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Thread: The Plan (blogs by theruiner777)

  1. #346
    Senior Member sandy's Avatar
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    Well this then leaves one to assume with less tech we as in humanity will be much more adept at disconnecting.

    By this I mean disconnecting from not only the Matrix but also the psychopaths control. Their DNA will not be changing and neither will their behaviour, except maybe for the worse initially!!

    Thus the imperative of here and now is to take personal responsibility and support Gaia in all means possible as she too will be assailed in the changes cresting, IMHO...

    Love this thread and all the participation and contributions.........
    Last edited by sandy, 21st May 2015 at 01:41.

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  3. #347
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    If we look further into the Ruiner blog, it is revealed how the intention of keeping bloodlines pure had failed.

    This post covers it - (Failed) Structure - Bloodlines

    This suggests to me that many on earth have been exposed to some extent and to varying degrees this Draco DNA. I am certain some of it is within my own family line.

    It is interesting when I recall when Dracon mentioned to me how soul groups often reincarnate over and over again together. It makes one wonder about the conventional theories of genetics. perhaps genetics plays little or no part. That "heredity of traits" is due to the soul family staying together in subsequent lifetimes.
    Last edited by Chester, 21st May 2015 at 03:49.

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  5. #348
    Senior Member Dracon's Avatar
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    Forget the man. The package. Remember the words.

    ~ To save the lamb, I fed the wolf ~

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  7. #349
    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    So the big key here is the Draco have held sway over our minds?
    With tech ?
    Without tech ?

    Once they leave the controls start to be come unplugged.?
    Would it be fair to say they have been relinquishing the controls as they move out or are they holding out to the bitter end?
    What if they decided to throw spanner in the works and say no more of this game, could they stop it.

    There is an implication here that we have not had control of our minds in a very long time, as we have been under the yoke of the Draco?

    Another point why do the Draco dislike us so much?.....
    We are impart there creation?? .......
    Do they despise their own creation?
    also I would not chose to be with beings I disliked?..

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  9. #350
    Senior Member Cearna's Avatar
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    Hi Ria, glad to see you back, missed you. I wrote something that might answer some of your questions in a new thread here:

    Also this might explain a bit.
    You are what you are, no more, no less. The fact is, that all is not what it seems to be, some may be great, some may be small, but to your own want to be free, I say, you never were not free. It is what your own Self, gave yourself to be in, that's what makes you what you are. Loving kindness be upon you and yours.

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  11. #351
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    [4:20:33 PM] Sam Hunter: essentially the only change (so far) is the Draco (and their role in directing) leaving the picture?
    [4:21:09 PM] Dracon: That's right
    [4:21:27 PM] Sam Hunter: and your point (which was highlighted by Contact Point) was... we shall see what may change in this picture... that perhaps the consciousness of the overlords may no longer be able to resist the shift in consciousness coming from the rest of us...
    [4:24:41 PM] Dracon: Exactly. Unlike the Draco they don't have the ability to fully control us without tech.
    Well this then leaves one to assume with less tech we as in humanity will be much more adept at disconnecting.
    Interesting discussion. I'm trying to lead a low tech life as much as possible. Keeping it low tech in daily life means you can focus on the ultra-high tech of the body.

    Six Doctors For A Medical Revolution

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  13. #352
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Contact Point View Post
    Interesting discussion. I'm trying to lead a low tech life as much as possible. Keeping it low tech in daily life means you can focus on the ultra-high tech of the body.

    So the paradigms that rely heavily on tech may very well be driven (behind the scenes) by the very beings to which the Draco are leaving this all behind?

    This suggests all these various SSPs as reported by some experiencers might actually (innocently) be playing right into the hands of the "new boss" - almost "same as the old boss."


    da da

  14. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Chester For This Useful Post:

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  15. #353
    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    These are the answeres given to the question asked, many thanks.

    The Draco are able to hold sway over our minds with and without the use of tech.

    They are unplugging their own control and leaving the Parents to run things as they choose. This has already begun. The intensity of control is because the parents are trying to get us as low as possible before they are fully in charge.

    Yes the Draco have been running mind control for thousands of years.

    Draco are slightly jealous of our emotional capabilities but truly just disrespect us for giving away our sovereignty.

    They manipulated us but did not create us. There is a difference.

    I think this answers the last couple as well

    Sorry for the delay

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  17. #354
    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    When you say "hold sway over our minds" is this vast amounts of people all in one go or just one at a time?

    Regarding are emotional abilities, against their lack of, what do they crave about it?
    One of their actions is to create trauma in humans, the antithesis to compassion, it might appear acting out their resentment.?...killing off what they crave, hmm.

    To love, to care, is perhaps judged as weak, and maybe more on the nerve is the ego and all its vanities would be laid bare.

    Just thoughts I can be wrong

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  19. #355
    Senior Member Dracon's Avatar
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    They "hold sway" over the minds of all people. (Or at least attempt to)

    They understand that our emotional response spectrum enables us to generate our own energy, which we can use for ourselves. They do not allow themselves to do the same.

    The trauma purpose is to keep us dependant and weakened. So we continue to feed them. (This was the reason)

    They do not judge those emotions as weak although they would like us to believe they do. They know love is more powerful than fear. Laugher more powerful than screams. Fear is their favourite flavour, but not their only meal option.

    We can generate energy and protect it from parasites. This is key to moving forward.
    ~ To save the lamb, I fed the wolf ~

  20. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Dracon For This Useful Post:

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  21. #356
    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    If I remember correctly was not the extraction of our sovereignty over a beleaguered people's after massive trauma.
    I see no honour in these actions or in the acumplisments over a repressed deceived people.
    Yet their minds could be wonderfully productive, yet no joy to be had it seems.
    Do they have love for each other?

    Have they considered trying out an even playing field for all and see the results.

    "We can generate energy and protect it from parasites"
    Time we looked at the methods.? And how to do this?

  22. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Ria For This Useful Post:

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  23. #357
    Senior Member ERK's Avatar
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    I am posting the following just to post it- this coming from Goz Stone.
    I find it very hard to believe one person wiped them out. What I see below are some truths about centering oneself and brainwashing.

    I am now most pleased to announce that every single Earth draco collective & their leaders have been wiped from the planet & sent into the dirt to heal & organically regenerate.
    That's right Schparky, ALL 7 Draco collectives Michael, Enoch, Azazel, Ezekiel, Elijah, Issac & Raphael & all Grey collectives which are coded in the bible as the disciples of Jesus with the head Grey faction being Judas. Every single one of them i sent to the dirt with the power of organic internal creation source from my centre. In fact, the whole world's population has now been effectively been de-astral tagged.
    Now it is all just between humans, so everyone can begin to really go hardcore exposing all the corrupt elites, child molesters & ritual sacrificers, corrupt politicians, leaders & freemasons etc. cos they no longer have any sorcery that works anymore. Saturn's influence is now disabled, CERN & Tavistock's technology is ****ed. Time for the people to end this NWO tyranny & stop fighting with each other (like immature children that refuse to grow up) in the name of all the Draco controlled religions false gods & New Age & spiritual modalities.
    Organic internal source creation energy that anyone can consciously access from their inherent centre does not kill but it disables shit & organically heals - that is the difference. Human beings are so powerful & to access the inherent centre of that be which is U, one cannot have impure agendas as ego driven purposes & intentions can not access it. It has a no bullshit failsafe, one could call it.
    Dracos have controlled humanity insidiously harvesting human energy for a very long time until now so they can keep their extended inorganic light creation going & use our energy to do so including powering up & maintaining all their inorganic planetary colonizations & no wonder they have been hell bent in making sure that humans never find out how to access their centre as we all did in ancient times cos when we can, Dracos can never control & manipulate us.
    The big irony here is that humans have been brainwashed for so long & controlled by contrived fear, not knowing who they are, where they come from & what their true purpose is living life here on Earth, that most people won't even innerstand wtf I'm talking about & think this is ridiculous, but just start to watch what starts to happen from here..
    When U learn to centre & know yourself, THERE IS NO FEAR & it becomes naturally effortless for all of us to keep the love amongst the living in our daily lives. But for us now to fully experience having our natural birthright back, we must tear down the existing matrix system & corrupt to the core monetary system. The good news is that there are no Dracos left on Earth & sorcery attached to them to maintain the matrix control, so make the most of it & strike while the iron is hot
    Last edited by ERK, 21st May 2015 at 22:45.

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  25. #358
    Senior Member Dracon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Ria View Post
    If I remember correctly was not the extraction of our sovereignty over a beleaguered people's after massive trauma.
    I see no honour in these actions or in the acumplisments over a repressed deceived people.
    Yet their minds could be wonderfully productive, yet no joy to be had it seems.
    Do they have love for each other?

    Have they considered trying out an even playing field for all and see the results.

    "We can generate energy and protect it from parasites"
    Time we looked at the methods.? And how to do this?
    You're right there is no honour in that. There is no justification. This universe does seem to look at those who sell lies and those who buy them, as equals.

    Some of their oldest have known and are beginning to remember, love. Although it would be wrong to say they love one another, still. (Or perhaps too early)

    Witnessing beauty generates energy which can not be taken, but can be given away. This is a topic I would love to see discussed here. Please do
    ~ To save the lamb, I fed the wolf ~

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  27. #359
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    Quote Originally posted by Sam Hunter View Post
    So the paradigms that rely heavily on tech may very well be driven (behind the scenes) by the very beings to which the Draco are leaving this all behind?

    This suggests all these various SSPs as reported by some experiencers might actually (innocently) be playing right into the hands of the "new boss" - almost "same as the old boss."


    da da
    Well said. Where do we want to be in 10 years? Leading a bucolic existence, like the Shire in LOTR, with -maybe- a few communication devices? OR loading ourselves onto pleasure pods in a THX-1138 Star Trek city? Not to mention the fact that David et al have singularly failed to deliver on every promise they ever made.

    The timeline we're building: Lord of The Rings with Laptops.
    Six Doctors For A Medical Revolution

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  29. #360
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    Witnessing beauty generates energy which can not be taken, but can be given away. This is a topic I would love to see discussed here. Please do
    In daydreams, my guides expressed sadness and frustration that I don't read poems and novels any more, and don't give myself the time to watch comedy, or just lie on my bed listening to music like I used to when I was younger. They said: "Don't you remember how happy you were as a teenager? Listening to music, comedy and stories is POWERFUL lightwork. Don't you remember? Loosen up FFS. Why are you reading alt media arguments all day long?..."

    They showed me a guy with a normal looking life in a city, who doesn't read the boards, who allows himself to put on a Hawkwind album and just zone out for an hour, is doing immeaurable work in the higher dimensions, and doesn't even know it. They said: These are the true masters, and their work is more powerful than 10,000 crystal meditations.

    Thanks for reminding me.
    Six Doctors For A Medical Revolution

  30. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to Daozen For This Useful Post:

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