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Thread: The Plan (blogs by theruiner777)

  1. #361
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Thank You, Contact Point... Thank You.

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  3. #362
    Senior Member Rocket's Mom's Avatar
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    Sam Hunter,

    May I say, that you sir, change your picture/avatar more than a lady changes dresses before the big date Love your energy and diversity. . . I will now change mine!!!

    And thanks, Ria the sasquatch are very secretive. . .I grew up with them on a river in the Allegheny Mountains. . .they never revealed, but watched. . .I knew they were there.. .
    Last edited by Rocket's Mom, 22nd May 2015 at 05:10. Reason: Change of emoticon

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  5. #363
    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    Hominid (one)
    ~Finally your writer meets your request. By popular demand, here is the Sasquatch~

    Although this is deliberately simplifying here:

    The quickest (but still light) path to unlocking psychic ability is by connecting to the rhythm of the Universe.

    Achieving this by starting with a connection to this nature and the being we call the planet, our telekinetic abilities unlock as well.

    A race, such as this we call Sasquatch or Bigfoot, who have been here so long (longer than most might think) and exist in harmony with nature, have learned to adapt or tune almost perfectly to this planet. In doing so, most of them have mastered some psychic and telekinetic abilities along the way.

    The benefits are plenty. A physical being which as "dead weight" would weigh hundreds of pounds can walk silently. Prints remain due to error or occasional clumsiness or even sometimes by intent, but many can walk without leaving them as well. A form of mild levitation.

    Creating projections or illusions which help you evade sight are another benefit. Knowing where an intruder in your area is thanks to the ability to perceive their thoughts, or hear them make noise, breathe, cough, or break a branch from a mile away if paying attention.

    Physically they have other advantages. Much more powerful than a gorilla and able to move very fast despite their size.

    All this combined allows them to avoid being seen by most people unless they want to or make a major mistake. They even seems to regulate their body temperature so well that technology had to be created to detect them which works best at close range.

    Part of their psychic ability includes domination over most technology. They can have incredible effects on non organic materials.

    Deep in our forests are many many caves humans haven't explored (at least not recently) and many many tunnels within these caves. Therefor nothing to stop them from having their own "underground bases" of sorts.

    Not everything that remains on this planet is the result of an Annunaki experimentation. Some were here before that all occurred.

    We've caught them. Killed them. Studied them. Even released them afterwards. Because.. that's what we do. -shrugs-

    What your writer is saying is some groups have studied these beings but don't publish books on what they find.

    They are not all the same. Some groups in different areas have become, different from each other. Some are much more primal in nature and others are much more deliberate. One group will be much like any other wild animal. Another would seem almost otherworldly.

    They like humans but fear them, which makes sense when you remember how many times and in so many ways we have hunted them. When your writer was young a family he was aware of in the wild was killed by shadow military types. Several places he has been aware of these beings living have suffered the same. So it is best they continue to hide.

    This is all kept from the public of course due to all the questions which would arise, and the answers they have. This is not s missing link in our evolution. This is a species much older than our current version of humanity. Even more native to the planet than humans. Although they have been seeded in different parts of the Galaxy as well.

    At one time they lived out in the open, forming their own types of independent - what they call - "tribes". Each tribe followed their own path and have developed along their own path while adapting to other activities on the planet for hundreds of thousands of years. This is why different groups can be so different.

    These beings will also suffer or benefit from this time of choice. Their own choice is set but their will does not have the force our own does when it comes to this change. In fact one of our choices could mean they can no longer live on this planet.

    Some of you have encountered these beings before. Some know where and how to find them. This can be encouraged. If you're still going to keep secrets, this is one worth keeping for now.

    ~Let us follow their lead. (re)Connect with our nature/self, nature / our planet. She loves us as she does them. They are a much better example than many of our visitors.~
    Further posts on this subject will come at your request, based on your questions.
    Posted by The Ruiner at 5/21/2015 06:56:00 PM

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  7. #364
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    Quote Originally posted by Contact Point View Post
    In daydreams, my guides expressed sadness and frustration that I don't read poems and novels any more, and don't give myself the time to watch comedy, or just lie on my bed listening to music like I used to when I was younger. They said: "Don't you remember how happy you were as a teenager? Listening to music, comedy and stories is POWERFUL lightwork. Don't you remember? Loosen up FFS. Why are you reading alt media arguments all day long?..."

    They showed me a guy with a normal looking life in a city, who doesn't read the boards, who allows himself to put on a Hawkwind album and just zone out for an hour, is doing immeaurable work in the higher dimensions, and doesn't even know it. They said: These are the true masters, and their work is more powerful than 10,000 crystal meditations.

    Thanks for reminding me.
    And there it is - that's beautiful.

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  9. #365
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    Key point:

    These beings will also suffer or benefit from this time of choice. Their own choice is set but their will does not have the force our own does when it comes to this change. In fact one of our choices could mean they can no longer live on this planet.
    NO ONE's will (that I know of) has the force our own does when it comes to the coming era. That's why there's such a frantic push to keep us distracted.

    Imagine if you were the jailer in a prison full of bears. For thousands of years, the bears are moping, consigned to their fate. And then, one day, the bars start dissolving, bending, crumbling. Slowly at first, then quicker and quicker.
    Six Doctors For A Medical Revolution

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  11. #366
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    [SIZE=3][COLOR="#0000FF"]The Draco are able to hold sway over our minds with and without the use of tech.

    Ria, Mother Deep wished to express some words about this. she finds you are someone, who simply asks to know, so she is helping me find the words to answer this question, others may come in to answer other questions of yours in their own way of helping me to suggest what might be an overall answer, rather than a straight out Draco answer, since this is a multifaceted attack on all human kind from many directions, not just the Draco.

    By and large if every one used their gifts of seeing, feeling, and hearing, we would need fight over most of our shores. However, the final life, long ago, was only in this one place on earth, because people have been placed in ropes (some of their own making, from intending to soft peddle through life, which stifles their own mind, or because one after another , the first signs of apathy crept in, as soon as robber barons decided to own slaves on their own cognisance, and demanded complete obedience on life in each persons own role, in villages all over whole European lands. Demanding loyalty above all else, they became instead of small land holders, the occupiers of whole lines of gelded, backwater folks, who simply lived in rooms, allowed to farm, and paid dues - no different to now, only the robber barons have new titles and new holdings to keep us enslaved, mostly by the dumbing down of our minds with laws and dogmas to hold life in check. You all understand and know this.

    However, what we get to now, is that people left the barons lands and were herded into towns, where their control was less palpable, and eminently some managed to get past the gilds of the olden days and began to learn and own for themselves. This could not be countenanced by these robber barons, so their need was to keep all enthralled in the tight knit life of a heirarchial system. So completely did they manage to create this, that all life ever since, still believes in being controlled and cannot think of existence without it.

    The first of these species came and brought along with them the first land dwelling species in Reptoid history, and the most vicious of these, became life threatening, to humans already here.

    I had a lot more written here, but every time I try to do a new post once I have already logged on, and the try the quick reply button, I get told I'm not allowed to post because I am not logged on. I tried to save the message in copy, but I had to log out and then log on losing my copied version and what restores is only a part of what I had written. This happens every day to me WHY? please Mods, it is extremely annoying. Just this one time I didn't get a chance to copy onto notepad first. Sorry Ria, It took me ages to answer you and a great amount of it has now been lost and I don't have the time to re-do.
    Last edited by Cearna, 24th May 2015 at 05:05.
    You are what you are, no more, no less. The fact is, that all is not what it seems to be, some may be great, some may be small, but to your own want to be free, I say, you never were not free. It is what your own Self, gave yourself to be in, that's what makes you what you are. Loving kindness be upon you and yours.

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  13. #367
    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Cearna View Post
    I had a lot more written here, but every time I try to do a new post once I have already logged on, and the try the quick reply button, I get told I'm not allowed to post because I am not logged on. I tried to save the message in copy, but I had to log out and then log on losing my copied verson and what restors is only a part of what I had written. This happens every day to me WHY? please Mods, it is extremely annoying. Just this one time I didn't get a chance to copy onto notepad first. Sorry Ria, It took me ages to answer you and agreat amount of it has now been lost and I don't have the time to re-do.
    Cearna was kind enough to contact the mods about this annoyance, so just in case any other members are experiencing the same problem, I am going to slightly reiterate my reply to her here-below.

    When you log in to The One Truth, vBulletin will only keep you logged in for a certain amount of time -- commonly about two hours -- and if you have not made any posts in the meantime, it will silently log you out again. So when you are in the process of replying to a post when that deadline expires, then you may indeed run into the problem where vBulletin tells you that you are not logged in because the session cookie has expired.

    The solution to this problem is very easy, though. Next time you log in, you must check the box that reads "remember me" before actually logging in. From then on, vBulletin will not log you off automatically anymore, and you can even close your browser -- you can even shut down your computer -- and then when you come back on-line later, you will be automatically logged in, and your session will not expire.

    Of course, your browser must accept cookies in order for this to work, but all browsers come set up to accept cookies by default. The only exception would be something like the Tor browser bundle, but we do not support connections made through the Tor network anymore after Tor was abused by a banned member for conducting a denial-of-service attack against The One Truth.

    If anyone has any more questions about this subject, then please feel free to contact the mod team.

    Last edited by Aragorn, 22nd May 2015 at 14:35.

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  15. #368
    Tot Founder England The One's Avatar
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    A great new feature of vBulletin 4.2.1 is that it autosaves your post while you type in the comment editor. Every 20 seconds or so you will see a yellow notification of that says "Auto-Saved". If your browser crashes or your computer shuts down because of a power glitch or whatever, you can recover your post by simply going back to the thread you were on and clicking "Reply To Post." You will then see a notification that says "Restore Auto-Saved Content" and BINGO! you are right back where you left off!

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  17. #369
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Dracon View Post
    This universe does seem to look at those who sell lies and those who buy them, as equals.
    It does seem that...

    We are all a.) individually, b.) as groups and c.) collectively equally responsible for the dynamic we find ourselves in...

    well, save maybe for those one timers like Inelia, et. al.

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  19. #370
    Senior Member Breeze's Avatar
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    Hi Dracon/The Ruiner (and Everyone else)

    I am so thrilled you have included Sasquatch in your blog!

    Back in the old days of the first TOT forum, I actually created an extensive thread that was all about “Hominid, Sasquatch and Giants” that spanned from Ancient Myths around the world, to Native American and other tribal interactions with Sasquatch leading to present day encounters.

    My research on this subject resulted in me having many epiphanies and well as humbling realisations, shaking off the human arrogance thinking patterns that ‘us humans were the most evolved on this planet’ when in truth we co-exist upon this planet with many others Beings who are far more spiritually advanced in their inner connection to Soul and also interconnection with the Sentient Conscious BEing we call Earth.

    I know for myself, whatever planet my soul leads me to exist upon, such is not random, but rather a Soul opportunity to interrelate and interconnect harmoniously with the planet I find myself on. I have always found it incomprehensible why so many humans insist on ‘Divorcing themselves’ from the very planet’s Nature they co-exist upon. Imho this is totally missing a major point to the experience and gifts of soul wisdom each planet can offer.

    The benefits are plenty. A physical being which as "dead weight" would weigh hundreds of pounds can walk silently. Prints remain due to error or occasional clumsiness or even sometimes by intent, but many can walk without leaving them as well. A form of mild levitation.
    This form of ‘mild levitation’ makes total sense to me and I know this is an ability we humans have latent within us too as I have experienced this when walking my dogs out in Nature becoming at One with Nature where Spirit flows within and without. The expression ‘light footed’ takes on a whole new meaning. The funny thing is, it was my dogs that revealed to me I was going into this mild levitation state, where in my mind I was slowly walking in this harmonious all encompassing loving conscious state unaware my ‘movement had speed’ – and my dogs were running behind trying to keep up. So for myself, I know we can learn by what the Sasquatch has consciously awakened within their own kind interconnecting with the conscious spiritual gifts this Earth promotes.

    Further posts on this subject will come at your request, based on your questions.
    Thank you the Ruiner/Dracon for opening this subject up for questions; I am unsure if I should be posting these directly to your blog or here on TOT. So I will post here, and if you prefer I email them to your blog please PM me, as I am happy to do both.

    ...Creating projections or illusions which help you evade sight are another benefit.
    (1) There have been numerous encounters where people have stated the Sasquatch can make themselves invisible. I understand invisibility is achieved through raising one’s frequency spin. However your words (at least to me) suggests you are talking about something else using ‘projections or illusions’ – are you able to expand upon this please with some examples?

    ...They even seems to regulate their body temperature so well that technology had to be created to detect them which works best at close range.
    (2) This reminds me of “g-tummo meditation” the Tibetans practice either by ‘vase breath’ or ‘concentrative visualisation’. Do you know if the Sasquatch do something similar, or has this temperature regulation become a natural state of being for them during their evolution?

    ...Part of their psychic ability includes domination over most technology. They can have incredible effects on non organic materials.
    (3) YES…….As I understand it Consciousness has the ability to override technology, so this makes sense to me. When you say they have incredible effects on ‘non organic materials’, are you able to give a brief example of this?

    ...Not everything that remains on this planet is the result of an Annunaki experimentation.

    …This is a species much older than our current version of humanity. Even more native to the planet than humans. Although they have been seeded in different parts of the Galaxy as well.
    (4) A loaded set of sentences where a number of things spring to my mind.
    (a) Are the Hominids indigenous to this Planet?
    (b) Or the result of a previous cycle on Earth where a primordial species was genetically modified? If so, who were the geneticists?
    (c) Or Sasquatch came from the Stars and a long time ago chose to settle here?

    (5) My last question to the Ruiner/Dracon is this. In my own research reading other people’s encounters with the Sasquatch, some say the Sasquatch communicate telepathically; others that the Sasquatch are bilingual and can speak many of our human languages. I am assuming these are example of different tribes and how each tribe has evolved and what interaction they have had with humans. I just wonder if you would like to expand a little on the Sasquatch abilities of communication? For instance, some people claim they are visited by Sasquatch in their dreams.

    These beings will also suffer or benefit from this time of choice. Their own choice is set but their will does not have the force our own does when it comes to this change. In fact one of our choices could mean they can no longer live on this planet.
    I have a heavy heart when I read this paragraph, as I am assuming if Humanity take the path of embracing transhumanism where Nature is turned into fake weather patterns and mechanical insects etc, such a dense frequency would no longer be conducive to the Sasquatch. Those who have encountered Sasquatch were told how the Sasquatch have observed many cycles of Humans destroying themselves and how they see we are at this stage again.

    I have also heard that the military are using some type of psychotronic weaponry on the Sasquatch as the NWO agenda is to get rid of them and use ‘their land’. This very much saddens me.

    For me, this also points out how small minded we humans still are. I hear repeatedly ‘service to others’ bantered about– where the term ‘others’ has a very narrow scope of vision mainly just on humans (which seen from a bigger perspective sounds more like the actions of ‘service to self’) - AND not thinking in terms of ‘SERVICE TO ALL’ who dwell upon this planet. So when I read so called messages from ET’s always talking about just us humans, I know those ET’s have a limited scope too, as we co-exist on this planet with so many other sentient species who are also walking in their own Spiritual Evolution whether it be on Earth’s surface, inside the Earth or in her Oceans.

    So what the above paragraph from the Ruiner blog speaks to me, is that Humanity and whatever ‘choice’ we collectively make during this ‘change of guard’, is not just about ‘Humans and their future’, but also has ‘immense affects’ on other sentient species too and ‘their future’ here on Earth. Will Humanity give up their selfish and ignorant ‘wants, needs, habits and material obsessions’ and consciously walk harmoniously towards Service to All? Or will Humanity continue this repetitive cycle of consuming, trashing and raping the beauty of Life without a care? I write my thoughts down here for something for all of us to contemplate and consider. Not directed to the Ruiner to answer…. as part of the answer from him is quoted below...

    ~Let us follow their lead. (re)Connect with our nature/self, nature / our planet. She loves us as she does them. They are a much better example than many of our visitors.~
    Thank you again dear Ruiner/Dracon for opening this subject up for questions, this is very much appreciated and relevant for humans to see beyond their own 'little self bubble' and see with real eyes the wondrous LIFE we co-exist with here on this beloved planet.

    Love & Blessings
    Breeze X

    Source where quotes were from
    Co-Creator Gods re-awakening out of their slumber and re-Remembering the great march of Creation once more.
    So Be It!

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  21. #371
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    Methinks we all have dreamed of powers that lay un-awakened within us…….

    Here is an example that is just skimming the surface of what we can achieve..........................a mild levitation to inspire you

    Co-Creator Gods re-awakening out of their slumber and re-Remembering the great march of Creation once more.
    So Be It!

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  23. #372
    Senior Member Dracon's Avatar
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    Dear Breeze,

    This will be discussed in later blogs so you may read these answers again if you continue reading it.

    Your questions are what I consider practical so I will respond here none the less.

    1) One can learn to project images into the mind of another. Perhaps making the viewer see something other than what is there, or even seeing nothing at all. This along with what you've mentioned in terms of tightening the spiral, ( higher vibration - faster spiral ) give multiple tools for the same purpose.

    2) What methods they used to develop this temperature regulation I am not sure. At this point it is natural for them, though.

    3) They can manipulate audio or video equipment adding or deleting data. They can also cause technology to fail at times completely. Some humans can do this as well quite naturally and all could learn to. (Difficult however) Some people I know who live near Sasquatch will report them turning on stereos or off and on light etc. usually just to say "hello". (They love to develop connections with humans when they can)

    4) This planet has been used by many beings for many reasons such as their "Upbringing". What this word means when I use it some beings are either created here or brought here, to develop. Some are more well suited for this planet than others, some move on to new worlds, some stay longer than others.

    Some tune so well with Her that she makes them her own. Guardians these types of beings are often called. Usually these beings are what we call wild life.

    They were created here (a long time ago - sharing this planet at one time with the native reptiods which I will talk more about another time) and have become her Guardians.

    5) To make this answer simple: They can do everything we can do. This includes understanding other languages as they are spoken and being able to project our own responses in whatever way best suits those we are trying to communicate with.

    One being could speak in their own language while projecting a different language for the other beings mind to receive.

    They have learned to understand us from afar. Very well.

    Also like us, they can visit the dreamscapes of others.

    Physical bodies aside, these beings are a great example of the power we possess as well.

    With love and respect,
    ~ To save the lamb, I fed the wolf ~

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  25. #373
    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    Once upon a time I lived on the West coast of Tasmania, Australia, for a year and was overwhelmed and enamored by the sheer vastness, density, and beauty of its forests. From the small fringe "civilized" town we lived in it was not hard to wonder and imagine what beings lived within what seemed to be a natural kingdom sophisticatedly protected by nature itself.

    I travelled one day to a small "ghost mining town, pop. less than 300" and was intrigued by a small woman pushing a shopping trolley who was flanked by "three men" in the grocery store. Instinctive curiosity drew me to them, although I also instinctively felt to not "invade" their space; so much so that I "knew" I had to pause and wait at certain times before moving along to a shelf that I needed which was close to where the woman had stopped. But I did seem to arrive in relative close proximity a couple of times and oddly enough, felt this was "allowed" - as if it was okay because I was deemed not to be a "threatening" spectator. I actually felt humbled and graced that my close proximity was permitted. It felt as though they were "on high alert" so to speak - ready to run at any moment - for they seemed to deliberately maneuver avoidance of other shoppers; which of course wasn't many as far as locals, but there were tourists like myself.

    The "three men" hovered around the woman and were unusual in physical appearance. Tall, robust, strong - and although they had some exposed skin on their heads it was mostly covered in thick, course hair. Wild and powerful is the best I can describe with - an appearance one would not necessarily like to meet down a dark alley. What was unusual though was their demeanour/presence - wary, edgy, shy. I was unsuccessful with only two attempts where I tried to make eye contact and share a friendly hello smile as they would quickly avert their own gaze, turn away, and drop their heads - almost as if they wished they had not been seen. It struck me as though they were on a "field trip" being curious . . . but did not want the curiosity returned.

    For sure there are many humans who could fall into this category in extremely remote environments so it is a stretch to imagine anything "outrageous" but what I would like to know is whether you are aware of interbreeding between "sasquatch" and humans.
    Thank you.

    The Ruiner
    May 22, 2015 at 3:15 PM
    Yes there have been several occasions when they have interbred with humans.

    What you have described sounds like something else, but the answer to your question remains the same.

    Thank you for sharing this experience.

    With respect,

    I was wondering what you thought they might be?

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  27. #374
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    Ria, I've had very similar experiences, but without the hair. I'm guessing she was a higher up from a parallel civilization, on a visit. Could have been from above or below.

    Very busy right now, but wrote this recently. Some of you might like to read it. Ciauzar PMed me and said it was OK to link to my site:

    It's long, but worth digging through. There are a LOT of actionable gems there if you take it slow... It goes way beyond anything from any recent whistleblowers.

    Six Doctors For A Medical Revolution

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  29. #375
    Senior Member Breeze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Dracon View Post

    5) To make this answer simple: They can do everything we can do. This includes understanding other languages as they are spoken and being able to project our own responses in whatever way best suits those we are trying to communicate with.

    One being could speak in their own language while projecting a different language for the other beings mind to receive.

    They have learned to understand us from afar. Very well.

    Also like us, they can visit the dreamscapes of others.

    Physical bodies aside, these beings are a great example of the power we possess as well.

    With love and respect,
    Thank you Dracon/the Ruiner for answering my questions on the Sasquatch, I really appreciate this!

    And yes, I will certainly continue reading your blog as I am personally finding what you are revealing in your articles great for dot connecting together the Bigger Picture of our Reality here on Planet Earth. Your words are like a breath of fresh air to my soul.

    You mentioned the Sasquatch have the ability to speak a language, while projecting a different language to another being’s mind to receive. WOW that sure is some multitasking conscious focus they have that I was unaware of. That is most certainly food for thought to contemplate.

    Excellent news that they can consciously visit humans via dreamscapes if they wish too. I live on an island no longer renowned for Big Foot encounters (last encounter I heard about was at least a decade ago up in the Scottish Highlands). So most heartened there is still a chance one can have an encounter with these gentle guardians of Earth via dreamscapes. I will be adding this to my focus list.

    Physical bodies aside, these beings are a great example of the power we possess as well.
    Noted. Thank you for the reminder.

    With love and respect to you too

    Breeze X
    Co-Creator Gods re-awakening out of their slumber and re-Remembering the great march of Creation once more.
    So Be It!

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