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Thread: Disclosure: Are We Ready?

  1. #16
    Senior Member Spiral's Avatar
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    Just who's orders do they follow though ?

    Not one of our elected "leaders" knows jack about this stuff, & they wouldn't even be allowed on certain bases, Camoron would be no more allowed into the underground facilities at "RAF" (lol) Menwith Hill than Obummer would be allowed to look round Area 51...and there are way more secret bases than those two.

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  3. #17
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    Well said, who's orders indeed!

    Compartmentalisation is the real problem, I've had to explain certain things to people I know that really shouldn't have had to be told by a jumped up whipper snapper like me..

  4. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to monk For This Useful Post:

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  5. #18
    Senior Member mojo's Avatar
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    The question in the OP should be is the PTB ready? ... Don't think they are and a citizen will have to force their hand. That seems dangerous as they have silenced and even killed people over secrets. We can't even get answers for things we know are not true. Also past history shows they want to hold on to many of them. It's very sad and the other side of the coin is there are many that will remain skeptical even with solid proof. So really it comes down to personal experiences. Some of those are such solid evidence yet how frustrating not being able to have society acknowledge them. There was another thread it read something like, Boston Globe acknowledges proof of an ufo encounter... it's laughable when there is so much proof already.

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  7. #19
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    Hi All, i can see so many points of view here and to me they all make sense. One of the things ive noticed about myself lately is that i feel a little amused/irritated with those who are still deeply "religious" and relying on "whoever" to save/help them and yet the paradox is that I am not completely ready to "let go " of the possibility that there is some type of "Spiritual" assistance available to help us also.

    I agree that we need to stop "covering up" the things that have been lied about be it UFOs/EDs right thru to free energy and real cures for disease being kept/hidden from us.

    To me, these "revelations" to Humanity will "force" some to grow up however in doing so this will empower us be it now or for those who are "shellshocked"- in their future. I feel ready to know the "truth ", and i also feel that if the ETs/EDs are "tricking" us into beliefs that there is a "Spiritual Hierarchy" when it is really them , well we NEED to know,lb

  8. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to lookbeyond For This Useful Post:

    Altaira (26th February 2015), boja (26th February 2015), Breeze (26th February 2015), mojo (26th February 2015), monk (26th February 2015), Tonz (26th February 2015)

  9. #20
    Senior Member Elbie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by mojo View Post
    The question in the OP should be is the PTB ready? ... Don't think they are and a citizen will have to force their hand. That seems dangerous as they have silenced and even killed people over secrets. We can't even get answers for things we know are not true. Also past history shows they want to hold on to many of them. It's very sad and the other side of the coin is there are many that will remain skeptical even with solid proof. So really it comes down to personal experiences. Some of those are such solid evidence yet how frustrating not being able to have society acknowledge them. There was another thread it read something like, Boston Globe acknowledges proof of an ufo encounter... it's laughable when there is so much proof already.
    plus, i forsee various pressure groups campaigning for a chat chance...govenrment agencies would be innundated with people's requests to have a hand shake with ufo occupants..cdc would get into a panic mode.

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  11. #21
    Senior Member mojo's Avatar
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    if the ETs/EDs are "tricking" us into beliefs
    Hi LB, This thought seems to be going around yet sharing from personal experience they have never tried to trick me into a belief, if that helps to balance the equation, and not saying that it doesnt happen in some cases just sharing it didnt happen in mine...

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  13. #22
    Senior Member Elbie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by mojo View Post
    Hi LB, This thought seems to be going around yet sharing from personal experience they have never tried to trick me into a belief, if that helps to balance the equation, and not saying that it doesnt happen in some cases just sharing it didnt happen in mine...

    even if we had 10+ more accounts similar to yours here on this forum alone, it wouldn't be good enuogh to draw conclusions. simlarly, the accounts dissimilar to yours don't make a good case to assume otherwise..the problem being, not many people volunteer to recount their experiences..even you are leaving too much room for all sorts of interpretations.

    example: what can be deduced from what you have said: your encountered Ets, didn't try to impose on you any belief systems. not enough to make any further assumptions. cos we don't know if they wouldn't try it on some other occasion at a later date.

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  15. #23
    Senior Member mojo's Avatar
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    don't know, think it's possible to make an hypothesis...can't discount over five years of contact, but agree can't say much more, an ongoing history should be part of a theory so do have that as a basis when making one and did include that as justification in mine.

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  17. #24
    Senior Member Elbie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by mojo View Post
    don't know, think it's possible to make an hypothesis...can't discount over five years of contact, but agree can't say much more, an ongoing history should be part of a theory so do have that as a basis when making one and did include that as justification in mine.
    i hope what you are saying is that you are appreciative of contrary theories based on different experiences.

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  19. #25
    Senior Member mojo's Avatar
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    Certainly, that was first reply to LB...

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  21. #26
    Senior Member donk's Avatar
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    I smell what you're cooking monk.

    To me...seems like disclosure is happening, and it's the opposite of we've learned to ask for**.It's each individual's shedding of long held emotionally attached beliefs, a slow but sure acceptance of reality for what it really is, rather than "what THEY have told us".

    Thanks for posting that spiral, I really like WS's take on it

    **instead of demanding "truths", we should be helping each other shed our "lies" my opinion, of course
    What is the purpose of your presence?

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  23. #27
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    Quote Originally posted by lookbeyond View Post
    Hi All, i can see so many points of view here and to me they all make sense. One of the things ive noticed about myself lately is that i feel a little amused/irritated with those who are still deeply "religious" and relying on "whoever" to save/help them and yet the paradox is that I am not completely ready to "let go " of the possibility that there is some type of "Spiritual" assistance available to help us also.

    I agree that we need to stop "covering up" the things that have been lied about be it UFOs/EDs right thru to free energy and real cures for disease being kept/hidden from us.

    To me, these "revelations" to Humanity will "force" some to grow up however in doing so this will empower us be it now or for those who are "shellshocked"- in their future. I feel ready to know the "truth ", and i also feel that if the ETs/EDs are "tricking" us into beliefs that there is a "Spiritual Hierarchy" when it is really them , well we NEED to know,lb
    LB you dont have to ever give up on the fact that there is assistance. Those who seek it are the ones who receive it. The rest of the sleepers keep on perpetuating sleep, Both are fine and according to free will.

    Fistly regarding " being told " whats happening is not and has never been the modus operandi of those in power , it would give away the advantage. So thats not likely.

    There IS a spiritual layered existance MOST DEFINITELY but its not how we have come to precieve it. The idea we call it a Hierachy is not correct in the mechanical sence of the word.

    The Law of Free Will prevents benevolent species interacting with us unless we seek it out directly. Suffice to say looking towards soul less humans like polititians for guidance is the fiurst thing we would want to stop doing. We need to ignore them like you would ignore your neighbours brat that steals your tomatoes.

    Im not directing this at anyone in particular but can i just let you all in on a little secret ... there is no cover up. The fact that we know so much so far is proof, the difference is people who dont know dont want to know , the ones that do have the free will to discover it proportional to their own free will and subjectivity.

    The very idea that some believe that beings are tricking us ... thats just a lack of confidense in the self.

    Self Doubt , if we have self doubt then looking outward is not going to help it but rather confuse it more.

    The distractiothat this causes IS very good for them ... as in a race of self appointed ptb'ers

    you dont have to live by their rules , or work 9 to 5 in a cubicle. You just have to elevate your self and break the mental blocks inserted by slave mentality. If you want it to be different stop waiting for a saviour to wipe your bums ... just do it .. go on .. take that step ! the fact we are waiting for permission only re enfirces the idea that you are a trapped slave .. thats an illusion within an illusion.

    when people talk to me about being caught up and i tell them about how im off the merry go round they invariably tell me " Im Lucky " and i respectfully tell them , " Thats BS "

    Luck is when preperation meets opportunity, Courage is to take that opportunity and never look back !

    get up and just do it !

    go on ! RIGHT NOW ! go !
    Go !

    Gooooo !


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  25. #28
    Tot Founder England The One's Avatar
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    The Law of Free Will prevents benevolent species interacting with us unless we seek it out directly
    Can you expand on this.What i do not get about this free will thingy for example if we believe that most of what we have been told is false as per our history and that we are being controlled by tptb then the whole of the human population free will has been interfered with.Surely then this would make the whole free will thing void and let the species interact with us anyway
    No one person can ever change the truth, but the truth, once learned, can and will change the person

    You must be the change you wish to see in the world when you are through changing, you are through

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  27. #29
    Senior Member 777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by The One View Post
    Can you expand on this.What i do not get about this free will thingy for example if we believe that most of what we have been told is false as per our history and that we are being controlled by tptb then the whole of the human population free will has been interfered with.Surely then this would make the whole free will thing void and let the species interact with us anyway
    I find lack of interference indicative of the degree of benevolence towards us. Without wanting to offend or patronise any of us humans I find the following analogy works for me:

    If you are a parent teaching your child to ride a bike, you have to let go of the bike at some point and let them hurt themselves, it's sad but necessary most of the time. If that child then grows up into a perfectly good bike rider, they may choose to fly down a mountain at 40 kmph on their bike, while you watch, still a distressed, worried parent.

    What are you going to do if they fall off? Kick the hell out the rock that caused it? Blame the bike? Talk the child/now adult out of bike riding at all? Or accept that this their choice and the interferences therein are part and parcel of that choice.

    Now expand it further. What if riding that bike is the ONLY way to progress as a species. Welcome to Earth.
    Love You.
    - Ben

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  29. #30
    Senior Member donk's Avatar
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    I was actually copying the same is the most absurd thing I have ever heard.

    The Law of Free Will prevents benevolent species interacting with us unless we seek it out directly.
    So you're saying there's a "Law of Free Will" that completely NEGATES actual free will??
    What is the purpose of your presence?

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