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Thread: Current Astrology

  1. #16
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    I don't know much about astrology. I had a really interesting dream once where I looked up at my balcony and there was a large wheel on it with symbols around and a star like shape in the middle. It was slowly spinning and seemed to be made like a neon light. It shone in blue and purple. I don't recall the specific details and I didn't understand what I was seeing. Later I was reading about astrology and saw some charts that recalled this dream symbol. It would, no doubt, be a dream to go back into and explore the details more.

    I'm a Libra, close to the cusp. A friend of mine told me recently that they changed the dates for signs. I don't know which "they" he referred to. I hope "they" haven't gone and changed my sign on me, I'm perfectly happy being a Libra!

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  3. #17
    Senior Member India
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    Whats about current?? (August 2016)
    I believe in astrology as much as I do in genetics.

  4. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Trichakra For This Useful Post:

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  5. #18
    Tot Founder England The One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by freekundli View Post
    Whats about current?? (August 2016)
    Maybe this thread will be of some interest to you
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    You must be the change you wish to see in the world when you are through changing, you are through

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  7. #19
    Senior Member Cearna's Avatar
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    September, 2016

    September is eclipse season, offering two fairly strong eclipses to help push us along our evolutionary journey. I'll be writing more about this on the blog but we can prepare for these magical events by grounding ourselves and finding a place of balance and openness. Eclipses open doorways of consciousness that are not always available to us, and just as with any transformational influence, remaining open rather than trying to resist and block will help to facilitate the change in way that is not always easy, but ultimately positive.


    Major influences

    The biggest influence in the sky right now is the dance between Saturn and Neptune. Saturn creates structure and inspires us to seek success and mastery of the material world - Neptune inspires us to move away from the material world and find the divine within. These two planets are antithetical by nature, and when they are in conflict as they are right now it can be confusing. This is the final stage of the current Saturn/Neptune cycle which began in the fall of 2015.

    Any time we find ourselves in this kind of situation, with conflicting energies pulling us in different directions, it's crucial that we try to find integration between them. Here are a few ways to find balance between Saturn and Neptune right now:

    Develop a routine and a practice (Saturn) for your spiritual world (Neptune).
    Set a goal (Saturn) for your creative endeavours (Neptune).
    Create an intention to find more flow in your life (Neptune) and less control (Saturn).
    Determine to be open to experiences of synchronicity and magic (Neptune) without having to know the reason (Saturn).

    Jupiter will move from Virgo into Libra on September 9th. Jupiter spends about a year in every sign, so this is a fairly major shift that will begin to expand the opportunities for taking relationships to a different level over the next year.

    Pluto has been retrograde for about six months and it turns direct on the 26th which means throughout the entire month its motion will be at a virtual standstill. Pluto represents transformation - the closing of one chapter and the opening of another. Pluto at a standstill shines a laser of intensity on us throughout the month, asking us what in our lives we need to let go of in order to move into a brighter future.

    September details

    The first week of September is dominated by the energy of the eclipse. With four planets in Virgo and just coming off the Virgo New Moon, this is a time for attending to details including those having to do with our health and day to day living routines. This eclipse asks us to put aside our desires momentarily - to put our resistance and our rage on the back burner as we step back and look at the patterns of our life objectively.

    Mercury is retrograde until September 22nd, making the first three weeks of September an excellent time to continue this objective self-examination and make changes where necessary. Re-vise, Re-visit, Re-model, Re-flect: these are all the types of experiences that are most effective when Mercury is retrograde. Oh yes, and make backups! When things go kerflooey you will want a backup plan.

    Once the intensity of the eclipse dies down around September 5th or so, there are a few days of smooth sailing and easy planetary interactions. On the 10th we may find ourselves reminded of a painful memory that struggles to emerge and be healed, and our relationships with others can be somewhat problematic for a few days between the 10th and 15th, with the potential for power struggles and arguments. It's a good time to stand your ground and look for the lessons that are asking to be learned in these interactions.

    This is a somewhat tense lead-up to the second eclipse of the month, the lunar eclipse on September 16th which swings us from the Virgo influence of the first eclipse to a Pisces-dominated Full Moon. There is a sense in this eclipse chart of something coming up from the past that needs to be healed, and the potential for confusion in a swirl of emotions that require greater balance. It is more difficult now to determine what we want from our live and how we might be able to achieve it.

    The Full Moon in Pisces is a watery pool of magic through which we can see with greater intuition than ever before; however, in the process we may lose sight momentarily of the worldly details that keep us rooted on Planet Earth. Using grounding rituals to help us to keep that balance will be helpful.

    The days following the Full Moon eclipse bring in fresh ideas and patterns of action as we find greater mental and emotional harmony that help us to forge new directions. The Sun moves into Libra on the 22nd and immediately aligns with optimistic and confident Jupiter a few days later (September 26th) - this is a wonderful period of harmony and general good feeling and good fortune.

    Venus (relating) moves into Scorpio
    on the 23rd which will intensify our relationships for a few weeks, and Mars (action) moves from expansive Sagittarius into diligent Capricorn where it inspires us to be practical and productive.

    The first few days of October promise to be gentler and more harmonious, with a Libra New Moon greeting us on the 1st of the month. Stay tuned for more on that topic!

    I hope you find this information useful!

    Meanwhile have a wonderful month!

    best wishes,


    You are what you are, no more, no less. The fact is, that all is not what it seems to be, some may be great, some may be small, but to your own want to be free, I say, you never were not free. It is what your own Self, gave yourself to be in, that's what makes you what you are. Loving kindness be upon you and yours.

  8. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Cearna For This Useful Post:

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  9. #20
    Senior Member Cearna's Avatar
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    Major influences

    The dance between Saturn and Neptune is beginning to fade as the two planets continue to separate, removing some of the astrological conflict that has been at work over the past year.

    Jupiter entered the sign of Libra on September 9th. Jupiter spends about a year in every sign, so this is a fairly major shift that will begin to expand the opportunities for taking relationships to a different level over the next year. This is also a time of increased interest in the arts and matters of beauty and fashion.

    Neptune aligns with the South Node (the past) this month, awakening and releasing karma and pain from the past if we can let go of our guilt and shame. Neptune encourages us to open up to an experiential magic that surpasses all worldly experiences, but it can also bring out any areas where we would prefer to escape instead. As with everything astrological WE have the choice whether to take the high road, or the lower road of habit and history.

    October details

    The energy of the New Moon lingers for the first few days of October, offering an opportunity to shake off the cobwebs and stuck places of the past and find renewed balance and integration under the Libra influence. There is a strong Dark Feminine aspect right now which culminates on October 7th, and throughout this first week of October the dark aspect of our soul is calling out to be recognized and embraced. The Dark Feminine sometimes struggles against the Libran desire for harmony and general niceties; under this influence we need to remain aware of the dark and light sides of our nature.

    Between the 3rd and the 5th there is potential for increased effectiveness and stability both personally as individuals and in our relationships, but around the 4th and 5th watch for impulsive reactions or hasty decisions which can throw us off our newly found stability.

    The period between the 5th and the 10th brings potential for conflict. Our drives and desires are more potent during this period, and all of our feelings and intentions are amplified and focused. This can be a very helpful period for transformative work since the subconscious is spilling into the conscious mind and our drives and desires are stronger than usual. If you are a person who finds it difficult to know what you want, this time is great for you!!

    Aries Full Moon/Supermoon October 15

    On and around the 11th a grouping of harmonious planetary interactions help to ease our mind and create healing energy to surround our relationships and interactions with others. Enjoy this little break, because the week between October 13th and the 20th is filled with challenge and potential conflict.

    The Full Moon in Aries falls in the middle of this period (on the 15th) and intensifies the stressful nature of the planetary dynamics now. This is a Supermoon - the Moon is closer to the Earth than at other times and its influence is more powerful. The psyche is deeply affected during the Supermoons, especially the Full Moons which tend to have a heightened abundance of emotional power anyway.

    We can prepare for this infusion of warrior energy by becoming more aligned with our own warrior nature during the two weeks before the Full Moon. Increasing your physical strength, finding your centre of power in the solar plexus, listening to hear where you may be holding anger in your body and finding ways to express that anger and release it - all of these are important tools for getting the most out of this powerful period.

    After the Full Moon the Sun and Mercury both enter the sign of Scorpio between the 22nd and 24th and we are more easily able to access the depths of the subconscious and the emotional realms over the next few weeks. The chaotic warrior energy subsides but the quality of the intensity remains. This is not a time for superficiality - important work is going on here.

    Relationships are highlighted between October 25th and 27th, and this period is also a wonderful time for creativity and spirituality. The 26th is an especially lucky day, and the mind is sharp and clear on the 27th.

    Watch for accidents between the 27th and 29th under a stressful aspect involving impulsive Mars - staying focused and remaining present will help to protect you from negative effects.

    Scorpio New Moon October 29

    The Scorpio New Moon has the potential to release creativity and magic thanks to a lovely trine to dreamy Neptune. Under the realm of Scorpio we can harness emotion in its purest form - raw, instinctive and potent. Neptune encourages us to open our hearts to a more transcendent magic. This New Moon comes at the time when the veil between worlds is said to be thinnest, at All Hallows Eve, and the astrology is perfect for a powerful shamanic journey.

    Meanwhile have a wonderful month!

    best wishes,

    You are what you are, no more, no less. The fact is, that all is not what it seems to be, some may be great, some may be small, but to your own want to be free, I say, you never were not free. It is what your own Self, gave yourself to be in, that's what makes you what you are. Loving kindness be upon you and yours.

  10. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Cearna For This Useful Post:

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  11. #21
    Senior Member Cearna's Avatar
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    Dear friends,

    I don't know about you, but I will be very glad to see this election season (in the US) behind us. As I wrote earlier in October, the craziness of the election is only a symptom of the shifts and changes at work in the US astrological chart which you can read more about here. No matter who wins the election, US politics are in for a long period of darkness thanks to a number of Pluto events (more here). Pluto cycles can be intense, but the shifts that they generate can bring about a clearing of the air and a regeneration that promotes new growth and a fresh perspective.

    Our evolving consciousness operates on a number of different levels of awareness and astrological influence, and all simultaneously. Our individual personalities are affected by planetary movements as the planets stimulate cycles in our own lives. The planets in the sky dance and move through alignments which create global change and influence us both individually and as a collective. Individual nations have astrological charts that are affected by global planetary cycles.

    I believe that the Universe is always striving for balance, and that these astrological cycles help to locate sources of imbalance and dysfunction so that we can realign ourselves and our communities in order to grow and evolve into our highest awareness.


    Major influences

    Jupiter is in Libra now, and you can read more about that here. Although the dance between Uranus and Pluto, the two behemoths that rocked the world between 2008 and 2016, is waning, over the next six months or so Jupiter will reawaken the disruptive triggers that were beginning to fade as it squares Pluto later in November. This will affect us most deeply if we have significant planets in Libra, Aries, Cancer and Capricorn and we may find ourselves needing to make adjustments so that our inner world can be expanded and awakened to new ways of thinking and living.

    Neptune changes direction this month, meaning that its motion through the skies has slowed to a standstill in preparation for that turn and its influence is strong. Neptune asks that we remember that we are spiritual beings in a human experience, and demands that we get off the treadmill long enough to honour the divine within and in every living creature.

    November details

    The month begins just after a Scorpio New Moon which focuses a laser beam of intensity on our desires and stimulates new passions. This is the peak of the Scorpio season, and the rest of the month will bring lighter energies and more sweetness into our world.

    The first few days of November are generally favourable, with a creative burst on November 1st making this an excellent day for artists and mystics. Between the 2nd and the 4th the doors of communication swing wide open. If you have important business conversations, or something personally important that needs to be discussed, this is the time to do it!

    On the 4th and 5th something painful from the past may be exposed by someone close to us in order to generate healing, and we find that we react differently than ever before. You may meet someone new that has an important and lasting effect on you, or find yourself stimulated in new ways by someone you already know.

    On the 6th and 7th we have planetary assistant to deepen our understanding in a new way - there is emotional healing that comes from the wisdom of acceptance and detachment and a renewed sense of empowerment that springs from deep within.

    Three planets change signs from November 9th-12th

    Mars enters Aquarius on November 9th and will remain in that sign until December 16th. With Mars in Aquarius we will seek experiences that help to define us as individuals and gain new perspectives as Aquarius is the visionary and brings a flood of new ideas. This is a disruptive force and coming so close to the US election, we will see quite a bit of the revolutionary behaviour that is the hallmark of Aquarius. But it's not all chaos - there is a brilliance in the wisdom of Mars in Aquarius that will help us break through barriers and blocks in our own personal lives so that we can make change where change is needed.

    Venus enters Capricorn on November 11th, eventually stabilising our interpersonal relationships and financial markets, but first there is a day or two of intensity and potential personal drama on the 11th. If there is any hidden resentment in your relationships it will come out then to hopefully be recognised and dealt with.

    Mercury enters Sagittarius on the 12th which will help us to broaden our perspective and gain greater understanding. One downside to Mercury in Sagittarius is the tendency to over-promise and sometimes to find it difficult to see another viewpoint than our own.

    The period between November 12th and 15th offers some mild planetary dances that open the heart as well as energise us to take action where needed.

    The Taurus Full Moon November 14th seeks to stabilise and build a firm foundation from which we can achieve peace and serenity. This is a time for grounding and finding comfort in the senses and the beauty of the natural world. With Pallas involved in the Full Moon chart. we may need to look to the wisdom of our inner senses in order to achieve this outer balance. A Chiron influence facilitates healing and letting go as the Inner Child is released and honoured.

    The 18th is a dreamy and creative day which will not be ideal for business or any kind of pursuit which requires a sharp mind and organisational skills. This tendency towards creativity extends to the 20th or so with a Venus aspect that is wonderful for socialising with friends or just enjoying the beauty that surrounds you.

    The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 21st and the remainder of the Scorpionic intensity that may have lingered will lift. The Sagittarius solar period is ideal for long range planning and creating your vision for YOUR perfect life. Don't wait until January 1! Sagittarius inspires confidence and the desire to find expansion and greater happiness.

    This general positivity extends until November 22nd when you may find a period of greater contraction and potential conflict until around the 26th. Conflicts that arise now, whether they are within you or with others, are signals that something major in your life requires adjustment.

    The intensity of this process begins to fade on the 26th with an influence that facilitates inventiveness and aids in the resolution of any lingering issues. Relationships are highlighted between the 29th and 30th just in time for the Sagittarius New Moon on the 29th.

    New Moons are times of new beginnings, and the Sag New Moon enhances the expansive awareness that we have already seen with the Sun now in Sagittarius. This New Moon features the asteroid Juno (representing commitment and requirements of society) aligning with the Sun and Moon, integrating our duties and responsibilities to family and loved ones with the freedom loving journeys of Sagittarius. I imagine we will see a number of engagements occur at this New Moon!

    Venus (relationships) is also featured prominently in the chart for this New Moon and any intentions that you create for this lunar cycle will want to include a focus on your interpersonal connections. "What can I do to create more harmony in my relationships and still retain my individuality" is a good question to ask at this New Moon. Don't expect to achieve instant clarity, however, Neptune will blur both the questions and the answers at the New Moon and a few days beyond. However, the information that you uncover will have merged with your conscious mind and will emerge when you are ready for it.

    I hope you find this information useful! If you'd like to know more about how your own chart is affected by these planetary influences consider a personal consultation with me.

    Meanwhile have a wonderful month!

    best wishes,

    You are what you are, no more, no less. The fact is, that all is not what it seems to be, some may be great, some may be small, but to your own want to be free, I say, you never were not free. It is what your own Self, gave yourself to be in, that's what makes you what you are. Loving kindness be upon you and yours.

  12. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Cearna For This Useful Post:

    Aragorn (3rd November 2016), Dreamtimer (3rd November 2016), Elen (3rd November 2016)

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