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Thread: Synchronicity - a discussion about...

  1. #1
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Synchronicity - a discussion about...

    How synchronous that the thread I started on synchronicity got zapped! But perhaps this is good so that it can begin anew - This time I will start with Don Webb's comments regarding synchronicity.

    This time I will start with Don Webb's comments regarding synchronicity.

    DW: Synchronicity is an act of perception that uses the confluence of subjective and objective states to order the chaos of existence.
 Sadly, for most people it becomes merely a thrilling distraction.
 I’ll give an example of synchronicity that produces varying levels of energy and Intent.

    Bill, on his way to work on an early winter morning, sees a brilliant shooting star in the sky. His sleeping wife Mary dreams of a meteor shower. Later in the day they both hear “Drops of Jupiter” by Train.
Bill on the radio on the drive home, Mary at work when her cubicle mate plays it. Let’s look at different levels of action that this can

    Zero level - Both wage slaves, exhausted by work, do not share nor reflect on any part of their days after work. No gain - this is the level of most people. No synchronicity has occurred - no one heard the tree fall in the forest of Magic.

    First Level - They both mention the occurrences and muse for an instant that there might be more to the world than meets the eye.
 Awareness drew near, but didn’t overtake them. These are people who have cool bumper stickers - they don-t do the Work, but often energize those that do.

    Second Level - Both are very excited at the synchronicity. They’ve 
read books about the idea and can even say “Jung.” They derive joy from the incident, are sure there’s more to the world than meets the
 eye, and post it on their Facebook status. Awareness in a feeble state has entered their lives for a moment - if they are lucky they
will use this energy to separate a little from the world-machine and become freer. Some of their energy may improve sacred places or bring some thoughtfulness to political decisions.

    Third Level - They have a moment of true Awe. They compare their 
perceptions to the beings of Flatland that can observe a sphere passing through their dimension as a circle that grows then shrinks away. They realize that both their psyches have seen the edges of
 something bigger and stranger that is moving toward them. They decide to watch their lives carefully to See more. They admit that they don’t Know anything yet, but are filled with a long desire to Know. They keep the incident just between themselves for a few days. They feel energized - and for reasons they don’t grasp now,
 they become more deeply drawn to each other. In a few days they are 
able to make different subtle changes in their lives that lead to more Joy and to seeing more of the Wyrd of the world. This is the level that the true magic of long desire begins.

    I suspect there is a fourth level, but I have not been able to articulate it yet - but then I’ve been a practitioner for only thirty years. But perhaps one of your readers is Seeing it now.
    Last edited by Chester, 28th May 2015 at 05:40. the topTop

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  3. #2
    Senior Member UK ronin's Avatar
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    love it justone and i hope people will share their experiences here as this will help validate their experiences.

    i have two stories that i wish to share,not sure if i mentioned them here before...but here goes.

    one morning i was just coming out of sleep when for some reason i was thinking about our coffee table.
    on the coffee was a few figurines,one of bhudda,a meditating man and a candle.
    as i was waking up i thought what would finish the table off was some earthly like a stone or some thing.

    i came downstairs and my partner had nipped to the shop.
    when she came in she said"hey look what i have found" a lovely stone to go on the coffee table.
    i never before mentioned that it was what i was thinking when i awoke.

    the next one was one Sunday afternoon my partner said she was going to have a lie down for a hour.
    i decided to i got into it all i could see where eyes coming close up to me.
    different coloured eyes eyeballing me if you will.
    after about 40 minutes i came out of the meditation.
    my partner came down and i asked her if she enjoyed her kip.
    "not really" she replied"all i could see where eyes".......

    not sure if this comes into syncronicity or telepathy but it happened.
    is it a nudge from whatever to say yes we are on the right track or a tuning in?
    be kind,be honest,be truthful. the topTop

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  5. #3
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Hi Ronin... I have many experiences of a similar nature to the first one you mentioned. I characterize that first one as "sympathetic resonance reflection." It seems more along the lines of straight forward telepathy in the case you described, It is clearly a psi event though... Those types of experiences (for me) are unmatched in their richness. They give meaning to life and essentially change simple existence into what I call - real life.

    In fact, to me... to live an enriched life is to live a life filled with meaningful experiences and has nothing to do with material wealth. I wouldn't trade what I have... in finding myself involved in and perhaps even generating so many profound meaningful moments and they usually always involve others, other beings. The next post is one of those experiences.
    Last edited by Chester, 31st March 2015 at 03:43. the topTop

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  7. #4
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    On Friday, October 10, 2014, I created the following and placed it on the small wall portion between the two windows behind where I sit at my computer and which can be seen by anyone who is looking through my webcam.

    Name:  Cristina and Sam.jpg
Views: 889
Size:  9.2 KB

    The flower is a flower my wife, Cristina, made and had placed on a gift she gave me (also of something she made).

    The three images are photocopies of three Crop Circle Cards. The bottom left was Cristina's first card, card number 3 - Love. The bottom right was my first card which was card number 60 - Starseed Spiral. The card above (center) is card number 6 - Union / Marriage. Below is our wedding picture from back in 2002.

    In the evening of this same day I experienced the following.

    I was watching the movie, Transcendence. Early on Will Castor (Johnny Depp) says to his wife, Evelyn - “Think about the garden. Think about our sanctuary."

    I recalled thinking how special this was to them... it was their sacred place, just for the two of them.

    About 1 1/2 hours later its the end of the movie and Will and Evelyn had just perished. Their good friend is in the very garden and was looking at two sun flowers. I am blind in my left eye and so when I am with Cristina, I always stand on her left. She is 3 inches taller than I. So as I looked at this scene where their friend was stating some final words in their remembrance, I imagined the two sun flowers were Evelyn and Will and I imagined that they might as well be Cristina and I.

    Name:  IMG_7336.jpg
Views: 476
Size:  17.8 KB

    At this precise moment... and I mean literally within a few seconds of this scene and my thoughts... my Skype lit up. It was Cristina. She was looking beautiful and beaming and said... "Would you like to see the new painting I finished at art class today?" I said, "Of Course!"

    Name:  Dos Girasoles.jpg
Views: 472
Size:  13.1 KB

    You can't make this stuff up...

    You can't "buy" living the life of a "magical being entangled with other magical beings."

    So maybe the "illuminati" controls some of the material wealth... but I cannot imagine being any richer than the life I discovered one can live.
    Last edited by Chester, 31st March 2015 at 03:45. the topTop

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  9. #5
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    Hi justone and All,

    I've been wondering whether to post my novella here at TOT again. I posted it a few years ago, but it got lost in various meltdowns.

    As it relates to synchronicity, I thought it may add to your thread, justone. The link is below and it's free.

    Click on the link below, type into the search box 'Lily de Cuir'* and/or 'Kismet x Numbers'#. Click on 'Kismet x Numbers'. Follow the prompts and you can download from there in various formats.

    Edit: More info to download.

    *My Nom de Plume and ex name at PA
    #Title of my novella (small book)
    Last edited by Sooz, 31st March 2015 at 09:10. Reason: More info to download the topTop

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  11. #6
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    Quote Originally posted by Sooz View Post
    Hi justone and All,

    I've been wondering whether to post my novella here at TOT again. I posted it a few years ago, but it got lost in various meltdowns.

    As it relates to synchronicity, I thought it may add to your thread, justone. The link is below and it's free.

    Click on the link below, type into the search box 'Lily de Cuir'* and/or 'Kismet x Numbers'#. Click on 'Kismet x Numbers'. Follow the prompts and you can download from there in various formats.

    Edit: More info to download.

    *My Nom de Plume and ex name at PA
    #Title of my novella (small book)
    Little bump in case anyone is interested. the topTop

  12. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Sooz For This Useful Post:

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  13. #7
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Sooz View Post
    Hi justone and All,

    I've been wondering whether to post my novella here at TOT again. I posted it a few years ago, but it got lost in various meltdowns.

    As it relates to synchronicity, I thought it may add to your thread, justone. The link is below and it's free.

    Click on the link below, type into the search box 'Lily de Cuir'* and/or 'Kismet x Numbers'#. Click on 'Kismet x Numbers'. Follow the prompts and you can download from there in various formats.

    Edit: More info to download.

    *My Nom de Plume and ex name at PA
    #Title of my novella (small book)
    Excellent story - Thank You.

    Interesting to note the first number I came upon within the body of the story was 54 in the mention of the 54th floor. When we take the word "love" and apply gematria to the word, it adds to 54. I recall thinking that the story would likely be a "love story" and in many ways (though much more) this is what it turned out to be. Note: the post I made above regarding the two sun flowers was also a "love story" (both in the film Transcendence and in the life experience with Cristina and I).

    When synchronicities occur where you are acutely aware that the probability is millions and even trillions to 1, what conclusions do you draw?
    Last edited by Chester, 31st March 2015 at 15:11. the topTop

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  15. #8
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    Quote Originally posted by justone View Post
    Excellent story - Thank You.

    Interesting to note the first number I came upon within the body of the story was 54 in the mention of the 54th floor. When we take the word "love" and apply gematria to the word, it adds to 54. I recall thinking that the story would likely be a "love story" and in many ways (though much more) this is what it turned out to be. Note: the post I made above regarding the two sun flowers was also a "love story" (both in the film Transcendence and in the life experience with Cristina and I).

    When synchronicities occur where you are acutely aware that the probability is millions and even trillions to 1, what conclusions do you draw?
    Thanks justone. It was not intentional regarding the level 54th floor. I wish I could say it was! I was not aware of the gematria thing, (I will have to look that up).

    I also wasn't aware of what I was writing, regarding the sky high building and a 'love story'.

    It's always interesting to see what a reader gleans from a story. This is the masterpiece of creative writing. It is not the writer that creates the story, the writer is just a fence post. It's the reader who makes the story their own. And it goes on from there into other conversations.

    I love the creative process and how it creates ripples on the pond.

    Thanks so much for your feedback. the topTop

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  17. #9
    Senior Member Tonz's Avatar
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    I was just thinking today about synchronicity when things connect so fluently and spontaneously .
    This thread perhaps is just that for me today'

    Why is that ?In the sense why does it exist?, The easy part ,as i think ,is if we are really in tune , or in a state of mind in a specific way or frequency ,synchronicity is everywhere , it is what holds all are minds together , the hive mind,the oneness.

    Why is it that it doesn't seem to last ,The hard part, for me it's most likely distraction and an invasion of multiple layers of thought that are unresolved in a certain way that is not totally in synchronicity.,there for adding to the blindness of it all .
    But there are moments where one is lucid, not by a deep meditation or practice just a moment of silence in your mind where without knowing the hive is at work and the synchronicity becomes clear again , .

    Most of the time we are so used to being unsynchronized so much, for so long and on so many levels that when synchronicity is before you often you don't even recognize it or at best when we do pay attention, it is only there for a short while before we distract ourselves back to where we have become habitual.

    Therefor We tend to cut short a lot of them .We emphasize with surprise and amazement when we see it clearly , as is like the eg,a beautiful one I might add that Justone has presented. But in reality as i see it we could be in this state 24/7 , we would all be at peace , we would all be happy , we would all understand all we are because we will have it clear how it all works.

    Some people in life have a better or should I say clearer mind , They are like that because they tort themselves to be in a particular clear state generally or they were conditioned that way or they are naturals and just never questioned it.

    Most of us have been conditioned out of it. I don't need to elaborate on it as i'm shore we all get that part of it , but i do believe that it is still there 24/7 at every step of the way , and if you change your path slightly it will readjust to suit continually.Are we quiet enough to hear , see, feel,touch, taste 24/7 ? that I tend to believe ultimately is up to us.

    There are a few eg that things tend to enhance the ability , Falling in love , all powerful love situations ,radical life changes,radical risk moments ,and even at the worse moments of psychological suffering.
    Last edited by Tonz, 1st April 2015 at 13:39. the topTop

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  19. #10
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Sooz View Post
    Thanks justone. It was not intentional regarding the level 54th floor. I wish I could say it was! I was not aware of the gematria thing, (I will have to look that up).

    I also wasn't aware of what I was writing, regarding the sky high building and a 'love story'.

    It's always interesting to see what a reader gleans from a story. This is the masterpiece of creative writing. It is not the writer that creates the story, the writer is just a fence post. It's the reader who makes the story their own. And it goes on from there into other conversations.

    I love the creative process and how it creates ripples on the pond.

    Thanks so much for your feedback.
    I apply the term "gematria" (which to some folks has a specific meaning that relates to the numerical values of the Hebrew alphabet) but let me explain how I use the system where "love" = 54... "classic Pythagorean" numerology reduces all numbers that are generated by a corresponding letter down to a single digit. In this case "love" = 9 and those who study Pythagoeran numerology know that 9 is "all encompassing" as some might view "love."

    I use my own system and empower it with "chi charged" enthusiasm (the secret to synchronicity and to magic in general) and this system is simple and contemporary.

    I take the English language alphabet and number the letters in order without reducing two digit correspondences. Through this method, I created a more complex form of opportunity for "the Intelligence behind the Reality" (as I call it) to communicate with me.

    In the case of the word "love" we have

    l = 12
    o = 15
    v = 22
    e = 5

    add that up and it equals 54.

    Note: I am not alone in using this type of system as I have found others on the internet who use it - have seen it called "simple gematria."

    So, I cannot say I created it even though the idea of it came to me independently one day about 7 or 8 years ago. This experience is one reason why I question the "originality" of anything. Sometimes I imagine "Big Mind" as all possibility and that in a sense it all already exists in the eternal now moment.

    I am just sharing experiences, thoughts and opinions about these experiences. I have learned that some things may be true for me and yet only true for me... I have also learned that something which is true for me today, may not be tomorrow.

    Here is a link where you can type in words and it gives various "gematria" results -

    I have the word "love" loaded... the topTop

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  21. #11
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Synchronicity (along with other "psi" phenomena types such as telepathy) has played a crucial role in my ability to come up with a likely solution to the mystery behind my own father's death at age 44 (which occurred in 1979).

    Also, uncanny synchronicity played a massive role in events back in 1989 which resulted in my first marriage which then resulted in the procreation of my three children.

    The phenomena is real and as I stated above... in my case, it is fueled by emotionally charged (chi energized) enthusiasm.

    I have worked with several credible folks with regards to the phenomena. One gentleman I worked with is named Elliot Benjamin. We became friends when I began to correspond with him based on his article - License Plate Synchronicity

    Dr. Benjamin then featured my "23 synchronicity" in his next article - Synchronicity and Mathematics

    I had posted my own document of the 23 synchronicity the other day but it was accidentally deleted... I would be happy to post it again in someone is genuinely interested as it had much more detail (Elliott extracted the key elements for his article and my rendition is a narrative).
    Last edited by Chester, 1st April 2015 at 22:00. the topTop

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  23. #12
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    Forgive the bump... but I find it odd and sad that this thread does not get some traction... that others don't have some of their own synchronicity experiences to share and/or thoughts as to what's behind the phenomena. the topTop

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  25. #13
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    I believe these things happen because, as multi-dimensional beings, we can tap into the universal intelligent creative loving energy that is all around us and in us at any given moment in time. It can draw to us seemingly miraculous events and can even become what I call a miracle minded way of life. Don't be sad Justone. I had an earlier post that got disappeared and I'm guessing the holiday this weekend celebrated by so many is a bit distracting. I have a few great stories of life changing "coincidences" but I'm off to work soon, so maybe another time. Love this topic though, and I'm sure I am not the only one. the topTop

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  27. #14
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    Hi Justone and welcome.

    We create our destinies.

    This is in conjunction with our higher selves IMO.

    My deceased grandfather from the grave encouraged me to write a book, so I am.

    He has been feeding me ideas.

    I have been studying other styles of writing to help me.

    There was a book I recalled that I had read in my teens and it was hilarious. I decided that this book would help. I spoke with my wife about buying it from Amazon, but decided to delay the internet purchase as I was to visit a second hand bookstore the very next day.

    This was my first ever visit, and when I opened the door to this huge store, the very first book within my reach was the exact book I almost bought the previous night.

    In a store of over 75 thousand books that wasn't bad.

    To top it off, it had had several reprints and front covers. However this copy had the original cover art as i remembered when I had first read it many years ago.

    All for 99 pence too :-)
    "Enough is Enough, hold the line, carry the light"
    "The light hidden in matter will redeem the world" - Anima Mundi the topTop

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  29. #15
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Lately, synchronicities have been abounding. For me they're like a little nod from the world saying I'm on the right track. Robert Moss who wrote Conscious Dreaming talks about Mark Twain who described synchronicity as how "life likes to rhyme".

    When people say it's "just a coincidence" they're trashing coincidence. If detectives ignored coincidence, they'd never solve a case. If scientists ignored coincidence their research would go nowhere. As a fan of science fiction I would like to take this opportunity to quote Garack from Star Trek, DS9: "Oh, I believe in coincidences, I just don't trust coincidences."

    For those who don't know, he was a Cardassian, formerly of the Obsidian Order. They were a KGB kind of secret agency.

    Robert Moss also wrote a book called The Three Only Things which directly addresses the attitudes that downplay dreams, imagination and coincidence. As in, "It's just a dream, It's just your imagination, It's just a coincidence."

    I am not a fan of dream books and don't buy dream dictionaries. Conscious Dreaming came out right at the time that was just right for me. It was the first time I had ever heard anyone talk about dreams in a way that I could relate. For me it was the stories that were so compelling. Transformative experiences were resulting from dreams. I listened to him on the Diane Rehm show way back in '96 when the book was published. Then I went and bought the book.

    In honor of dreams and dreaming (and dreamers) I'll also point to The Secret History of Dreaming. (Robert Moss again) I bought this one for my brother who doesn't give a crap about dreams. But it does relate dreams and actions taken that result in things like the discovery of oil in Kuwait. Tangible things that he can relate to that can hopefully get him beyond the idea that dreams don't have real significance.

    Life taught me in a very nearly brutal way that dreams, deja vu and instincts are directly and inextricably connected. I don't ignore dreams. Not even the "wild hogfish" ones.

    So don't let anyone dis your dreams or coincidences. the topTop

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