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Thread: Synchronicity - a discussion about...

  1. #151
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by grannyfranny View Post

    I have never experienced synchronicity, perhaps because I wasn't looking for it. But when I look back over my life I can see how one chapter of my life led to another and another.

    AS for God going "Boo," it has been more like a crack over my head with a baseball bat!

    Enjoy your trip.
    Hi... I cannot know if what I believe to be true is actually true. Or that if it is true for me, that it is true for anyone else...

    But what I believe because of of my very focused years of experience with the phenomena of synchronicity, is that we can create an amazing "energy" (had to pick some word for this) which then seems to act as a magnet for bringing massive, multiple, incredibly profound synchronicities into our life.

    There are many folks who have this theory that these synchronicities are always there... but I ask folks to consider this - Have you ever felt like you were in a 'flow" in your life? And that during that stretch of your life's experience... everything seemed to go just right? Almost magically right? And then... have you ever had stretches of your life where you seemed to find yourself stuck in a rut where you seemed to be at odds with life? And during those stretches so many things seemed to go wrong?

    What I have found (not that I am perfect at practicing this) is that I am responsible for... that i can choose to bring my energies into that state where everything just flows and everything goes quite smoothly.

    I also found this same type of thing where I energetically "fertilize" the ground from which all sorts of incredible synchronicities come forth.

    The BA synchronicity I mentioned above occurred because I had removed myself from what I had subjected myself to (and everyone else here on this forum) for far too long. Yet then i returned from my trip and jumped right back into the mess of my own obsession.

    I see the light. I hope I act upon what I see. I hope the synchronicities return.

    All the above is all and only my opinion. It may contain some sharing of components of my current operating strategy and some foundational components of my current world view - all subject to change and not meant to be true for anyone else regardless of how I phrase it.

    It's just a ride the topTop

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  3. #152
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by RealityCreation View Post
    So here's my synchronicity of a few minutes ago.

    I have a flower of life pendant which I had taken off a few days ago & had left on my desk in a box. Shortly before writing this I had got it out of the box & was holding it in my hands whilst I was scrolling down my FB page & reading.

    As I did so, my exact flower of life pendant showed up in an ad by the artist who had made it & as I continued a little further down my newsfeed there was an article on the flower of life with a 3D image by Nassim Haramein
    This is a really great example of a true, profound, multiple synchronicity.

    How did this make you feel? What thoughts ran through your mind when the realization of the synchronicity came forth and the profundity of it was seen?
    All the above is all and only my opinion. It may contain some sharing of components of my current operating strategy and some foundational components of my current world view - all subject to change and not meant to be true for anyone else regardless of how I phrase it.

    It's just a ride the topTop

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  5. #153
    Senior Member Joanna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by RealityCreation View Post
    So here's my synchronicity of a few minutes ago.

    I have a flower of life pendant which I had taken off a few days ago & had left on my desk in a box. Shortly before writing this I had got it out of the box & was holding it in my hands whilst I was scrolling down my FB page & reading.

    As I did so, my exact flower of life pendant showed up in an ad by the artist who had made it & as I continued a little further down my newsfeed there was an article on the flower of life with a 3D image by Nassim Haramein
    Smiling here, RealityCreation! Happy Flowering of Life to you (and us all) beautiful, thanks for sharing..... the topTop

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  7. #154
    Senior Member Australia RealityCreation's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Sam Hunter View Post
    This is a really great example of a true, profound, multiple synchronicity.

    How did this make you feel? What thoughts ran through your mind when the realization of the synchronicity came forth and the profundity of it was seen?
    I have been having these type of synchronistic experiences for many years now Sam so they are not a new phenomenon for me.

    They tend to make me smile and sometimes laugh when they occur though and I always appreciate them in the knowing that I have created them as markers in awareness for myself.

    I'm no longer surprised that synchronicities and manifestations occur, I expect them since I understand how to create my preferred reality and I totally agree
    with you, as you remarked above, that there is an energetic flow that we can experience where life flows smoothly.

    It is a state of Being, not doing - life does not happen to us (victim consciousness), it flows through us, and in my experience the more coherent our heart field the more in the flow we become and can allow to flow through us.

    I've found my life over the past few years to be a pretty smooth flow and nowadays usually when I just think of something I desire to experience or someone, they end up contacting me or the desire shows up / occurs.

    I posted this quote earlier today on my FB page:

    "If I could take all your words away and give you but a sparse few, they would be: 'I now know, I am absolute, I am complete, I am God, I am.' If there were no other words but these, you would no longer be limited to this plane." – Ramtha
    We Are the One's We've been Waiting For ~ Carl Calleman the topTop

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  9. #155
    Senior Member Joanna's Avatar
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    'The more coherent our heart field the more the in flow we become...'
    Exactly, RealityCreation. Also, I have noticed recently how 'immediate' the flow is now, in my life...there is no 'time lag', because although I am acting 'in time' in terms of the 3D-focused aspect of me, I am not 'of time', as in, attached to it as structuring my 'reality'..and therefore, it doesn't...

    This morning I woke thinking about the moons of Jupiter, and Io in particular, from feeling into the crop circle below - as the planet Jupiter with its four largest moons, in front of the feather-like 'spiral rays' of Venus, relating to the recent close conjunction between the two planets.....and I felt the 'moon' in front of Jupiter's 'Eye' (storm) to be Io, in this crop circle depiction.

    Then this appeared on the computer this morning: 10C at 10:10.....10-10-10...or is that IO-IO-IO, in trinity energy, haha....

    Hmm, feels like the beginning of a magnificent week.....birds of white light flying...bringing in the golden light of the Sun....better keep our 'I''s 'O'pen, eh? the topTop

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  11. #156
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by RealityCreation View Post
    I have been having these type of synchronistic experiences for many years now Sam so they are not a new phenomenon for me.

    They tend to make me smile and sometimes laugh when they occur though and I always appreciate them in the knowing that I have created them as markers in awareness for myself.

    I'm no longer surprised that synchronicities and manifestations occur, I expect them since I understand how to create my preferred reality and I totally agree
    with you, as you remarked above, that there is an energetic flow that we can experience where life flows smoothly.

    It is a state of Being, not doing - life does not happen to us (victim consciousness), it flows through us, and in my experience the more coherent our heart field the more in the flow we become and can allow to flow through us.

    I've found my life over the past few years to be a pretty smooth flow and nowadays usually when I just think of something I desire to experience or someone, they end up contacting me or the desire shows up / occurs.

    I posted this quote earlier today on my FB page:
    WoW! Sister or brother you are indeed (metaphorically) - we share much the same views in this regard. Very refreshing to discover once again that I am not alone... Thank you, Reality Creation - your "posting name" fits you well! Sam
    All the above is all and only my opinion. It may contain some sharing of components of my current operating strategy and some foundational components of my current world view - all subject to change and not meant to be true for anyone else regardless of how I phrase it.

    It's just a ride the topTop

  12. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Chester For This Useful Post:

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  13. #157
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Joanna View Post
    Smiling here, RealityCreation! Happy Flowering of Life to you (and us all) beautiful, thanks for sharing.....
    Thank you again, Joanna... wow.
    All the above is all and only my opinion. It may contain some sharing of components of my current operating strategy and some foundational components of my current world view - all subject to change and not meant to be true for anyone else regardless of how I phrase it.

    It's just a ride the topTop

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to Chester For This Useful Post:

    Joanna (15th July 2015)

  15. #158
    Senior Member Joanna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Sam Hunter View Post
    Thank you again, Joanna... wow.
    All thanks to you too, Sam.

    This sync comes from last year, and is a 'long return' type, going back to 8 years old, when a lot of recurring dreams began. At that time my family lived in a house that four generations of my mum's family lived in (in Hobart, Tasmania - small island south of Australia). One of the recurring dreams was of a a golden Lion laying across my bed, and I often woke still 'seeing' it there...which could just be childish imaginings, except that forty years later, I understand more about the Leonine influence in this universe, my connection to it, and that my Twin Soul's higher self prefers the form of a lion. When we reconnected a few years ago, we felt how he'd been present, 'guarding' me as a girl. (Also, the capital of the province he was born and lives in is called Leeuwarden; 'Lion's Guard').

    Last year, that house was sold, and I was recalling the attic bedroom I had slept in, and the golden 'dream' lion. Then felt to go to the website of the real estate agent the house was listed with, and look at their photos. They had 'styled' the house ie; taken everything out and brought in their own furnishings and an interior decorator. There was one photo of the attic bedroom, with two beds, exactly where my brother and I had slept...and on the beds were golden coloured throws and pillows with lions' faces on them, their manes like rays of the sun. Goosebumps and tears, looking at the photo...

    Last edited by Joanna, 15th July 2015 at 17:41. the topTop

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  17. #159
    Senior Member dianna's Avatar
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    Imagine living in a paradigm where you are constantly interacting with the universe, taking its guidance, insight and information. A universe that is at your disposal, in fact thats its job. Apparently the universe does want to interact with us. We only need to change our perception of reality, and learn its language.

    Synchromysticism, as the name suggests, is a combination of the words “synchronicity” and “mysticism” where coincidences and occurrences in everyday reality are filled with meaning, whether on a personal or cultural level. It is an emerging field of study and subculture that takes a worldview that everything is connected, and that “all is one”. If we study the symbols, memes, ideas and people all around us, and take the information in a synchronistic fashion, this undertaking will allow us to start decoding the “language of the universe” in order to proceed with our lives in a more enlightened way.

    Jake Kotze coined the term “synchromysticism” as “the art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance.” He calls it “multi contextual research” in a “process of relaxing what is to be considered valid for comparison.” Steve Willner tells us “synchronisticism [is] the vast and noble undertaking of piecing together the occult holographic language system of the universe, in order to identify and more aptly understand the relationship between the collective consciousness of all sentient beings on earth and beyond.” A person who shifts into a synchronistic way of viewing the world, as Roman Villagrana points out is one able to “harmonically align to the universe” . It is all about living in awareness of ourselves and our connection to a “collective unconscious” as well as access to universal knowledge.

    It is an exciting idea. Consensus reality has become stagnant, and if we are ever to answer the questions about who we are, what are we doing here and what is the purpose, its going to need a good jostle. The literal truth about how we are taught the world functions seems to be coming apart at the seams for many of us. The fact must be faced that this way of thinking is a false reality that is vacuous of meaning. The conscious tomfoolery of the “human agencies” that have been guiding our existence have not had our best intentions at heart. Synchromysticism is a way of taking our power back and making authentic meaningful lives that we define for ourselves.

    The idea of “sync” is multi faceted, like learning to navigate a maze, and is a process that is individual for each person. In the “Book of Sync” there are 26 essays by people who have come to embrace this world-view and write about their unique experiences. As one writer describes it “sync operates as an undercurrent of divine awareness personified through the myriad processes and symbols that make up the building blocks of reality [where] all answers and all possibilities exist within an eternal cloud of knowingness accessible to each of us.” If we can only clear our minds of the faulty programming of the world, answers to the questions we have may be waiting for us in the next symbol we see, the next person we meet, the next song we listen to, or even the next movie we watch.

    The idea that there are no coincidences also becomes exciting if we consider the possibility that a non-local intelligence is guiding the affairs of the universe, as opposed to a pack of nefarious uber-rich individuals. It allows us to navigate by our own intuition, doing whats best for us, without being sidewinded by false ideologies that have been spoon fed to us since birth. It is a way to uncover hidden information whose “time has come” so to speak. Sync allows for a dynamic existence full of new possibilities, something that is desperately needed in the present chaos of current events.
    "Truth is a Pathless Land" J. Krishnamurti the topTop

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  19. #160
    In Memoriam Liberty's Avatar
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    Love this post. I carry the " Truth is a Pathless Land" speech right next to me in the end table divider where I am sitting!!! I read it every so often and have read much of Krishnamurti over the years. As I have mentioned in an earlier post, I believe in synchronicity or "miracles" as I call them, as so many times it has happened to me. It was always in the context that there was absolutely no way out and I was definitely in a tight spot...Also, I had to completely let go; no longer care and find a certain kind of Peace that followed that mindset and then ZAP!!! here comes the miracle!

    I believe in this so much and thank you for this post.

    Liberty the topTop

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  21. #161
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    This is for Sam. Close enough to synchronicity for me.

    I noticed he hasn't been posting over the last month, here or elsewhere. I wondered why. I visited his blog and found out. I tried to leave a comment. It asked me to prove I'm not a robot, which I did. It doesn't seem to have taken.

    He said, "If you want me back, ask yourself...why," I suggested, "You could come back for a chat with some friends. They miss you... Ask yourself why." (I don't have a perfect memory so these may not be exact).

    So the next day I see a posting of someone asking the Ruiner about Merlin. Answer, Merlin is a term for Wizard.

    Then today I come across a guy, Rich2150x, who is talking in some video blogs about dreams and OBEs and about why we're effed up (cause, evil entities). I'm listening to the beginning of this video and I can't stop hearing the refrain in my mind of the comedienne singing, "Let's all un-f**k it up" that Sam posted.

    So I just went to his blog (just now, after I had begun this post) and the stuff about how many days he's been off the forums is gone. But he's writing again. And synchronicity is in the title.

    Sam, if you do come back, do it in snippets. Too much too fast when you've been off can lead to overdose.
    Last edited by Dreamtimer, 3rd September 2015 at 18:38. the topTop

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  23. #162
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    +1 to Sam. the topTop

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  25. #163
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    I am looking forward to their entrance, good teacher is Sam imo. the topTop

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  27. #164
    Senior Member United States Chester's Avatar
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    Yesterday I published an allegorical "story" on my blog. The story was inspired by my own recent experiences. At the end of the story I mentioned that the main character had played the archetype, The Fool.

    Today I open my e-mail and my favorite "stand up philosopher," Tim Freke, had sent out an e-mail.

    The print screen of my e-mail inbox says it all...

    Name:  The Fool.jpg
Views: 122
Size:  11.4 KB
    All the above is all and only my opinion. It may contain some sharing of components of my current operating strategy and some foundational components of my current world view - all subject to change and not meant to be true for anyone else regardless of how I phrase it.

    It's just a ride the topTop

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  29. #165
    Senior Member ERK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Sam Hunter View Post

    Yesterday I published an allegorical "story" on my blog. The story was inspired by my own recent experiences. At the end of the story I mentioned that the main character had played the archetype, The Fool.

    Today I open my e-mail and my favorite "stand up philosopher," Tim Freke, had sent out an e-mail.

    The print screen of my e-mail inbox says it all...

    Name:  The Fool.jpg
Views: 122
Size:  11.4 KB

    Last night I was listening to some kirtan, when they sing last part of Om namah shivaya- they sing it in English and sing Amazing Grace. Thought you might like that! the topTop

  30. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to ERK For This Useful Post:

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