th May 2015 at 19:55.

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  16. #399
    Senior Member Breeze's Avatar
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    I have been re-reading through The Ruiner’s blog joining up dots I had missed. It has become clear to those who have been reading this blog that Humanity in this present Time are living in an important era where Planet Earth has a ‘change of guard’. Will Humanity choose the Illuminati to be the new guard that wants to enslave us more with nano chips destroying our creativity, imagination and Will? OR will Humanity finally get off their knees and finally recognise their own self responsibility, awakening and BEcoming a Sentient Sovereign Race recognised by our Star Brethren?

    These are certainly interesting Times and I know which choice I would like to see unfold for Humanity. I soulfully hope Humanity “collectively” makes the foresighted choice whereby Humanity consciously walks towards a Spiritual Golden Age that would benefit ALL.

    I thought it would be useful to quote the below snippet from an earlier blog entry that gives a brief insight to Earth’s history prior to 13,000 years ago before the Draco entered the scene. I find it most interesting that the ‘Nordics’ (as many call them) were originally on this planet 200,000 years ago; were these the Times lost in myth when the real Druids walked upon this land. It is becoming clear to me just how much Earth History we as Humanity are missing.

    What I also find interesting is that the Ruiner mentions the Nordics began inspiring some humans back in the late 70’s and 80’s to return to a more Nature based Path. I remember the TV programs of that era inspiring us to grow our own food and living a more sustainable lifestyle reconnecting back to Nature, returning to ‘the good life’. The 80’s for most was a time prior to being hooked up to the internet and mobile phones. Returning back to the natural rhythms of Nature is vital as the sentient being Mother Earth has her own chosen destiny that is unfolding…. And those who will journey beside her will be those who are in tune with her song.

    ............In the earlier posts I had mentioned "friends" who helped the Giants off the planet. I also mentioned resolving to suicide. The same friends helped in both cases.

    These friends are commonly known as "tall blondes" or sometimes "Nordic" ETs.

    This is a common ET type who come from different places. Some are from Sirius. Some from Orion. Some are human, or an earlier version of human. My friends fit under the last type.

    They were originally on this planet more than 200,000yrs ago, prior to the arrival of Atlantis and prior to the Lemurians who were dominate on the planet at the time. They had reached a point where they could travel the cosmos and during a time of great physical change on the planet, had left this world to search the Galaxy in their new home, a massive craft or "Mother ship". This group returned for the first time about 13,000 yrs ago when the deal between humans and the Draco was formed. Perhaps, if they had returned sooner they would have advised humans against this deal. However, being too late for that, they assisted with the process of placing beings in stasis here.

    Providing technology to some and guidance to others. Once this process was complete they did not start to return to earth again until the late 70's and began to contact humans and council towards a more nature based path throughout the 80's…..

    Source snippet

    Co-Creator Gods re-awakening out of their slumber and re-Remembering the great march of Creation once more.
    So Be It!

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  18. #400
    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    May 27, 2015 at 8:03 PM
    Hi there, I just have two questions for you, Sir Ruiner.

    Firstly, who would be humanity's progenitor's? Maybe it's the Draco?

    And secondly, you mentioned that regarding becoming a sovereign race, "This is a task we are equipped but not yet prepared for." I was wondering as far as how we're equipped to become a sovereign race. Is it something that's within us all and we must simply learn to use it or maybe it's something more akin to a desire to become sovereign.

    Very curious stuff, Mr. Ruiner. Thanks for the posts.


    The Ruiner
    May 27, 2015 at 11:36 PM
    Our specific version of human is unique and had no true progenitor. Draco were not our creator, they manipulated and recreated us from other races and versions of human.

    The answer to your second question: yes it is what is within us. If we bring it out and balance it we can achieve wonderful things. (And we do)

    With respect,

    May 27, 2015 at 8:48 PM
    Thanks for the care and time associated with presenting this material. I look forward to every post. How do you define "world?" Are you referring to planets, galaxies, dimensions?


    The Ruiner
    May 27, 2015 at 11:39 PM
    Typically your writer defines world as a planet. Perhaps a little more than that as it also considers the culture and density of the planet.

    With respect,

  19. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Ria For This Useful Post:

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  20. #401
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    These beings exist as both a physical and non physical entity who work in unison.

    Their function is to oversee the development of sentient life forms throughout the universe. They are the record keepers for all life and its evolutionary development.

    Most of this work seems operated solely on the physical level because this is where their works are most evident. What is overlooked at times by those aware of this race is that they "fly with Angels" in the non physical densities. (You all know what this means it's trusted)

    This also means, all of their actions are decided by the Universe itself and this is why all races who know what they are stay out of their way. Many of you have seen what their mention alone can do to a room. Many of you believe they are extinct. Some believe they are feeding sleeping versions of these beings.. This last part is not completely untrue.

    The physical universe is a hostile environment. Therefor these beings can seem hostile at times. They oversee the reset and reseeding of planets who have fallen out of balance for any reason.
    How they came to be exactly or reproduce is all unknown. They are not all alike and seem to be produced specifically for their jobs. Despite these cold terms make no mistake, these beings have souls of the highest potency.

    To maintain balance in a physical universe, dark and light must be balanced. Each needing the other to exist at all and make the whole thing work.

    So as one Progenitor may be charged with creating worlds, others are charged with destroying them. These are the ones you have been feeding. (not going into detail due to the casual eyes)

    For the most part they are either sleeping here, or not close at all. Currently, they are very close. Watching and waiting to see what we choose. Why? Your writer is still unsure and could only speculate along with you.

    Your writer is aware however from witnessing such in other places that, should things get too out of hand, they often step in and stop the chaos.

    With that said, if this is to happen it is not a pretty picture and very rarely ends well for all players involved.

    Most of the time, during times of transition, they will simply watch. Then go away.

    Other times their actions depend on the situation.

    Progenitors are reluctant to communicate directly with any race. They often leave written / recorded instructions and never actually say or project any thought, reason, image or word directly. Efficient and to the point.

    Appearance wise they can be startling not just because they are often massive in size. One of the Chosen Ones did get their image almost correctly depicted in one of their films in a similar context as well. For those who have not seen their image. ( you're thinking it: no they do not have feathered wings and human bodies )

    Having had the chance to communicate with them your writer is no wiser as to what their personalities are truly like. There seems to definitely be emotion, yet the actions are always calculated. They seem to share a hive mind and have individual minds simultaneously.

    What matters most is they are the most powerful physical beings your writer is aware of, anywhere in the galaxy. They can assimilate any strategy or physical ability creation conjures. They do not play games or give warnings. No discussion. Simply action. If the need arises they have one of their assisting races facilitate the discussion.

    The Progenitors are not our creators. Although they have sparked many races that make up our genetic soup, they have never had anything to do with us in this way, or any way, yet.

    This planet is certainly dear to them.

    ~For every dark being the universe creates a counterpoint as part of its karmic balancing act.~

    Posted by The Ruiner at 5/30/2015 06:54:00 PM
    Co-Creator Gods re-awakening out of their slumber and re-Remembering the great march of Creation once more.
    So Be It!

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  22. #402
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    Hi all
    This is one of my favourite multidimensional threads - loads of "loaded" succinct insights and layers.

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  24. #403
    In Memoriam Shadowself's Avatar
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    That last blog post reminded me of this...Thanks Dracon:

    The Longing.....

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  26. #404
    Senior Member Breeze's Avatar
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    A perfect song Shadowself - Thank you.
    I do love Nahko Bear's music.
    And the video filming for this song is absolutely stunning!
    Co-Creator Gods re-awakening out of their slumber and re-Remembering the great march of Creation once more.
    So Be It!

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  28. #405
    Senior Member sandy's Avatar
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    Wow............What a powerful video, words and imagery!!! Thanks the posting Shadowself

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