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Thread: ET Conspiracy -- Matrix Revealed

  1. #46
    Senior Member Emil El Zapato's Avatar
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    I'm reading a book called "In Plain Sight" by Australian journalist Ross Coulthart. Several things I've learned. Probably three individuals, Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer, and likely Nancy Pelosi have been read into Special Access Programs (SAP). Notably, not of necessity has the President been so.

    I have been on locale to the Phoenix lights, have driven numerous times on a lonely road between Bovina Texas and Clovis New Mexico, which in that timeframe there was a UFO report between air traffic controllers and an air force base in Clovis, well publicized. I might have had a 'lost time' event but I have never been able to verify that. There is no doubt that one night driving that route the entire area I was in lit up like daylight for just a moment. I had an inexplicable UAP sighting while driving to Roswell from Clovis, NM which I have never verified if it was real or not. I just don't know. I guess I can add having gotten stranded in Tonopah, Nevada overnight. A friend and I spent most of the night in my car which had two flat tires. We hitchhiked in the middle of the night with a long haul truckdriver to Tonopah (from out in the desert) and back to my vehicle late the next day in the back of a pig truck. Turns out that DeLonge camped out with some friends in the Tonopah area and it was there that he had an encounter of the 5th kind. (Direct contact with aliens) It was that event that motivated him to start the Academy to the Stars effort. I never realized that Tonopah was that close in proximity to Area 51 though I remember encountering a number of 'Stay out!' signs posted on fencing.

    Ross Coulthart seems an excellent journalist. There is some really good info in his book.
    “El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"

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  3. #47
    Senior Member Emil El Zapato's Avatar
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    "It was the Cold War ... and we found a lifeform" - the "General"
    “El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"

  4. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Emil El Zapato For This Useful Post:

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  5. #48
    Senior Member Emil El Zapato's Avatar
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    Speaking of conspiracies:

    The below is an excerpt that alludes to stolen emails garnered by the Russian hacking group, designated 26165 and known as ‘Fancy Bear’. It is rumoured that multiple countries represented by essential outlaws and unbeknownst to legitimate governments are acting in unison to keep UAP knowledge hidden. Presumably that might include Russia as a player. Why did Russia try to subvert the U.S Presidential election of 2016?

    “There is another tantalising tidbit from the leaked emails. One intriguing line in the 24 September 2016 email included recommendations from Neil McCasland for a White House memo, presumably to come from a future Hillary Clinton presidency, that would set out instructions for divulging ‘information’ in coordination with the Defence Department, the Director of National Intelligence and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. This sounds like General McCasland might have offered to set out a plan for UAP disclosure. What else could the dark secret be inside the US government that a very senior former general of the US Air Force felt needed carefully controlled disclosure from the highest levels of the US government, through the White House?”

    Ross Coulthart – “In Plain Sight”
    “El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"

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  7. #49
    Senior Member Emil El Zapato's Avatar
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    Despite the apparent nature of the content this site is highly regarded in the UAP research community:

    Dr. Edgar Mitchell died in 2016 and all his research was left in the care of his grandson who was killed in a motorcycle accident in 2018 and was subsequently left in the care of the "Spaceman", a close friend of Edgar Mitchell. A lot of information has been cross verified by the owner of the above website. Key players are the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS group), in particular Dr. Eric Davis who was under the supervision of Dr. Hal Puthoff then and still very recently. He apparently has left the To The Stars Academy to work for another organization and Dr. Puthoff is still on their management board acting as a Science Advisor. The plot thickens. It is purported that what is really going on is that Tom Delonge and his organization are acting as a front to cover the behinds of the extra-governmental groups that have flaunted Federal Laws and regulations for the 75 years of the UFO/UAP coverup. The plot is to 'pretend' that Delonge and his group have 'made fantastic breakthroughs in science and technology when in actual fact, they are being seeded by heretofore hidden discoveries made by Super Special Access Programs.

    And they are fantastic! The scuttlebutt explaining the nature of the ET's states that they can in fact 'shapeshift' by manipulating the cognition of witnesses. They can do the same with tech, for example, make an ET craft look like a standard military helicopter. Pass through solid objects. In effect, manipulate both space and time. It has been characterized by the statement, "What was phenomena is now known as quantum physics"
    “El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"

  8. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Emil El Zapato For This Useful Post:

    Aragorn (14th November 2021), Dreamtimer (16th November 2021), Wind (15th November 2021)

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