21st May 2015, 01:01
Senior Member
Well this then leaves one to assume with less tech we as in humanity will be much more adept at disconnecting.
By this I mean disconnecting from not only the Matrix but also the psychopaths control. Their DNA will not be changing and neither will their behaviour, except maybe for the worse initially!!
Thus the imperative of here and now is to take personal responsibility and support Gaia in all means possible as she too will be assailed in the changes cresting, IMHO...
Love this thread and all the participation and contributions.........
Last edited by sandy, 21st May 2015 at 01:41.
The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to sandy For This Useful Post:
Breeze (23rd May 2015), Cearna (21st May 2015), Chester (21st May 2015), Dracon (21st May 2015), RealityCreation (21st May 2015), Ria (21st May 2015)
21st May 2015, 03:42