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Thread: Synchronicity - a discussion about...

  1. #16
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Thanks Ronin, Sooz, Tonz, mojo, Spiritwind, Mark and Dreamtimer...

    Its great to see others interested in experiencing this phenomena.

    In this interview - at 43:30 is a caller who relates their uncanny synchronicity experiences and is followed by comments of the interviewee... Just after this section is Dr. Michael Salla who speaks of his interactions with GoodETxSG.

    Source: the topTop

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  3. #17
    Senior Member mojo's Avatar
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    Thanks Sam I wish the thread post was still there but got lost in that recent hiccup on the forum... the topTop

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  5. #18
    Senior Member Divine Feminine's Avatar
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    Just catching up on this thread, but I'll share a quick story of synchronicity that happened to me and my husband last year. I had just figured out who he was in a past life and shared with him. Of course he really wasn't believing me.....two days later, our router broke and he ran to the store to get another one. Keep in mind he could have gone to any store and purchased any router from a variety of places....But when he came home and set up the one he had just selected, the preprogrammed password given to him, was the name of the person I had told him he had been in a past life! ROFL!!!

    He was dumbfounded, and of course I was gleaming for being validated...I mean what are the odds? I thought it was pretty synchronistic....apparently someone in the spirit world agreed with me, ha, ha.
    Last edited by Divine Feminine, 15th April 2015 at 02:50.
    "We never left you...."- ELizabeth Marie from the E.T. race The ELohim 5/19/2017

    From my astrological chart:
    "Your function is to be a MESSENGER, a link or bridge between people and between ideas, whether through teaching or speaking, selling or simply circulating are able to flow into the perception of Unity, and you become a messenger for the truth."
    Please don't shoot the messenger, I am here to help when and where I can.

    No I am not Wes Penre. the topTop

  6. The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to Divine Feminine For This Useful Post:

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  7. #19
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Divine Feminine View Post
    Just catching up on this thread, but I'll share a quick story of synchronicity that happened to me and my husband last year. I had just figured out who he was in a past life and shared with him. Of course he really wasn't believing me.....two days later, our router broke and he ran to the store to get another one. Keep in mind he could have gone to any store and purchased any router from a variety of places....But when he came home and set up the one he had just selected, the preprogrammed password given to him, was the name of the person I had told him he had been in a past life! ROFL!!!

    He was dumbfounded, and of course I was gleaming for being validated...I mean what are the odds? I thought it was pretty synchronistic....apparently someone in the spirit world agreed with me, ha, ha.
    This is exactly it... the key ingredients are there... the timing, a precise and obvious connection and the most important - meaningful. And so when attempting to calculate the odds of that... the zeros fall off the page.

    Thanks for sharing this. the topTop

  8. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Chester For This Useful Post:

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  9. #20
    Senior Member Divine Feminine's Avatar
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    Yes, that's what I thought too the near future I hope to be working more in the reincarnation field and one of the questions I feel should be considered when looking at cases is factoring in the odds if facial features are similar, dates are matching, names are matching, etc..etc...common sense would tell you that the more you match the odds would be in your favor that there's a strong chance you are a soul aspect of that person. I'm surprised statistics aren't used more often to reinforce the point.
    "We never left you...."- ELizabeth Marie from the E.T. race The ELohim 5/19/2017

    From my astrological chart:
    "Your function is to be a MESSENGER, a link or bridge between people and between ideas, whether through teaching or speaking, selling or simply circulating are able to flow into the perception of Unity, and you become a messenger for the truth."
    Please don't shoot the messenger, I am here to help when and where I can.

    No I am not Wes Penre. the topTop

  10. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Divine Feminine For This Useful Post:

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  11. #21
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    I'm not knowledgeable (took three tries to spell that right!) about numerology but I've been seeing boatloads of 3:33 and 11:11 on the clock and other places. Also, I'll just be thinking about something and someone nearby or on the radio says the very word or names the subject of my focus. It would have creeped me out some years ago but I've learned to see it as affirmation of going in the right direction or doing the right thing. What I've been doing lately is researching and reading and listening trying to figure out what this insanity around me is about.

    Here's a great synchronicity story from about 15 years ago. I was going to pick my child up at school and was in the parking lot. I was very slowly turning while looking uphill to see the kids coming. Then I looked in front of me and there was a light pole and I was about to bump right into it. I stopped and at that very moment the voice on the radio said, "Watch out!" I looked at the radio in wonder and then said, "OK. I will." And I laughed in amazement. the topTop

  12. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to Dreamtimer For This Useful Post:

    Aianawa (23rd April 2015), Chester (17th April 2015), Divine Feminine (15th April 2015), Liberty (1st July 2015), Mark (15th April 2015), mojo (16th April 2015), ronin (16th April 2015), Sooz (15th April 2015), Spiritwind (15th April 2015), Tonz (15th April 2015), universalLove (25th April 2015)

  13. #22
    Senior Member Spiritwind's Avatar
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    I've had the numbers thing going on since the 90's too, and I guess so have a lot of other people. I have one story I don't think I've told that fits right in here. In 1999 I got to participate in an event called "the Long Dance" that gets put on by the Svaha Spirit Lodge over in the Seattle, WA area. It was a three day event that was held on Orcas Island with right around 50 participants. A truly life changing experience this was for me. We had met for planning before the event itself, and then met again about a month after this event to kind of just see where we all were after our shared experience. At this time we did some work with the 3 Fates, Urdh, Verdandi, and Skuld. They originated in Europe and go by different names, the above being from the Old Norse. Anyway, as we are working through this exercise, I remember saying in my mind with great intent that if a situation arises in which I have to move again, that I would take that as a sign that it is time to make the move across the State to the other side of mountains. This was a big move for me for many reasons, and I had just been looking for a sign to help me make that decision.

    I had been living on a beautiful piece of property with 2 homes overlooking the water below as a caretaker with my 4 year old daughter and teenage son. The very next day after I got back home the owner arrived and had a meeting with me. She informed me that she had relatives coming up from Mexico to occupy the second home I had been staying in and would no longer need me to be there. I was given 2 weeks to move. I even asked for a fairly good sum of money that I figured I would need to make this move, and shockingly she agreed to give it to me. Two weeks later I was on my way and have never regretted it. It really was the move I needed to make.

    Oh yeah, and when I got this job in the first place, the day I arrived to apply I just happened to look at the clock and it was 11:11, and a bald eagle flew very low by the window as I looked. And the address was 1133. Just a coincidence, I am sure.*
    Last edited by Spiritwind, 15th April 2015 at 16:06. the topTop

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  15. #23
    Senior Member UK ronin's Avatar
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    there are two types of syncronicity .
    good and bad.
    such as your in the middle of calling your boss when he walks through the door
    i have seen this happen and the person in mention stumps up.
    i have mentioned personal things in a chat before and someone came on unaware of what i was talking about said something that was negative but he was unaware of the previous chat and it was imo a negative synchronism.
    be kind,be honest,be truthful. the topTop

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  17. #24
    Senior Member Australia RealityCreation's Avatar
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    I see the same numbers all the time Dreamtimer. I will be working at my computer & happen to glance down & the time will show 1:11, 11:11, 3:33 etc. I've been experiencing a huge number of synchronicities for years and for me, I think the lines are blurring between is it synchronicity or manifestation?

    Yesterday I was searching on Youtube for a particular orchestral symphony whilst I had the opening bars of another symphony playing in my head which I thought might be the one I was looking for. Turned out it wasn't, but a while later I got in the car to go out & the radio had been left on from when my husband lst drove the car (I don't listen to the radio in the car) & the symphony that I had heard playing in my head immediately came on with the opening bars that I'd been hearing.

    Another one that comes to mind that occurred recently - A couple of months ago my husband bought a dvd series (Kavanagh QC) - a british program which ran from 1995-99. I hadn't seen this particular series before & have found it to be very good. We usually watch one episode once a week so we were up to episode 9. This day we were having a discussion at lunch with my father around an issue that was reported on the news item that day. That night we watched the next DVD in the series of Kavanagh & it was all about the same issue/theme that we had been discussing earlier.
    We Are the One's We've been Waiting For ~ Carl Calleman the topTop

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  19. #25
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    This past weekend I ate at 111 Hazard avenue. There were 9/11 memorials on the wall. And, strangely, a framed collage of items related to Sheriff Arpaio from AZ. There were pictures and items signed by him including pink boxers. Weird. We passed route 111 on the way home. This was in CT. As we were passing through PA just after sunset there were two separate groups of three "plane-trail" lines in the sky. They were cut off, didn't stretch across the sky. It looked like two sets of claw marks in the sky. Each set of lines was the same length and spaced the same. I've also been seeing three sets of lines like claw marks in various places including indentations in large rocks. It makes me think a little of Nordic runes. I haven't really figured out what it "means". That day started off clear blue and the planes were working hard all day long. One set of crossed lines did resemble the mother rune. Couldn't take pictures 'cause I was driving.

    Lots of threes goin' on here. Once is happenstance, twice a coincidence, thrice a pattern...

    Three is Divine...

    Three is a fantastic age for children! Love that age! the topTop

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  21. #26
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    111 Hazard Plaza (not avenue) the topTop

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  23. #27
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Divine Feminine View Post
    Yes, that's what I thought too the near future I hope to be working more in the reincarnation field and one of the questions I feel should be considered when looking at cases is factoring in the odds if facial features are similar, dates are matching, names are matching, etc..etc...common sense would tell you that the more you match the odds would be in your favor that there's a strong chance you are a soul aspect of that person. I'm surprised statistics aren't used more often to reinforce the point.
    For me the sad thing is that so many folks... just to begin to open their minds require "hard proof" where the odds of something, no matter how phenomenal is not enough.

    But enough for what? My answer to this is to simply open one's heart to the possibility of the phenomena and throw out any need to connect it all with any preconceived ideas related to things such as religion and especially religious beliefs.

    Just open to the possibility there's more to the experiential realms than the 5 sense world suggests. the topTop

  24. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Chester For This Useful Post:

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  25. #28
    Senior Member Divine Feminine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Sam Hunter View Post
    For me the sad thing is that so many folks... just to begin to open their minds require "hard proof" where the odds of something, no matter how phenomenal is not enough.

    But enough for what? My answer to this is to simply open one's heart to the possibility of the phenomena and throw out any need to connect it all with any preconceived ideas related to things such as religion and especially religious beliefs.

    Just open to the possibility there's more to the experiential realms than the 5 sense world suggests.
    What you're saying is exactly what it means to get out of 3D thinking. IMO, the definition of (D) a dimension, is a state of consciousness based off a set of beliefs. The set of beliefs in 3D thinking relies mainly on the 5 senses. For some people, it doesn't matter what you show them, they don't want to believe, so I can only speculate their soul isn't ready to embrace a new way of thinking. In time I do believe it will happen, it's just a slow process.
    "We never left you...."- ELizabeth Marie from the E.T. race The ELohim 5/19/2017

    From my astrological chart:
    "Your function is to be a MESSENGER, a link or bridge between people and between ideas, whether through teaching or speaking, selling or simply circulating are able to flow into the perception of Unity, and you become a messenger for the truth."
    Please don't shoot the messenger, I am here to help when and where I can.

    No I am not Wes Penre. the topTop

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  27. #29
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    I recently came across the acronym PUG, Personal Unverfied/fiable Gnosis. It's your personal experience of knowing that can't be verified or proven. Personal experience does and should matter. Not everything important and real and true can be proven. Or can it? Doesn't that sense of truth act as a kind of proof? Is it the liars and fakers that cause us to stop trusting our selves and others' experiences?

    Any investigator, secret agent, or scientist worth their salt pays attention to coincidence, synchronicity, instinct, personal BS meter, dreams, whatever power they have at hand. When people want to dismiss synchronicity, remind them of the practical and logical applications and those who aren't afraid to use them.

    The Secret History of Dreaming by Robert Moss is a great one for showing how people, throughout history, have used their dreams to achieve great things. Things they wouldn't have without the dreams. Knowledge, insight, warnings, all these things can come through experience that can't be "proven". the topTop

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  29. #30
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    Lightning struck at 4:20 today, 4/20.

    Went outside, it was a sun shower.

    My friend scored 420 in a game we were playing. the topTop

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