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Thread: Synchronicity - a discussion about...

  1. #31
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Why does a six pack plus tax so often end up with 9 dollars and 11 cents change?

    I don't think it's synchronicity.

    I think it's tryin'toscrewithme. the topTop

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  3. #32
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    One day I will have the guts to share my "Dracula" synchronicity the topTop

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  5. #33
    Senior Member Spiritwind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Sam Hunter View Post
    One day I will have the guts to share my "Dracula" synchronicity
    Well now you have my curiosity piqued the topTop

  6. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Spiritwind For This Useful Post:

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  7. #34
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Maybe I am a wee bit shy and not posted earlier but 3 pages and no mention of Arguelles material or the book synchronicity written by the son of the man who prosecuted Nixon.

    The book synchronicity let me know imo how the future leaders of USA would come about when the time was ready, meaning take over from the present mob.

    Arguelles material including dreamspell is more something one has to become experiencial about and for myself created nice flowering indeed of myself. Like many people who got/get into the meditation tools of this material, I could write a small book and at this moment I do not know where to start concerning relating these experiences, mainly because life has mostly become an intermingling of amazingness concerning synchronicity or as some say The Way. the topTop

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  9. #35
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Dracula synchronicity...sounds bloody interesting.

    Aianawa - Thanks for the reference. I've recently come across some of Arguelles' material.

    I referenced a book before by Robert Moss called The Three Only Things. It's about dreams, coincidence and imagination. He recalls Mark Twain who described synchronicity this way: "Life likes to rhyme". the topTop

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  11. #36
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Rhyme indeed, when things are not going well, one is usually outa sync, when going well then in sync or love lol. the topTop

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  13. #37
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    I have a book on synchronicity too, and I can't for the life of me find it on my book shelves. I will have another hunt tomorrow (I have a rather large book collection).

    I too am wondering about your Dracula story Sam. I have travelled throughout Romania and visited Bran Castle where Count Dracul lived, saw his birth place in the nearby village. Took pix of course, but all lost somewhere*. (Not digital in those days). They were bloody good pix too, of the Castle. I remember it was a very dark, gloomy, rainy day.

    *Otherwise I would post them.....

    So Sam....when you have the courage, we are ready for your Dracula story...... like kids around the campfire... with Sam in the middle telling the story.... the topTop

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  15. #38
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    I can hear the wind howling through the trees..... the topTop

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  17. #39
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Dracula synchronicity, jest or factual ? the topTop

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  19. #40
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    This definitely belongs in here. it to find out.... the topTop

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  21. #41
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Sooz, cool! It's a small world indeed.

    Sam, Dracula is close to the name Dracon. Is that where the synchronicity lies? (just curious, not startin' anything) the topTop

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  23. #42
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    Dracula synchronicity, jest or factual ?
    Massively factual as well as much of it quite documented...

    Fortunately I see it solely from the perspective that I have an affinity to the underlying metaphors found within the Dracula myths, the actual three generation family group that ended with Vlad Tepes as well as the underlying metaphors related to the vampyre (I prefer the word with the y).

    Part of the synchronicity (as happens) involves content of an adult nature which likely would not be "postable" here on ToT so I will have to share this on my blog. the topTop

  24. #43
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Sooz View Post
    This definitely belongs in here. it to find out....
    I have been studying this phenomena for several dozen years. It is difficult to play the role of 'objective observer/"scientist"' and at the same time be the 'object being observed.' Anyways, in the course of this study, I have identified key requirements of the participants in a synchronicity event or synchronicity "string" (a series of related events) and one of those essential requirements is "affinity."

    Your synchronicity is an excellent example of this.

    Affinity appears to play an important role in generating "nexus points" within the "reality" where "the One" touches "the many."

    In my earliest days of studying the phenomena I would "read meaning" into synchronicities. As I spent more time in studying the phenomena, what I noticed was that I could experience some incredible synchronicities related to a specific subject and then later experience incredible synchronicities with a subject that, from this 3D world perspective, was diamterically in opposition to the first subject. That was a head scratcher until I was able to see the common element that involved both experiences. In each case, at the time of the synchronicities, I was in the midst of studying the subject and had found elements within the subject of which I shared significant affinity.

    As I have studied mysticism... especially related to western mysticism which includes, The Kabbalah, Sufism and Christian mysticism I would have the most profound synchronicities related to specifics found while pursuing these studies.

    As I studied 4th-Way, Satanism, Luciferianism and Gnosticism I also experienced some incredible synchronicities at times when I had also experienced a significant resonance with particular elements I came accross while involved in the study.

    The key ingredients in all these cases was that I was enthusiastic about elements I encountered in these studies and where I shared significant affinity with those elements.

    Now, just in case a reader gets concerned simply because I have studied as much of every possible tradition, religion, philosophy, thought system I have been able to discover (including my own discussions within myself) does not mean I have chosen any particular pathway unless one understands the general conceptual difference between "Right Hand Path" and "Left Hand Path." If you wished me to provide a self assessment with where I might be slotted (something most humans love to do), I would be "Gnostic" which is Left Hand Path. the topTop

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  26. #44
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Sam, why is gnostic the 'Left Hand Path'? Or, in what way? Or, how? the topTop

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  28. #45
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Dreamtimer View Post
    Sam, why is gnostic the 'Left Hand Path'? Or, in what way? Or, how?
    There is great debate regarding definitions. I should have clarified that "based on my own understanding of the terms - Left Hand Path and Right Hand Path..."

    It would take pages to explain why I have this view. Do note that at the core of Gnosis is the Divine Feminine, The Goddess, Sophia... and other "pointers." Note that the word vama (Sanskrit) means both "left" and "woman" or "The Goddess." Origins of LHP / PHP can be traced back to the same culture as the one in which Hinduism has its roots.

    I am speaking from a male perspective which is important to understand. From this perspective... the spiritual essence within me is (metaphorically) "The Goddess" and it is this essence with which my greatest desire is to unite.

    The following is excerpts from a conversation I had with Mark Amaru Pinkham - Author of several books along these lines including:
    Conversations with the Goddess
    Guardians Of The Holy Grail
    The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom
    The Truth Behind the Christ Myth

    Mark and I were discussing the differences between what I call "dark left" (such as LaVeyan Satanism, Temple of Set, etc.) and "gnosis" -

    [12/4/2014 10:54:10 AM] Sam Hunter: in ToS it appears the goal is to achieve "godhood" (immortality) not in alignment with what "Nature" might impose... or "God" might impose... but more so on one's own terms... this resembles the Germanic traditions... where there would be room for many "gods" (immortals) as opposed to the Right Hand "monotheistic" (and authoritarian) type path...

    [12/4/2014 10:57:06 AM] Sam Hunter: If any label had to be put on me - I am a Devoutee to the Goddess first and foremost

    [12/4/2014 10:58:03 AM] Sam Hunter: but unlike many Gnostics... I do not perceive the material realm as "evil" - I simply see it as an experiential realm which "i" (the spirit being I am) am passing through and may even pass through many times

    [12/4/2014 11:01:38 AM] Mark - IOGT: The principal caution I give to anyone on a Satanic path is to be aware that your anger, resentment, and rebelliousness does not make your ego more inflated and your sense of separateness more pronounced. The goal is to wear down the ego and ultimately experience a complete oneness with everyone.

    [12/4/2014 11:06:13 AM] Sam Hunter: This leads me to the critically important question.... if one achieves full "shedding of the ego" is it possible this same one retains any semblance of individuation? Individuality… such as a remaining a "spiritual being" within a sea of other "spiritual beings?" Or does one essentially annihilate "the self" where there is no longer any... even residual form of individual being? [added Note for this post: This would be RHP under my definition]

    [12/4/2014 11:08:17 AM] Mark - IOGT: There is still a sense of self. The ego becomes like a burnt seed. It can not take root anywhere. So the ego will not say I am this or that anymore. Only that I AM.

    [12/4/2014 11:09:07 AM] Sam Hunter: and this is doable through the Left Hand path?

    [12/4/2014 11:09:22 AM] Sam Hunter: or not through any "path"?

    [12/4/2014 11:09:28 AM] Mark - IOGT: Yes. Through the alchemy of the Left Hand Path

    [12/4/2014 11:09:51 AM] Sam Hunter: can this be done through the Right Hand path?

    [12/4/2014 11:12:07 AM] Mark - IOGT: It's difficult on the RHP. Discrimination is developed on the RHP, and this discrimination causes separation. Also, God is held outside on the RHP and then acknowledged to be within on the LHP. The LHP is for the initiates ready to know themselves as God/Goddess incarnate.

    For me, Gnosis is "awakening from within" and many Gnostics that I associate with share this core view.

    Hope this helps... Sam the topTop

  29. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Chester For This Useful Post:

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