The Matrix is falling apart. The time “loop” experiment on Earth is no longer in power. We are now on a “real Earth timeline”.
Each day something new is brought out by astral programs to manipulate the timeline into either the Matrix positive or negative timeline or others. These attempts are becoming more desperate.
The real Earth timeline can only be facilitated by Earthlings who are on a true healing and integration path, not based on false astral/mental programs, but on organic connection to Source Being, of Spirit, Earth.
First borns are those who are still unintegrated with their Spirit, Soul and Earth and functioning from Soul being entrapped in the Pineal/Moon Astral programs. This lack of integration feeds the Matrix Astral Levels and Parasites.
Second borns are those who have done their healing, integrated mental, emotional, physical and spiritual with the Earth. They unplug their spiritual energies from the Matrix and connect in a greater oneness with the Earth/Gaia. They do not return to feed the astral recycling program.