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Thread: The Plan (blogs by theruiner777)

  1. #331
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    I also wondered what the Ruiner thought about the ongoing immunity negotiations, and if they will bear fruit? These conversations are the major game changer right now. Will we bring this era to a calm close, or will the changing of the guard be fractured and difficult? There is still everything to play for. Our collective consciousness is the driving force in this situation.

    I am in favor of Grace/Forgiveness. Not so much because I am generous and magnanimous, but for simple self preservation, because a smooth exit is the happiest ending for everyone.

    Six Doctors For A Medical Revolution

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  3. #332
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    Quote Originally posted by Contact Point View Post

    It only take 3 per cent of humans to get their act together to cause change on a macro level. But I'm not here to push anyone to do anything. I just want an online notepad to sharpen my writing, and get my own thoughts together. I don't want anyone to think I am trying to get them to do something, as that goes against the laws of universal free will.
    The disinformation global party have done a good job to see to it that we don't get our act together and time we changed that.

    As to having "free will" it may well be our right, our rights have not been respected or even allowed in much of the world, iniquitous times we live.

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  5. #333
    Senior Member Dracon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Contact Point View Post
    Maybe we can refocus by writing questions that come to mind, and the Ruiner can read them and maybe include anything that interests him in his blog.

    I'm interested in what he thinks about Lemuria and The Agartha Network.

    I also wonder if he thinks the craft Atlantis is still around in the skies right now, and if there are other Air Cities currently around Earth. (I think there are, but I wonder what his opinion is)

    I was wondering what would influence the Draco to leave, if they are unaffected by our increasingly positive vibration.

    Does he also think there is an etheric shell around Earth, which will be destroyed by the coming wave? "The wave is coming, we have felt it building for some time now. You know as well as anyone that no one knows for sure how this will effect things. These unpredictable events have already begun. All eyes on deck."

    I understand he doesn't have much free time, but these questions are all rattling round in my head.
    Lemuria I am going to leave alone and The Agartha Network I believe I know as another name. (Not important) We will discuss that in PM soon. (I apologize as I am at work - yes I have a job despite some comments on my income)

    Atlantis no. Other craft like it, yes.

    The Draco are leaving by their own choice. What they were after they received and it's time for them to move on. Anyone with contact with the Draco, or truly "in the know" are well aware the Draco can not be forced to do anything. Especially leaving. It is partially because of the energy but not because they can't handle it. They don't like it but.. Nothing is forcing them to leave they are making a choice. This will be discussed more soon. Personally I'm getting a kick out of those claiming they are being forced out, and will allow some time for that to be rejected by common sense for some.

    I believe what you are calling the etheric shell exists although we may vary in what we believe it is. It will be coming down too. A lot of the current info is directing us to accept this is a way of diffusing the energy field to protect us. We do not need protection from the wave. Any buffering is keeping us from its full power. I'll allow you all to read between the lines on that.

    Excellent discussion my friends. Solutions, yes!
    Last edited by Dracon, 20th May 2015 at 20:44.
    ~ To save the lamb, I fed the wolf ~

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  7. #334
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    Thanks for those answers, I will read over them a few times as I believe there are some gems there. Yes, it is an excellent discussion, and we all have a piece of the puzzle here.

    I agree we don't need protection from the wave. For years now a lot of people have been spreading the idea that a galactic burst of energy would somehow destabilize the Earth and cause Earthquakes. Those stories have been widely propagated, and caused a lot of unnecessary fear.

    A lot of the current info is directing us to accept this is a way of diffusing the energy field to protect us.
    Not sure exactly what you mean here. My current understanding is that the etheric shell is an artificial construct set up by the Draco/negatives to isolate us from the beneficial galactic energy. I feel that this veil is thinning fast, and we'll gradually be able to feel more positivity. I think Cobra is probably right that the generators for this shell are mainly based in Long Island/Saturn, but I wonder if he might have missed some of the main locations. I just don't know. I agree with 90 per cent of what Cobra says, but I disagree with him when he says all ETs are benevolent. I think that's probably not correct.

    Recently I can feel an excitement raining from the sky.

    I guess you're busy now, but these are the questions I'm turning over at the moment.

    Be well, everyone...
    Last edited by Daozen, 20th May 2015 at 21:00.
    Six Doctors For A Medical Revolution

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  9. #335
    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Contact Point View Post

    I was wondering what would influence the Draco to leave, if they are unaffected by our increasingly positive vibration.

    Does he also think there is an etheric shell around Earth, which will be destroyed by the coming wave? "The wave is coming, we have felt it building for some time now. You know as well as anyone that no one knows for sure how this will effect things. These unpredictable events have already begun. All eyes on deck."[/B]

    I understand he doesn't have much free time, but these questions are all rattling round in my head.
    My understanding is that there will be a change of guard next year and the Dracos will be leaving. We are left with the families who have been serving the Dracos for at least 13,000 years ingrained in trauma based mind control, not the nicest of methods, but effective. Do you think they will, can, want to change? It's easyer not to.

    The coming wave, maybe the only game changer in town.
    IF it was taken on board that to co-operate with the planetary frequency upgrade, it would go along way to easy the change.
    As are intrinsic rights of free will have not been observed this would also apply to the being that is earth, so she too will have her say.

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  11. #336
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    Do you think they will, can, want to change? It's easyer not to.
    There are other forces at work influencing their decision. Namely: us, 'Gaia' and the external energies. This post by the Ruiner in the comments sheds some light on it:

    There will be no immediate change as they depart. Those left in charge are the ones who may not be able to "tolerate" this new energy. The Draco are unaffected. Their departure is unrelated outside of happenstance.

    There are some important spins in the film I will point out eventually.

    What happens moving forward depends on the choices we make moving forward. They will try to carry out their plan but they can only succeed if we allow and help them. As you've pointed out, we have passed a critical threshold and "their reality" has a POTENTIAL to dissolve. It's not going to happen on its own. It will require our active participation by choosing change and acting on our choice.

    Thank you for your comments. Much appreciated.

    With respect,

    I feel that there's a "loosh crowdfunding mechanism" at work, and the Matrix is trying to scalp more and more energy to keep itself going. Cobra mentioned that the Cabal need 3 billion a day to keep their system afloat, maybe the Matrix needs a certain amount of loosh to stop it from malfunctioning and crashing to it's knees.

    If they can get enough energy from us, they can build one of their ridiculous timelines. The trouble is, we're not buying any more. That's what all that nonsensical fearmongering, and hopemongering is about; to get us to invest energy into the timelines they're making.

    I'm sure precise mechanisms exist for collecting, counting, spending, and quantifying human energy. As the Ruiner said, he was shocked by Jupiter Ascending. Not only is this planet a farm, but it's a mega battery too.

    As Bill Clinton said: "It's the Loosh, stupid."

    So lets stop giving energy to these guys. Every time I see a stupid article on Facebook, I say, NO LOOSH FOR YOU. I vote no. I don't consent to this timeline.

    I also like this post, from another board, detailing the difference between the Matrix Positive timeline and the true organic timeline. For a while, I've had the repeated sensation that I was being tricked onto the wrong timeline, and I was stuck in a loop.

    The Matrix is falling apart. The time “loop” experiment on Earth is no longer in power. We are now on a “real Earth timeline”.

    Each day something new is brought out by astral programs to manipulate the timeline into either the Matrix positive or negative timeline or others. These attempts are becoming more desperate.

    The real Earth timeline can only be facilitated by Earthlings who are on a true healing and integration path, not based on false astral/mental programs, but on organic connection to Source Being, of Spirit, Earth.

    First borns are those who are still unintegrated with their Spirit, Soul and Earth and functioning from Soul being entrapped in the Pineal/Moon Astral programs. This lack of integration feeds the Matrix Astral Levels and Parasites.

    Second borns are those who have done their healing, integrated mental, emotional, physical and spiritual with the Earth. They unplug their spiritual energies from the Matrix and connect in a greater oneness with the Earth/Gaia. They do not return to feed the astral recycling program.
    Last edited by Daozen, 20th May 2015 at 21:17.
    Six Doctors For A Medical Revolution

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  13. #337
    Senior Member Dracon's Avatar
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    Contact point:

    What I meant in the part you quoted, you mention in the paragraph before it
    ~ To save the lamb, I fed the wolf ~

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  15. #338
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Ria View Post
    My understanding is that there will be a change of guard next year and the Dracos will be leaving. We are left with the families who have been serving the Dracos for at least 13,000 years ingrained in trauma based mind control, not the nicest of methods, but effective. Do you think they will, can, want to change? It's easyer not to.

    The coming wave, maybe the only game changer in town.
    IF it was taken on board that to co-operate with the planetary frequency upgrade, it would go along way to easy the change.
    As are intrinsic rights of free will have not been observed this would also apply to the being that is earth, so she too will have her say.
    I am not sure if I understand this all correctly, but there have been several humans who were not (and are not) part of the pure 13 original bloodlines or the various hybrid bloodlines who, for whatever reasons, chose 13,000 years ago and many continue to make this same choice since then) to assist the Draco agenda in "looking after" the bloodlines (Draco DNA which exhibit 'natural' [from a Draco POV] psychopathy.

    So what I am saying is (again, if I have it right) its not just bloodlines that will take over where the Draco leave off... it is some of our own direct human ancestors who have paved the way and whose descendants and/or any human who might appear in alignment with the new boss's agenda which has the transhumanist agenda as its primary goal.

    Let me know, anyone, if this is misleading or outright incorrect.

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  17. #339
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    Hmm not shore about, "Pineal / moon astral programs "

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  19. #340
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    Quote Originally posted by Ria View Post
    Hmm not shore about, "Pineal / moon astral programs "
    Neither am I. That's why I'm posting here, to see what other people think. There's definitely a false hologram keeping us imprisoned. It's probably physically based somewhere. The Moon, Saturn. Long Island, and maybe other places are all prime candidates.
    Six Doctors For A Medical Revolution

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  21. #341
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    Quote Originally posted by Sam Hunter View Post
    I am not sure if I understand this all correctly, but there have been several humans who were not (and are not) part of the pure 13 original bloodlines or the various hybrid bloodlines who, for whatever reasons, chose 13,000 years ago and many continue to make this same choice since then) to assist the Draco agenda in "looking after" the bloodlines (Draco DNA which exhibit 'natural' [from a Draco POV] psychopathy.

    So what I am saying is (again, if I have it right) its not just bloodlines that will take over where the Draco leave off... it is some of our own direct human ancestors who have paved the way and whose descendants and/or any human who might appear in alignment with the new boss's agenda which has the transhumanist agenda as its primary goal.

    Let me know, anyone, if this is misleading or outright incorrect.
    Like it or not we are all connected in the gene pool with with very very small percentages creating what are essentially miner difference.

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  23. #342
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    Quote Originally posted by Contact Point View Post
    Neither am I. That's why I'm posting here, to see what other people think. There's definitely a false hologram keeping us imprisoned. It's probably physically based somewhere. The Moon, Saturn. Long Island, and maybe other places are all prime candidates.
    Yes to that, In fact much of the sky is being presented as a hologram, including the energetic one you refer.

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  25. #343
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    Quote Originally posted by Ria View Post
    Yes to that, In fact much of the sky is being presented as a hologram, including the energetic one you refer.
    I've heard that before. Does anyone know what the real sky looks like?

    I must sleep now. Thanks for an interesting discussion everyone.
    Six Doctors For A Medical Revolution

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  27. #344
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    Quote Originally posted by Contact Point View Post
    I've heard that before. Does anyone know what the real sky looks like?

    I must sleep now. Thanks for an interesting discussion everyone.
    Thank you and sleep well.

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  29. #345
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    Regarding post # 338 and to obtain clarification, I asked Dracon about this – I have received permission from Dracon to share this chat segment

    [3:58:51 PM] Dracon: What you said makes sense. Assuming you are speaking of the Parents
    [3:59:18 PM] Sam Hunter: I thought the parents are what created the bloodlines
    [3:59:28 PM] Sam Hunter: I was speaking of the non-bloodline coven members
    [3:59:48 PM] Dracon: Parents look after the bloodlines.
    [4:00:01 PM] Sam Hunter: ahhh... but are not Draco
    [4:00:04 PM] Sam Hunter: ok
    [4:00:10 PM] Sam Hunter: nor DNA from Draco?
    [4:00:18 PM] Dracon: Draco created the bloodlines. Parents look after them for the Draco like a job.
    [4:00:48 PM] Dracon: Parents have Draco DNA. But not the same "mix" as we have.
    [4:00:38 PM] Sam Hunter: and it is the Parents that will remain yes?
    [4:00:48 PM] Sam Hunter: along with the covens they "head"?
    [4:00:51 PM] Dracon: Yes
    [4:01:18 PM] Sam Hunter: ok and the bloodlines have the highest concentration of Draco DNA right?
    [4:01:34 PM] Sam Hunter: sorta "natural psychopathy"?
    [4:01:42 PM] Sam Hunter: as its in their DNA?
    [4:17:27 PM] Dracon: Yes
    [4:17:40 PM] Sam Hunter: k
    [4:18:33 PM] Sam Hunter: and all that's changing is the Draco are leaving... thus all the rest is taking over whereby the parents no longer are directed by the Draco... ?
    [4:20:33 PM] Sam Hunter: essentially the only change (so far) is the Draco (and their role in directing) leaving the picture?
    [4:21:09 PM] Dracon: That's right
    [4:21:27 PM] Sam Hunter: and your point (which was highlighted by Contact Point) was... we shall see what may change in this picture... that perhaps the consciousness of the overlords may no longer be able to resist the shift in consciousness coming from the rest of us...
    [4:24:41 PM] Dracon: Exactly. Unlike the Draco they don't have the ability to fully control us without tech.
    Last edited by Chester, 21st May 2015 at 06:25.

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