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Thread: The Plan (blogs by theruiner777)

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    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    The Plan (blogs by theruiner777)

    interesting me thinksor foul play Dr sh!t Sherlock

    Inside the Illuminati Mind

    The Plan
    "The New Rome will fall just as the Old Rome fell. So that the beings who created Rome could wash their hands of their creation, and start fresh. Just as we did after The Atlantian Age."

    The above is considered a gift in the mind of it's author. That I am writing here is not unknown. Most readers may have no idea, but "they" all know exactly who your author is. Back to the point. The above quote did not come from me. It came from the being who was meant to be my mentor.

    What it eludes to is the New Rome, which is to those who know, the "Cabal Capital Country". The heart of the "illuminati cults". Amaraka.

    A great deal of dirty illuminati secrets are being exposed at a rapid pace. Several "leaks" have been created and orchestrated to ensure almost all people, from the mainstream folks to the alternative info folks, know just how dark and evil this group is.

    You've all been told and shown proof of your enslavement. You've also been given all the truth about your own power to change it. But the game is rigged no matter which side you choose to play it from. The only solution is not to play. But I digress.

    Now that the world is starting to see the devil, they will bring him to light and destroy him and his hell around him.

    Enter the saviours. This has to be another country or government or secret ET allies, right?

    Give the world a "White Hat" group, led by benevolent ET's, brought to the public in the form of a new group of political allies.

    BRICs. "White Hats Groups". <insert ET name of the month here>.

    They will give you what you want.

    Once it's too late you'll remember..

    "Oh yeah, this is what THEY wanted too!!??!"

    Take the money away, replace it with a new system.

    Take religion away, replace it with a new system.

    Take all the Illuminati away, replace it with secret system.

    Take your needs away, replace them with technology.

    Take your governments away, replace them with a new government system.

    Take away the Old World Order, replace it with a New World Order.

    And here's the clincher..

    Take away your natural spiritual evolutionary process, replace it with a cybernetic transhuman artificial process.

    Labels: conspiracy, illuminati, insider, whistleblower

    De-Occultist A
    The Ruiner
    Inside the Illuminati Mind

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  3. #2
    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    Background of writer
    The family my soul was set to incarnate into is a Cabal family. An "Illuminati" family. Full of Freemasons, Lawyers, Police, Doctors, Teachers, Military Personnel and Politicians.

    This family has arranged marriages for the purpose of maintaining the "Bloodline" and assets of the family. One of the 13 "pure" Illuminati Bloodlines.

    My mother was set to marry a man with my name (The Ruiner of course) and refused. She was bitter because she was not "special" like her sisters and therefor not "taken to camp" with them. What this meant, she didn't know, was that her sisters were heavily programmed and installed in "Secret Programs" created and operate by the "Illuminati". She was not as easy to mind control as her sisters because she did not share the desires of the Family.

    She thought she would "get back" at her fathers lack of attention by refusing her arranged marriage and deciding instead to get pregnant by a stranger, knowing this would make her ineligible for this arranged marriage.

    It worked. She did not have to marry The Ruiner. Instead, she married a truck driver after getting the random sperm donor to exit her life.

    What she didn't know is her father had high hopes for her to-be-born child.

    Your writer is this child.

    I was 4yrs old when I was taken on a "special trip" by my Grandfather. What I was told is I was being taken to see some really big fish. Where we arrived is Marine Land in Niagara Falls Canada.

    There I was introduced to a Mr.Johnson. I was too young to understand this was not his actual name. Mr. Johnson went on to ask me a series of questions and even gave me what seemed like a doctors examination. From there I got to meet the head trainer and their team of trainers and get up close and personal with the killer whales they kept.

    About a month after that I was taken to "Camp" for the first time. On the way to the "camp" my Grandfather started to explain how our family was not like other families. That he and my aunts and cousins were all "special" but my mother and father are not. He told me I am "special" like he is and therefor will be educated like the other "special" members of the family. That I would be shown "secrets" and I couldn't ever tell anyone.

    It was not long after arriving that the first "secret" was revealed to me.

    The "camp" was just outside of a town in Ontario Canada called Port Perry. The "camp" appeared to be a Bible Studies camp. A small campground with a handful of cabins all about the same size and a couple portables. One cabin was larger than the others and that is the one one entered.

    My Grandfather moved a table from the middle of the room to a side, and told me to stand where the table was. He stood next to me with his arm around me and immediately I thought "why is he holding me so tight?". I received my answer when the floor began to sink into the ground below the cabin. Within a few seconds I saw that this floor was actually an elevator, and once it dropped below the level of the cabin floor we were in an elevator shaft that after about 20 feet revealed glass walls that provided a view into what was a very large area which looked like the inside of a warehouse. This was my first view of what is now known to most reading this as an Underground Base.

    I spent the entire summer there from mid June until the end of August. I will not go into what occurred at "camp" that summer. Any readers familiar with the "Illuminati" will understand that this was a "Program Facility". This first "camp" was meant for basic "programming". (See MKUltra style programming)

    The next two summers I returned to the same camp and received this "programming". After the summer I would go back to my home where my mom and step-dad lived. I would attend "public school" during the day and had martial arts classes in the evenings.

    After the first two years I started to be bounced around between various "camps"/Underground Facilities. This continued until I was 8yrs old at which time I was told the "programming" wouldn't work. I was then asked what interested me the most of all the things I had seen and learned over those first four summers at "camp" and my only response was "The Whales at Marine Land".

    Unable or unwilling to give them the type of response they wanted it was decided that they would try a "more aggressive program". This was my first introduction to what is known as the "Secret Space Program".

    The programming still wouldn't work. I was uncontrolled. However, I did not rebel against the "camps" or Programs. I was interested and they could see this. So after a few years of working within their Secret Space Program I was "promoted" to a "trainer" position. I would train other Secret Space Program members.

    After some time the actions of this Secret Space Program turned me off of my own desire to experience the things I was. The "gain" I received was not, in my own opinion, worth the price I would pay. I understood early on that "we" were hiding a lot of truth from humanity. That "we" were using our knowledge and resources to ensure the survival of The Families/ The Orders rather than guiding humanity to a positive future. This realization was not met with anger from my handlers and teachers but rather with excitement. I was then moved to a new "Program" where I would be educated in what "we" call "Cultural Guidance". This is literally the creation of a controlled culture. It included education and media news as methods to form the opinions of the masses by providing misinformation and disinformation. Mind control. I quickly became an expert on their methods and for a while, was a "good little asset" for them.

    In order for me to do this job, learn these things, I was required to attend every "secret meeting" I could possibly attend. All of the parties and rituals as well as tours and briefing on all the various "secret Programs". (There are many)

    What I witnessed was abuses and murders and rapes. People being eaten or killed for sport. Women and men being used and Programmed as sex slaves. I witnessed politicians creating campaigns and public speeches geared to dis inform the public. World Leaders who to the public appeared as enemies sharing a sex slave in secret meetings. Witnessing plans being made to steer the public opinion against one side, and for another, meanwhile both sides are shaking hands as the result benefited both parties. it benefited both parties because in truth, they are one party.

    There were times I was offered, encouraged, and even demanded to "partake" in such activities and refused. "Kill me if you wish, but I will not do that" I would say with absolute conviction. For a while they tried torturing me in various ways to get me to "agree" to their "terms" but all such attempts failed. I would repeat "Kill me if you wish, but I will not do that".

    I asked to be released. I threatened to "tell everyone". "They" were not bothered by my threats.. "If you tell anyone we will kill you". At this point I actually welcomed death over what I was enduring. SO I told several people. A kid at my public school (who went missing), an Aunt (who was committed into a mental hospital three days after I told her) and a Police Officer I stopped on the street. (Who went "missing" soon after).

    When I attempted to try telling my parents I was scolded and punished for "lying". In their minds I stayed with my Great Aunt all summer. (The same Aunt who had been committed) and actually "drove her insane", literally.

    At this point I realised my parents had been "reprogrammed" which is what we called it when we would "alter memories" of individuals associated with the "programs".

    When I was taken to "camp" the next summer, everything changed.

    I was 15yrs old. I wanted out. They could not control me or program my mind successfully. So I was given to a being, a man, who is "at the top level" of the "Illuminati". I was told it would happen, and everyone around was surprised. This was "Unique" some would say, "This never happens" others would say. This being, this man, became my "mentor". For four years I was constantly with or in contact with this being. My "education" became more vast and deep. The horrors I witnessed also increased and so I still wanted "out". This being and I had endless debates about my removal, all the while I was still "working" for them.

    During the time I was being mentored my role became very sensitive. I understood how to not only leave my own body but how to enter and control other bodies. At the time I developed this skill the Programs had developed a "Clone" Program which involved creating biological clones and empty body vessels for the "top level" "Illuminati" members as well as the Secret Space Program and Secret Military Operations. A common use for clones was entertainment, and my "job" was to teach celebrities (music and film stars, politicians ect) how to transfer into a clone and operate said clone. This was done without technology however at the time a technology was being (re)developed (reverse engineered) to achieve this transfer. Once the tech was up and running they allowed me to leave the Clone Program and offered me a job as a "mole" at a Paranormal Studies organization. This Org was at the time working with and funded by the Canadian and Untied States Governments. The "goal" was supposedly to detail paranormal truth and package it as an educational package for the public sector. My job was to ensure that wouldn't happen.

    I was installed as the Director of the project. All final reports were made by myself. My job was to discredit all the evidence and those who collected it. I did my job well and the Governments shut the door on this project, concluding there is no truth to Paranormal Studies, cutting funding and burying the evidence.

    I HATED doing this. These were good people whose work I destroyed. There was a lot of evidence involved enough to prove to the public that "paranormal activities" exist and can be measured and predicted. Again I asked to be released and was denied.

    So it was hopeless. Those I tried to tell either went missing or crazy, or they refused to believe a word I said. If I continued I would have to perform actions I know are wrong. The result was my resignation to suicide.

    I had travelled to Victoria BC, then 19yrs old, and planned to jump from a high cliff into the ocean to end my life.
    Last edited by Ria, 12th April 2015 at 09:59.

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  5. #3
    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    A Regular Everyday Normal Guy
    As part of my agreement with the Order when I left the family, I created a "regular life" and public personality that not only hides any involvement with the "Illuminati" but also makes it very easy to discredit me should I have gone full Whistle blower previously.

    When I was released my educational records were altered. Transcripts and degrees vanished. Even people I knew well had no recollection of me. Medical records were changed. Even my legal name was changed and passports and licences were vanished. This was all to cripple me in a sense. Something I had to learn to live with and rebuild.

    I began to collect "normal friends" and do "normal things" keeping any of my occult knowledge buried and anytime it was noticed I easily dismissed it in their minds as "something I've read about". I also developed some artistic skills and started creative projects as a way to channel this information and knowledge. As per my agreement, I can tell the truth, only if it can be easily written off as fiction if it starts to catch too much attention.

    I married my long time girlfriend and I have two children with her. We have since split. But this process created a long list of people who know me as just a "regular everyday normal guy".

    This has become my Clark Kent alter ego, this normal man who only reads about the occult but has never had to experience it. He doesn't talk much or at all about Secret Space Programs or Giants. Just the occasional astral projection lesson or two.

    My kids I raise as if all this knowledge is common place, as it was for me, without submitting them to any rituals or secret meetings.

    I also have siblings who are uninvolved (not qualified for) with secret societies of any kind. This helps me remain grounded and keeps me close to the masses, providing an understanding most of my "Illuminati" peers have never experienced or come to understand.

    Another frequent pass time is reading blogs and forums and other social media discussing occult topics. I find that very entertaining. It's my guilty pleasure. Guilty because I shouldn't be laughing at it all. The egos of all the researchers clinging to the stories best suited for their audience and drive up their website hits and conference ticket sales. One of my favorite topics for that is Reptilians. I have spent a great deal of time around this race of Draco Reptilians and have come to understand them very well. So as information started coming out from speakers and researchers such as David Icke, I was having a blast watching all the readers and listeners cringe and rail against this idea. Oh if you only knew how many of your historical figures both heroes and tyrants were physical Reptilians or incarnated reptilian souls. You human body is more reptilian than even I would care to admit.

    Often I'll introduce myself to these posters and bloggers. Some are just the people searching for valid info. Some are claiming to be contactees or insiders of various levels. The most REAL people come from the searching side. In my experience 99% of the insiders, whistleblowers and contactees start with some truth, then feel the attention and begin to weave their story into something larger than it is. They all do the same "Listen to me because this ET race chose me" song and dance. It's truly amusing. Any true "insider" can see through all this nonsense. Most simply sit back and watch with the same guilty amusement that I do.

    The researchers are the most fun though. SO MANY are males using their "knowledge" and pseudo-celebrity to attract females, or money, or worshippers. Same applies to some Whistleblower/contactee/insiders as well. Again, entertaining.

    Each one has their own version of "saviour" be it some ET races they contacted or contacted them, or some secret society exposing the others, or some politician standing up to another.

    For someone as involved as I have been, this is where the story falls apart. ET races that are not part of the control system do not intervene. They understand free will and that it is humanities duty to stand up and free themselves. Humans invited this control and loved it for so long, that NO ONE is going to help us out from under it anymore than they have by giving us all we need to know about how they are enslaving us.

    Oh.. And ALL countries, ALL secret societies, ALL secret government/military/space programs.. are ALL created, controlled and monitored by the "Illuminati". ALL of them.

    Freemasons have dark masons and light masons. These sides are opposing. And the Illuminati has important members on both sides.

    The U.S. doesn't like Russia. The Illuminati has important members on both sides.

    Program X is opposing Project Y. The Illuminati has important members on both sides.

    The "White Hats" are attempting to overthrow the Cabal. The Illuminati have important members on both sides.

    So if you're waiting for the White Hats, or Project H Y G, or this or that ET race to come and take over from the Illuminati and free you all, please don't hold your breath. That will NEVER happen.


    The Universe is providing you with a form of energy that can help you SEE the control well enough to withdrawal consent. To give you the internal strength to stand on your own and the courage to walk a path alone without someone there to protect you, or guide you, or just plain agree with you.

    If you can do this, as individuals, and as a whole, you WILL save YOURSELF from the control of the Illuminati.

    Oh and.. The Illuminati are just as controlled as you are. As are the beings controlling them, and the beings controlling them. There is a pattern here I hope you see.
    The Ruiner
    Last edited by Ria, 8th April 2015 at 19:49.

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  7. #4
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    Aforementioned Friends
    I have several friends who are not human. At some stages of life none of my friends were human.

    In the earlier posts I had mentioned "friends" who helped the Giants off the planet. I also mentioned resolving to suicide. The same friends helped in both cases.

    These friends are commonly known as "tall blondes" or sometimes "Nordic" ETs.

    This is a common ET type who come from different places. Some are from Sirius. Some from Orion. Some are human, or an earlier version of human. My friends fit under the last type.

    They were originally on this planet more than 200,000yrs ago, prior to the arrival of Atlantis and prior to the Lemurians who were dominate on the planet at the time. They had reached a point where they could travel the cosmos and during a time of great physical change on the planet, had left this world to search the Galaxy in their new home, a massive craft or "Mother ship". This group returned for the first time about 13,000 yrs ago when the deal between humans and the Draco was formed. Perhaps, if they had returned sooner they would have advised humans against this deal. However, being too late for that, they assisted with the process of placing beings in stasis here. Providing technology to some and guidance to others. Once this process was complete they did not start to return to earth again until the late 70's and began to contact humans and council towards a more nature based path throughout the 80's. Which is where they found me, in 1988.

    For some reason I will overlook for now, they developed a connection with me and were performing some actions at a distance to keep me safe.

    When I was 19 and ready to end my own life they intervened. A female "tall blonde" who I call Alex stopped me, and persuaded me to take a different path.

    This group mediated the "deal" that led to my release. They contacted a few others to step in between myself and the Illuminati. This is what allowed me to be released without any repercussions.

    I agreed to maintain the public face as I described in an earlier post, and to not do, what I plan to do soon, which is name names of people I had been involved with.

    Let me tell you it is a lot of fun to see people on TV knowing I have witnessed them pee their pants in fear.
    Last edited by Ria, 12th April 2015 at 10:00.

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  9. #5
    Senior Member Cup's Avatar
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    Yes, I agree with you Ria it makes interesting reading.

    As far as I'm concerned there is a veritable mis-information war going on targeting any type of seeker of higher truths.

    Makes interesting times though.
    Do you know how hopeless you feel if you have a full cup of coffee in your hand and you start to sneeze?

    Walking with coffee: Why does it spill?

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  11. #6
    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    What are They?
    The "Illuminati" is an order led by '13 Parents'. Each 'Parent' represents the '13 Main Bloodlines' that most know as the Illuminati. What I call the Illuminati is the 13 Parents and their 'direct followers' or "pupils".

    Each Parent can barely be considered human. Each one, holds and protects knowledge of a specific method for prolonging the like span of an organic life form. As well as many other secrets. They know much more than the Cults and Programs below them are aware of.

    Each Parent could share this ability with what I am calling their 'direct followers'. This is what forms the various "cults" associated with the Illuminati by most researchers and seekers.

    The Parents are the Illuminati when I write moving forward. Please understand this and that I will generalize all of the branches of their "cults" and "projects" and "programs" under this name. These parents control the "cabal". These Parents control the Secret and Public economy, military, political systems, space programs, intelligence agencies, ect. in every country on the entire planet.

    This Power to Control is not their own however. It belongs to an ET race. You've all heard of them. The Draco.

    Perhaps a little more than 13,000yrs ago The Draco implemented a plan and the chess pieces in this game would be the "Illuminati". (This is the name I am using because it is the public name they gave themselves. This name, and the Cabal name, and important characters in their End Game. )

    The Draco require a focused post to break down their structure as it impacts earth, which I may or may not choose to do, but not now.

    For now focus: The Draco control the Illuminati Parents. The Illuminati Parents control the Illuminati. The Illuminati controls overtly or covertly every program, project, cult, order, brother or sisterhood, country/government you have ever read about or heard about.

    When The Draco leave this planet, and they will, the Illuminati will take control for themselves. This happenstance had been spun into disinfo in the form of an "overthrow" of the Draconian, Cabal and Illuminati regime. The Draco will leave, almost completely, by choice. The only Draco who will remain will be agents of the Illuminati. The Illuminati will have full control in essence absorbing the remaining Draco as Illuminati.

    At this point, their plan which started 13,000yrs ago and has seen minor revisions to compensate for errors, will be unraveled.

    It will appear fair, and be fowl. It will sound like what you want enough that you will overlook that it is also what they want.

    Most people of earth have been formed and shaped into wanting what they want. So their Plan will sound Great to most when presented.

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  13. #7
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    Quote Originally posted by Ria View Post

    The Universe is providing you with a form of energy that can help you SEE the control well enough to withdrawal consent. To give you the internal strength to stand on your own and the courage to walk a path alone without someone there to protect you, or guide you, or just plain agree with you.[/B]

    If you can do this, as individuals, and as a whole, you WILL save YOURSELF from the control of the Illuminati.

    Oh and.. The Illuminati are just as controlled as you are. As are the beings controlling them, and the beings controlling them. There is a pattern here I hope you see.

    Thanks for your posts, interesting.

    The quote above sounds similar to the information from one of the Galactis Videos called: Comet Ison. The Event. The Truth About It which can be found HERE

    The film summarises and correlates amazing information received DIRECTLY from representatives of the Sirian civilisation (Sirius A system), about several subjects of great interest for humanity at this time.

    It is the first detailed account of what comet ISON actually is and the first “technical” description of the EVENT that will take place on Earth, connected to the action of the comet. These aspects are complemented with some information about the extra-terrestrial civilisations that are contributing to the gigantic divine plan of the ascension of planet Earth and humanity into a superior dimension of manifestation.

    At the end of the documentary some very important elements are presented about what will happen in the years following the EVENT.

    I would be interested in your opinion of the information within this video which basically says that Sirius A has become involved in as much as they are/have leveled the playing field and are/have removed the control that humans have been under.

    They also discuss what Comot Ison really was and why it's trajectory was 6 seconds late when it disappeared behind the sun.

    They also discuss what is going to happen and why when "The Universe is providing you with a form of energy that can help you SEE the control well enough to withdrawal consent." They say it with different words, but make the point that it's going to be a time off choosing, and a subsequent split between humanity!


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    Hi Citsym I'v listen/ read the subtitles of about half an hours worth of this video, I havent got the time to do it all right now, it might be worth its own thread with bullet points
    Also I do not think I'm qualified to comment on Ison and I can not speak for the writer of the this blog aether.

    I can say Iv covered a vast amount of information transmitted, in person, telepathically, clairsentient, clairvoyant, clairaudio, diffrent dimensions, frequencies, beings taking over body's to use as a mouth piece to, etc. (and some, my brain won't bring up the file on right now, LOL)

    We / most have become aware there is technology that can mimic a number of these conditions ( interesting that "they" took the time and trouble to develop this tech in the first place)

    We are in a soup of vast information, I feel no one person / being / et/ed can know it all. The higher in vibration will give a broader bigger view. For me it would be pointless to get into a competitive who's got the better/bigger information packages as I look at everthing on its own merit, at least I do my best too.
    I find it useful to look at what made me excited about something and check out what is being triggered.

    Iv had conversations with Sirians apprently, in truth I couldn't tell you if that was realy true or not. I can guarantee some els going through the same would, insist it was and another would dismiss it compleatly.

    Iv had experiences of a diffrent kind that I can not dismiss, then it becomes a matter of interpretation.

    I'm sorry I can not be of more help.
    Last edited by Ria, 9th April 2015 at 09:27.

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    The Beauty of Humanity - by the Runier

    Aside from very rare exceptions, all of you reading this, at this time, are Human.

    Whether your soul identifies itself as Reptilian, Pleiadian, Lycan, or any other. Or whether you are incarnating for the first time from 7th or 10th or Two Trillionth density;

    You are, right now, Human.

    Embrace this.

    You have been controlled, manipulated and abused by other beings of different densities and races (non-humans) because you have something they don't. You are capable of things they aren't but want to be. You have an experience unlike and far more intense than any other race at any other density. - Not better, not worse, just different-

    Because you are Human.

    We have several waves of "wanderers" and "walk-ins" and "starseeds" who thought they could handle this form and this density but -in some cases- underestimated the intensity of this particular experience.

    Being Human.

    They came in for a purpose, but for many if not most, they forgot what that purpose was. So they looked outside themselves for answers - as Humans tend to do- and they found them.
    They were told they are not human, they are ET, or higher density, trapped (not my word for it) in a human body.

    From there they spent many years spiralling off trying to remember where they "came from" and who they WERE.

    Meanwhile, what they ARE, is Human.

    Eventually they remembered or at least thought they did and in doing so remembered they have a purpose. So they went looking outside themselves for answers - as humans tend to do- and someone told them their purpose was to raise the vibration of the planet for humans.

    Yes. True. For Humans.

    You, right now, unless you are that rare exception, are Human.

    So yes please!!! Raise the vibration for yourselves. For us all. For Humans.

    Being Human is beautiful. When your conscious mind returns to its higher density or ET state it sees this as one of the most beautiful things within creation.

    Being Human is as beautiful to even the Highest Density ET Beings as watching a child play is to any of you readers.

    Absolutely remarkable to watch this process of growing and discovering and joy and laughter and even the tough lessons can seem beautiful when we observe them occurring for children.

    If the joy and vibration of a happy child isn't exactly the energy that we truly want this world to made from.. Honestly there is no hope for this world. Let the snakes have it.

    Back to my point

    Be Human.

    Hi guys,
    It's ok to be human. In fact, it's better than ok. It's beautiful and amazing.

    Signed yours sincerely,
    The Universe.

    It's a short trip. But it's action packed and full of twists and turns. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll sing, you'll scream, you will bleed and you will heal and everything you do will matter to you once you cannot do it anymore so just f*ing enjoy it while it lasts.

    Be Human. Right now. FOR NOW.

    RIGHT now, you're at the most transformative period of Human history to occur in at least 20,000. Look back at that past period of time and you will see the gravity of my statement. It is all intended. ET or Higher Density beings alike should embrace this.

    Raise your vibration or consciousness for you and you are doing it for us.

    Take Kare of you, for us.

    Be Human. For us.

    How about "Service to everything". Ourselves and others. We are the same anyways, right? All one?

    Well; RIGHT NOW, we have individuality to explore. Right now we are Human.

    What woulda, shoulda, coulda been - blah blah blah.

    You are Human RIGHT NOW and being Human is beautiful.

    EVERYTHING serves the whole.

    You came here to be Conscious Co-Creators of a Human experience.

    Be Human and Co-Create. Don't worry about the passing of time. Just enjoy the experience.

    "Ride on the spiral of our divinity and, STILL BE A HUMAN"
    Last edited by Breeze, 9th April 2015 at 09:48.
    Co-Creator Gods re-awakening out of their slumber and re-Remembering the great march of Creation once more.
    So Be It!

  18. The Following 13 Users Say Thank You to Breeze For This Useful Post:

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  19. #10
    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    Just read post 11, great.
    Conscise and clear. :sun:

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  21. #11
    Senior Member Breeze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Breeze View Post
    The Beauty of Humanity - by the Ruinier

    Aside from very rare exceptions, all of you reading this, at this time, are Human.

    Whether your soul identifies itself as Reptilian, Pleiadian, Lycan, or any other. Or whether you are incarnating for the first time from 7th or 10th or Two Trillionth density;

    You are, right now, Human.

    Embrace this.

    You have been controlled, manipulated and abused by other beings of different densities and races (non-humans) because you have something they don't. You are capable of things they aren't but want to be. You have an experience unlike and far more intense than any other race at any other density. - Not better, not worse, just different-

    Because you are Human.

    We have several waves of "wanderers" and "walk-ins" and "starseeds" who thought they could handle this form and this density but -in some cases- underestimated the intensity of this particular experience.

    Being Human.

    They came in for a purpose, but for many if not most, they forgot what that purpose was. So they looked outside themselves for answers - as Humans tend to do- and they found them.
    They were told they are not human, they are ET, or higher density, trapped (not my word for it) in a human body.

    From there they spent many years spiralling off trying to remember where they "came from" and who they WERE.

    Meanwhile, what they ARE, is Human.

    Eventually they remembered or at least thought they did and in doing so remembered they have a purpose. So they went looking outside themselves for answers - as humans tend to do- and someone told them their purpose was to raise the vibration of the planet for humans.

    Yes. True. For Humans.

    You, right now, unless you are that rare exception, are Human.

    So yes please!!! Raise the vibration for yourselves. For us all. For Humans.

    Being Human is beautiful. When your conscious mind returns to its higher density or ET state it sees this as one of the most beautiful things within creation.

    Being Human is as beautiful to even the Highest Density ET Beings as watching a child play is to any of you readers.

    Absolutely remarkable to watch this process of growing and discovering and joy and laughter and even the tough lessons can seem beautiful when we observe them occurring for children.

    If the joy and vibration of a happy child isn't exactly the energy that we truly want this world to made from.. Honestly there is no hope for this world. Let the snakes have it.

    Back to my point

    Be Human.

    Hi guys,
    It's ok to be human. In fact, it's better than ok. It's beautiful and amazing.

    Signed yours sincerely,
    The Universe.

    It's a short trip. But it's action packed and full of twists and turns. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll sing, you'll scream, you will bleed and you will heal and everything you do will matter to you once you cannot do it anymore so just f*ing enjoy it while it lasts.

    Be Human. Right now. FOR NOW.

    RIGHT now, you're at the most transformative period of Human history to occur in at least 20,000. Look back at that past period of time and you will see the gravity of my statement. It is all intended. ET or Higher Density beings alike should embrace this.

    Raise your vibration or consciousness for you and you are doing it for us.

    Take Kare of you, for us.

    Be Human. For us.

    How about "Service to everything". Ourselves and others. We are the same anyways, right? All one?

    Well; RIGHT NOW, we have individuality to explore. Right now we are Human.

    What woulda, shoulda, coulda been - blah blah blah.

    You are Human RIGHT NOW and being Human is beautiful.

    EVERYTHING serves the whole.

    You came here to be Conscious Co-Creators of a Human experience.

    Be Human and Co-Create. Don't worry about the passing of time. Just enjoy the experience.

    "Ride on the spiral of our divinity and, STILL BE A HUMAN"
    Last edited by Breeze, 9th April 2015 at 18:25. Reason: oops typo
    Co-Creator Gods re-awakening out of their slumber and re-Remembering the great march of Creation once more.
    So Be It!

  22. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to Breeze For This Useful Post:

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  23. #12
    Senior Member dianna's Avatar
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    Some Structure - overview

    This has more or less all already been said.

    The illuminati is the name people have associated with a group of Occultists.

    When I say illuminati I am talking about something beyond just that. I will not use the name they use for themselves, illuminati is good enough.

    Why it is good enough is because I see no point in separating some things when they are all interconnected.

    At the top of the illuminati you have beings known as The Parents.

    They have influence over everything on Planet Earth.

    They have been the Operating System that supports the Draconian Virus.

    The Draco created The Parents to carry out their will. To accomplish their goals.

    ~~My intention is to come back to this later, so let it go for now at this, and start with: The Parents are what I am calling the Illuminati. Again, because you know this word and I won't use the name(s) they have for themselves. ~~

    I will say this again:

    The Parents are aware of everything that is operating on Planet Earth. They have created the very structure all of these many systems operate upon.

    All of the Cults and Every Religion. Every government and secret society. Every military and every secret program. All of it is within their operative control.

    Any deal that involves this planet goes through them. They are the top of the conspiracy pyramid that exists on Planet Earth.

    You may know them as a cult or an order. Another name often synonymously used is Cabal. You may know them as a secret society or mystery tradition-school. You may know them as Jay-Z and Beyonce or the OTO.

    In essence they are all of these things. They have either created or nurtured all of it.

    In your mind and the minds of their members they have created an illusion of separation between countries, and governments and religions and programs and projects. The Compartmentalized Pyramid of independent entities. This group verses That group.

    The unfortunate truth is, it all comes back to these Parents.

    This way, no matter who appears to win in the public view, or in the history books, they still have control.

    Yes this does not sound good. It isn't. It is however, not something that cannot change.

    The Parents were named by the Draco when they created them - the word was different but in English today it means Parents - because that is what they believe themselves to be. The Parents of Humanity. We are all their children, in their mind.

    People say they treat us like cattle or sheep. They treat us like children.

    Bright and learning but not ready to sit at the adult table.

    Like some human parents do with their human children, even when making mistakes, or lying to their kids, they are not - except for on exceptional occasions - doing so because they do not care about the child.

    We lie to kids about Santa Clause. We shelter kids from uncomfortable truths. We mislead kids to control their behavior. Punish them when they are bad. Reward them when they are good.

    The Parents' approach is much the same.

    ~~Your writer will never ask you readers to feel any sort of Sympathy for these beings ever. You will feel empathy however you do - your choice - but that is certainly not any part of the intention behind these words. I trust many of you can feel my words as you read them. You will get this. Please remember this as you continue to read.~~

    In society, parents follow patterns established by the society and culture or religion or government. The same as their parents did and their grandparents did.. You get the picture.

    These Parents, follow patterns established by the Draco.

    --Time to pause to declare something for the readers--

    Your writer is well aware that if you are reading this, you likely do not fit into the generalizations about humans and society your writer tends to make. Perhaps some do fit some, but I realize many of you have made changes that exclude you from these generalized groups. Please forgive your writer if you have felt otherwise.

    The Parents each have their own followers who serve their goals directly. Some call their own groups a word that means Coven - basically. I will use the word Coven.

    Each Coven has a Family Master who was selected by the Parent to become the main contact for each of the Illuminati Bloodlines. These are the 13 Bloodlines you are likely aware of. Some of you have likely read their family names and understand to some extent how they maintain their Bloodlines and how they influence all of the various institutions of society.

    The size and order of each Coven tends to vary from Parent to Parent. The only staple is the Family Master being named. Some have more than one Coven Member who perform that role in operation but to maintain their own structure between themselves The Parents all stick to giving one Coven Member the title of Family Master.

    Names, names, names, so many names.

    This gets downright silly.

    The Parents speak varying languages. They have different words for various things that differ from Parent to Parent. So saying "Family Master" is just a name I am giving a position that goes by many, many, names but always means the same thing.


    You may want to skip the next section as your writer is going to turn to a tangent about Names.
    This is something that drives your writer nutty, all the names.

    What's worse is people argue and fight or divide all because of names, or titles, or words.

    Some ETs use a different name for every planet they contact. Why? More variants!!! (Don't get me started) Some recreate their name to suit the language of the civilization they are contacting.

    A dramatic example. Or, don't take this as literal:

    Andromedians may call themselves Golden Horns or Whacking Balls in one of a billion different languages, if they are contacting a race who that name would be understandable to or if it's suitable for their communication style.

    Humans of earth right now, tend to identify with location, race and culture. So most ET races that contact Earth tend to call themselves by the name of their planet or star system.

    Your writer finds many contactees argue about information they receive from their ET contacts meanwhile the only real difference is the names they know the contact by and a slight variation of details. As often they are contacting different groups of the same race.

    To complicate things further this planet has been used much longer and by many more races we now call ET, than most have discovered. Digression.

    We have Asians, Americans, Greeks, Jews, Christians, Blacks, Whites, Democrats, Republicans, Freemasons, Templar, on and on and on we go with names.

    Soda, pop, legal drugs, illegal drugs, booze, alcohol, tea, lunch, couch, sofa, biscuit, cracker, on and on we go with names and words for things.

    Please stop debating words and names for things. Focus on the visualization of objects and beings and the conceptualization of ideas and events.
    /end tangent

    Some Parents handle more than others personally. Some expand their Coven so they can delegate the majority of responsibility to the Coven Members.

    Most Bloodline Members either do not know the Parents exist or have only ever heard of them.

    Most would know their Family Master (by some variation of wording/name) at least exists if they do not know them by name or have met them in person.

    In the same way they may know, or know of, some Coven Members as well.

    I know that no member reading here would be able to deny that they don't always feel there is another curtain to be drawn back.

    So to recap:

    The Parents - Their Covens
    The Bloodlines.

    This is too long. We will stop for now. Go eat a piece of fruit.
    Posted by The Ruiner at 4/10/2015 08:02:00 AM

    “The story you are about to hear is true … the names have been changed to protect the innocent” Joe Friday

    And quite a story you are going to read (because for myself I can see where this is going). Pieces of this story are everywhere in our modern culture … told in full in many ancient texts, by entering the image of symbols and understanding that myth is truer than written history. If I am not mistaken, it is about telling the “metastory” which is something we all must get a grip on if we are to know how to escape what he calls the “Draconian virus”. It is the story that the “other” does not want to get out and so it gets literalized: gnosis was hijacked into “messianic” faith, and for our alternative thinkers it has morphed into a militarized “cosmic drama”.

    It is appropriate that the blogger calls himself the “ruiner” … this narrative has ruined me, thrown me “off the railz” and I will never recover. And this comes from someone who was somehow able to understand it by means of reading what is not read in the empty spaces of “convention”. It will be fascinating to follow the story from someone “initiated into” it.

    (And on a sidenote … I have had coffee (actually he drank tea and I had a bourbon) with this gentleman … and "gentle man" he is … the speculation on this thread on who he actually is … seems to me ... inaccurate)
    "Truth is a Pathless Land" J. Krishnamurti

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  25. #13
    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by dianna View Post

    “The story you are about to hear is true … the names have been changed to protect the innocent” Joe Friday

    And quite a story you are going to read (because for myself I can see where this is going). Pieces of this story are everywhere in our modern culture … told in full in many ancient texts, by entering the image of symbols and understanding that myth is truer than written history. If I am not mistaken, it is about telling the “metastory” which is something we all must get a grip on if we are to know how to escape what he calls the “Draconian virus”. It is the story that the “other” does not want to get out and so it gets literalized: gnosis was hijacked into “messianic” faith, and for our alternative thinkers it has morphed into a militarized “cosmic drama”.

    It is appropriate that the blogger calls himself the “ruiner” … this narrative has ruined me, thrown me “off the railz” and I will never recover. And this comes from someone who was somehow able to understand it by means of reading what is not read in the empty spaces of “convention”. It will be fascinating to follow the story from someone “initiated into” it.

    (And on a sidenote … I have had coffee (actually he drank tea and I had a bourbon) with this gentleman … and "gentle man" he is … the speculation on this thread on who he actually is … seems to me ... inaccurate)
    Thanks Dianna,
    I'm finding what he has said so far very interesting. I'm looking forward to the rest.

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  27. #14
    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    The Ruiner
    Inside the Illuminati Mind

    Saturday, April 11, 2015
    Structure - The Parents
    Your writer has been having an internal debate as to how to order this information. Whether to start with the Bloodline and work back to the Parents.

    The only reason that approach would be used would be to take it easy on the readers;

    **** it. You are NOT children anymore.

    The Parents:

    ~~The following information will go against a great deal of research and drawn conclusions. With that said your writer is confident that this will not matter in time~~

    There are 21 Parents even though there are only 13 Main Bloodlines. 13 of the Parents focus on the 13 Main Bloodlines. The other 8 have more of a dual responsibility. There are other Bloodlines respected as part of The Family who have been tangled up with the 13, by way of marriage or other form of partnership. The remaining 8 focus on these entangled Bloodlines. (How many additional bloodlines make up the number of entangled bloodlines your writer is unsure of) The Family Masters of these 8 Parents' Covens are the main contact for multiple entangled bloodlines. (Entangled Bloodlines are considered lesser than the 13 Bluebloods or Pure Bloodlines.)

    The Parents are not human like your writer or yourself are now. Once they were Human, although they are different versions of Human from us having been earlier genetic manipulations than we are physically.

    To sum this up quickly: Your history - the texts available to the public - doesn't fully identify the different attempts to create the version of human we are now, which is meant to be dumbed down and metaphysically crippled. It required several attempts to get us 'just right'.

    ~To interject some good news - They were not as clever as they believed with our version of Humanity.~

    The Parents are a slightly less manipulated version of Human from us. Yes, they are a human variation. Not a Hybrid. There is a difference that will be explained another time.

    To reward the Parents for their loyalty The Draco taught each a different trick. How to prolong their lives. They are not immortal. They simply live longer due to enhanced cellular regeneration. (This became their own collar and leash.)

    They all hold knowledge of a different method for accomplishing this. Yes, you are reading me correctly, 21 different ways to prolong the life of an organic being. Unfortunately I cannot share all of these methods and honestly only know a few and others only in theory. These are deeply kept secrets shared almost exclusively with the selected Coven Members of each Parent.

    ~~If you are reading between the lines I am telling you Vampires as written in fiction do not exist, the stories originate from The Parents and their Covens. This said, I am sure some may want to turn this around. We all make choices.~~

    The Parents interact directly with the Draco Royalty in charge of this Planet. The Draco are their Superiors, their Masters. They carry out the orders of the Draco as they are directed to do, when they are directed to. Punishment takes on a whole different meaning when your body is not easy to kill, so the fear makes them obey. They are loyal despite having minds of their own, and as a collective unit, (some) different desires than their masters.

    Draco Royalty make all the decisions and do not like to interact with humans beyond the Parents and select others. The Draco structure would require another post another time but for now, they have a group they appoint as representatives for themselves when they do wish to have face to face meetings with human groups beyond the Parents and Covens. Their Soldiers and Hunters spend a great deal of time interacting with humans inside Shadow Programs, mainly related to military and space programs. They have geneticists that are heavily involved with many of our human groups as well, mostly related to Cloning, Regeneration and hybrid programs.

    For the most part, the furthering of agendas and programs is the duty of the Parents. This is a big job as there is a lot to manage.

    They divide all of the required actions up between them based on the skill-set of each Parent. The Draco set a goal, they devise the plan of action with the aide of The Parents, and The Parents then delegate the duties associated with each goal down through the ranks of their Coven and related Bloodlines.

    Living thousands of years is no picnic. Having met and interacted with (some more than others) these Parents I can say with reasonable certainty they do not have a pleasant existence and many regret their choice to become as they are. Although there are a few who embrace it fully and enjoy what they do, most do not. The moral of the story kids, don't make deals with snakes.

    At times the passing of vast amounts of time will break most of them down and they will need to, literally, rest. This results in what they call 'long sleeps'. Just as it sounds, they will sleep for long periods of time, leaving behind for their Covens detailed instructions, to act in their stead. The Covens then carry out the assigned actions while The Parent sleeps.

    Some can just sleep. Literally, lay down and sleep. Some require assistance either from an organic substance or by means of technology. The technology is almost universally called Stasis. "Just sleep", is no different than an animal hibernating. The tech or substance induced sleep lasts much longer than the hibernation. The tech can be set for specific amount of time and can be interrupted at any time. The sleep, takes a bit longer to wake up from and the Parent must choose to awaken.

    From what I have heard from these Parents the longest 'sleep' is approximately 200 years. The longest induced sleep was 700 years. Fascinated by this your writer had to ask how conscious they remain during these sleeps.

    The technology method puts them into a dream-state where they are only aware of the dreams within it. In case of emergency, the Coven members are able to wake up The Parent.

    The organic substance method sends them basically into a coma type of state. They recall nothing, see nothing, feel nothing. Time just goes missing for them. This method can be reversed with a sort of antidote to the organic substance at a set time or in case of emergency.

    The hibernation seems the most intense. Those who use this method claim they are in between awake and dreaming. Aware of the events of the world to some extent telepathically absorbing images and thoughts from the population. They are able to communicate with other Parents or other telepathically adept beings. In case of emergency the Coven can telepathically request The Parent to awaken.

    The Parents vary in age. The oldest two are about 13,000 years old, the next is only 100 younger and from there they are randomly spaced apart in age, the youngest being 7000 year old approximately.

    Although they all serve the same masters they are not all like minded. They have some things in common, but also many differences. Each has their own distinct personalities encompassing different likes and dislikes and behaviors.

    Your writer has jokingly called them The Abused Dogs of the Draco because they often 'act out' like a traumatized dog might. ****ing on the rug and biting the neighbors. The abuse that has occurred to them they take out on others in various ways.

    An example of this is their 'Hidden Hand Interrogation" ritual (Likely where the author of "The Hidden Hand" material came up with his name as this interrogation ritual is utilized by all levels and orders/cults of Illuminati members - your writer has even stumbled across pictures, possibly staged, possibly real, that show this ritual, or ceremony if you will). Your writer does not feel gruesome details will benefit you readers, so he will leave them in silence. To sum up: They do some very unpleasant things to their followers and this pattern of abuse echos all the way down to the bottom levels with varying degrees of intensity. Terrible, and inexcusable. Although your writer does believe anything is forgivable - I will expand on this another time I promise.

    Some of them love their creation, some not so much. Some have a wide variety of personal interests, some not so much. Perhaps sometime I will tell some of their personal stories, however your writer would need two things assured:

    1 - They give their permission. 2 - The dictation can be honest.

    Contrary to popular belief even amongst members of this dark family, The Parents are always in touch with various ET races or civilizations both 'friendly' from the reader perspective and 'unfriendly' from the same perspective.

    The world of exopolitics within the galactic community is mirrored on earth much more than we may personally imagine or desire. [insert broken record sound] We will return to this subject another time in more detail.

    Politics and compensation and ownership and many of the systems given to us by the Draco exist in different versions all throughout the game in this density. [insert bubble bursting noises, followed by crickets]

    The Parents operate as collective council who manage the property of Earth - currently 'owned' by the Draco.

    There is MUCH more to everything here than I am attempting to explain at this moment as you can see, there is no mention of anything beyond the material aspects of this game. Your writer prefers as always to keep things simple. Yes, again the broken record. My apologies, please try to become used to it. All in due time.

    The Parents have access to much more technology than anything your writer has taken time to read, out in the public, has claimed. They have had this access all along. More than 13,000 years. Despite all of the information leaks from members both unintentional and intentional, they have managed to keep this much at least from becoming common knowledge.

    These beings coined the phrase, and live up to it - "The greatest trick the Devil ever played was convincing the world he doesn't exist." This unfortunate truth will cause as much cognitive dissonance in a Bloodline member or Program member as someone happily plugged into the matrix would if they were forced to visit a ritual ceremony. As was said earlier, most members below the Parents and Covens do not believe they even exist much less that they are as involved as they are. Common knowledge is the occultists have their cults and play with magic and wear costumes, drowning in their own arrogance, filth and sucking on the blood of the Human race. While all true, your writer assures you it is much more as well.

    This can all change.

    The time they had to hide from you all is ending. Although they are not a mythical creature who will vanish when seen. They will be seen. They know they will and have shaped their plan around this inevitability.

    For now, your writer will leave it at this.

    You've been told and informed. Everything else is your own choice.

    Posted by The Ruiner at 4/11/2015 03:18:
    Last edited by Ria, 12th April 2015 at 09:55.

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  29. #15
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    My name is unimportant.

    My reason for writing is that there seems to be an abundance of stories being told in the Alternative Community which push a long standing and intense "Illuminati" agenda.

    I will be calling the Cabal and it's cults the "Illuminati" during these writing. That is not an accurate name, but it is the one most commonly used.

    The reason I am aware of their plans is I was raised within their systems. I was a member both by blood and by initiation. I was educated and trained by their members at the highest level and for several years assisted them in their goals. While I was a member and involved a large portion of my "job" was to understand their plans, how they will be presented to the world, and what this would cause. The "Illuminati" itself used to call me "The Keeper of Secrets" which anyone reading this with experience will understand.

    A group who exists in secret has many secrets, even from members, and it was my position to be aware of this and how it is achieved.

    This was a title, something they called me, and one of my jobs. Before reaching that point I had other jobs with them.

    At one point I was a trainer, teaching telekinetic or Remote Influence attacks and defense. At another I was a Magician who would influence others when given the order. Another was teaching the process of operating Cloned or "Avatar" bodies. The last was to dis inform an agency on the topic of Paranormal Activity.

    The reason I transition between these jobs as I found myself faced with performing tasks I could not support. The hope was to find a "suitable position" that both employed my skills and allowed me to operate without interruption from something I have in abundance.. Conscience. When I refused to use RI techniques to harm others, I was turned to a Magician. When I refused to use black magic to harm others or influence others to "our" goals, I was sent to teach soul transfer. When I became repulsed by the people I was teaching, I was sent to a Paranormal Studies agency to "bury" the project. I was asked to falsify reports to show that this agency captured nothing of value. At this point, I wanted out of the order all together.

    How I managed to get out and what agreements I made, I will state another time.

    From there I went on to join a "White Hat" group. Let's face it, this is just another secret society. This one specialized in identifying and aiding people who exhibit "Exceptional Abilities". These people would be closely watched for some time before being approached and offered a place within the "White Hat" society. When it became clear this was just another secret society with the belief that they are "above" the rest of humanity who really did nothing of value for the WHOLE but instead did great things to benefit their own small group, I quit this as well.

    Since I have straddled both sides of this fence, helping out at times when my moral compass will allow. Actions that do, even if silently, help the whole of humanity, are worthwhile to me regardless of who I am "working" for.

    The work I do now is all in communications. Mediating meetings. Conversing with people and beings that do not wish to talk freely. Telepathically I can reach any form of being you place in front of me. This is a skill I have spent many years growing, and one that too few possess in these cults and programs.

    And this gives you some back story on your writer...

    I will be explaining something I think is very important for those who wish to know to understand. The "Illuminati Plan" and how to identify its stages. We are right in the middle of the final act, [/COLOR][/SIZE]and the climax is approaching. Let us see if we can't be prepared when it arrives.
    Last edited by The One, 5th June 2015 at 19:56. Reason: font size to big

  30. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to Ria For This Useful Post:

    Breeze (12th April 2015), Chester (18th April 2015), citsym (13th April 2015), johnjen325 (13th April 2015), lookbeyond (13th April 2015), Melidae (12th April 2015), mojo (12th April 2015), Scary Monster (15th May 2015)

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